You're living up to your screen name right now. (Edit There's no image or info, ?!)
You're living up to your screen name right now. (Edit There's no image or info, ?!)
What the hell does this mean.
I never bothered cooking, is there any point?
I never bothered cooking, is there any point?
Also those snail mobs really fuck up my framerate, I get massive freeze everytime they do a telegraph. Is it normal?
It's only 2.4 plat on Orias.
So i just realized that you can group and chat with people on other servers. /invite name@servername means you can party and queue up with others. That is completely awesome. We should get some cross-server veteran runs going.
Can't start the game up this morning,
"Failed to connect to patch server"
Anyone else, or just me?
Can't start the game up this morning,
"Failed to connect to patch server"
Anyone else, or just me?
Can't start the game up this morning,
"Failed to connect to patch server"
Anyone else, or just me?
The ones by the pools?
I manage to get a free guest pass, and I activated it.
When the 7 days countdown starts? When I activate the code or when I start playing with my account? I have exams until wednesday and I don't want to waste a lot of days.
All of them, I first noticed it in Algoroc, but the ones in Whitevale do the same thing. They start doing a special move where they throw goop all around them and the framerate goes into the decimal...
The level 42 story quest is bugged to all hell. Can't complete it. Sucks.
fffffffffFFFFffff, sometimes these disconnects come at the worst time. 4-0 rofl stomping dominion in ranked battleground, easy 20 points, then instant disconnect.
Also tried to tank an adventure last night (malgrave trail), after clearing one of the last areas we decided to break camp and we never got the prompt to keep on going (usually you can talk to the caravan leader and you're given a choice), extremely annoying. Should I be wasting my time in veteran adventures or go straight to veteran dungeons? Tanking the adventure seemed easy and the loot wasn't a big upgrade.
If you haven't done any adventures...idk it's literally impossible for the upgrades not to be there. Malgrave is the longest one, and it's rough. If you try to take pvp gear or fresh 50 blue/greens from quests/vendors you'll probably die a lot in dungeons.
If you haven't done any adventures...idk it's literally impossible for the upgrades not to be there. Malgrave is the longest one, and it's rough. If you try to take pvp gear or fresh 50 blue/greens from quests/vendors you'll probably die a lot in dungeons.
Veteran Adventures are so tedious, not at all what I want from this game.
Upgrades are few and far between, it's so obnoxious that you have to get gold for an epic to drop.
Is WotW still bugged/confusing? I get random objectives that make no sense or don't show up on the map. Kill the marked elite? No one is marked!
The site for the Orias guild on Dominion side is down.
Yeah, the site is back up. No real answer to why it was down, just was told it got sorted by the host.Yeah the site and mumble server are up and down a bit lately.
No Esper changes
I hope they announce something soon.
Changes? It's the strongest pvp class and a perfectly viable pve class. Has the highest positional skill cap in pve but conversely is tied with warrior for controlled burst; the most valuable type of dps in Wildstar.
It has very mild qol issues but the esper is a powerful, misunderstood class. Was glad to see lots of new dominion espers when I was running void prison for recipes.
I was under the impression the reason people aren't satisfied with esper was because they have to stand still to even do any meaningful amount of damage.
Changes? It's the strongest pvp class and a perfectly viable pve class. Has the highest positional skill cap in pve but conversely is tied with warrior for controlled burst; the most valuable type of dps in Wildstar.
It has very mild qol issues but the esper is a powerful, misunderstood class. Was glad to see lots of new dominion espers when I was running void prison for recipes.
The level 42 story quest is bugged to all hell. Can't complete it. Sucks.
Changes? It's the strongest pvp class and a perfectly viable pve class. Has the highest positional skill cap in pve but conversely is tied with warrior for controlled burst; the most valuable type of dps in Wildstar.
It has very mild qol issues but the esper is a powerful, misunderstood class. Was glad to see lots of new dominion espers when I was running void prison for recipes.
Carthh, this is a well thought out and constructed post (I expect nothing less from you tbh). It's funny I was actually talking to Timetravel about the Esper DPS rotation earlier this morning after watching you guys raid Saturday and Sunday this weekend. I agree that there are quite a few things we can do to improve it and most the ideas you listed are in fact on our radar and things we are looking into updating/tweaking in a very similar fashion.
I can't exactly say when the changes will go live but I can promise you I am looking into it. The changes we do end up making won't be making it in before launch but I really do hope we can get it in by Patch 2 at the earliest.