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Will we ever again get games like The Last Guardian?


Can’t Git Gud
Greenlit for ps3 and finally released on ps4 after 10 years.
The AAA budget game with artistic/indie sensibilities.
Beautiful game and story. One of best games I've ever played/experienced.
(some spoilers)

Generally, I am harking at the state of the industry when it comes to smaller titles. There are still games like the Amazing Death Stranding (god bless Kojima) but it's a rare occurance.
We get occasionally good single player game greenlit but often new franchises fail.
This year is pretty good for gaming of course but when I got ps4 slim in 2017, I got it with:
-The Last Guardian

Out of these games, only Souls style of game survived. We no longer get games like UC4 or TLG. Both my fav games.

I don't really want to be complaining. If anything, I urge people to just play TLG if you never did.
Just patch it fully and play it. There is a popular opinion to not patch it and paly at 60 fps but it freezes at 3-4 different spots and you have to patch to progress.
Also, the patches add HDR and this game is all about the sun and sunlit stonework. Patches also improve controls, camera and remove annoying pop ups.
So the release on ps5 is 4k, 30fps and beautiful.

One of my fav scenes (mid game spoiler)


Ueda is making a new game isn't he......apart from him,I don't think you are going to get big budget games with such artistic vision these days.....and will his next game even have a big budget,I imagine it will probably be a smaller affair anyway.
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Death Standing immediately came to mind. I hope the sequel doubles down on all the unorthodox weirdness of the first one.

I do doubt that we'll see games as risky and inventive (I'm assuming, have yet to play it) as TLG at current AAA budgets, which is a bummer. But on the bright side, game development technology and know-how has advanced so much, I think devs can make incredibly innovative games without the need for AAA.

Glad to see The Last Guardian getting some love, I really want to play it eventually (and simultaneously scared of the feels it may bring).


Maybe just me but The Last Guardian was incredibly boring, and don't get me started on what a pain in the ass that bird was to command. Beautifully visually I'll admit though.


Epic hold the keys to most the interesting mysterious games right now and we haven't heard zip.

Uedas next game
the PlayDead next game
and is there another remedy game or is that alan wake 2
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Gold Member
It depends on the production costs.

An AA Game? Sure, you can even crowdfund one.

An AAA Game? Only if it's Shadow of the Colossus 2


Too much is modelled on the theme park rollercoaster ride now. Single player games. Big movies. Other artistic influences are not given room to breathe.


It would probably need to be on a modest budget because games like that usually won’t sell a lot. They’re not really my cup of tea, but it would add variety to the industry if there were more bigger budget games that primarily aim to be an emotional and artistic experience that aren’t indies. But the problem is making money off of those types of games.

If Hellblade 2 turns out to be one of these “emotional experience” type games then it will be interesting to see how it does in sales since it looks like it’s got a pretty big budget behind it.
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Since I stopped Ico somewhere before the middle, disliked many aspects of the Colossus Remake (which is at least much more playable than the PS2 and PS3 versions) and abandoned Guardian after an hour, which I may never pick up again, I don't really care.
They are obviously just not my cup of tea. Journey wasn't either, but that was at least faster over.
I much rather have more QTE games like mediocre Asura's Wrath than be kinda bored to death.

Chuck Berry

Gold Member
The one game I just cant bring myself to finish. It's an incredible artistic achievement, but Trico is just too real to me (not a complaint). As a cat owner it hits way too close to home. Also seeing any sort of animal in distress or pain is something I just cant handle. Its like the ONE thing.

ICO? Loved it, finished it. Shadow? Loved it, finished it. Last Guardian? Big Nope and its a noticeable stain on my gaming resume :messenger_pensive:
Probably not. We either get bursting budget mainstream games or after thought indie titles that are cheap. I doubt we'll ever get quality aa titles in this environment.


Gold Member
I don't think we'll see a lot of games like this in the AAA space.
AAA gaming have mostly been focusing on safe bets: Big known franchises based on proven gameplay formulas. With increasing costs of development the space for more experimental stuff seems to be going away with a few exceptions (like Kojima).

Can't exactly blame publishers though since as far as I know TLG didn't sell particularly well and it didn't review incredibly well either so it wasn't a "prestige" game.

But I do think we'll still get stuff like this from smaller devs in the indie space.


I'm playing this game now.
Visually this game is really something. The best animation I have ever seen in a video game. The environment is also fantastic with an incredible light and a huge scale. Technically, I think it is a very challenging game. What they have done with Trico is something no less the amazing. And I'm not talking about the feathers, I'm talking about the way he moves in the environment, it really seems alive.
Gameplay wise, at the beginning I was feeling a bit frustrated, but once I got used to the way the boy moves and the way he gives commands to Trico I started enjoying the game. I haven't finished the game yet, but I'm really loving it. The physics are also awesome.
It's a shame we don't get games like this anymore, everything nowadays seems to be same crap all over again.
This is the kind of game that made the Playstation brand so great, I think we are losing that.
Japan studio should have never come to an end, what a shame. They made 3 games, all of them fantastic, refreshing and unique.

The Last Guardian is possibly going to be up there in my all time favorite games, near to he's big brother, Shadow of the Colossus.


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Maybe not visually, but indies are making cool, ambitious stuff (the two - of many - I have in mind atm are all action games so not really similar in style but imo their ambition and inventiveness are similar).

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Outside some very rare exception like with some highly prestigious creator who also sells well like Kojima I think that not in the AAA side because they are extremely risky. As an example, Sony spent a ton of money on TLG and didn't sell a shit.

On the indie/AA side yes, there will be more of them.


Outside some very rare exception like with some highly prestigious creator who also sells well like Kojima I think that not in the AAA side because they are extremely risky. As an example, Sony spent a ton of money on TLG and didn't sell a shit.

On the indie/AA side yes, there will be more of them.

I was about to say this. I think it will be the indies or some creative AA studio to make these kinds of games in the future. AAA gaming is like disney, Mc Donalds, pepsi etc. its pop music. they exist just to make money for the most part.


Gold Member
Maybe not visually, but indies are making cool, ambitious stuff (the two - of many - I have in mind atm are all action games so not really similar in style but imo their ambition and inventiveness are similar).

Saw this one featured on an IronPineaple video recently and it looks pretty cool.
The combat still seems a bit janky but there's some cool ideas and I love the visual style.

Also parrying nukes.


Saw this one featured on an IronPineaple video recently and it looks pretty cool.
The combat still seems a bit janky but there's some cool ideas and I love the visual style.

Also parrying nukes.
The ideas of kicking missiles and to parry nukes are very cool
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Gold Member
The Last Guardian is an auteur game, and there is only one auteur capable of making that game. In general, we don't get as many of those anymore. I don't think many publishers are willing to invest in games like this, even if it is a normal dev process.

When indie devs try to do Ueda, it's usually complete shit because they have no taste. See Praey For The Gods or whatever.
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With any kind of budget? No, probably not. Times have changed..

People keep mentioning indie games but ehh, more often than not they're just cheap rip-offs of better games.
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Not from Sony 1st party studios

Killing Japan studios was one of the most idiotic decisions Sony could make. Its all about AAA franchises and GAAS now.

Ueda is making his next game, but it will be 3rd party. Hopefuly he will have enough budget, he earned it. The man inspired Miyazaki to make games.

Punished Miku

Human Rights Subscription Service
I could see emerging markets try their hand at prestige titles as they begin to have people good enough to truly make their own gameplay design style instead of copies. China, Korea mostly.


Can’t Git Gud
I'm playing this game now.
Visually this game is really something. The best animation I have ever seen in a video game. The environment is also fantastic with an incredible light and a huge scale. Technically, I think it is a very challenging game. What they have done with Trico is something no less the amazing. And I'm not talking about the feathers, I'm talking about the way he moves in the environment, it really seems alive.
Gameplay wise, at the beginning I was feeling a bit frustrated, but once I got used to the way the boy moves and the way he gives commands to Trico I started enjoying the game. I haven't finished the game yet, but I'm really loving it. The physics are also awesome.
It's a shame we don't get games like this anymore, everything nowadays seems to be same crap all over again.
This is the kind of game that made the Playstation brand so great, I think we are losing that.
Japan studio should have never come to an end, what a shame. They made 3 games, all of them fantastic, refreshing and unique.

The Last Guardian is possibly going to be up there in my all time favorite games, near to he's big brother, Shadow of the Colossus.
Are you playing patched version with hdr enabled? Hdr looks insane in this. yeah, I know it's 30fps after patching but patching also fixes a lot of stuff


Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
So much of Ueda is pretentious bullshit, but The Last Guardian is pretty outstanding.
So out of just 3 games (wow, didn't remember he worked under Kenji Eno before getting to do his own thing, makes sense I guess) 1 is pretty outstanding (while being a natural evolution of the previous two in themes and style), not exactly much left to have "so much" that is pretentious bullshit, lol.
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Cores, shaders and BIOS oh my!
Also parrying nukes.
Yeah it's in what you quoted. Also you can parry the floor.

That's V.A Proxy, demo on Steam. The other game's cool too, Withersworn, all the creatures including humanoids use procedurally generated animations, you have cool mobility like a jet hoverboard, the grappling hook and the character's parkouring moveset, you go from sky to underwater etc.
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Can’t Git Gud
Yeah it's in what you quoted. Also you can parry the floor.

That's V.A Proxy, demo on Steam. The other game's cool too, Withersworn, all the creatures including humanoids use procedurally generated animations, you have cool mobility like a jet hoverboard, the grappling hook and the character's parkouring moveset, you go from sky to underwater etc.

It looks ok but I don't see what this has to do with TLG.
It's budget indie action game.

Magic Carpet

Gold Member
I'm currently climbing through Jusant, I don't know if I would keep playing if the walls start moving around trying to throw me off.
This pretty much sums up the industry at this point.
It does if you are either:

-Old (You’ve stopped paying attention to new content and IP)
-Lazy (You only buy from the big companies that can market heavily to you i.e. you never play alternative AAA, AA, or indies)
-Oblivious (You didn’t even see the suggested games posted ITT)
-Jaded (You want your childhood back and make it seem like everything else is the problem)
Saw this one featured on an IronPineaple video recently and it looks pretty cool.
The combat still seems a bit janky but there's some cool ideas and I love the visual style.

Also parrying nukes.
Checked out some of those Tweets.. led me all the way to this:

The one game I just cant bring myself to finish. It's an incredible artistic achievement, but Trico is just too real to me (not a complaint). As a cat owner it hits way too close to home. Also seeing any sort of animal in distress or pain is something I just cant handle. Its like the ONE thing.

ICO? Loved it, finished it. Shadow? Loved it, finished it. Last Guardian? Big Nope and its a noticeable stain on my gaming resume :messenger_pensive:
Oh my lord man you have to finish it!

I have three cats at the moment too. And my original one that used to give me hugs when I got home from school passed a few years ago. He was very special to me. I'd walk through the door, immedietelt get some fuzzy hugs and then boot up either Uncharted 2, MW2 or Bad Company 2. Those were the days.

But the final 20 minutes of the game is one of the most incredible endings I've ever experienced in any form of media. I literally balled my eyes out.
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