Okay after a long evening I finally got everything set up.
The initial patch was incredibly painful, it took THREE HOURS on a connection where I can usually download a 1.20gb file in around 5 mins.
Really liked the UI, whilst a little slow it looks very slick and Hi Def.
Had a quick try of Mario, seems strange to view it in HD but it looked so sharp and colourful!
Gamepad is awesome, really nicely designed. Tried it in the room above the Wii U and whilst it disconnected going up the stairs once I reached the room above the Wii U it reconnected and seemed to be stable.
Had a scan of the eShop, linked my Club Nintendo and watched a few vids. Trine 2 looks very good can anyone confirm if its worth getting?
Also I didnt realise that Mario would play on the TV and the Gamepad screen at the same time, I assumed it would be one or the other, am I doing it wrong?
All in all Im very impressed, it doesnt need to have the spec of the PS3 and Xbox360, Nintendo are doing their own thing and when you play a 3D Mario or Zelda on this beast you wont care!
EDIT: I really feel for parents who buy this and set it up on Christmas Day. The set up process and update are pretty lengthy so little Jonny with have a LONG wait, they need to get these consoles out with the update already installed.