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Where did the myth that LucasArts/Star Wars games bomb on GCN come from?


and why would anyone who supports Nintendo perpetuate the myth?

Matt responds: LucasArts pulled its GameCube support, but there's no reason why the company won't make games for DS or Revolution. It doesn't have it out for Nintendo or anything, if that's what you're thinking. Its games just weren't selling very well on GCN, which has a been something of an unfortunate common occurrence for third party studios.

Uh, it's actually an uncommon or common occurance based on what games you look at.

Spiderman 2 (which had significantly less distribution on GCN than that other two platforms) sold very well on GCN, as have games like Shrek and Harry Potter.

Even with the stinker that was Rebel Strike, LucasArts got a good 300,000+ sales of that at a full $50 price point, not to mention the fact that Clone Wars and Bounty Hunter did healthy business back in Fall of '02 after the Attack of the Clones had been released...

Ok, so Gladius did bomb (not just on GCN though), and maybe Bounty Hunter did better on PS2, but Clone Wars did better on GCN, so there's that flip. Rogue Leader did extremely well at $50 and had some life left for it as a Player's Choice title.
efralope said:
and why would anyone who supports Nintendo perpetuate the myth?

Uh, it's actually an uncommon or common occurance based on what games you look at.

Spiderman 2 (which had significantly less distribution on GCN than that other two platforms) sold very well on GCN, as have games like Shrek and Harry Potter.

Even with the stinker that was Rebel Strike, LucasArts got a good 300,000+ sales of that at a full $50 price point, not to mention the fact that Clone Wars and Bounty Hunter did healthy business back in Fall of '02 after the Attack of the Clones had been released...

Ok, so Gladius did bomb (not just on GCN though), and maybe Bounty Hunter did better on PS2, but Clone Wars did better on GCN, so there's that flip. Rogue Leader did extremely well at $50 and had some life left for it as a Player's Choice title.

Matt is stupid

Gladius deserved to bomb

I hope they suffer for milking that one franchise - either way... I hate Star wars. Don't know what the fuck convinced me to buy the DVD boxset of hope new 1+2+3 (still shrinkwrapped) and aTOC - REALLY FUKCING THE STINK.
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