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Will we ever again get games like The Last Guardian?

It does if you are either:

-Old (You’ve stopped paying attention to new content and IP)
-Lazy (You only buy from the big companies that can market heavily to you i.e. you never play alternative AAA, AA, or indies)
-Oblivious (You didn’t even see the suggested games posted ITT)
-Jaded (You want your childhood back and make it seem like everything else is the problem)
Or how about this….I have my own opinions. People reply like you when they are either:

-A troll.
-Childish and immature.
-Live in their parents basement and have unlimited time to game because they pay your bills.
-Simply an asshole.

Way to make it personal my guy. Not surprising from you though when someone has a difference of opinion. Stay classy as usual March.

By the way, I work 60 hours a week, mostly play A or AA games, and hated my childhood, especially up until about 8th grade because I was bullied by people like you.
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Chuck Berry

Gold Member
Oh my lord man you have to finish it!

I have three cats at the moment too. And my original one that used to give me hugs when I got home from school passed a few years ago. He was very special to me. I'd walk through the door, immedietelt get some fuzzy hugs and then boot up either Uncharted 2, MW2 or Bad Company 2. Those were the days.

But the final 20 minutes of the game is one of the most incredible endings I've ever experienced in any form of media. I literally balled my eyes out.

Exactly why I won’t play it 😂
Or how about this….I have my own opinions. People reply like you when they are either:

-A troll.
Not trolling, being harsh but helpful. If you want an example as to what a troll looks like, open nearly any thread and see the exact poster who comes running in to shit on whatever topic or game is being discussed within the first 20ish posts. You know exactly who I'm talking about because they're a regular here. Somehow, they hold an immunity from the forum rules. I don't get it, but I don't question it.

Speaking of immunity, I have an immunity to any insults and attacks, so I'll address the following earnestly...
-Childish and immature.
Sometimes I can be, but honestly I find forum conversation fun at times.
-Live in their parents basement and have unlimited time to game because they pay your bills.
Unfortunately, that luxury ran out for me when I turned 26. Parent passed. Admittedly those were good times though.
-Are simply an asshole.
Sometimes I can be, this time I genuinely wasn't trying to be. We've seen so many of the same 'gaming is dead' style posts here that it has become a broken record at this point. You have literal threads and posts pointing out fresh new experiences (they're literally curating new games for busy people like yourself to play) and yet some of the same posters will just come in to vent and whine that the popular AAA game they bought wasn't as good or fun as they wanted it to be. It's kind of funny when you think about it, and kind of sad a little too.

Way to make it personal my guy. Not surprising from you though. Stay classy as usual March.
I didn't insult you at all. I said this "It does if you are either" and listed 4 categories. If you happen to apply to one of the 4, I think it should be a moment of reflection, but instead you took it as a direct insult and lashed out 🤷‍♂️

I will continue to be human and stay classy, not classy, asshole, not an asshole, childish, not childish, etc. Whatever you want it to be I guess. No offense is taken either way.

By the way, I work 60 hours a week, mostly play A or AA games, and hated my childhood, especially up until about 8th grade because I was bullied by people like you.
So was it the jaded category that made you lash out at my post? If you can explain who 'someone like me' is, I'm open to discussing it because I very much doubt I was the type you're describing.

If you're already playing indie and AA, then are you simply not enjoying the hobby as much? If you hated childhood, do you love where you are today? I have a lot of questions... let's discuss.
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Not trolling, being harsh but helpful. If you want an example as to what a troll looks like, open nearly any thread and see the exact poster who comes running in to shit on whatever topic or game is being discussed within the first 20ish posts. You know exactly who I'm talking about because they're a regular here. Somehow, they hold an immunity from the forum rules. I don't get it, but I don't question it.

Speaking of immunity, I have an immunity to any insults and attacks, so I'll address the following earnestly...

Sometimes I can be, but honestly I find forum conversation fun at times.

Unfortunately, that luxury ran out for me when I turned 26. Parent passed. Admittedly those were good times though.

Sometimes I can be, this time I genuinely wasn't trying to be. We've seen so many of the same 'gaming is dead' style posts here that it has become a broken record at this point. You have literal threads and posts pointing out fresh new experiences (they're literally curating new games for busy people like yourself to play) and yet some of the same posters will just come in to vent and whine that the popular AAA game they bought wasn't as good or fun as they wanted it to be. It's kind of funny when you think about it, and kind of sad a little too.

I didn't insult you at all. I said this "It does if you are either" and listed 4 categories. If you happen to apply to one of the 4, I think it should be a moment of reflection, but instead you took it as a direct insult and lashed out 🤷‍♂️

I will continue to be human and stay classy, not classy, asshole, not an asshole, childish, not childish, etc. Whatever you want it to be I guess. No offense is taken either way.

So was it the jaded category that made you lash out at my post? If you can explain who 'someone like me' is, I'm open to discussing it because I very much doubt I was the type you're describing.

If you're already playing indie and AA, then are you simply not enjoying the hobby as much? If you hated childhood, do you love where you are today? I have a lot of questions... let's discuss.
“Someone like you”, see my bullet point 4, but please add “passive aggressive” to it at the beginning. If you don’t see how any of your first, and especially second post is offense to me personally, you are the problem. If you want to be a passive aggressive asshole on the forums, enjoy. I’m leaving it at that and ignoring you at this point.


Im probably in the minority but TLG is my favourite of the Team ICO games. Just felt it had the richest world and fleshed out the setting more than the others.
And that relationship with Trico, along with that ending was just beautiful.
It is regretful that PS let Ueda go, I really doubt any other publisher would have given him as much free reign as they did but guess we’ll see how his next game turns out.


Can’t Git Gud
It does if you are either:

-Old (You’ve stopped paying attention to new content and IP)
-Lazy (You only buy from the big companies that can market heavily to you i.e. you never play alternative AAA, AA, or indies)
-Oblivious (You didn’t even see the suggested games posted ITT)
-Jaded (You want your childhood back and make it seem like everything else is the problem)
That's pretty presumptuous.
Clearly the industry is not the same as it used to be and it doesn't have anything to do with millennials getting older/jaded or whatever.
Sure, I am an asshole but I am pretty sure it's not just me remembering old times better.

Clearly, leading to less risky games:
-development is incredibly expensive nowadays.
-Development takes 5+ years. Often more.
-politically correct (to sell more)
-Less real autheurs. Kojima is old but he started very young. Where are these "very young" visionaries now? They are not allowed to direct.
-Even good games might have trouble with marketing or just be memed on. Example is forspoken and Immortals this year. Good, quality games. 0 traction. These are not gollums or that walking dead game quality... those are good titles.
-No room for AA games. Your game better be a mega hit or nothing.

Sure, an indie scene is much bigger now but it also kinda sucks more. Every idiot and their 9yo son can make a game now and they don't know anything about making games... but sure as hell it's another depressing game about sadness or pixel game.

There are still good games as proven by 2023. Of course there are but it does not diminish rest of the industry monopolization, riskaversation (its a word now) and digtalization/unphysicalization !!!
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“Someone like you”, see my bullet point 4, but please add “passive aggressive” to it at the beginning. If you don’t see how any of your first, and especially second post is offense to me personally, you are the problem. If you want to be a passive aggressive asshole on the forums, enjoy. I’m leaving it at that and ignoring you at this point.
:messenger_tears_of_joy: I literally have zero aggression towards you man lol. I even shared a little bit about the sad part of my history (just like you did) to empathize.

Wow, this might be my fastest post-to-reply-to-ignore ever on this forum :pie_thinking:. Almost feels like I dinged a PS trophy, but it's whatever. Like I said, if you ever read this just know there's no hard feelings (literally none at all) and I hope you find ways to continue enjoying the hobby. Just be sure to keep searching for those gems that give you joy/fun because that's what the hobby is about.
That's pretty presumptuous.
Clearly the industry is not the same as it used to be and it doesn't have anything to do with millennials getting older/jaded or whatever.
Sure, I am an asshole but I am pretty sure it's not just me remembering old times better.
I think it's a bit of both. I think the landscape is changing, but I also think that the millenial and the older gamers have a huge blindspot when it comes to newer experiences. I don't know what can be done to solve the latter because I find that discovering a new AA, Alternative AAA, or indie game on PS Plus, Gamepass, or a storefront like steam is very, very similar to walking into a rental store(example: Blockbuster) in the 90s/2000s and choosing a fresh new game to rent. However, for some reason there is an increasing number of millenial and older gamers who are not doing this, which leads me to the second bullet point it could be, which is laziness.

...And I don't blame laziness entirely on the indiviual, as tech companies have done a fantastic job at making sure algorithms are feeding into this behavior.
Clearly, leading to less risky games:
-development is incredibly expensive nowadays.
-Development takes 5+ years. Often more.
These three points, at least when it comes to AAA by certain companies(the ones that are advertised the most) I can't fully disagree about. Yes, Sony, MS, Nintendo, EA, Activision, Square Enix, and Ubisoft are all guilty of this. Capcom and Sega are beginning to take small risks but might reel it in if their new projects don't sell.
-politically correct (to sell more)
This is a personal preference that can only have relevance depending on the person, but I find it interesting that people will use this as a reason to not play a good game. One day in the future (if I'm not on everyone's ignore list by then lol), I might make an experiment thread and list a plot of a game but not reveal any specific character names or locations and simply ask people 'is this the plot to a modern day labeled "PC/woke game" or is this the plot to a game from the 90s/2000s' and see if they can tell the difference.
-Less real auteurs. Kojima is old but he started very young. Where are these "very young" visionaries now? They are not allowed to direct.
They are currently making AA and indie games that older gamers are ignoring. Then they suddenly have a huge hit years after making multiple games and people think that the dev came 'out of nowhere' when this simply wasn't the case.
-Even good games might have trouble with marketing or just be memed on. Example is forspoken and Immortals this year. Good, quality games. 0 traction. These are not gollums or that walking dead game quality... those are good titles.
And this goes to my point above, yes it is a shame, but the times have changed to where Magazines no longer dictate interest, but the publishers themselves do so instead and then social media solidifies that same interest. Thus, you are constantly advertised products by the same handful of big buildings and big personalities. A while back I have decided to no longer dwell on this and instead move on to just navigate things how we have to in today's world. Many people here still need to do so.
-No room for AA games. Your game better be a mega hit or nothing.
This isn't true. The companies who have stated this have been either dropping the ball (Embracer) or spending too much money on an AA title(Sony). As an example, you never see Namco complaining about their AA portfolio that releases alongside their AAA games, and they keep pumping them out no issue. They know how to budget them correctly and they know to not expect 10 million sales from a smaller title. Also, Steam has plenty of AA.
Sure, an indie scene is much bigger now but it also kinda sucks more. Every idiot and their 9yo son can make a game now and they don't know anything about making games... but sure as hell it's another depressing game about sadness or pixel game.
Again, this is personal preference. I can't change someone's taste, but what I can say is this: If I have had bad interactions with a certain subsection, I'm not going to blame that entire subsection for my few negative interactions. That's the easy way out.
There are still good games as proven by 2023. Of course there are but it does not diminish rest of the industry monopolization, riskaversation (its a word now) and digtalization/unphysicalization !!!
It doesn't, but again if that's all you're going to focus on, that's all you're going to get out of it. The algorithm dictates so and many here will never realize it.


Come on Sony, the PS5 needs a big budget Ueda game.

If Sony hasn't sown him up for a project then he's an easy target for Xbox.
I think TLG was the first game I played on my PS4Pro when I got it. Stunning game, really captured that thing that made Ico so special to me. I'd love to replay it again at 60fps.
I highly doubt it especially with a decent budget. The time for creativity and experimentation is over unfortunately. Maybe an indie studio will try something similar in the future, but even that’s really pushing it.


Gold Member
Maybe it was just the timing, but Flower was chill and had an awesome OST. I never thought Journey compared, it was okay, but I think Flower was better. I've been waiting for that next game to hit as Flower did in such a simplistic and aesthetically pleasing way. So I can understand wanting another Last Guardian type since Shadow of the Colossus and ICO were amazing too and relatively close to each other.
However, I don't think you'll get something like that now from a big studio so maybe from a smaller indy with the same passion for the puzzle/adventure type games as Team ICO/Japan studios had.
Come on Sony, the PS5 needs a big budget Ueda game.

If Sony hasn't sown him up for a project then he's an easy target for Xbox.
True, but sadly I doubt the majority of the XBOX contingent would even give Ueda’s game a chance or even notice it. Im not even sure it would get noticed on Gamepass as well.



Things are dire. A whole generation raised on DLC and MTX. Not having these is actually seen as a negative. Having VBucks is seen as status

There is no going back. There will be some big blockbuster single players and the rest will be GAAS
Maybe it was just the timing, but Flower was chill and had an awesome OST. I never thought Journey compared, it was okay, but I think Flower was better. I've been waiting for that next game to hit as Flower did in such a simplistic and aesthetically pleasing way. So I can understand wanting another Last Guardian type since Shadow of the Colossus and ICO were amazing too and relatively close to each other.
However, I don't think you'll get something like that now from a big studio so maybe from a smaller indy with the same passion for the puzzle/adventure type games as Team ICO/Japan studios had.
I think I played Flower once way back when it came out and I remember really liking it and having a pleasant time with it. But Journey was exceptionally another level of quality higher from art to storytelling to music on and on..

But I will admit, I should replay Flower.

It's been.....*googles Flower's release date*
almost 15 years since I've played it and I don't remember nearly anything of it.
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We're definitely never getting more games like that from Sony ever again. They killed Japan Studio and make all their AAA exclusives more "cinematic".
Do you know what game you're talking about, right?
And not only Udea hasn't been part of SCEI since 2011, but Death Stranding 2 will certainly be the among the most experimental and eccentric stuff you will find in the AAA space in these days.


Do you know what game you're talking about, right?
And not only Udea hasn't been part of SCEI since 2011, but Death Stranding 2 will certainly be the among the most experimental and eccentric stuff you will find in the AAA space in these days.
We don't know that. Kojima said he was gonna revamp the previous game mechanics from 0, it could be an action game now for all that we know.


Ask Miyazaki, he's the closest guy to this stuff, I don't see souls games beneath ico, sotc and this game.
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Greenlit for ps3 and finally released on ps4 after 10 years.
The AAA budget game with artistic/indie sensibilities.
Beautiful game and story. One of best games I've ever played/experienced.
(some spoilers)

Generally, I am harking at the state of the industry when it comes to smaller titles. There are still games like the Amazing Death Stranding (god bless Kojima) but it's a rare occurance.
We get occasionally good single player game greenlit but often new franchises fail.
This year is pretty good for gaming of course but when I got ps4 slim in 2017, I got it with:
-The Last Guardian

Out of these games, only Souls style of game survived. We no longer get games like UC4 or TLG. Both my fav games.

I don't really want to be complaining. If anything, I urge people to just play TLG if you never did.
Just patch it fully and play it. There is a popular opinion to not patch it and paly at 60 fps but it freezes at 3-4 different spots and you have to patch to progress.
Also, the patches add HDR and this game is all about the sun and sunlit stonework. Patches also improve controls, camera and remove annoying pop ups.
So the release on ps5 is 4k, 30fps and beautiful.

One of my fav scenes (mid game spoiler)

Why dont you get something that isnt a sony console?
It's neither profitable, nor and this is key equitable enough.

So.... no.

It's funny/sad how for all the attention Shadow of the Colossus got, the dude only had one more game in him, do the "muh games as art" goobers like Anthony Burch even remember this stuff by now?

Ian Henry

March Climber March Climber I think you explained perfectly about older players not focusing on newer experiences. That could be due to increased amount of responsibilities.

I will say that I take pride in going for new experiences and expanding my interests. Hopefully, we'll see a balance of gaming styles prop up but it looks the industry leaning towards another demographic unfortunately.


Just be thankful you got one last guardian 🥲♥️. This reminds me I need to replay this on my Qd OLED 😀. I have the disc somewhere which plays at 60fps unpatched. Did they ever add 60fps back into the digital version as I have that as well?


I thought it was terrible, thin gameplay concepts and really bad controls. Trico was a great achievement though.
Ueda makes incredible games utterly hampered by terrible performance and questionable controls.
Sooo, games that are awful to play?

That’s like saying incredible movies that are awful to watch…


Art games don't sell as much as bland superhero games etc and sony don't care much unless it's profit.they coul hav released order1886 sequal by now
Just be thankful you got one last guardian 🥲♥️. This reminds me I need to replay this on my Qd OLED 😀. I have the disc somewhere which plays at 60fps unpatched. Did they ever add 60fps back into the digital version as I have that as well?

Only downside is that the unpatched version don't support HDR. Very much doubt Sony will ever patch or remaster it for PS5 and PC.


You're going to have to scavenge through indie, smaller scale studios for similar experiences. I wouldn't rely on first party output from Sony,Microsoft to offer something like this anytime soon.

I still need to play TLG though, it's on my dashboard just waiting to be lanched.


I still need to finish this. I loved what I have played of it but I haven't touched it in years. Life stuff just kinds happened
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