I don't quite get what some of these publishers were thinking with these releases and prices. While I don't think there was ever going to be any real success, I figured at least someone would go the extra mile and try to capture some kind of niche or expanded fanbase, even if the likelihood of success was fairly dismal.
Would have been neat to see certain games packed in with their prequels. Like Mass Effect and Assassin's Creed trilogies, both Darksiders games, etc.
Or just reduce prices to at least something reasonable. To put it into perspective right as Arkham City came out on Wii U for 60 dollars, I bought and gifted an Arkham Asylum GOTY and Arkham City GOTY dual pack on PC to a friend for 7 dollars. I've seen sameish deep discounts on them for consoles as well.
Coulda probably got a fair few impulse buys and double dips by releasing a 30 dollar dual pack that's also 24.99 on the eShop or something.