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Will Sony Go The Same Path As Nvidia Now That They Will Longer Have Direct Competition As A Console Seller?


Hard to Kill
Your point all the way to my first reply is Nvidia has competition and still raised price.. I don't read anywhere in your original post that Sony has more competition. I read your post that Sony will raise prices because Nvidia did. I'm not sure if I understand your post correctly but basically, for me, Nvidia has little to no competition. Sony does and will. So basically no, I do not agree with Mister Wolf Mister Wolf 's original post.

Sony has competition and Nintendo & Microsoft is competition. Anyone arguing otherwise is... I don't know, not seeing the big picture?

Ask Sony how they felt when they launched Horizon Zero Dawn a week before Zelda BOTW released on *Nintendo not competition* Switch. Believe me they felt it. Same for a Mario game, etc.

Even if Microsoft ends up 100% 3rd party (which they won't), it would still be competition. All games are competing against each others for a given week/month/quarter. Microsoft will unquestionably become a giant publisher with all the studios they bought. Releasing a game every ~2~3 months eventually, that's competition against every other publishers.
Oh then we probably misunderstood eachother, it simply meant that competion does not prevent x company from raising prices (sony did just like nvidia).So I don't think that if MS exited the hardware business sony would raise price because of that even moreso learning from their ps3 mistake and that they have competition with nintendo.That's why I didn't understand why you would argue while agreeing, but maybe my first post wasn't clear enough, since english isn''t myt native language sometimes the point get lost in translation.
Drunk Bill Murray GIF


Gold Member
Sony already treats their customers like shit. But they release a good game or two every year to keep them mollified. It will be more of the same. Your best bet is to go PC.
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First we have a thread about Nintendo having to do some kinda of desperate response because of Microsoft.
Now we have here one that ignores the fact that Nintendo also competes with Sony simply because of dumb power shit.
Whats next? One that says Nintendo needs to follow whatever the trend Microsoft and Sony will do because thats only way they gonna survive? Or the typical "enjoy high prices now fellas"? You guys are on fire with those autistic threads.

And for those using that argument of "stop believing that Sony wouldn't do this", don't worry. Pretty sure people would be pretty happy to move on to Nintendo as only console, myself included.


Sony already treats their customers like shit. But they release a good game or two every year to keep them mollified. It will be more of the same. Your best bet is to go PC.
Its not possible to sell a game that you dont like on pc.
Pc is already digital only.
This is still possible with most console games.
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Projection much?
Projection of what exactly? Go back through my entire post history if you like, find evidence of me console warring. I swear, you people just make things up half the time.

My post is about the reality of what happens when a PLC has no direct competition.
This is very premature. I'm pretty sure Xbox isn't just shutting down and going home. They make billions on third party game and add-on sales, and I doubt they want to give that up. Now whether their strategy works well or they end up being as small a part of the market as AMD currently is I don't know.
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