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Why the PC Should Become The Home Base for Every HardCore Gamer


I will never understand the urge of PC owners to "evangelize" console-only owners into buying a PC. These threads always mistakenly assume that some people can't possibly be happy owning just a console or need to be educated about "true" gaming. It's time to give it a rest.


Great OP, thank you for the time. Many are misinterpreting it seems, this is not an anti-console thread, it is just a suggestion for previous console only gamers to try building a PC and embracing the work and hobbyist aspects of it. It can be quite fun after all, and PC is in some ways the most direct and timeless way to play games.

It's not either / or!


No, but thank you.

I trust the PS4, with its more advanced and efficient architecture, thanks to its closed box GPGPU and 8GB GDDR5 unified RAM, to provide the more hardcore experiences for the hardcore gamer this coming gen.
I swear this could be a hilarious Sony press release without even editing a single word.


The PC is great if you're a hobbyist. I'm not. Gaming's not my hobby; for me it's the latest and newest form of entertainment/art like movies, music, or books. I'm a perfectionist, so I usually would spend hours configuring, optimizing, and troubleshooting a PC game to get it performing at its best. With consoles, all of that stuff has already been done for you.

Imagine if you had to tinker with your hardware/software just to read a book without skipping any pages or watch a movie without any slowdown, and you had to do this for every new book/movie. This is what PC gaming was like for me. I'm a programmer, so I enjoy doing that stuff for work. But just to have fun or experience a creative work? Fuck no, I ain't going back.

Mind you, I haven't PC gamed since 2007, and I've heard things have gotten more hassle-free since then. Still, when you consider all the variables involved with so many different PCs, there's just too much chance of something performing unoptimally on your PC. And I'm too OCD to accept that.

Old-school games are another story. No problems there, since you know it's going to run near flawlessly on max settings.

Edit: I'm willing to give PC gaming another shot, but I need the PC to be portable, but still upgradeable. Preferably no bigger than a fat PS3. Any suggestions?
It had better be, otherwise you wouldn't last October.

Willing to bet you don't. My four year old gaming rig demolished my xbox 360. The latter still plays games fine, unlike the former.

Mayhaps you need to lower the settings on newer games nowadays to the settings they run at on consoles. A lot of them now have settings like tesselation and ubersampling and shit that is designed to take advantage of cutting edge hardware.


Toparaman I have had far more technical issues on a console than I ever have running a game on a PC. Framerate issues, hardware failures, etc etc.

To the OP I say bravo. PC gaming has been and always will be the best gaming experience if you are willing to put the time in and learn about the platform.
All the best games are consoles.



I think everyone who appreciates gaming (not just "hard core" gamers -- I actually think using that word in the title does a disservice to the thread) should fight tooth and nail for open platforms.
The advantages are too numerous and important to ignore.

I mean, I'm not dogmatic about it -- I own consoles because they have exclusives I want to play. But beyond those exclusives I see no advantage at all for the platforms.

Actually I just checked out that link you sent to the OP you created about Open Platforms. I'm going to link it in the OP.


While I might have judged this thread differently awhile back. Now I have to say OP makes a great point. I really agree about the home base idea as well. Ill never drop Console gaming but PC will definitely be my first choice for the multiplats now.

Everything the OP said is truth and its not even coming from a Master Race high ground like some might think.


Anyone using "exclusives" as an argument is full of it. Yes, Uncharted games are exclusive, but they really shouldn't be. It's only because of publisher bullshit that they are, and it's something that all gamers should want changed for next generation.
The main reason i stopped PC gaming was the amount of space it took up.

The desk, monitors and big machine became a bit of a space hog, and as i sit at a desk 8 hours a day for my job i prefer the comforts of kicking back on the sofa with a pad.

Yes i'm aware you can use a Pad for the PC, but when PC gaming i enjoyed tabbing out and browsing the net from time to time.

Having said all that - i do miss playing Starcraft II.


If you read the OP/thread, most of the talk is about it being home base, not the only choice. A lot of frustrated gamers would probably get a lot more out of the hobby if they gave PC gaming a chance. But I'm just as interested in hearing about people's complementary console choices. It took me a while to settle on the 3DS over the Vita, as both plugged slightly different holes in my gaming diet.
That's the issue I'm getting at. For me, there is no "home base" and there shouldn't be for anyone. Play what you want when you want.


Well, in Venezuela, it's basically impossible to build a PC.

Next-gen proof PC: 28000 Bolívares (optimistic) = 4300$

Usual salary: 4000 Bolívares = 615$

So it would take around 7 months of pay (without using any of it) to buy the parts. The other option would be to import, but the bolívares-dollar change is controlled by the goverment so I can only get 400$ a year plus the delivering costs and weight, and it would take around a 20 days to get through the aduana too... impossible, unless I take 2-3 years to buy the parts or ask for someone to lend me their dollars (they won't). Some people sell their dollars, but at a parallel price (28 bolívares = 1$), when the official is 6.5 bolívares = 1$.

Sorry about all the economics data, but just trying to explain that I want to be a PC gamer, but I can't ;_; . I can barely be a console gamer, and a cheap-ass at that. It's really hard to be a Venezuelan gamer.
A real hardcore gamer will own every console and a gaming pc. And it also sucks to have to wait months/years for console ports to the pc.

Naw, I think PC gamers have gotten the attention of Gaming industries ,so now they have gotten absolute superior of releasing first day with consoles now.


Anyone using "exclusives" as an argument is full of it. Yes, Uncharted games are exclusive, but they really shouldn't be. It's only because of publisher bullshit that they are, and it's something that all gamers should want changed for next generation.

So you think that if Sony, Nintendo and MS stopped existing or just made games for all platforms we would have Sony, Nintendo and MS just making the same amount of games but just for every platform? Instead of like 2 of them leaving the industry altogether taking their game investment moneys with them?

Bayonetta 2, Last of Us, Quantum Break etc. are all exclusive because the platform owners behind them fund them with the intention of boosting their own platform. Less platforms = less games I fear.

Naw, I think PC gamers have gotten the attention of Gaming industries ,so now they have gotten absolute superior of releasing first day with consoles now.

Will you let Ubisoft know? Thanks.


I will never understand why we see so often these evangelizing threads on neogaf by pc users.

First, this is not a "us vs. them" thread of any sort, as I tried to make very clear in the OP.

Second, as to your question about why I "evangelize," well why does anyone? Why do you talk about why you think a particular movie is good or tell a friend that they should check out a game? It is because as human beings we generally like sharing things we enjoy with others and talking about them. Isn't that, after all, the entire point of a message board forum?

What I dont' understand is why you and others have to be all defensive about it. If someone is talking about how cool a game is, you don't feel the need to jump in and go "I don't know why people can't just leave me alone and stop talking about this game" or "I'm perfectly happy with the games I'm playing, thanks!" This is about the specific features of the PC platform and what they offer to gamers and why they should be valued. It, like any other discussion of something that is valued, is not mutually exclusive of valuing other thing things.


Well, in Venezuela, it's basically impossible to build a PC.

Next-gen proof PC: 28000 Bolívares (optimistic) = 4300$

Usual salary: 4000 Bolívares = 615$

So it would take around 7 months of pay (without using any of it) to buy the parts. The other option would be to import, but the bolívares-dollar change is controlled by the goverment so I can only get 400$ a year plus the delivering costs and weight, and it would take around a 20 days to get through the aduana too... impossible, unless I take 2-3 years to buy the parts or ask for someone to lend me their dollars (they won't). Some people sell their dollars, but at a parallel price (28 bolívares = 1$), when the official is 6.5 bolívares = 1$.

Sorry about all the economics data, but just trying to explain that I want to be a PC gamer, but I can't ;_; . I can barely be a console gamer, and a cheap-ass at that. It's really hard to be a Venezuelan gamer.
What about something like paypal?


Well, in Venezuela, it's basically impossible to build a PC.

Next-gen proof PC: 28000 Bolívares (optimistic) = 4300$

Usual salary: 4000 Bolívares = 615$

So it would take around 7 months of pay (without using any of it) to buy the parts. The other option would be to import, but the bolívares-dollar change is controlled by the goverment so I can only get 400$ a year plus the delivering costs and weight, and it would take around a 20 days to get through the aduana too... impossible, unless I take 2-3 years to buy the parts or ask for someone to lend me their dollars (they won't). Some people sell their dollars, but at a parallel price (28 bolívares = 1$), when the official is 6.5 bolívares = 1$.

Sorry about all the economics data, but just trying to explain that I want to be a PC gamer, but I can't ;_; . I can barely be a console gamer, and a cheap-ass at that. It's really hard to be a Venezuelan gamer.

That sounds crazy. Any idea why the mark up on PC parts is so much higher than the mark up on console hardware?
PC gaming is a alternative way to get away from that console complaining that we've all experienced. As, Gamers we have complained to the teeth about the way (KIDS) have took over consoles and competition games COD,GOW,HALO,and etc.Most of the people I've meet in the coming years came back with a $700+ PC to get away from the (KIDDIES) running amok in consoles.Think about it,it is hard for a kid to spent $700 to a $1000 to buy a PC let alone build one. So, with that say PC for the win,don't knock something if you not trying it.


If you're going to put consoles over PC, don't use first-party titles. They aren't indicative of the whole form of console gaming itself but a specific one which get those title purely because the studios are owned by the platform maker. There is no 'choice' in them being exclusives, unlike all other exclusives which are made so because the dev\pub chooses to and thinks the game is best suited for it, including financially.


Toparaman I have had far more technical issues on a console than I ever have running a game on a PC. Framerate issues, hardware failures, etc etc.

You have? Are we talking framerate issues exclusive to your system, or universal framerate issues? Universal framerate issues are a whole other bag of worms. It's become commonplace, but on Gamecube and Wii nearly every game runs at 60 fps.

Even with Dolphin, I doubt the framerate is as smooth for certain games as it is on Wii/Gamecube. Someone correct me if I'm wrong though. Does Galaxy run at 60 fps with no hitches or graphical mishaps?

I upgraded my PC in 2007 just to play Bioshock, exceeded the recommended requirements, and the fucking thing still went sub-20 every time more than two enemies were on screen. Spent hours trying to figure out what the hell was going on. That was the last straw for me.


What about something like paypal?

Well, some people sell their 400$ in paypal, and few people would actually donate. The other option is work for someone outside who would pay you in dollars and deposit in paypal, of course. But that's a long shot.

Never tried it though. Should research a little more, I might have a chance there.

That sounds crazy. Any idea why the mark up on PC parts is so much higher than the mark up on console hardware?

It's usually because there are not enough "official" dollars for the imports, so the parallel price is used instead. So if the official price was used it would cost 6500 Bolivares (much more reasonable), but because of the control and not enough dollars to cover the demand, it's not possible. Even the food is expensive, because almost all of it is imported, and if it's not the stuff it's made with (sugar, salt, etc) is, so the Bolivares is very tied to the parallel dollar, and if the price goes up, every price goes up. And the salary is based in the official, so your income will not be enough in most cases.

About the piracy, it's very common in here, as it is in every country in Latin America. Usually the buhoneros (informal sellers) sell them on the streets or in very small locals. That has been going down, though, because most people use PS3 in here because of the free online and we end up lending games to each others most of the time (that's why the used games restriction for Xbone is so terrifying to everyone here), and as you may know, PS3 basically can't be pirated.
The biggest games on earth are PC exclusives that millions play countless hours of.

If you want exclusives that are in certain genres that are bigger on console, then it makes sense, but even the biggest console games aren't as widely played as often as the biggest PC games. It is just not possible to objectively state that consoles have more/better exclusives.

PC should be the home base for most hardcore gamers. However, where did you read PC has the biggest games on Earth? Miyamoto is one of the greatest designers of all-time and his portfolio isn't filled with PC exclusives.
These threads are always the same. Every complaint laid against PC gaming is given a simple solution or proven false and a new excuse is given. PC gaming isn't for everyone, but at least give good reasons. Here's a good one.
"It doesn't have enough games I'm interested in to justify the cost."
It's too expensive by itself doesn't work, because gamers gonna game and it's not prohibitively expensive.
Mouse and keyboard is dumb, because most 3rd party games support controllers and the ones that don't takes less time to mod then PS3 takes to get day one patches.
Steam is so easy a caveman can do it. It patches for you suggests driver updates. Saying you can't handle PC gaming makes you less capable then my 13yr old daughter.
I've run into problems with games especially in the first week of launch on PC, Xbox and PS3. Hell Skyrim is still broke on PS3.
Last thing is hardware. I saw someone bitching about heat, cleaning dust and fixing heatsink paste like that's a negative. I your PC breaks, you fix it yourself or take it to a local shop, if your console breaks you throw it away or mail it in and lose it for a week or two.
Well, in Venezuela, it's basically impossible to build a PC.

Next-gen proof PC: 28000 Bolívares (optimistic) = 4300$

Usual salary: 4000 Bolívares = 615$

So it would take around 7 months of pay (without using any of it) to buy the parts. The other option would be to import, but the bolívares-dollar change is controlled by the goverment so I can only get 400$ a year plus the delivering costs and weight, and it would take around a 20 days to get through the aduana too... impossible, unless I take 2-3 years to buy the parts or ask for someone to lend me their dollars (they won't). Some people sell their dollars, but at a parallel price (28 bolívares = 1$), when the official is 6.5 bolívares = 1$.

Sorry about all the economics data, but just trying to explain that I want to be a PC gamer, but I can't ;_; . I can barely be a console gamer, and a cheap-ass at that. It's really hard to be a Venezuelan gamer.

Last time I bought a wii game in Venezuela it cost me 300 bolivares (early 2008, so it was actually 300,000 bolivares), how are the prices now for console games? You may still save in the long run and get to play more games with online PC deals.
Sorry, but it's the truth. The functions people used to buy big hulking desktops for can easily be done on a tiny tablet. I know the desktop in our home is the last one we'll ever buy. The average consumer no longer has a need for one.

but we're talking about gamers, that market is fine and dandy.

It had better be, otherwise you wouldn't last October.

Willing to bet you don't. My four year old gaming rig demolished my xbox 360. The latter still plays games fine, unlike the former.

it will last. consoles this gen are starting from behind.


PC should be the home base for most hardcore gamers. However, where did you read PC has the biggest games on Earth? Miyamoto is one of the greatest designers of all-time and his portfolio isn't filled with PC exclusives.
Eh. It's funny because except for Wii U titles (and let's face it, there aren't exactly millions of them right now) there isn't virtually a single Nintendo game that isn't playable on PC in a way or another at this very moment.


These threads are always the same. Every complaint laid against PC gaming is given a simple solution or proven false and a new excuse is given. PC gaming isn't for everyone, but at least give good reasons. Here's a good one.
"It doesn't have enough games I'm interested in to justify the cost."
It's too expensive by itself doesn't work, because gamers gonna game and it's not prohibitively expensive.
Mouse and keyboard is dumb, because most 3rd party games support controllers and the ones that don't takes less time to mod then PS3 takes to get day one patches.
Steam is so easy a caveman can do it. It patches for you suggests driver updates. Saying you can't handle PC gaming makes you less capable then my 13yr old daughter.
I've run into problems with games especially in the first week of launch on PC, Xbox and PS3. Hell Skyrim is still broke on PS3.
Last thing is hardware. I saw someone bitching about heat, cleaning dust and fixing heatsink paste like that's a negative. I your PC breaks, you fix it yourself or take it to a local shop, if your console breaks you throw it away or mail it in and lose it for a week or two.

I'll give you this. PC is probably not for people who don't understand how sentences and paragraphs work.


But what if I want to play regularly e.g. some competitive AAA online FPS? What should be my choice if I don't want to struggle with cheaters?
On console I have Halo/BF3?CoD. Are there pc games free of cheaters/crazy server admins (yes BF, I'm talking to you)?

And dont say TF2, I just hate hats and all this stuff...

PC shits all over console when it comes to competitive online FPS games. The skill cap is infinitely higher.


You all have made some very valid points about exclusive titles. And yeah MMO and RTS games are pretty exclusive to PC with millions upon millions of players.


First, this is not a "us vs. them" thread of any sort, as I tried to make very clear in the OP.

Second, as to your question about why I "evangelize," well why does anyone? Why do you talk about why you think a particular movie is good or tell a friend that they should check out a game? It is because as human beings we generally like sharing things we enjoy with others and talking about them. Isn't that, after all, the entire point of a message board forum?

What I dont' understand is why you and others have to be all defensive about it. If someone is talking about how cool a game is, you don't feel the need to jump in and go "I don't know why people can't just leave me alone and stop talking about this game" or "I'm perfectly happy with the games I'm playing, thanks!" This is about the specific features of the PC platform and what they offer to gamers and why they should be valued. It, like any other discussion of something that is valued, is not mutually exclusive of valuing other thing things.

When i had the time to own and use all the platforms i wanted i had a gaming pc. That means starting from 1992 till 2007. Then i grow bored of all the time wasting activities that you have to endure to play on a pc. As i said before in a thread really similar to this, when i happen to read pc games threads here on neogaf i read the same problems i used to deal with when i was gaming on pc. Crashes, ini editing, vidcard drivers, you name it. Unluckily all of these problems are for some strange reason never talked about in threads like this by the thread opener and by the people who support his point of view.

I find that annoying, for different reasons. One is that it shows that the thread opener thinks that his audience does not know what he's talking about, and second shows that he's not being honest while talking about the subject.

You're not alone in that, every single thread opened to show the world that the PC is the best thing in the world does not talk about that. That's strange, because usually that is the first reason why people who used pc for years grow bored of the platform.

having said that, that is not the only reason to pass on pc gaming today of course.


Bioshock wasn't a great port. It kind of hails from an era of bad ports, though. The current state of things is very scalable games. I ran Sleeping Dogs at medium/high settings on my 2010 mid range rig at 60 FPS, for example.

Dolphin is one of the best emulators around. While it is by no means perfect, generally far higher resolutions and 60 FPS is what you're getting on any modern gaming PC. Check out the Dolphin and PCSX2 threads on GAF, they will make your jaw drop.

That's my problem though. I remember for a while that Skyward Sword's blurring effect wasn't working properly on Dolphin. That's the kind of thing that would drive me nuts. I'm always looking for the purest experience, as the developers intended.


When i had the time to own and use all the platforms i wanted i had a gaming pc. That means starting from 1992 till 2007. Then i grow bored of all the time wasting activities that you have to endure to play on a pc. As i said before in a thread really similar to this, when i happen to read pc games threads here on neogaf i read the same problems i used to deal with when i was gaming on pc. Crashes, ini editing, vidcard drivers, you name it. Unluckily all of these problems are for some strange reason never talked about in threads like this by the thread opener and by the people who support his point of view.

I find that annoying, for different reasons. One is that it shows that the thread opener thinks that his audience does not know what he's talking about, and second shows that he's not being honest while talking about the subject.

You're not alone in that, every single thread opened to show the world that the PC is the best thing in the world does not talk about that. That's strange, because usually that is the first reason why people who used pc for years grow bored of the platform.

having said that, that is not the only reason to pass on pc gaming today of course.

What you are describing is called the internet. Go to any product's website or any forum and you will find hundreds of people complaining about problems with the product. I'm not saying these problems are not real. I am saying they are not representative of a day to day usage of the product.

And they simply are not. That is not dishonest. If you are having problems with drivers and crashes on a day to day basis, then you have a problem with hardware or your windows installation, not a problem with PC gaming in general. Problems crop up from time to time, yes. But they aren't that common and generally a trip to google can solve most of them in a matter of minutes. I'm not trying to be deceptive or insult anyone's intelligence but I sincerely question someone who believes it is too much work to type something into google once every week or two when they run into an oddity.

I mean, I play ALOT of PC games. Typically I'm trying out a couple of new games a week and play for around 20 hours or so a week. I would say on average maybe once every two weeks I have to look something up when I run into a weird glitch or error message. Everything else is automatic. My virus program automatically updates and scans, Steam automatically downloads game updates and has them ready when I play. Soluto automatically tracks my system's health and gives me a report etc. I'm pretty confident this is more typical than the scenario you are describing.


Last time I bought A wii game in Venezuela it cost me 300 bolivares (early 2008, so it was actually 300,000 bolivares), how are the prices now for console games? You may still save in the long run and get to play more games with online PC deals.

Around 2000 bolivares a new game, and it doesn't go down, I don't know why, maybe trying to rip you off.

I usually buy new games with the 400$ I get each year. What I'm thinking of doing now is save up the dollars in gift cards in Amazon and amount around 800$ in two years to buy a decent PC, but that would be two years without buying any games at all and I can't take that lol.

A salary usually goes to buying food and basic needs (barely). My family food costs is around 3000 bolívares a month and our income is around 10000-12000 range, plus the basic needs we have 2000 bolívares that would go for emergencies and such, so I can't exactly save up either (we are 4 in my family by the way), and we actually have decent income compared to others (the minimum salary is around 2500 bolivares right now)
None of my friends game on PC, therefore i have no interest in the platform.

Im not kidding either, i dont have a single friend who uses the PC as their primary gaming platform. Most of them use PS3 and the others have a 360. I guess maybe its because the genres we like the most (Fighting, Racing, Platforming) are where the PC is the weakest.
The main reason i stopped PC gaming was the amount of space it took up.

The desk, monitors and big machine became a bit of a space hog, and as i sit at a desk 8 hours a day for my job i prefer the comforts of kicking back on the sofa with a pad.

Yes i'm aware you can use a Pad for the PC, but when PC gaming i enjoyed tabbing out and browsing the net from time to time.

Having said all that - i do miss playing Starcraft II.

There are comfy office chairs available too!
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