So I thought it would be a good way to maybe have a general thread on days gone. I know alot of people think its just another zombie killing game, which is fair since the e3 demo only showed the basics. I'll explain key details In bullet points
*Days gone has been in development since 2012, full production in 2015,the studio's last game was uncharted golden abyss. They haven't released a console game since 2010
*Game will be open world(set in the Pacific Northwest) and focuses on survival as well as telling an engaging story.
*The environment and weather(dynamic weather and day/night cycle) playing a big part in how you tackle your enemies. Something as simple as planting a bomb on a stack of logs to slow down your foes, shooting red barrels for explosions and so on.
*They are not zombies they're freakers and alive they need food to survive like you or me, which in turn means you'll be most likely to find them wear wildlife roams around
*So far we know of two types of freakers the newts and the horde. The horde obviously as the name implies travel in packs and are usually seen where a food source is available the horde doesn't have to be as big as the e3 demo as well and also the horde is not a scripted thing and it consists of each individual freaker, second the newts adolescents when turned are stealthy freakers mostly attacking at night or when an opportunity presents itself.
*You play as deacon st John two years after the whatever event has occurred to turn society upside down and humans into freakers.
*Deacon was once In a biker gang so naturally he cares about his motorcycle, it's said to be thought of as its own character, it can brake down if youre not keeping tabs on its state which can be a detriment when trying to escape from your enemies, the bike will be your transportation for the entire game, you can also store items on your bike
*Deacon is a bounty hunter so naturally you'll get missions to take out certain people, how you tackle these missions will be up to you do you scour the land in the cover of night before hand to get a lay of the environment,do you park your bike a distance away and go in guns a blazing, do you handle the situation from a distance with your trusty steed near for a quick getaway. Knowing the land and knowing your resources will play a big part
*Should be worth noting the e3 demo was indeed on god mode, no damage,AI turned down and the amount of ammo was not a normal thing.
Well that's about what we know for now hope it helped sorry of the thread is alil sloppy i don't make many. What do you think did you get interested in days gone alil more, is there something you'd like to see more of in detail at e3.
Edit: Thx to SolidSnakex
* Weapons crafting system, they call a "MacGuyver Mentality" where the you figure out clever ways to build tools to get out of situations.
* Wildlife is in the game, they have a "huge" wildlife system they aren't going to talk much about right now. But the event didn't wipe out all wildlife.
Featuring fully explorable environments and dynamic AI enemies, players will rely on their own abilities to strategize, craft weapons and tools, explore the world, and engage in combat. With almost every car, building and environment searchable, Days Gone delivers emergent gameplay possibilities, making a players approach to combat and discovery a vital part of the experience.
*Using the power of PlayStation 4 and Unreal Engine 4, Bend Studio has developed a high volume of rendering and gameplay technology to deliver an incredibly realistic open world experience. Realistic weather effects, such as rain, wind, snow and day-night cycles impact the gameplay. The games lighting is all real-time and reacts dynamically, the way the human iris does, as players move from one location to the next.
*Yes, this is an open world game. Bend called it a dynamic open world, and its being built with Unreal Engine 4...Take, for instance, the hordes of freakers seen in the demo...That horde will follow you indefinitely if you keep the right distance between it and yourself. Say you want to take out another human gangs camp. Have that horde follow you and drag them all the way to your rivals camp. The horde seeks the bigger target and does your work for you.
*You can go anywhere, says Pape. Therell be waypoint on the map you can set, you can set your own waypoints, you can fast travel for some of the areas because it is such an expansive map. And, while the demo showed a forrest location Pape says the north west American setting has been chosen specifically for the extreme environments it can provide. Youve for the mountains, snow, hail, rain wind, high dessert. City wise youll encounter abandoned suburbs, towns, its not just going to be in the woods.