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Why the PC Should Become The Home Base for Every HardCore Gamer


I'm a PC gamer only. It's not because it's the "best" or anything like that, it's because it's what I like and what suits me the most. That's how it should be with everyone. They should get what suits them the best. I just find it sad that not all games can be on all platforms. Exclusives really really suck. If all games were on all platforms (along with the proper support), I think gamers would be much happier. A lot of these console/PC wars stem from gamers who wish they could get certain exclusives on their platform.


DYI: Build Your Own Ultimate Gaming Machine

... But that costs a lot of money and the PC needs to have new components for it to run the newest games etc. A lot of people don't have that sort of money, budget or the skill set for that matter to make that work.
As a PC gamer since forever, I hate these threads. Is it so hard to just be a GAMER and not give a shit about being a champion for platform X, Y or Z?

Who gives a shit besides people trying harder than shit to feel better about themselves and their choices?

It's all gravy if you just play GAMES regardless of platform. I play anywhere I can so long as the playing is good and thats all that matters.

Probably the best post in this thread.


... But that costs a lot of money and the PC needs to have new components for it to run the newest games etc. A lot of people don't have that sort of money, budget or the skill set for that matter to make that work.

It really doesn't.

From Neogaf's own Build a PC thread:


I'm not saying casual gamers should/would run out and build a gaming PC, but if you are someone who talks about videogames on a message board, you are the kind of person that is a prime candidate to really enjoy the experience of planning out a build and putting together your own system. Can it be a bit expensive? Sure, but no more than any other part of this hobby. In a hobby where a new game launches at $60, building a gaming PC really isn't that steep of a proposition, as that updated chart shows.


You can find games like you're describing going as far back as the C64 if you take it's limited color palate into account. You're wrong.

I definitely over-generalized to make a point. But the thing is, being a kid, all I knew was that I was missing out on Mario, Zelda, Final Fantasy, etc, because I didn't have a console. I didn't care about the lesser known games on PC.

Anyway, I probably shouldn't have mentioned all that stuff in the first place. I only mentioned it because the whole PC superiority complex annoys me, when the PC used to not cater as well to my tastes as the consoles did. But that's not relevant today at all. Today, consoles are basically closed PCs anyway.

My main points against PC gaming today are: time, money, and portability. And even these points are become increasingly less of an issue. My next-gen "console" may be a PC. But I'm definitely not going to use it for anything other than gaming, because that's when the problems usually start setting in (needless processes running, memory leaks, etc.).

And i guess Ultima Underword totally wasn't a proper "3D game", even if pre-dates anything even remotely resembling "3D" released on any console.

Phantasy Star. Nice try though.


Gold Member
My gaming home base is constantly moving to when games are released, so when the new *insert new PS3 exclusive* comes out I tend to spend more time there. New WoW expansion comes out, I'm on PC. New DayZ standalone and I'll spend time on Steam/PC. Last of Us comes out I'll be on PS3, you see where I'm getting at.

My point is that I generally don't put too much thought into where I'll be gaming, only that I have those 2 options available to me (PC/PS3, other older consoles). While I do enjoy tinkering and upgrading my PC once in a blue moon to play the newest games I like (see Skyrim, and soon BF4), I'll switch back and forth. I'm not sure if I'm in the minority here but I guess I'm lucky that I'm able to do that.

OP, I know where you're coming from but for me personally, the "home base" concept really doesn't exist as I tend to gravitate to the platforms where games I enjoy go to. Not sure if I'm the kind of gamer you're posing the question to, however.


I'm a PC gamer only. It's not because it's the "best" or anything like that, it's because it's what I like and what suits me the most. That's how it should be with everyone. They should get what suits them the best. I just find it sad that not all games can be on all platforms. Exclusives really really suck. If all games were on all platforms (along with the proper support), I think gamers would be much happier. A lot of these console/PC wars stem from gamers who wish they could get certain exclusives on their platform.
This is how i feel as well, I like PC cause it lets me play how I want easier. For instance I am slightly hard of hearing. Which isnt a problem with gaming but speaking with others it is a right pain in the ass on consoles. I can hardly understand a damn word people say on xbox live at full volume.. also dosnt help the audio codec they use is shit making it hard to understand in the first place. On PC I can make other gamers as loud as I damned want them to be with ease and I have many more ways to communicate with them as well.

I also love to play with earphones on with a screen right there infront of me on the desk. It helps me focus and zone into a game so much better. Where as when I play in the living room Im constantly dealing with distractions of the dog running around or people walking infront of the tv.

This is all personal preference and I am sure others will completely disagree but it just suits my playstyle. Plus for the life of me i still cant understand how people play FPS with a controller.. its like handicapping yourself.

I could hardly care about console exclusive as well.. I dont want no hand holdy games like Uncharted.. I want deeper gameplay experiences. Theres to many great PC games for me to keep up with already anyways.
I came >this< close to buying a gaming PC this generation mainly due to the fact that consoles were longer in the tooth than ever before. Now that we're so close to next gen systems again, I'll be holding off once more.

If the upcoming gen is anywhere close to as long, I'll more than likely be taking the plunge.


I just find it sad that not all games can be on all platforms. Exclusives really really suck. If all games were on all platforms (along with the proper support), I think gamers would be much happier. A lot of these console/PC wars stem from gamers who wish they could get certain exclusives on their platform.
Oh well, you are talking almost if this was some sort of secret agenda, when personally I never made a secret of how that's exactly what I'd like.
Everything available on every platform, and then people buy what they like.

Speaking from a subjective point of view, at that point I could simply pretend consoles don't even exist, at all, and leave people to their deluded attempts of confirmation bias like the "comfy couch" argument, "hassle-free gaming" and the "great convenience of coding on metal".

The problem that ignites some of these "platform wars" are absurd claims like "All the best games are just on consoles".
Look, it's just not true. The games you are interested in are on consoles, maybe, but that doesn't make them "the best".
In fact, while there are a decent amount of console games I would eventually like to play on PC, having a limited budget and having to choose what interests me most, I could easily give up on console games but I would never give up my chance to play many of my favorite PC games.

... But that costs a lot of money and the PC needs to have new components for it to run the newest games etc.


Japan turning around on PC... We have Capcom's releases, we have Dark Souls, we have some Sega Japanese games, and we have Konami porting Revengeance. That's great. I love it when Japanese games wind up on PC.

But a lot of people lump in stuff that doesn't make sense. Things like treating recent doujin game localizations as though they're new original PC games (Ys, Alltynex, etc)...

Are you implying that Nihon Falcom is a doujin game studio? Holy shit.

Just because they're older games doesn't mean they are doujin games.
I don't have anything inherently against PC gaming (though its supporters can severely bug the hell out of me), but I don't think it could ever be my home base. All of my favorite genres simply have no presence there, which means I would essentially be basing myself on a platform that doesn't cater to me at all outside of the occasional token PC port.

The genres PC is best at also don't tend to appeal to me all that much, so while I certainly can (well, could...my PC is broken right now and I don't have the time or the components to repair it) play games there, I don't think it would ever work as my home base. Consoles will probably always be my main focus, with PC a side distraction.


It really doesn't.

From Neogaf's own Build a PC thread:


I'm not saying casual gamers should/would run out and build a gaming PC, but if you are someone who talks about videogames on a message board, you are the kind of person that is a prime candidate to really enjoy the experience of planning out a build and putting together your own system. Can it be a bit expensive? Sure, but no more than any other part of this hobby. In a hobby where a new game launches at $60, building a gaming PC really isn't that steep of a proposition, as that updated chart shows.

Those prices don't include the cost of a monitor, as for example I don't have one and also the cost of windows is also left out. So it's another 250-300$ more.

paying around 1300-1500$ to get a gaming setup is not what I call cheap.


I've been building PCs and playing games on them since soundcards came with an IDE port. While I've always had a console in the house (2600/NES) since I was knee high to a grasshopper I was heavily invested in PC gaming with fond memories of dropping $350 on a Creative branded TNT card and various other things... but the older I get the less I want to sit down and game on my PC, I'd rather browse the web or engage in some form of content creation and as I move further down that path I find myself eschewing a desktop completely and have gone with dual monitors on a decent laptop. I just have no interest in gaming on a computer 99% of the time. Gaming is just not a 'whole' experience on a PC like it is with a dedicated device.


I don't have anything inherently against PC gaming (though its supporters can severely bug the hell out of me), but I don't think it could ever be my home base. All of my favorite genres simply have no presence there, which means I would essentially be basing myself on a platform that doesn't cater to me at all outside of the occasional token PC port.

The genres PC is best at also don't tend to appeal to me all that much, so while I certainly can (well, could...my PC is broken right now and I don't have the time or the components to repair it) play games there, I don't think it would ever work as my home base. Consoles will probably always be my main focus, with PC a side distraction.

May I ask what those genres are? The only one I can think of that doesn't have a huge presence is JRPGs. But really they don't have a huge presence anywhere nowdays with only one or two big ones coming out a year.

There are certainly plenty of action games, platformers, RPGs, simulations, indie games, etc. on PC. I don't play MMOs or RTS games at all and I have over 500 games in my Steam library.


The resulting discussion is perhaps not that useful, but the OP makes a great case for why the PC is the best platform for a certain kind of enthusiast. These threads are useful for lots of people, even if they don't actively participate in the discussion.

Maybe I'm too much "demanding" and I always hope to read unbiased and insightful post ... Well, maybe it's better for me changing a bit this point of view and probably I will "get more" from a forum and all the discussions :)

Anyway, I will not "dirty" anymore this place with my post, but let me share my opinion about PC gaming. I'm a gamer, a real gamer, I play games almost on any platform, included table top game, card game etc ... I can easily say the PC platform is not the best platform where play games. It's another good way to gaming, but not the best one.
Just my opinion :)

Have a nice discussion!


Those prices don't include the cost of a monitor, as for example I don't have one and also the cost of windows is also left out. So it's another 250-300$ more.

paying around 1300-1500$ to get a gaming setup is not what I call cheap.

You don't need to include the cost of a monitor anymore than you need to include the cost of a TV in console price. You can hook a PC up to any TV that has HDMI, which is basically any TV.

Also in what world does Windows cost $200?! Windows 7 Full OEM $69 (and that was just the first google lik I came across prices around that much for Win 7 are pretty common give or take $15. The budge build there is $419. The "Standard" build is $588. Plus a copy of Windows (if you don't already have one available from somewhere) brings it to $660. That is a far, far cry from $1500. It seems you are just trying to trick people who don't click the link.
I have been gaming on the pc since the 80's and have owned at least one console from every generation since the Atari, and at no point has it even been a contest. The pc has more varied games that take more chances, and with more advanced technology, all while being cheaper. There is nothing on consoles that even comes close to a game like Dota 2.


Maybe I'm too much "demanding" and I always hope to read unbiased and insightful post ... Well, maybe it's better for me changing a bit this point of view and probably I will "get more" from a forum and all the discussions :)

Anyway, I will not "dirty" anymore this place with my post, but let me share my opinion about PC gaming. I'm a gamer, a real gamer, I play games almost on any platform, included table top game, card game etc ... I can easily say the PC platform is not the best platform where play games. It's another good way to gaming, but not the best one.
Just my opinion :)

Have a nice discussion!

Instead of saying it is "just your opinion" you could actually respond to the points I made in the OP. I didn't spend an hour writing it for fun and I certainly tried to be "objective" in terms of the claims I made and backing them up with evidence.
Luckily you can use controllers on PC. K/B and mouse is not a good set up for comfy couch gaming.
Fixed to make sense.

There are ways to get mouse/keyboard to work on a couch, but I've tried most and they're all awkward as hell.

A controller is the simplest and most comfortable way to go for the comfy couch, but not all PC games support it.
I will never understand the urge of PC owners to "evangelize" console-only owners into buying a PC. These threads always mistakenly assume that some people can't possibly be happy owning just a console or need to be educated about "true" gaming. It's time to give it a rest.

I sure hope you don't recommend people buy the PS3 or 360 or Wii. because that's evanmgalizing as well.

Sorry man, that may have been the intent of the OP, but everyone around here knows what it will turn in to: a giant pissing contest usually dominated by the PC elite pissing on console owners. And that's what it is now, just read the posts. I just read one telling a poster who plays on consoles because all his friends play on console to "get new friends". Good hobby discussion there eh? We already have an upgrade my PC thread and it doesn't read like this.

shall I quote you all the people spreading misinformation about the PC platform? things like Xpadder giving you a virus (just an example) comfy couch, etc, etc.

This was my experience back in the day. My parents were against video games for a long time, and didn't let me get a console until I was 12. Even then, I was only allowed limited periods on the console in the living room, whereas my PC was in my room, so I could play to my heart's desire without being bothered.

I was never into FPS or RTS, and I preferred Japanese games to Western games in general (LucasArts adventures were a notable exception), so naturally I spent most of my PC gaming time on emulators and ports.
After all that bullshit, I can't tell you how satisfying it is to just stick a disc in, pick up a controller, and play. I didn't want to deal with troubleshooting when I was 10, and I don't want to now.
Also, for the longest time, there were barely any quality colorful games on PC, and you had to either resort to emulators or crappy freeware clones to get your fix of Nintendo or Capcom. I realize things have improved on the PC side since then, and things on the console side have deteriorated, so I may be coming back to PC next-gen.
But let's not pretend the PC was always this good. Look at Mario 64, and then look at Quake 1 from the same year. Most PC games used to look that drab. There's way more variety now.
But, for the most part, most major PC games still fall into the drab, wannabe-photorealistic category. Take this post, for example:
None of these games would convert me.

now you're just exagerating to make a point that isn't even true. on my PC I don't even have to pop in a disc, it boots faster than any console and I haven't any crashes of games or OS in forever. that just simply does not exist anymore.
That is changing.

KOFXIII, Skull Girls, MK9 all coming to the PC

Street Fighter is burdened by GFWL, choking the updates. Luckily, GFWL is dying off.

By the time fighters come to PC you miss the best period, when everyone is new and experimenting. It's one of those genres that you really want to get in on day one. When you show up a year late you get demolished.
May I ask what those genres are? The only one I can think of that doesn't have a huge presence is JRPGs. But really they don't have a huge presence anywhere nowdays with only one or two big ones coming out a year.

There are certainly plenty of action games, platformers, RPGs, simulations, indie games, etc. on PC. I don't play MMOs or RTS games at all and I have over 500 games in my Steam library.

I largely stick to JRPGs, fighting games, DMC-style action games and narrative-driven horror titles. You're right that JRPGs are a dead zone everywhere this gen, but on PC they basically don't even exist at all - and they are still my favorite genre, modern missteps notwithstanding. Fighting games have the occasional PC port, but nobody tends to play the PC versions so they're kind of a waste of time. And horror games...sure, PC's got plenty of them, but so many of them just don't appeal to me because their focus is so different from what I'm looking for. Never been into the whole Penumbra thing...I like my horror games to be about characters rather than a developer trying to scare me with "boo" moments.

I should note that my Steam library has about 121 games in it. It's not like I avoid the PC, just that for the most part the games I like are console-focused, come out very late on PC, or just aren't present at all. My PC (when it was working) wasn't uber-powerful enough to justify waiting 6 months for a late PC port, so I got most of my multiplatform games on PS3. And now it's dead, so I'm kind of out of luck anyway. =/

Except for Just Cause 2 - I got that on both PS3 and PC. Because it's Just Cause 2.
PC is called master race for a reason.

Hopefully with Xbone and PS4 being even more PC like we'll see more games on the PC.

Games like Sleeping Dogs are jsut so amazing on the PC with the hd textures and high settings


PC is called master race for a reason.
Yeah, for mockery.
But if you were actually trying to make a similar point with a better example, one could say that there is a reason if zealot supporters of a specific console are called "fanboys" while for PC gamers is widely used the term "elitists".


Having to wait forever for GTA V, horrible exclusives, constant upgrading = no thanks.

I thought for sure the ability to improve your circumstances was a positive.

Exclusives are a non-starter for me these days. I guess my tastes have changed, but very few AAA console exclusives excite me anymore. Not that I'd be unable to play them, of course.

edit: did I take the b8 m8?
Those prices don't include the cost of a monitor, as for example I don't have one and also the cost of windows is also left out. So it's another 250-300$ more.

paying around 1300-1500$ to get a gaming setup is not what I call cheap.

I would say without exaggerating either way, starting completely from scratch, including everything down to the keyboard and mouse, $1200 to 1500 would get you an amazing no comprmises machine, that will play virtually anything at high settings, 1080p. I agree that the initial investment isn't necessarily cheap but hobbies enjoyed at an enthusiast level aren't typically cheap. However, there are long term opportunities to save a lot of money on software. In the end, depending on your personal buying habits, the cost compares reasonably to console gaming. Enthusiast buy more games, so the economics work out better for those users in most cases. Future upgrades are done on the component level so you shouldn't need to make a similar huge investment again if you plan well.


Great job OP! I always felt the same way about PC gaming. I feel like anyone who is a console only player and complains at all about:

-visual fidelity
-buggy games
-online community
-game prices
-software looking dated
-customization options (controls, music, etc)

should look into adding a gaming PC to supplement their gaming habits. Consoles, handhelds, and tablets/phones all have their strengths and exclusives that either won't ever show up on PC legally ( ie. Nintendo ip), or doesn't necessarily translates well to pc. But I feel, as the OP, that if you are an enthusiast of gaming, you should own a gaming PC.

It is the ultimate compliment platform to any gaming discipline imo.


I don't actually get why exclusives are held up as a positive thing.

They really seem to be a carrot on a stick.


I sure hope you don't recommend people buy the PS3 or 360 or Wii. because that's evanmgalizing as well.

shall I quote you all the people spreading misinformation about the PC platform? things like Xpadder giving you a virus (just an example) comfy couch, etc,

Not sure if serious. Are you reading a different thread? I can certainly recommend to someone that buying the PS4 would be a good purchase for them without evangelizing. For some people a console IS a better choice as hard as that is to believe for some of you. It is a whole different thing to make a thread with the proposition that every hardcore gamer should make the PC their "home base", which necessarily implies that you are not a "hardcore" gamer if you make a console your "home base". To be fair, I don't think the OP was phantom trolling, it was probably just a poor choice of words.)

And yes, console-only owners can be beyond ridiculous as well, but right now we're in a PC thread that has once again turned into a PC superiority thread.


Nice OP! You should add a link to the Bullshot thread too.

You could make a beach with the amount of sand in this thread though.

Now, back to my 120hz downsampled glory.

Who am I kidding? I mean more Dota.
It is a whole different thing to make a thread with the proposition that every hardcore gamer should make the PC their "home base", which necessarily implies that you are not a "hardcore" gamer if you make a console your "home base". To be fair, I don't think the OP was phantom trolling, it was probably just a poor choice of words.).
I'm glad you understand.

Now I want you to understand that when someone has a really cool experience, they want to share that experience so other people can also have it. It's not about superiority, it's not about evangelizing, it's not a pissing contest. Some folks might not understand, know, or just be kind of leery towards something like PC gaming because of the disassociated state of the platform. Threads like this help to bring that knowledge together in order to help someone get to that same level of enjoyment. If it's not for you, it's not for you. Move on.


I don't actually get why exclusives are held up as a positive thing.

They really seem to be a carrot on a stick.

Not necessarily, particularly if it utilizes the platform it is exclusive to in a way that allows it to feel completely unique compared to it being on multiple platforms.

What comes to mind to me immediately is ZombieU. Sure the game can be made multiplatform, but the use of the Gamepad created a whole other level of tension and immersion for me that not only added to the overall experience and how I played, but also could not be experienced the same on any other single platform.

WiiSports is another example.
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