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whats with the lack of "Revolution" news ?


yeah I know its Nintendo but still, we are seeing all kinds of things about PS3/Xbox2.

games getting anounced, stuff about the technolegy behind them etc... but Nintendo are silent. Are they really on the same scedule as Sony/Microsoft or are Nintendo just being Nintendo.

even with GameCube we heard little bits before the main showing. Recently some developers have announced their working on Next Gen hardware but no comment on Revolution support, not even a hint.

do they know anymore then us ? or are they just extra quiet compared to xbox 2/PS3 ? :)

Im looking forward to seeing whatever the hell this thing is at E3, from what Nintendo have said....

native VGA support
"Revolution" in gaming
ATI developing the GPU (not the same as xbox 2) will have SM3.0+ VS3.0+ support

is it a standard home console ? some sort of portable/home platform ? what are Nintendo cooking up.......


Talking about the Revolution in 2004 is like talking about the Dolphin in 1999. I don't remember there being a ton of info available 5 years ago for the system. We still know some small tidbits about the system and games however.


As you said Nintendo are known of being quiet. The Nintendo DS was announced as late as february/march. No one saw that coming.

The same could be said of the new Zelda. Everybody thought it would use celshading, then Nintendo dropped the bomb. Same with the transition to OoT/MM > WW.

Hate or Love Nintendo's style, but when they drop news out of nowhere it's always exciting.

Nintendo is like a good version of 3DRealms, or 3DRealms are a bad version of Nintendo :)
Sony hasn't announced many details either (mostly cell stuff). We only hear from M$ who are extremely eager to start the next-gen for some reason.

Mama Smurf

My penis is still intact.
Nintendo have been quietest with things like this for quite a long time now, doesn't mean their schedule isn't the same as that of Sony.

It's easy enough to understand anyway. We hearing more stuff about MS because their console is coming next year, unlike Nintendo and Sony. We're hearing stuff about Sony because, not only are they the market leader by a large margin, we also know what the main chip behind their console is. Plus it's a chip with high interest outside of gaming, so information gets through.

We haven't heard THAT much about the PS3 though.

As for 3rd party comments, once again it's not surprising for the reasons I outlined above. Of course they'll talk about Xenon if that's so much sooner than the others, and you can't leave out the PS3 when the PS2 is so dominant. I expect when we're as far from the Revolution's release as we are from the Xenon's now, we'll be hearing the same sort of things.

It could be that 3rd parties are unsure what they're getting though. If Nintendo are making radical changes to the interface, they don't want to say they'll port games to the system when they don't even know if you'll be able to play them in the same way.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
They don't want other companies to steal their ideas...just like with Mario 128. :vomits

I don't know, we don't know a whole lot about the other consoles either. Maybe E3 2005 will let us see at least 2 out of the 3, and hopefully all 3.


explodet said:
What do ya mean, lately?

i know you're trying to be a jackass, but seriously...it just seems that in the past week, things have been even worse than normal. the sparks debate that began as a "hahaha look at stupid gamefaqs" and kept on raging, the sega thread, F-Zero X on Xbox (i love you isamu)...

you'd think news that the monkey ball franchise wasn't dead would be good news.
BuddyChrist83 said:
you'd think news that the monkey ball franchise wasn't dead would be good news.

You don't seem to realize, this is Sega fans we're talking about. They need to feel downtrodden even when it's clearly not the case.

By the way, I used to be a hardcore Sega nerd, so I should know.
BuddyChrist83 said:
i know you're trying to be a jackass, but seriously...it just seems that in the past week, things have been even worse than normal. the sparks debate that began as a "hahaha look at stupid gamefaqs" and kept on raging, the sega thread, F-Zero X on Xbox (i love you isamu)...

you'd think news that the monkey ball franchise wasn't dead would be good news.

I expect things will get worse before they get better. I tell you the stakes are getting higher. The next gen's creeping in, its crunchtime for the big 3, they're on the verge of unleashing their biggest exclusives, the fanboys are on edge and ready to snap at anything.


Die Squirrel Die said:
I expect things will get worse before they get better. I tell you the stakes are getting higher. The next gen's creeping in, its crunchtime for the big 3, they're on the verge of unleashing their biggest exclusives, the fanboys are on edge and ready to snap at anything.



Die Squirrel Die said:
I expect things will get worse before they get better. I tell you the stakes are getting higher. The next gen's creeping in, its crunchtime for the big 3, they're on the verge of unleashing their biggest exclusives, the fanboys are on edge and ready to snap at anything.
and to think some folk are upset we're not representative of the whole gaming populace.
I think when you get down to it, Sony and MS really haven't said that much of substance at all, and with the holiday season coming up, I don't see a good reason for them to change that anytime soon.
I've completely changed my Zelda tune. I don't want to see anything new until the game is in my GC. Lets face it this isn't a situation where the publisher has to get the hype and media coverage to break a new franchise. So lets have a change around from the usual and keep exact details to a minimum. E3's playable demo and video should not have anything that hasn't already been seen, just expand on the dungeon and part of the overworld already shown this year.


SantaCruZer said:
some minor tidbits before E3 2005 would be nice though.

Well here you go:

The game stars the Hero of Time from Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. He has grown up naturally, and now must stop an evil army from overtaking Hyrule.


AniHawk said:
Well here you go:

The game stars the Hero of Time from Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask. He has grown up naturally, and now must stop an evil army from overtaking Hyrule.

oh noes! This game is ruined.
SantaCruZer said:
some minor tidbits before E3 2005 would be nice though.

As long as it of a magnitude of finding out Link can upgrade to a new pair of boots with a slighty pointier toe. No new dungeons, no new characters, if there are other playable characters I don't want to know.

I relent slightly, they can maybe reveal a maximum of 5 gameplay features no more than a month before release.
Scrow said:
Nintendo: "We don't want competitors to steal our amazing and innovative ideas!"

The funny thing about that is it came from Nintendo seeing all the Mario64 clones. Now Mario64 went on to sell something like 10 million copies while most of the clones all languished in mediocrity and failure.

Kon Tiki

DSN2K said:
even with GameCube we heard little bits before the main showing. Recently some developers have announced their working on Next Gen hardware but no comment on Revolution support, not even a hint.

Developer: "Why in the hell would I want to develop for Revolution when I can make my game for Microsoft's or Sony's console?"

Nintendo rep: "Because we're Nintendo."

No one (developers) cares about Nintendo. They do not make them money.


They already said it would be at next years E3. Any rumors you hear this early would probably be bullshit anyway, so just make some up.
something about the DS would be nice

a little more about Zelda would be nice too I just want to know that they made no changes**

**(note: @ E3 2005 we get the revenge of CELDA!)


kpop100 said:
They are waiting to gain full attention before breaking the huge news. Teh online play!!! :p

I can see Nintendo entering next-gen with the BEST background at online gaming-- NDS. :p

Xbox live can't beat millions of mainstream/casual owners gaming (wirelessly and almost any where) with their buddies from other states and across neighborhoods in DS Wars, pokeman, mario kart/party, etc...


Will start substantiating his hate

> yeah I know its Nintendo but still, we are seeing all kinds of things about PS3/Xbox2.

Sony makes a lot of noise but there's very little actual info on PS3.
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