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Why does the Civ franchise have cartoony aesthetics?


half of my top 10 list are like kiddy Nintendo games so it's not like I only want COD looking games. But every time I've tried to play civ I wonder wtf, isn't this a slow paced, turn-based historical strategy game designed for more mature audiences...wtf does it look like a saturday morning cartoon? Does anyone else think it feels tonally really inconsistent?
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I think because it's not supposed to be ultra authentic and wants to be more escapism than real (brutal) history. Look at Hearts of Iron, Europa Universalis or Crusader Kings, in the latter where you can marry your own daughter, make children with her and imprison her afterwards and let her rot for decades, and/or murder anyone who dared to questioned you even if it was about supper, which isn't really far away from actual history and what people did at times.

While Civ can be a serious game it's thematically not as dark, hence the cartoon look works.


Because graphics don’t matter for that kind of game (and other kinds too but even less for 4X).

Budget is better spent on other parts which matter more.


It makes everything stand out a bit. Doesn't make the game look dull. I like it, Civ: Beoynd Earth tried to look more realistic and it was a bit jarring to look at.

Kenneth Haight

Gold Member
Civ has always been kinda lighthearted and cartoony, until you bring a settler within 20 squares of ghandi.

It is very jarring at times with the grotesque looking figurines they have created. But I must admit I adore Civ 6, very cosy game and a nice change of pace.
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Early Civ games did go for more realistic look and I don't mind it being cartoony today but THAT kind of cartoony. It's the aesthetic we so easily associate with mobile games and I hate it personally.


Haptic Gamepads 4 Life
Why not? And what makes you think that "cartoony" is only for kids and realistic is only for adults?
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