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Why is the tie ratio for handhelds so low?


T-1000_Model3 said:
Wow, I notice allot of you own quite a few GBASP games. I don't wanna hear you babys bitch about Sega not bringig over a game like Jet Set Radio to the GameCube then. With all that cash being thrown at the SP you could easly come up with the cash to own atleast one other console. Maybe these once a week bitch and moan threads where the Ntards complain to no end would maybe stop.

Wow. Someone's touchy for no real reason.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Deg said:
you can buy other stuff too you know.

But then you wouldn't have your dosage of Advance Wars and FE and Rockman.exe and stuff like that. :(


How on earth can anyone diss the GBA? It has the best games out there this generation. Fire Emblem alone makes the GBA better then the PS2, Xbox, and GC combined.


DrGAKMAN said:
Handheld gaming is seen as a secondary form of gaming. Most people buy a GameBoy for a couple of games and then they're done...or when they go to get another game (seeing it as a secondary form of gaming) they want something at or below $20. Problem is there's not too many portable games that cheap unless they're old or crappy.

I think this is going to be a big issue PSP is going to have to deal with. The Playstation HOME consoles are seen as a main source of gaming, portable gaming wether it's GameBoy or PSP will still be seen as a secondary form of gaming to most people. If Sony plans on making PSP more than just a secondary form of gaming than what about their home console line? Then there's the issue that if these PSP games look as good as console games then they'll start competing with them...so how does Sony deal with that? Again, since portable gaming will always be seen as secondary to home consoles how will people react to higher pricepoints (due to higher production costs) for PSP games? Alot of people will also veiw PSP games as nearly the same as their console counterparts...so why buy the same game twice?

I think another reason (not as big as the secondary form of gaming reason) is that, for the most part, most people can't rent GameBoy games. So, basically they have to buy blindly, especiailly when it's not a high profile/Nintendo franchise title.

Portable gaming is only seen as a secondary form of gaming because, that's what it is. It's been that way since they first hit the market. Portable games just ARE second tier to console games.

The gameplay is simple, the graphics are pixely, the sound sucks. Current portable games don't compare to console games.
That's not to say they can't be enjoyable (I think Pokemon Ruby and Wario Ware are great games, anyone with a GBA should own 'em), but they are clearly inferior to console games on many levels.

It’s nothing fixated in stone though. Fact is, GBA and pretty much every portable before it is a secondary system.


Anything with a fixed battery life that is made primarily for single player play (with mulitple copies of one game required for multiplay) is going to be a secondary system.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
bionic77 said:
How on earth can anyone diss the GBA? It has the best games out there this generation. Fire Emblem alone makes the GBA better then the PS2, Xbox, and GC combined.


T-1000_Model3 said:
Wow, I notice allot of you own quite a few GBASP games. I don't wanna hear you babys bitch about Sega not bringig over a game like Jet Set Radio to the GameCube then. With all that cash being thrown at the SP you could easly come up with the cash to own atleast one other console. Maybe these once a week bitch and moan threads where the Ntards complain to no end would maybe stop.

Whoa, this is honestly one of the worst posts I've ever seen at GAF. Kudos dude.


Running off of Custom Firmware
NGage is dead, and cell phone gaming typically sucks.

If you're a portable gamer, you have a GBA, end of story. That's what I meant about it being the only truly viable handheld system for now.


Insertia said:
Fact is, GBA and pretty much every portable before it is a secondary system.

Alhtough not exactly secondary system as it can be people's primary system. Just bear in mind people spend less on handhelds and portables compared to their living room in general. You wont be buying a 5.1 amp + speaker set for your handheld will you? Your portable dvd player wont be outvaluing your living room entertainment system anytime.


All I want is a Front Mission game for the gba. That's all I want. But no, instead squaresoft prefers porting those damn firs two Final Fantasy games with obselete gameplay


shuri said:
All I want is a Front Mission game for the gba. That's all I want. But no, instead squaresoft prefers porting those damn firs two Final Fantasy games with obselete gameplay

You still may get your wish one day. That card that Square released with Final Fantasy I+II in japanese packaging asked what games consumers would like to see Square port to the DS. Front Mission was one of the choices. That was for the DS though. It is a great game, so keep hope alive.

Justin Bailey

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T-1000_Model3 said:
Wow, I notice allot of you own quite a few GBASP games. I don't wanna hear you babys bitch about Sega not bringig over a game like Jet Set Radio to the GameCube then. With all that cash being thrown at the SP you could easly come up with the cash to own atleast one other console. Maybe these once a week bitch and moan threads where the Ntards complain to no end would maybe stop.
It's Greekboy!

Oh Lord.

Go back and read the post again and stop going into attack mode.Who the hell is saying every Cube and GBA owner is a retard,cause I sure as hell didn't,stop being such dorks and don't be offended so easily,fuck. My whole point was in referal to the ones who go on the crying rants when ever Sega decides to release or port a game over.



shuri said:
All I want is a Front Mission game for the gba. That's all I want. But no, instead squaresoft prefers porting those damn firs two Final Fantasy games with obselete gameplay
Yeah, really. Front Mission is one game that would actually make a lot of sense on GBA.


Exactly. But you know what about happen -- they would fuck us over with giving the game an all new "cute" look with generic anime characters that look like kids, cute jpop music, and a whole new sets of bizzaro rules.


Running off of Custom Firmware
I just don't get what Sega's porting of JSRF has ANYTHING to do with this thread or owning a GBA and lots of GBA games.


Sucks at viral marketing
The primary reason that handheld's tie-ratio is so low is because they are single player machines. Generally, multiple family members will have their own Gameboy, even thouh they may share the games. How many families do you know of, where the kids don't each have their own? How many Gameboy systems are in your family? Why do you think Pokemon games only have a single save file?

With the GBC, my younger sisters and I all had our own system, but only 2 games between the three of us. I had some older GB games and then they eventually bought some of their own games. Altogether, my house has about 25 Gameboy games (15 of which are my GBA games); still, our overall tie ratio is only 5.

With consoles, its the oppisite. We share one system, but all have our own games.


Kiriku said:
It's been bugging me for while. Whenever tie ratio numbers are posted, there's always a very obvious difference between consoles and handhelds. Well, I might as well say GBA instead of handhelds. This got me thinking, exactly WHY is that?

This is SO EASY to explain.

The majority of Gameboy buyers are kids. So they won't have the money to buy many games in the first place.

You combined that with the fact that if a family has 4 kids THEN THE PARENTS BUY THE KIDS 4 DIFFERENT GAMEBOYS and they SPLIT the games. With a console all you need is 1 per family but with a Gameboy YOU HAVE TO BUY ONE FOR EVERY KID OR THEY WILL BITCH NONSTOP. So if they have 4 kids and they buy them 5 games they can share those games for the whole year and pretty much be set.

But on the sales charts you will see 4 Gameboys bought but only 5 games and go WTF? Why is the tie ratio so low?

Also I'd bet the Gameboy Player has something to do with it since I don't own a GBA but I buy the games and play them on that. That has to skew the numbers a bit as well.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
LakeEarth said:
Cause I don't want to spend $40 Canadian on a new GBA game when I can get a new GC game for $50.

See, I never understood this logic. Just because a console game is technically superior shouldn't make it the priority compared to a portable game. For me, I look at the quality of the games, not comparing it to a console game's technical prowess. That's just not fair, and has nothing to do with the quality of the software. I've had more fun with my GBA than with any console since the SNES.


bionic77 said:
How on earth can anyone diss the GBA? It has the best games out there this generation. Fire Emblem alone makes the GBA better then the PS2, Xbox, and GC combined.

Well better than the Xbox and GC at least.


NWO and JJConrad made some valid points as well. In the end, it really doesn't make sense to try to compare the tie ratios of consoles and portables. Both are very different beasts just by the demographics.


GaimeGuy said:
See, I never understood this logic. Just because a console game is technically superior shouldn't make it the priority compared to a portable game. For me, I look at the quality of the games, not comparing it to a console game's technical prowess. That's just not fair, and has nothing to do with the quality of the software. I've had more fun with my GBA than with any console since the SNES.

Well it depends on the game. I mean a good RPG is worth it, of course. But why get a GBA wrestling game, or sports game, or whatever when you get the console version for just a bit more, why not?
For the majority of people, portable gaming is what you do in-between other activities. On the way to school for kids, or on the bus. Waiting for a plane, stuck somewhere you don't want to be, etc. Waiting in line for a REAL console to launch :) .

And the games themselves are usually "quick" fun, that you can digest 10-20 minutes at a time. That can take a LONG time for someone to actually finish, plus they usually have replayability up the ying-yang, because of that "quick" fun property I mentioned earlier.
As far as the GBA goes, I'd imagine the backwards compatibility with a lot of popular GB/GBC titles has something to do with it, too. People might not be buying new games because they still spend a lot of time playing their older, non-Advance ones.
T-1000_Model3 said:
Wow, I notice allot of you own quite a few GBASP games. I don't wanna hear you babys bitch about Sega not bringig over a game like Jet Set Radio to the GameCube then. With all that cash being thrown at the SP you could easly come up with the cash to own atleast one other console. Maybe these once a week bitch and moan threads where the Ntards complain to no end would maybe stop.

I don't speak idiot-ease......babblefish trans please?
bionic77 said:
How on earth can anyone diss the GBA? It has the best games out there this generation. Fire Emblem alone makes the GBA better then the PS2, Xbox, and GC combined.

100% true. Best this gen.


Deg said:
Alhtough not exactly secondary system as it can be people's primary system. Just bear in mind people spend less on handhelds and portables compared to their living room in general. You wont be buying a 5.1 amp + speaker set for your handheld will you? Your portable dvd player wont be outvaluing your living room entertainment system anytime.

Cell phones, mp3 players, laptops, portable cd players, ect.

When those portable toys caught up with the 'home' version they easily penetrated the market. They're portable, but still considered primary systems. I see no reason why PSP or any other portable that can output console quality gaming couldn't do the same (given the right support and direction.) :)

At the moment, handheld is seen as secondary only because GBA is so vastly inferior.

btw, not too many people have 5.1 or even care about it.


Insertia said:
Cell phones, mp3 players, laptops, portable cd players, ect.

When those portable toys caught up with the 'home' version they easily penetrated the market. They're portable, but still considered primary systems. I see no reason why PSP or any other portable that can output console quality gaming couldn't do the same (given the right support and direction.) :)

At the moment, handheld is seen as secondary only because GBA is so vastly inferior.

btw, not too many people have 5.1 or even care about it.

I disagreed about your primary secondary ideas earlier. They can all be primary. Just because less $ is spent doesnt mean they cant be primrary.

How much does the average person spend on these devices compared to their home devices? Most people buy cheap portable cd players for example. mp3 players such as Ipod dont sell anywhere the amount GBA do.

Cell phones are something that are better than any home home phone. Do people care about home phones as much anymore? ;) laptops are all over the place although not as common as desktops pc's which we have to accept are a vital part of our lives(windows baby). The point you are missing however is that. The key thing about handheld consoles is that they are entertainment devices. They wont do your cooking for you. Looking at entertainment on the go has been very interesting over the years.


I co-worker when I was at Best Buy didn't own any consoles (at least not that I know of, definitely not a GCN), but he owned like over 100 GB(A) games, maybe even all GBA.

He doesn't like Pokemon apparently, he's in his mid-twenties I think, already has a wife and family, but he loves GBA.

If you look at the stellar lineup from Nintendo and some Japanese 3rd parties, there are probably more games that classify as "great" (in general gamer's opinions, supposing they've played the games) on GBA than XBox, even if you take out the classic ported stuff.


Many families share games. Personally in my family of 5, there's 4 SPs, my GB Player, a Super Game Boy, a GBA, 4 GBCs, 2 GB Pockets and 5 or so of the original GBs.
That's almost 20 players and a shared cartridge pool.


I think GBA Players are also lowering the attach rate, because it then might give people the console game mentality...


Insertia said:
Cell phones, mp3 players, laptops, portable cd players, ect.

When those portable toys caught up with the 'home' version they easily penetrated the market. They're portable, but still considered primary systems. I see no reason why PSP or any other portable that can output console quality gaming couldn't do the same (given the right support and direction.)
What? You realize that more GamBoys have been sold that any of those other portable devices correct (except cellphones)? What does GB have to "catch up to"?

If you think PSP is going to magically surpass GBA's 55 million installed base (which has only taken it 3 years), get ready for a rude awakening... GBA's been selling faster than PS2 since it's launch even.

Insertia said:
At the moment, handheld is seen as secondary only because GBA is so vastly inferior.
So how will PSP look in a year next to Xenon? Not quite as vastly inferior, but vastly inferior none the less?


I HOPE this has been said already, but in case it hasn't.. The tie ratio for GBA sucks because you only need 1 or a couple games. When you are at home why play a shitty GBA? Play on a big tv with great graphics, multiplayer, online. People typically only play portables on the road, and if you are on the road, odds are there is a reason you are on the road. So you only play it when you are away from home AND not doing something.

So people play when they aren't driving, when they are being dragged around a shopping center, waiting for an appointment, etc. And a 10+ hour game is going to stretch for months if that is the only time you play it.

I remember I got a GBA and bought like 8 games, ended up playing half of them to completion (AWars, Metroids, Castlevanias). I haven't had an opportunity to play a GBA in over a year, except at home. And I'd rather play xbox or GC at home. I've thought about buying a GBplayer for GC to finish up golden sun, pokemon, etc, but why bother.


Running off of Custom Firmware
Because good games are good games, regardless of graphics or platform.

Personally, I play my SP more than my PC, GCN, and PS2 COMBINED.


Lack of variety.

Platformers, RPGS, and puzzle games will only sell so much. Casual GBA owners only need a few of each before their needs are satisfied and so they aren't going to get anymore for the system.

Most GBA games don't have a hype factor either. Even with Pokemon, you aren't going to catch Emerald on gamestats, so there aren't those extra sales from people who are just going with hype and playing through the 1st few levels.

I also think there is a precedent from the original gameboy with most buyers. Almost all casual owners got it for Tetris and Mario. It hasn't changed much as the only other big demand game is Pokemon. And, between those 3 games you cover the 3 main genres of the system.

So I'm guessing most owners have a platformer and Pokemon with maybe some other game. This doesn't bring the casual gamers Sony has built up with sports, racing, action/adventure, and FPS.

Edit: BTW I own, Saphire, Ruby, FireRed, Advance Wars 2, and Super Puzzle Fighter.


(more a nerd than a geek)
GBA owners buy them in order to play a specific game or series, and seem less likely to travel outside of that game series. They are happy using it as a "portable Tetris/Pokemon" machine... tied to that is the fact that, on average, a large number of GBA owners are children who don't have the expendable income that all of us have.

I also think Chris had a point with the "family cartridge pool" concept. I remember having scads of Game Boy systems around our house, but a more limited supply of games. Every kid in a family might get a system, but they share the same few games.


Insertia said:
Portable gaming is only seen as a secondary form of gaming because, that's what it is. It's been that way since they first hit the market. Portable games just ARE second tier to console games.

The gameplay is simple, the graphics are pixely, the sound sucks. Current portable games don't compare to console games.
That's not to say they can't be enjoyable (I think Pokemon Ruby and Wario Ware are great games, anyone with a GBA should own 'em), but they are clearly inferior to console games on many levels.

It’s nothing fixated in stone though. Fact is, GBA and pretty much every portable before it is a secondary system.

So when PSP shows up it's not gonna be seen as secondary to say...PS3? WRONG. It's still going to be seen as secondary to most people 'cos most people who are into games are going to spend more money on the primary form of gaming which is home consoles. PSP or DS or the next GameBoy won't change that.

The best thing companies could probably do to boost tie in ratio's (and probably even overall sales) for a secondary form of gaming is to re-work the pricing structure to a much lower point which might require a new form of distribution system and storage method (like downloading ROM's onto memory cards). I think PSP could've really have been killer if they had done some sort of structure like that 'cos then they would be pushing their already released Memory Stick format into more user's hands, lowered the price of portable games which would really be a great selling point against Nintendo *and* they could've used their networking plans for distributing such content. Instead they're raising the production costs, raising the over-all software price of a secondary form of gaming and creating an all new format which they'll have a harder time pushing then the already released Memory Stick. UMD may sound great to Sony bigwig's in theory, but to the consumer most don't want to buy the same movie, and in this case, essentially the same game...twice.

If I were Sony I would've created a cheap dual shock controller with a flip-up conventional TV resolution screen with PSone capabilities that plays movies, music & games from Memory Sticks for under $150. The price, battery, capabilities, etc. would be *very* competitive to GBA and even DS and the killer is that people would be drawn to the fact that you can download games for like $5 to $10 a pop instead of paying $30+ for, again, a secondary form of gaming. Then when PStwo is released I would make it almost Walkman-sized and make it to where you could hook them up together so not only could you play cheap downloadable Memory Stick movies, music & games, but you could also play CD's, DVD's, PS & PS2 games on the go as well. Ergonomics would still work in a Walkman/headphones sort of way while still being as portable as say a portable DVD player. That way battery life wouldn't be as bad 'cos there would be a battery in the PStwo and another in the controller/screen, price would be acceptable & very competitive even to GBA and they wouldn't have to push some sort of new disk which is ultimatly in competition with already standerdized disc's. With the way Sony's doing it now though...I think they're not going to hurt Nintendo as much as if they were to do what I suggested in this paragraph.


Lost Weekend said:
Anything with a fixed battery life that is made primarily for single player play (with mulitple copies of one game required for multiplay) is going to be considered a secondary system.



The low production value in most (not all!!) handheld games is a turn off for me. To me you simply cannot compare the experience you get from playing a game like SMT3 to a GBA game. The GBA is a fun time killer, therefore not many games are needed...just the best few will suffice.
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