Then it's a matter of semantics.But it is technically a more powerful system, even if it's very slight. It's running a 4800g, which isn't all that more powerful. The big problem with Microsoft is their API. Sony's seemed to be way more performant with better through-put using the limited power of the RAM and CPU.
Ultimately, DF ran with it and kept being 'surprised' how close both systems are all the time.
It's easy to hide biases behind technical aspects, but that's where the FUD comes into play.I don't care either way as a PC user who is glad that platform agnosticism is finally becoming a normal thing, but I can't see Bagliatelli purposefully spreading misinfo as he clearly doesn't care about the console race either, and has a track record of being way more interested in raw technical deconstruction.
Fact is, he was part of the Discord, Spencer discussed the differences with DF and both were wrong about actual performances of both systems.
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