Why would anyone be concerned about a good game coming out? I'm just going to express my concern by buying it.
I think we all know why
Why would anyone be concerned about a good game coming out? I'm just going to express my concern by buying it.
It doesn't, but it needs to stop having to bleed profits just to compete.
I doubt a new banjo or battletoads is going to do anything.
I apologize, there will be people that buy a console for those, but it will be background noise.An entire generation grew up with Rare and have been clamoring for a new Conker or Banjo and to a lesser extent a new Battletoads. Come on. You know people that are on the fence would pick up an Xbone if it had either of those three sequels.
It doesn't, but it needs to stop having to bleed profits just to compete.
Yet there still very much behind..As a gamer it would be nice to have one of there bigger games to play outside of a 2-3 month window...They sold 600k more than the ps4 in those 2 months.
Thats their excuse.
Well we don't know if it is profitable or not.
I think people should be more worried about the fact that this generation is not going to grow like many investors thought it would.
That completes ignores all context.
The 360 dominated in NA and the UK, selling more than the Wii in both (iirc, may be wrong). They outsold the PS3 2 to 1. Furthermore, they did very solid numbers in Europe and other parts of the world. Finally. KINECT gave them a very big and very needed boost mid way through the gen, which allowed them to reach the install base they did.
The X1 us practically on life support outside the UK and US. It's get ten outsold easily in the UK and in the US it's still getting beaten even though it's cheaper and comes with free games.
The X1 is facing massive contractions of install base in the US and UK. They'll be lucky to do half as well as the 360 did. And in the rest of the world it will be irrelevant unlike the 360.
Seriously, any prediction that pegs it at anywhere over 50 million lifetime is, at this point, somewhat absurd (barring some kind of miracle).
This Gen will mirror the PS1 generarion.
PS1 = PS4 (90-105 million)
N64 = X1 (35-45 million)
Saturn = Wii U (15-20 million)
The X1 will fall behind hard and fast eventually. The first couple of years for the 360 were not all that great, plus the 360 had 9 years to get to that point, a luxury the X1 won't have.
This reminds me of Nintendo saying the 3DS was tracking ahead of the DS for the first few years like it was some big success.
See Kinect isn't really a "feature" in the eyes of the public. And anybody who visits a store will get, that the No-Kinect X1 is cheaper because there is no Kinect that comes with it.
The different boxes sit right next to each other.
I also think that maintaining value is an argument if you compare cars (Audi vs Hyundai) but for consoles.... idk
MS strategy should be to get as many ppl as possible on XBL and recoup the money lost by price cutting thru digital distribution and build a customer base for the next console.
Xbox brand < PS brand has already been confirmed, so getting back to the perception of the 360 (cheaper, better OS, games, online infrastructure) is the only way to remedy this massive launch screw up.
All the money ends up in microsofts pocket anyway so the Xbox brand still has a holiday season to itself and it will sell more on the Xbox one.
I think last Holiday Season was the defining one for Xbox One. They did everything they could to take back the US and didn't come particularly close, although November looked like they had a shot.
It doesn't, but it needs to stop having to bleed profits just to compete.
"Rise of the Tomb Raider" is a multi-platform game, also out for the Xbox 360, so the Xbox One doesn't have that game "all to itself".
Ugh totally forgot about that, Forza hasn't been a big seller anyway, I don't think people who didn't buy a XB1 for Forza 5 or Horizon 2 are going to buy it for Forza 6. We're talking about a "defining" holiday here And Halo 5 is the only game that can make a difference (for that period at least)
An entire generation grew up with Rare and have been clamoring for a new Conker or Banjo and to a lesser extent a new Battletoads. Come on. You know people that are on the fence would pick up an Xbone if it had either of those three sequels.
I don't know but I am pretty sure on of the forzas sold 5-6 million because of bundling.Considering the first 5 Forza games sold 10 million combined, you can realistically expect 2 million copies per Forza release. It averages that per release. That's a damn fine piece to any Holiday lineup even if it isn't the crown jewel. It seems that the mainline Forza has a great attach ratio on One. That's good news for a budding franchise. I expect you'd see 2 million lifetime for Forza 6 and it should have a really good holiday. I would call 2 million on one console a 'big seller' even if it isn't necessarily lighting the world on fire. It's a good game (and franchise) to have in your stable.
X1 doesnt have to outsell the PS4 to be successful.
Two points I might add:
1) These FIFA features you are talking about have been "only on xbox" on 360, too.
And to call them features is also exaggerating too much. There are certain FIFA Legends (old players) who are only on Xbox. 99% percent of FIFA users probably don't know about them. I don't even know how to utilise them.
2) "Exterminating" is something you might read in an old Nazi Propaganda Book, but we are talking about one company selling more units of a similar product than the competition. Both companies still exist, so it's even factually wrong.
You probably don't mean it this way, but its still a very ugly word.
I don't know but I am pretty sure on of the forzas sold 5-6 million because of bundling.
Forza 5 didn't bundle and it sold over 1 million in 3 months on a brand new console with an install base only x3 as big as copies of Forza 5 sold. I think people are underestimating the popularity of the Forza series at least with regards to the US.
Have to wonder how the XOs successor will fair considering how much the Xbox market share outside of NA has possibly shrunkno, but it has to competitive outside of a single territory. do you believe there's a future for a game console that only really sells well (as opposed to dominates) in one territory? do you think ms thinks there is?...
They gave it away in EU instead of Fifa if people wanted it at launch
Yeah, I'm not sure as to why some are acting as if the Xbox One had the possibility to completely close the gap in North America in just November and December. The system would have needed to basically have two times the amount of sales the PS4 had for that to happen -- almost impossible considering the PS4 sold about 2 Million for those two months.
The move was to put the Xbox One in a better position in North America and it did that. Closing the gap by 600K in just two months was good. The current gap between the two systems here is less than 700K which is the smallest it has ever been between the first and second place console during this period of a gaming gen in North America (well, at least for any gaming gen since the Playstation brand has been around).
It's going to be a tight battle here (in North America) -- definitely expecting MS to go all out to try and get the top spot. Sony will put in a good effort too, though I don't think they'll be as desperate as MS... especially since they pretty much have the #1 spot in worldwide sales on lock.
Going to be a really good E3. Many details for games coming out soon as well as games coming in 2016. Maybe some price drop announcements too though no slim models. Think it's too soon for them to come out.
Still. The attach ratio was really good in the US. I would bet on Forza 6 getting to 2 million copies sold. I think you can look at the Forza series as something MGS cultivated correctly. Going up against a juggernaut like GT isn't easy and they are far behind but I feel like people are saying that if it doesn't sell like GT than it's irrelevant. Far from it, imo.
With the news of Zelda for Wii U not reaching it's 2015 goal for release and Uncharted 4 being delayed until 2016, both PS4 and Wii U both lost their big holiday exclusive game to next year, while Halo 5, Xbox One's big holiday exclusive is set to launch this year. With neither PS4 or Wii U having a big exclusive for the holiday, could this be the holiday season for the Xbox One to really shine?
Yeah, I'm not sure as to why some are acting as if the Xbox One had the possibility to completely close the gap in North America in just November and December. The system would have needed to basically have two times the amount of sales the PS4 had for that to happen -- almost impossible considering the PS4 sold about 2 Million for those two months.
The move was to put the Xbox One in a better position in North America and it did that. Closing the gap by 600K in just two months was good. The current gap between the two systems here is less than 700K which is the smallest it has ever been between the first and second place console during this period of a gaming gen in North America (well, at least for any gaming gen since the Playstation brand has been around).
It's going to be a tight battle here (in North America) -- definitely expecting MS to go all out to try and get the top spot. Sony will put in a good effort too, though I don't think they'll be as desperate as MS... especially since they pretty much have the #1 spot in worldwide sales on lock.
Going to be a really good E3. Many details for games coming out soon as well as games coming in 2016. Maybe some price drop announcements too though no slim models. Think it's too soon for them to come out.
Probably not, you listed one game from a stale franchise
Bg, besides dangerous levels of optimism, how, realistically could Microsoft try to not only become competitive to PS4, but to overtake it?
It seems forgone at this stage that Sony will remain ahead for the foreseeable future - they have all the price cut cards still left, have not exhausted the opportunity to drop the price whenever they see fit, and have not severly devalued their console to the point that most people won't even consider an Xbox One until the Holidays, because, why buy now?
What can they do? Drop price to $299? $199? $99? Free Xbox One with purchase of Hershey bar?
NO, its irrelevant in terms of system seller. There have been two forzas on the box, another one will not do much to help sell xbox. What will is halo and maybe tomb raider.
I honestly don't know why you keep bringing wii and wii u in the equation just to make that argument about the first and second console this gen being very close.
The fact is 360 dominated PS3 in the US and UK and they are now trailing behind and are going crazy with deals just to close the gap. That my friend is a failure.
Even if they catch up it is meaningless. I honestly can't see any publisher ignoring double the install base just because they are on equal footing in the US
Is this thread proof that people drank Greenberg's preseason kool-aid?
Not sure how it takes "dangerous levels of optimism" to think the Xbox One still has the chance at taking North America. As I said before, less than a 700K gap here isn't big at all -- smallest gap there's been in 20 years at this point of a generation here. If the gap by July is say, 800K and the Xbox One takes August to December (possible Madden bundle, Halo 5 release in September, Fall price drop alongside big Holiday games, etc.) then they will more than likely be pretty close to taking the top spot in North America.
Most people don't buy consoles outside of the Fall season for the same exact reason(s) -- all of the big games and deals come during the the Fall season.
Also, while the Xbox One deals have been better, the PS4 has had many good deals last year and this year. Good bundles with free games, good trade in deals, etc. To be honest both current gen consoles are much better priced than their predecessors were.
Not sure why it's somehow strange to think they could possible drop the price to $299 in the U.S. alongside the big games they have coming during the second half of the year.
X1 doesnt have to outsell the PS4 to be successful.
Not sure how it takes "dangerous levels of optimism" to think the Xbox One still has the chance at taking North America. As I said before, less than a 700K gap here isn't big at all -- smallest gap there's been in 20 years at this point of a generation here. If the gap by July is say, 800K and the Xbox One takes August to December (possible Madden bundle, Halo 5 release in September, Fall price drop alongside big Holiday games, etc.) then they will more than likely be pretty close to taking the top spot in North America.
Most people don't buy consoles outside of the Fall season for the same exact reason(s) -- all of the big games and deals come during the the Fall season.
Also, while the Xbox One deals have been better, the PS4 has had many good deals last year and this year. Good bundles with free games, good trade in deals, etc. To be honest both current gen consoles are much better priced than their predecessors were.
Not sure why it's somehow strange to think they could possible drop the price to $299 in the U.S. alongside the big games they have coming during the second half of the year.
I do because it was... you know... a video game console. Others were using the Xbox 360 to state the brand's dominance when it's dominance last gen was only over the PS3 (and not overall).
"Failure" is where the Wii U is. The Xbox One is still getting very solid third party support due to its game sales.
That wasn't the point I was making. Of course third party companies aren't going to ignore the console that's in the top spot worldwide. However, a lot of game sales come from NA -- hence why being in the top spot in the NA is a good spot to be in for game support and more than likely part of the reason why they are (are will continue on) making a good effort to try and make the Xbox One the top selling console in NA.
Gap might 800k after this month. I expect it to above 1 million again by the time pre-season is over.
Not sure how it takes "dangerous levels of optimism" to think the Xbox One still has the chance at taking North America. As I said before, less than a 700K gap here isn't big at all -- smallest gap there's been in 20 years at this point of a generation here. If the gap by July is say, 800K and the Xbox One takes August to December (possible Madden bundle, Halo 5 release in September, Fall price drop alongside big Holiday games, etc.) then they will more than likely be pretty close to taking the top spot in North America...
"Rise of the Tomb Raider" is a multi-platform game, also out for the Xbox 360, so the Xbox One doesn't have that game "all to itself".
again: what value does 'top spot in n.a.' really have right now, when your main competitor's breathing down your neck, & dominating in every other territory world-wide. do you believe it's feasible for ms to market a game console which only really sells well in one territory? do you believe that 'top spot in n.a.' will actually somehow affect or change this?...
because, if it doesn't, it's only real value is braggin' rights: the xbone faces a much larger challenge than obtaining top spot in n.a. it's a product that has to be somewhat successful world-wide...
I would not be surprised if at E3 they announce they cancelled the 360 version.
People used to discuss and speculate about a platforms defining year. Now theyre speculating about a platforms defining three month period from October to December.
It wont be cancelled, other wise how will it sell in EU?
An entire generation grew up with Rare and have been clamoring for a new Conker or Banjo and to a lesser extent a new Battletoads. Come on. You know people that are on the fence would pick up an Xbone if it had either of those three sequels.
going from dominating the playstation brand in NA to trailing behind them is a failure no matter how you want to spin it.I do because it was... you know... a video game console. Others were using the Xbox 360 to state the brand's dominance when its dominance last gen was only over the PS3 in NA (and not overall).
"Failure" is where the Wii U is. The Xbox One is still getting very solid third party support due to its game sales.
That wasn't the point I was making. Of course third party companies aren't going to ignore the console that's in the top spot worldwide. However, a lot of game sales come from NA -- hence why being in the top spot in the NA is a good spot to be in for game support and more than likely part of the reason why they are (are will continue on) making a good effort to try and make the Xbox One the top selling console in NA.
It's the best selling Xbox console at this stage of its life ever, point being while it probably will never catch up to PS4 for consoles sold after the initial bad's a huge success
Is this statement somehow intended to negate the fact that PS4 will outsell Xbox One until September at least, where in some bizarre reality, game consoles are only bought in the Fall season?
That's not even dangerous levels of optimism, that's absurd.
It didn't stop PS4 from gaining a gigantic lead over Xbox One right from launch all the way up to Gamescom 2014.
You have to accept some time or another that the console is being devalued, and to an extent, tainted by the constant promotions as everyone will just keep on waiting, thus, further lowering sales relative to PS4 - it just shows right now, PS4 is ranked 5th in Amazon charts, and Xbox One is 57th. That's not even sad, that's pathetic. There are more chargers for the Dualshock 4 controller being sold than there are Xbox Ones.
Even if a miracle happened and Xbox One overtook PS4 by December 2015, the gap will once again be closed in favour of PS4 when it outsells it again for 9 months straight.
$299 is a great price for consumers, but do you really think that the overall corporation is thrilled that their console is racking up losses yet still not beating the competition - becoming a giant financial sinkhole with no real results. Yeah, let's cut it again and incur even more losses, because, we like burning money.