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Why the PC Should Become The Home Base for Every HardCore Gamer


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
How are posts like this not considered blatant, deliberate trolling?

And yeah, Star Citizen is something truly "horrible" to look forward, I guess.

Lol how in anyway is this "trolling"? Because we have different opinions?

blatant trolling = something like "pc sux lmao"

Having to wait for who knows how long for GTAV matters to me, I am hyped as shit for that game.

And I have never even heard of Star Citizen, so I wont comment on it.


And yes, console-only owners can be beyond ridiculous as well, but right now we're in a PC thread that has once again turned into a PC superiority thread.
It turned in a "PC superiority thread" in the very moment people jumped in to make idiotic claims like "Best games are on consoles, anyway" or "Enjoy your lack of big exclusives".

Beside, there is this huge misconception on GAF, even among many "PC evangelists", that PC gaming all about having the console experience in 1080p and with 60fps.
It's not.

And comments like "Well, you aren't getting Heavy Rain/Beyond, HOW ABOUT THAT? YOU JELLY PC GAMER???" or "You wouldn't even have any games if not for the console market" are missing the point by a mile (see:those silly last replies from Represent. as a good example).

A lot of people into PC gaming aren't there for hi-res console ports, nor are looking for the next COD/FIFA.
They are there for stuff like ARMA III, Mount & Blade 2, Star Citizen, just to name a few.


"But he started it!!!"

Come on.....
This is what keeps me away from PC gaming.

Granted , there are a bunch of different attitudes and personality types among console gamers, but almost every PC centric gamer I've come across, especially on GAf reminds me of Totalbiscuit.

That is a terrible thing.

I'm staying far away from any scene where that kind of "everything you like is wrong" elitism is commonplace.

If Pc gamers are totalbiscuit, the console only owners trying to detract from the PC with the usual easily refuted claims come across like darksydephil with their absolutely stunning ignorance.


I've tried getting into PC gaming a few times. it I always find it to be an inferior experience overall.

PC has great advantages, but it isn't for everybody. there's PC gamers. console gamers. handheld gamers. tablet gamers. smartphone gamers. I fall in the middle of the spectrum with console and handheld being my preferred, tablet and PC being secondary.

also the master race mentality that you find on the internet makes me even less optimistic about trying it.
Not sure if serious. Are you reading a different thread? I can certainly recommend to someone that buying the PS4 would be a good purchase for them without evangelizing. For some people a console IS a better choice as hard as that is to believe for some of you. It is a whole different thing to make a thread with the proposition that every hardcore gamer should make the PC their "home base", which necessarily implies that you are not a "hardcore" gamer if you make a console your "home base". To be fair, I don't think the OP was phantom trolling, it was probably just a poor choice of words.)
And yes, console-only owners can be beyond ridiculous as well, but right now we're in a PC thread that has once again turned into a PC superiority thread.

all the points that OP made (damn i'm bad with names) are true. why aren't PC players allowed to share with the rest their platform of choice and the good that comes with it.
if all we ever focused on was the bad, we'd never play video games period (YLOD RROD, PSN hacked for a month, etc.)

all I see in this thread is people that used the PC platform X number of years and announce to the rest of the forum that that's the way PC gaming has always been full of bugs and it takes three hours to play a game, blatantly ignoring posts by other people when they tell them otherwise. some just outright lie.

PS3 and 360 players this gen shitted from a great height all over the Wii for being "kiddie" or weak but when PC gamers point out why the PC platform beats the HD twins people all of a sudden like to say that PC players are elitist.

Lol how in anyway is this "trolling"? Because we have different opinions?

blatant trolling = something like "pc sux lmao"

Having to wait for who knows how long for GTAV matters to me, I am hyped as shit for that game.

And I have never even heard of Star Citizen, so I wont comment on it.

so i'm to assume you've never played a game on the and just assume their games are crap, that is the forum definition of trolling, or trying to get a rise out of people.


None of my friends game on PC, therefore i have no interest in the platform.

Im not kidding either, i dont have a single friend who uses the PC as their primary gaming platform. Most of them use PS3 and the others have a 360. I guess maybe its because the genres we like the most (Fighting, Racing, Platforming) are where the PC is the weakest.
I find this the most compelling argument for sticking to any platform. Games are a social outlet for me, I rarely delve into single player experiences. When I do, I generally do it while on mumble or sitting on the couch with my wife. Even if the PC market was absolute crap and the worst possible platform, then I still wouldn't leave because my greater social circle is made up of PC gamers.

But, fighting, racing, and platforming certainly aren't PC's weakness. *Maybe* platformers, but with the explosion of the indie scene, even that is really questionable.
Wiimotes work on PC. Not just Wiimote-like controllers like the Razer Hydra. Actual Wiimotes.

ZombiU looks awesome and if/when I get a WiiU, I will get it immediately. But tablet integration or second monitor support would do that just as well.

I believe some progress has been made in using the actual WiiU gamepad with the Pc.
EDIT: Although they don't sell them sepertely, so it's somewhat moot.


Wiimotes work on PC. Not just Wiimote-like controllers like the Razer Hydra. Actual Wiimotes.

ZombiU looks awesome and if/when I get a WiiU, I will get it immediately. But tablet integration or second monitor support would do that just as well.

This is true, but those experiences couldn't/didn't happen on the PC natively. That's why for the ZombieU example, I stated that the experience couldn't be replicated on another single platform. And as far as wiimotes on PC are concerned, dolphin had to be created and iterated on in order to replicate the WiiSports experience which still feels best on its native platform.

I wasn't arguing that the PC can't emulate practically any gaming experience given the right hardware and peripherals. My point is that exclusives are great and shine particularly when they utilize what is unique about the platform it's on.

To the OP, I think every enthusiast gamer, whatever platform of choice they have, should also be a PC gamer.


GTX 780
Core i7-3770k

PC for all multiplat games, Nintendo for exclusives. Sony for JRPG's.


Thanks for your expert analysis. All it lacked was something about "coded to the metal" and "8GBGDDR5."
Your PC cannot match the bandwidth of the PS4 over 8GB of addressable space. Regardless of your GPU bandwidth, it would have to swap data between the main PC DDR3 memory and the GPU memory, with a bandwidth much less than what the Xbone has, never mind the PS4.

Until you get >7GB GDDR5 GPU's, this problem exists.

Also if you like FIFA, PC is the inferior version, it didn't get the new engine in 2012, and it won't get in 2014 either. It lags a year (or more) behind.


Not necessarily, particularly if it utilizes the platform it is exclusive to in a way that allows it to feel completely unique compared to it being on multiple platforms.

What comes to mind to me immediately is ZombieU. Sure the game can be made multiplatform, but the use of the Gamepad created a whole other level of tension and immersion for me that not only added to the overall experience and how I played, but also could not be experienced the same on any other single platform.

WiiSports is another example.

Yeah, but you have to admit...the majority of big name exclusives don't do that at all, and the games that do use the various exclusive motion control methods for each console are mostly shovelware.
There's honestly no reason why Uncharted cannot be on Xbox, and no reason why Gears of War can't be on Playstation.


Your PC cannot match the bandwidth of the PS4 over 8GB of addressable space. Regardless of your GPU bandwidth, it would have to swap data between the main PC DDR3 memory and the GPU memory, with a bandwidth much less than what the Xbone has, never mind the PS4.

Until you get >7GB GDDR5 GPU's, this problem exists.
PS4 GPU is 176GB/s. Any gtx 600 or AMD 7000 or higher GPU is well over 200GB/s (my new gtx 780 is 285GB/s)

I'm sure you're just joking though.
The OP would be better simplified with this:


The only exception are exclusives though, which boils down to personal preferences.

It's so depressing how people keep citing this as some sort of rallying cry when Yahtzee's original intent with it was to lampoon the arrogance of certain segments of the PC gaming fanbase.


What you are describing is called the internet. Go to any product's website or any forum and you will find hundreds of people complaining about problems with the product. I'm not saying these problems are not real. I am saying they are not representative of a day to day usage of the product.

Your logic is correct but compare the number of users reporting technical problems in official threads of pc games with the one in official threads of console games here in neogaf..

We could start debating if the effort needed to resolve these kind of problems is just a little annoiance of if it is unbereable but that's subjective.


It's so depressing how people keep citing this as some sort of rallying cry when Yahtzee's original intent with it was to lampoon the arrogance of certain segments of the PC gaming fanbase.

I've only ever seen its wide adoption as ironic. Does anyone really take it seriously?


Not that i agree with the OP, but I don't think I can go back to consoles for my primary means of gaming. 60fps and juicy IQ is too important to me now (especially the former), not to mention all the other known pros.

There are definitely some significant downsides to PC though. For me, the thing I miss most about 360 is the size and structure of the multiplayer community. BF3 is pretty good for PC, but Dark Souls is rather abysmal....


You don't understand because the console evangelizing is so normal and natural to the point that it is invisible to you.

Sorry, i've never seen a thread where someone tries to convince pc users to go console only here on neogaf.
If you have a tablet or smartphone, that will work. If you're talking about controlling the OS. If non-controller input alongside your controller is a problem, well, I have something sad to tell you about the next Xbox...

I don't plan to get the next Xbox. Or to be clearer, that console will never enter my home.


Why would you do Tri-Crossfire? That is just dumb.

I had 4, took one out to make another PC.

I have no problems with Tri-fire, drivers are fine, games are fine.

Plus I use 1-3 120hz monitors...next assuming question.

And you are running?


The Detective
Looks like this thread has ended up like all threads like this end up, full of console fanboys saying moronic crap about keyboard and mouse being bad or some such other BS.


so much FUD in this thread.

i used to be the biggest console advocate since i was very young. had every console since the atarti 2600 pretty much. always looked down on the pc as a gaming device.

had friends always try to get me into it. i used to think the same garbage as others do "zomg constantly upgrading, no controller support LOL kb/m is for text editing not gaming, 3000 dollar entry price no thanks"

i bought my second gaming pc about 5 years ago. back then, it cost me $1500 AUD (probably less than 900USD fwiw). this pc STILL runs 99% of "console" games in 1080p/60fps on high if not ultra depending on the game. there has been no upgrading of any kind since then. and since day one it has absolutely DEMOLISHED what consoles can output.

i have a ps3 for the exclusives, and i used to play my 360 all the time before that. it was my main gaming machine. but since then, the pc is the gaming machine. bar none. 360 collects dusts apart from a few rentals for the big games, and the ps3 less so but still finds itself barely turned on.

there is no elitist attitude coming from me, but if you can afford it, i couldnt recommend a gaming pc enough. its flexible, cheaper in the long run with all the DD sales than consoles are, free online, there are just too many perks. and most games now support controller now anyway so that is another FUD point.

im glad i took the plunge and changed my admittedly closed minded opinion on pc games and gaming back then (lol i play gamez not RTS chess style games kthx) because i really do feel like high framerates and IQ impact gameplay a LOT and pc is pretty much the only place where you are guaranteed both.


Tell me about Mass Effect 3.

Mass Effect 3 is the third entry in the popular Mass Effect franchise from EA and Bioware. ME3 was released to very mixed reviews due to the nature in which the story is concluded. Though the gameplay is very similar to its predecessor, Mass Effect 2, it is the first game in the series to include multiplayer.


PS4 GPU is 176GB/s. Any gtx 600 or AMD 7000 or higher GPU is well over 200GB/s (my new gtx 780 is 285GB/s)

I'm sure you're just joking though.

Read my post carefully and reply again.
Not talking about the GPU memory bandwidth. You can't access 8 (well 7) GB of it with that bandwidth on the PC until they make GPU's with 8GB GDDR5. After the 2 or 4GB you have onboard was finished, the remaining 3-5GB would have to be loaded to the GPU memory from the main DDR3 memory or disk, much slower than 176GB/s.
Mass Effect 3 is the third entry in the popular Mass Effect franchise from EA and Bioware. ME3 was released to very mixed reviews due to the nature in which the story is concluded. Though the gameplay is very similar to its predecessor, Mass Effect 2, it is the first game in the series to include multiplayer.

Well played. You win this round.
I can't understand why PC gamers have to defend every issue with PC gaming. Defending real issues is not going to sway people to play games on the PC. For instance, the controller. I'm sorry guys but not every current game supports a controller, and not everyone wants to deal with third party software to configure it to work. Not everyone keeps their PC in the same room as the TV either, so connecting them may be in issue for many. That's just one minor issue, there are many more, one very important one is exclusives that are only on consoles. I could go on and on and I'm sure most PC gamers will deny or come up with some excuse as to why I'm wrong about every factual issue on PC. Keep on preaching your denial and people will keep on buying consoles.

Steam is taking PC gaming in the right direction, but it has a long way to go.

You know just as a current example I purchased than GTA package they had on steam and GTA3, GTAVC, and GTASA simply won't run on my PC. Even at 640x480 I get massive slowdown and glitches. Don't tell me to update my drivers, don't tell me to delete some special file or tweak some ini settings. Don't even bother trying to convince me I can play the game on a PS2 emulator, the lag is absolutely atrocious and setting the stuff up is far from user friendly. I'll just get the Xbox versions and upscale them on the 360.


The Detective
Read my post carefully and reply again.
Not talking about the GPU memory bandwidth. You can't access 8 (well 7) GB of it with that bandwidth on the PC until they make GPU's with 8GB GDDR5. After the 2 or 4GB you have onboard was finished, the remaining 3-5GB would have to be loaded to the GPU memory from the main DDR3 memory or disk, much slower than 176GB/s.

You would not need a Graphics card with 8GB of RAM to keep up with the PS4, Graphics cards don't have to store the all the game data and an OS like the PS4 and Xbone do.
Been enjoying competitive MP with COD/BF3 on the PC with a controller all those years?

Why would anyone do that?

There are some games that separates the kb+m players and the controller-users though. The only problem is that no one ever wants to use a controller for competitive gaming.
I can't understand why PC gamers have to defend every issue with PC gaming. Defending real issues is not going to sway people to play games on the PC. For instance, the controller. I'm sorry guys but not every current game supports a controller, and not everyone wants to deal with third party software to configure it to work. Not everyone keeps their PC in the same room as the TV either, so connecting them may be in issue for many. That's just one minor issue, there are many more, one very important one is exclusives that are only on consoles. I could go on and on and I'm sure most PC gamers will deny or come up with some excuse as to why I'm wrong about every factual issue on PC. Keep on preaching your denial and people will keep on buying consoles.

Steam is taking PC gaming in the right direction, but it has a long way to go.

You know just as a current example I purchased than GTA package they had on steam and GTA3, GTAVC, and GTASA simply won't run on my PC. Even at 640x480 I get massive slowdown and glitches. Don't tell me to update my drivers, don't tell me to delete some special file or tweak some ini settings. Don't even bother trying to convince me I can play the game on a PS2 emulator, the lag is absolutely atrocious and setting the stuff up is far from user friendly. I'll just get the Xbox versions and upscale them on the 360.

as much as I love Steam, it's actually taking it too far into the console side, the whole point of PC gaming is DYI. (at leasta s far as hardware)
as for your problem... huh. don't know what to tell you.


I love how in PC threads every console gamer seems to exclusively play obscure Japanese games.

Three questions:

Why "exclusively"?

Are you suggesting that they're lying about their tastes?

Do you not think there are a bunch of Japanese console-only games or something?

Are you implying that Nihon Falcom is a doujin game studio? Holy shit.

Just because they're older games doesn't mean they are doujin games.

Nah, I should have used the world "smaller" instead of "doujin". Or "Satazius" instead of "Ys" or something.

The reason I brought the series up was to point out that there's a recent surge of existing Japanese PC games that are getting localized (many of which ARE "doujin") and some are misconstruing that as Japanese developers being more active on the platform.
as much as I love Steam, it's actually taking it too far into the console side, the whole point of PC gaming is DYI. (at leasta s far as hardware)
as for your problem... huh. don't know what to tell you.

For me personally, I like PC gaming for the graphics first and the occasional mod second. 60fps @ 1080 on my CRT is oh so purdy. So it really depends on the game itself as to which version I get. I mean, I can rent a short single player console game from redbox or gamefly and come out cheaper than PC. I can't play Uncharted on PC at all. But stuff like MMO's I won't play on anything but PC.

I recently picked up Skyrim for PC since I knew mods would make it look and play far beyond what consoles could do for it. Game is amazing on a CRT at 60 fps with a 360 controller. Oddly enough I got Tomb Raider for PS3, which looks as clear and clean as a glass bell on a nice HD CRT, wonderful game. I would have got it for PC but, wasn't sure how my 460 and Phenom II quad would fare.
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