Man, this game. I gotta say, I love the explorer path and I love the combat, but there's just too much going on visually for me. I can only play for about 30 minutes before I feel overwhelmed and log out. I'm only the second zone because of this.
As an example, I took a quest to kill some guys in an area. Ok, I start doing that then a challenge pops up to kill more of those guys, awesome. Then some NPC starts talking to me taking up the top portion of my screen and I can't close it. I don't know what he was saying, because I was busy trying to complete the challenge. At the same time the communicator button that shows when you've completed a quest and can phone in the completion pops up, and I have no idea which quest I've just completed. Then I get a communicator thing popping up from Dead Eye, probably about a new quest. At the same time I see there's interactive objects for some quest. I finally finish fighting the mobs and I take a step and suddenly I get a message saying new quests for exploration are available. This all happens within 2 minutes.
I constantly feel like I'm missing information because it pops up while I'm doing other stuff. It's just a barrage on you, and while probably intentional, I just can't handle it. It's too bad because, like I said, I really do enjoy the combat and premise of the game.