I didn't mind TPM so much actually. Attack of the clones is Bantha Fodder.
Phantom Menace because it can literally not exist at all and the prequel movies wouldn't skip a beat.
would have been a better movie. padme would finally make senseThat's because Padme was a freak.
Clones. Even as a child, I just thoroughly didn't care for it. It's just straight up boring and almost unwatchable. TPM at least has Qui-Gon, Maul, and a classic John Williams score.
Attack of the Clones, by a huge margin.
That scene reminds me of George's best work on the original films. I think of the way he so quickly tapped into the characterization of 3PO and R2 with minimal dialogue. I mean, it really is a strange thing to have your film (especially in 1977) start out completely focused on two mechanical beings, and yet they seem so startlingly alive. Watching them bicker and ultimately go their seperate ways in the desert, the loneliness of the these small droids against the vastness of the sand dunes... just great filmmaking.One thing I thought about when I saw the beginning of VII recently, the scene where Rey is scavenging through the old ship and you learn all about her with absolutely no dialogue, which is just good filmmaking. I thought to myself that if George shot that script, he would've been nervous that there was no exposition explaining who she is or what she does or that she's poor, and that she should have a alien buddy to awkwardly exposit all of this with her.
Remember when "Clone Wars" was namedropped in Episode IV for the first time and you imaged the craziest things? Lucas found a way to find the least interesting story for Clone Wars possible.
If you've ever seen the original drafts of the first SW, you can really see the problems of the prequels in them. There's lots of tedious politics and exposition, and it's not very focused or polished. The characters seem very vague. I absolutely believe that George had a TON of help turning those original ideas into a tight, explosive film. One place he obviously got saved was in the editing room, they did what is probably the finest editing job of our time on a very uncertain pile of film.That scene reminds me of George's best work on the original films. I think of the way he so quickly tapped into the characterization of 3PO and R2 with minimal dialogue. I mean, it really is a strange thing to have your film (especially in 1977) start out completely focused on two mechanical beings, and yet they seem so startlingly alive. Watching them bicker and ultimately go their seperate ways in the desert, the loneliness of the these small droids against the vastness of the sand dunes... just great filmmaking.
Too bad he wasn't able to tap into that sensibility and simplicity for the prequels.
phantom menace is prolly the only prequel film i can tolerate now.
Yup.its always been Attack of the Clones. TPM is like a 5/10...AotC is like a 3/10, straight up. TPM has a lot of great spectacle, a nice filmic look, a few decent ideas properly executed. It just has, uh, ZERO narrative clarity and a cast of non-characters to bring its story to life.
AotC is...bad. Very bad.