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Will you be buying ASSASSIN’S CREED SHADOWS?

Will you be buying Assassin’s Creed Shadows?

  • Yes

    Votes: 80 14.4%
  • No

    Votes: 407 73.2%
  • Not sure

    Votes: 69 12.4%

  • Total voters


No, because i wanted a japanese protagonist. I'm not making other excuses to justify that. And I still have to buy Rise of the Ronin if I want play a game that takes place within that setting.

But if everybody else wants to buy it, i have no problems with that. I respect that.

If you like it, you buy it. If you dislike it, you don't. Simple as that.
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King Dazzar

I really liked the recent trilogy. But I've already got my fill of Japan with GoT. Maybe in the future when all the fluff has been added and its on sale....
Season 9 Idk GIF by The Office


This game will sell a ton! No matter the poll says
Forums like GAF will never be a barometer of how popular and successful many games will be (especially those targeted at younger crowd). You're asking for the opinion of this particular community - that's it.
No. I might've bought it years ago when I was really into AC. But Ubisoft mined the franchise into the ground and even though the Japan theme is awesome, it's too little too late since we've gotten some great games already in the samurai theme (Ghost & Rise of the Ronin).


More accurate? any decent samurai or general would laugh his ass off everytime uncle moron open his mouth about honor being more important than winning a war.

Tsushima is more accurate only if you believe that movie samurai are a real thing and they are not heavily romanticized for spectacle.

Unless you meant using an asian protagonist without stupid dubstep music during combat, in that case yeah tsushi is more accurate.
It’s not a samurai simulator but Ghost of Tsushima feels accurate enough that I’m not pulled out of the immersion. I just wish the climbing wasn’t like some linear Uncharted game where I have to search for specific climbing spots.


I've been an AC junkie since the first game. AC has always been a series that I enjoyed. However, AC and by extension Ubisoft games, have always been one-and-done type of games for me. I'm not really big on replaying games in the first place, but you'd have to pay me to replay a Ubi game. I've tried several times out of nostalgia, didn't work out. That is why I have 0 qualms about using their subscription service to blast through Shadows and move on after that. Minus some stupid shit here and there I still actually a expect a decent game. As long as it doesn't bore me to tears like AC3 or Valhalla it'll be fine. Not sure if that falls into the buy category. More like rent?


Yes. I've played every AC game and platinumed them all except for Brotherhood .... bloody Abstergo Employee of the Month trophy!!

But like all "AAA" games these days I will wait until it has dropped in price. Been typically picking up games when they hit £30 physical or sub-£30 digital. No longer feel the need to be on these things Day 1 as nothing lives up to the hype and my backlog is fucking enormous.

Got Mirage for under £30 physical and enjoyed it. Was nice to have an AC game that wasn't ridiculously long
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Neo Member
Full price? No way. 75% off with all DLC after 2-3 years? Hell yes.

I honestly don’t care about the drama, this is a video game, why so so serious? The skin colour in a video game is just a texture after all for I only care about the “funny” albeit repetitive gameplay AC has been providing me for so long.

Yasuke could be blue, red or white - the core Ubisoft gameplay will always remain disappointing but for a tenner? sign me up for some cheap thrills.
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But you are pretending that they're not pushing a woke agenda based on your comment
I'm sure they are. Every form of media is (just add black), but in this particular case it doesn't make sense to be outraged about it. Maybe if it were a historical Japanese man who they made black, but Yasuke in A.C isn't the first time he was depicted as a Samurai. No one gave a crap then. Keep the same energy. I'm buying the game cause I liked the gameplay video I saw and that's it.
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who are you to put words into my mouth?

you dont even know me personally let alone to truly know what i feel deep inside and yet you out of nowhere, emotionally suddenly accuse and slander me over some two line post.

you one of regular poster here and you should be better than this.
If you know he posts regular here you should know he is the biggest social/woke warrior troll of this forum .. just ignore his righteous than life crazy wall posts.


I voted yes and then I realized it releases on the same day as Avowed and two days before Dragon Quest 3 HD.

So most likely I will skip it at launch and buy it much much later.
No, I've got Ghost of Tsushima that I'm playing through at the moment which is all the Samurai action I think I need at the moment. I'm also not interested in Assassin's Creed as a franchise anymore. It's stale and boring.


if it was similar to Ghost of Tsushima, but it is not.
probably would not even play this if they gave it to me for free.


If it reviews well, maybe. Regardless, I'll wait for a sale, because Ubi games very quickly reduce in price.


Parody of actual AJUMP23
No. I was interested in the one in Baghdad but I played it for 30 minutes to an hour and thought it was terrible. I am not buying another AC for a while.

I did enjoy Valhalla. Even if it is bloated.


Gold Member
I'll probably end up trying this and the Star Wars game both just because I'm pretty sure I bought a year of Ubi+ a while ago and its still active. Dont know if I would pay for either of them straight up unless reviews just went wild.

I dunno, Valhalla was pretty good, I liked Odyssey a lot, but Mirage was a smelly bums asscrack. Ill give it the ole college try.
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If reviews state it's the second coming of AC- then maybe.
As it stands i will be waiting for the $30 Ubisoft game drop. I was desperate for AC set in Japan for many years- it's alittle late now with Ghost of Tsushima really filling that niche for me. The luster AC would have had on this a few years back has dissipated.
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I don't trust Ubisoft at all - they're just another studio that had a scandal, which lead to an internal revolution and DEI taking over. Those are the devs that end up getting fucked the worst, because they just have to roll over for all the woke/DEI insanity. Now they have to post apologies for hiring insane woke consultants that don't care about Japanese history, and for making a feudal Japan game that stars a fake black samurai and a fake female shinobi. Or loot at that Star Wars game - that lame female main character has killed most of the excitement for the game.

But O Ozriel said you got the DEI info from Twitter

Some grifter pushed this shit on Twitter and now you can’t go into any thread without someone shouting about how anything they don’t understand is DEI.


No, but not because of any political controversy or characters. The series got way too rote for me around the time of Syndicate, and none of the changes from the Odyssey soft-reboot did anything for me. As far as I'm concerned, AC4 with its ship battles and freedom of exploration was the peak of the series, and one game (two, if you count Rogue) was enough to scratch that itch.

So, no, but I'm not their target audience any more, so it doesn't make a difference either way.

I'm sure the game will sell tons without me (or Japan, for that matter). If anything, it will probably be the best-selling AC yet because people will be excited about the setting regardless of its authenticity. Just look at how Ubi portrayed the Vikings. That nonsense should have had a much greater pushback for the sake of authenticity, and people still ate it up.
"After years of fans asking for AC in Japan, then you get to play with someone who is not Japanese at all?!"

This is why people are mostly mad with this situation. Of all people they could have used, Ubisoft chose to not use a Japanese man as part of their dual protag directive. It feels malicious at this point.


"After years of fans asking for AC in Japan, then you get to play with someone who is not Japanese at all?!"

This is why people are mostly mad with this situation. Of all people they could have used, Ubisoft chose to not use a Japanese man as part of their dual protag directive. It feels malicious at this point.

It’s definitely not an accident

And it’s definitely on purpose

It’s definitely not an accident

And it’s definitely on purpose
I'm not even mad Yasuke is part of the story, I'm puzzled why make him the central piece of the narrative, even the shinobi Naoe feels like a second-class citizen next to him.

What does people like them win by doing things like these just to piss the fans? (rhetorical question btw)

I expect the game to sell gangbusters still as usual, if Ubisoft stopped with bullshit like that (besides their pricing model) they would get a lot less flak for their games.


thinks Halo Infinite is a new graphical benchmark
Main character doesn’t matter to me give me a man with paper bag over his head I played origins, odyssey and Valhalla, skipped mirage it’s like playing the history channel the game.
No. I might've bought it years ago when I was really into AC. But Ubisoft mined the franchise into the ground and even though the Japan theme is awesome, it's too little too late since we've gotten some great games already in the samurai theme (Ghost & Rise of the Ronin).
you forgot sekiro...

& i agree. when it comes to genres, samurai games seem to be everywhere, at this point. what we really need is assassin's creed: tombstone. there are no open world westerns other than red dead (granted, there wouldn't be a whole lot of parkour opportunities)...


I guess I will buy it when it gets to a good price.

I am one of those who enjoy Ubisoft games like Origin, Far Cry 5 + 6, Valhalla...
I am still not sure about that black samurai stuff, but maybe it will be somehow explained in a not too stupid and tolerable way
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