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Why the PC Should Become The Home Base for Every HardCore Gamer

I'll give you this. PC is probably not for people who don't understand how sentences and paragraphs work.
It's supposed to be more of a list, I'm on my phone, and to be fair I didn't know I was being graded. Feel free to contribute in a meaningful way next time.


PC is better but you need to buy 2 for every console gen to get the same optimisation as a PS4 would.




As i said before in a thread really similar to this, when i happen to read pc games threads here on neogaf i read the same problems i used to deal with when i was gaming on pc. Crashes, ini editing, vidcard drivers, you name it. Unluckily all of these problems are for some strange reason never talked about in threads like this by the thread opener and by the people who support his point of view.

That's because this is not an issue so much anymore. When were you gaming on PC when this was a problem? I overclock, I mod, I downsample, etc...things that the casual gamer would not even do and I don't experience these kinds of issues. For someone who doesn't do these things it's really not an issue.


We all know how big of a loss that is.
Have to say that made me chuckle.

on the pc the games are cheaper, direct download, better graphics, you can upgrade your "console" whenever you choose, and gamepad support.
At least for me there is no reason to buy a current or next gen console.


None of my friends game on PC, therefore i have no interest in the platform.

Im not kidding either, i dont have a single friend who uses the PC as their primary gaming platform. Most of them use PS3 and the others have a 360. I guess maybe its because the genres we like the most (Fighting, Racing, Platforming) are where the PC is the weakest.

Convince them, they end up all switching.

Invite them over, show them a multi-platform game like Battlefield 3 running at 60 fps with 64 man servers.

Show them something unique with dynamic gameplay like Day Z.

Show them Morrowind with mods.

Let them know about the cheap games and the cheap hardware.

I showed my roommate Day Z and he literally had his jaw on the floor. He was watching me for hours.
The kicker? He has never played a game not named Madden or Fight Night.
Even though the notion of the PC platform being the cornerstone of my gaming endeavors very much applies to me right now and in the foreseeable future, I don't necessarily agree with the categorization in that "hardcore gamer" bit. People out there have different priorities, software and genre tastes vary greatly too. The PC doesn't always justify its monetary, time and effort investment to all people alike.


Again... Read the OP. if you're pretty set on not getting into customizing and modding, it is actually NOT recommended for you. It's just meant to show people who are pretty deep into this hobby that you can take it a bit further, and here's how. It's like being into cars. You could obsess over buying cars, or you can both do that, and learn how to work with and maintain them. Both groups are car fanatics, but one is willing to put time into stuff beyond buying and driving.

The reason there is a bit of evangelizing from PC people, especially as this gen wore on, is due to the sheer amount of misinformation out there. Even this thread has a few people still dragging out the old nonsensical "UGH I DON'T WANT TO SPEND $500 EVERY SIX MONTHS JUST TO PLAY A NEW GAME" or "WELL YOU CAN ONLY USE IT ON A DESK I LIKE TV GAMES" warhorses. So as the gen moved on and more people actually gave it a try, they realized how much false info is out there.

Sorry man, that may have been the intent of the OP, but everyone around here knows what it will turn in to: a giant pissing contest usually dominated by the PC elite pissing on console owners. And that's what it is now, just read the posts. I just read one telling a poster who plays on consoles because all his friends play on console to "get new friends". Good hobby discussion there eh? We already have an upgrade my PC thread and it doesn't read like this.


I've edited some .inis but that's because I wanted to. That's the kind of power I enjoy having. Taking two minutes to add a line to a text document to have the game look at Durante's Dark Souls DX intercepts is a pleasure compared to just sitting there playing the game at a super low rendering res and poor framerate with no options.

And you don't experience crashes and such eh?
If you bothered to read his post you'd see he was defending the PC. I suppose PCs aren't for people with poor reading comprehension :D
I was wondering about that, but didn't think it was possible to read my post and consider it anti PC. I love my PC and don't understand people who think it's to complicated, especially in the era of Steam.


I honestly don't... cant' remember the last time that I had such issues. Well, that's a lie, my MS Word crashed twice at work today.

Lol, don't get me started on Work computers and the images they enforce and the slow network speeds...


Made the switch recently and hate that I waited this long to jump in. Will never go back. Built this beast with my bare hands and it feels good knowing that your playing the highest quality of gaming on that very same thing.


Convince them, they end up all switching.

Invite them over, show them a multi-platform game like Battlefield 3 running at 60 fps with 64 man servers.

Show them something unique with dynamic gameplay like Day Z.

Show them Morrowind with mods.

Let them know about the cheap games and the cheap hardware.

I showed my roommate Day Z and he literally had his jaw on the floor, he was watching me for hours.
The kicker? He has never played a game not named Madden or Fight Night.

A friend came and visited me from out of town last summer and we played some games on my Steam account while he was here. Nothing terribly impressive even. I think we played some Blur, Worms, and he played Batman Arkham Asylum in the downtime while I had to do some work. I didn't even mention anything about PC gaming to him other than he asked me what "Steam" was and I mentioned what it was and cheap many of the games were when they went on sale.

Out of the blue, two months ago, after he finished Far Cry 3 on 360, he asked me how much it would cost to build a gaming PC. I helped him pick out parts and told him I'd help him put it together next time I was in town one month from them. But once he got the parts, he didn't want to wait and he put it together himself using that Techreport video I linked to in the OP. He has never so much as opened a PC case and doesn't know what a harddrive looks like but he pulled it off in a little over an hour without a hitch. Since then he permanently loaned his father-in-law his 360 since he wasn't using it at all and has bought over 70 games on Steam.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Except OP: I don't give a shit about what the machine is built/looks like (okay I care about looks a little), therefore: I don't give a damn about the specs and just want to play the game at the same level/"it just works"(TM Apple) as the console versions. Building my own PC is a headache that most people don't want.

Also no fighting games on the system that are 1) current and 2) up to date (so before someone throws Street vs Juggle at me: 2012-2013 version isn't updated for the platform yet). So...
I am against the abuse of sentence and paragraph structure regardless of someone's position on the PC platform.

Yet you claimed that PCs weren't for him when clearly that is not the case. Either way,I will agree with you that sentence and paragraph structure are important.


Except OP: I don't give a shit about what the machine is built/looks like (okay I care about looks a little), therefore: I don't give a damn about the specs and just want to play the game at the same level/"it just works"(TM Apple) as the console versions. Building my own PC is a headache that most people don't want.

Also no fighting games on the system that are 1) current and 2) up to date (so before someone throws Street vs Juggle at me: 2012-2013 version isn't updated for the platform yet). So...

That is changing.

KOFXIII, Skull Girls, MK9 all coming to the PC

Street Fighter is burdened by GFWL, choking the updates. Luckily, GFWL is dying off.


When i had the time to own and use all the platforms i wanted i had a gaming pc. That means starting from 1992 till 2007. Then i grow bored of all the time wasting activities that you have to endure to play on a pc. As i said before in a thread really similar to this, when i happen to read pc games threads here on neogaf i read the same problems i used to deal with when i was gaming on pc. Crashes, ini editing, vidcard drivers, you name it. Unluckily all of these problems are for some strange reason never talked about in threads like this by the thread opener and by the people who support his point of view.

This was my experience back in the day. My parents were against video games for a long time, and didn't let me get a console until I was 12. Even then, I was only allowed limited periods on the console in the living room, whereas my PC was in my room, so I could play to my heart's desire without being bothered.

I was never into FPS or RTS, and I preferred Japanese games to Western games in general (LucasArts adventures were a notable exception), so naturally I spent most of my PC gaming time on emulators and ports.

After all that bullshit, I can't tell you how satisfying it is to just stick a disc in, pick up a controller, and play. I didn't want to deal with troubleshooting when I was 10, and I don't want to now.

Also, for the longest time, there were barely any quality colorful games on PC, and you had to either resort to emulators or crappy freeware clones to get your fix of Nintendo or Capcom. I realize things have improved on the PC side since then, and things on the console side have deteriorated, so I may be coming back to PC next-gen.

But let's not pretend the PC was always this good. Look at Mario 64, and then look at Quake 1 from the same year. Most PC games used to look that drab. There's way more variety now.

But, for the most part, most major PC games still fall into the drab, wannabe-photorealistic category. Take this post, for example:

Convince them, they end up all switching.

Invite them over, show them a multi-platform game like Battlefield 3 running at 60 fps with 64 man servers.

Show them something unique with dynamic gameplay like Day Z.

Show them Morrowind with mods.

None of these games would convert me.


The groundswell of PC support and those using the XBone fiasco as a platform to prop up PC as a viable alternative is quite baffling.

If you haven't noticed, it's PC-style practices specifically that console gamers are protesting. The majority has made it clear that they don't care for even the fundamental way PC operates as a gaming platform.


Can't get Pokeymanz or Mahvel on PC dawg.

I'm not sure that characterization is entirely fair. Although I have noticed a trend that a lot of the people who don't even bother responding to the points I made in the OP or just outright reject consideration of the value of PC gaming tend to be otakus.

In my late teens through early twenties, I was probably veering close to that myself having grown up on Square Enix SNES-Playstation 1 era stuff. But then something weird happened in the industry. Western developer influence became more prominent, even on the console side of things, and the zeitgeist changed and left a lot of the aesthetics and mechanics of JRPGs in the past like outdated relics. I kind of always hope Square-Enix will get their act back together and stop writing such terrible bullshit. But in the meantime, I don't really consider it a loss that I haven't played FFXIII-2 even though I enjoyed FFXIII in parts. I'll be more interested when they learn how to write stories and develop characters in a way that doesn't make me wince. "Anime" used to be a descriptor that carried a positive connotation with me. Now it is often an adjective used in front of the word "bullshit," and I'm not just speaking for myself, I've noticed that being a pretty common phrase among gaming writers and on message boards in general. And frankly, I think it is a descriptor that is often deserved.

Deku Tree

The groundswell of PC support and those using the XBone fiasco as a platform to prop up PC as a viable alternative is quite baffling.

If you haven't noticed, it's PC-style practices specifically that console gamers are protesting. The majority has made it clear that they don't care for even the fundamental way PC operates as a gaming platform.

PC doesn't have price controls for games, consoles do. And there is no reason to expect the price controls will go away just because of increased DRM. In fact smart money would expect the price controls are here to stay.

It is very different to buy a $10 or $5 game with DRM, than a $70 or $60 game with DRM.
This was my experience back in the day. My parents were against video games for a long time, and didn't let me get a console until I was 12. Even then, I was only allowed limited periods on the console in the living room, whereas my PC was in my room, so I could play to my heart's desire without being bothered.

I was never into FPS or RTS, and I preferred Japanese games to Western games in general (LucasArts adventures were a notable exception), so naturally I spent most of my PC gaming time on emulators and ports.

After all that bullshit, I can't tell you how satisfying it is to just stick a disc in, pick up a controller, and play. I didn't want to deal with troubleshooting when I was 10, and I don't want to now.

Also, for the longest time, there were barely any quality colorful games on PC, and you had to either resort to emulators or crappy freeware clones to get your fix of Nintendo or Capcom. I realize things have improved on the PC side since then, and things on the console side have deteriorated, so I may be coming back to PC next-gen.

But let's not pretend the PC was always this good. Look at Mario 64, and then look at Quake 1 from the same year. Most PC games used to look that drab. There's way more variety now.

Aw come on, for example plenty of colorful PC adventures were released back then.
The groundswell of PC support and those using the XBone fiasco as a platform to prop up PC as a viable alternative is quite baffling.

If you haven't noticed, it's PC-style practices specifically that console gamers are protesting. The majority has made it clear that they don't care for even the fundamental way PC operates as a gaming platform.

You mean no used games? No used games parallel with dirt-cheap DD platforms like steam/amazon/gmg/gog? Because that's a HELL of a lot different than being fucked in the ass by Microsoft because they control the beginning, middle, and end of their DD distribution. Good luck waiting for anything even close to Steam-quality sales on the Xbone.

Consoles are trying to adopt some PC-gaming practices, true. But only the asshole, frankenstein, nonsensical, alternate universe version of some PC-gaming practices.
We all know how big of a loss that is.

This is what keeps me away from PC gaming.

Granted , there are a bunch of different attitudes and personality types among console gamers, but almost every PC centric gamer I've come across, especially on GAf reminds me of Totalbiscuit.

That is a terrible thing.

I'm staying far away from any scene where that kind of "everything you like is wrong" elitism is commonplace.


Aw come on, for example plenty of colorful PC adventures were released back then.

2D adventure games, sure. Curse of Monkey Island was great. I'm talking major 3D releases though.

Jesus Christ.

Enlighten me. From what I know: point and click adventures, Commander Keen, the early Wing Commanders, Jazz Jackrabbit, educational games for kids. And all my PC gaming friends played nothing but FPS and RTS.


After this gen I can't see myself ever going back to consoles. Ill stick to PC + 3DS. I just feel like PC gamers just caters to me so much more.

Plus I love indie games and its clearly the platform of choice for that.
I'm staying far away from any scene where that kind of "everything you like is wrong" elitism is commonplace.

You mean how some Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, and Apple fanboys act? There's no getting any from that, anywhere. Whether it's gaming, car-enthusiasts, model-rocket building, anything.


This is what keeps me away from PC gaming.

Granted , there are a bunch of different attitudes and personality types among console gamers, but almost every PC centric gamer I've come across, especially on GAf reminds me of Totalbiscuit.

That is a terrible thing.

I'm staying far away from any scene where that kind of "everything you like is wrong" elitism is commonplace.
So pretty much every platform ever?

I mean its not like I see stupid console wars every single gen.


Naw Id made some brown ass games back then. All games released on computers now must do penance. Any exceptions simply don't count.
And i guess Ultima Underword totally wasn't a proper "3D game", even if pre-dates anything even remotely resembling "3D" released on any console.
i hate to agree my all time favorite gamez Metal Gearz and I loved uncharted Flover and Jurney and Yakuza....best thing to do is own both PS and PC
Don't get me wrong, i'd love to own all consoles, all handhelds and a beasty pc.
But since most of my fav. games will be on ps4 and wiiU, a good gaming pc will be overkill and costly for me personally.
i DID consider it a couple of times. For Dolpin and certain multiplats that are just way better on PC, like Cysis, Battlefield (both games i didn't even buy on consoles).

I wouldn't mind a machine that would play all games in a high fidelity, hassle free and preff. without fucking Windows.
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