So as someone who doesn't follow American politics what's the problem with government healthcare (ObamaCare)? The impression I get is that people don't want it because it's unAmerican...but is there something inherently flawed with it or is it just politicians being politicians.
I'm aware that any answer is probably more complex or long than can be summed up in a quick and easy post...
I can only speak for myself, but the problem I have with it is that it doesn't appear the solve the problem of why health care is so expensive. It also doesn't solve the problem of why health insurance itself is so expensive. I think Sangreal said it well with the following "Same problem as many industries. The demand is inelastic due to the subsidized price. They can charge $1000 because insurers need to cover MRIs and patients don't care what it costs since the insurance company is paying for it (even if ultimately the cost comes back to everyone). You see the same problem in education. As long as I can get easy unlimited student loans, schools can keep increasing tuition price. Housing bubble; same thing. Even cell phones."
The healthcare law is mostly about removing the "pre-existing conditions" ability to deny insurance (will increase health insurance costs as it will mean insurance will be required to cover more people with disabilities) and also allows children to be covered under parents insurance for longer which isn't really that terrible. Plus it requires everyone to have insurance.
What I think needs to change is we have to break the relationship between the employer and the insurance provider. We need to put individuals in charge of their health care and their health insurance so they can start making better decisions regarding it.
Right now in the US the individual is NOT the customer of health insurance, and thus the health care provider (hospital, drug company etc.) the employer is. Because of this there really isn't actually a free market, if YOU don't like your health insurance your best option is find a different job.
Yes there are individual plans but they are very expensive because the competition is very limited. The other issue are all the requirements the government places on insurance companies to cover. Again those decisions should be left up to the individual, if they want a plan that covers psychiatric care then let them get that policy, or if they want chiropractic coverage let them buy it. Instead the government mandates that all policies cover all kinds of stuff that not everyone wants / needs.