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Windows 8 / RT |OT|


The entry "Microsoft Surface - Windows RT" has in three days taken 0.5% of the share of my site's Tablet traffic (approx. 80 of 16k yesterday). This might be pretty big. Tied with Nexus 7 for second place.

Well, as long as it doesn't become like the Nexus 7 where there's very few to no apps actually made for the form factor.

Yeah, that's pretty harsh on Android tablets but I just was kind of surprised that its success didn't really lead to a re-invigoration of the tablet app scene on android. It's bearable on that because it's a budget device - but I don't think people will accept a general use Internet device at the price of the Surface. I know I'll probably end up returning mine in a week or two. I'm happy with the hardware though, so I expect to be getting a Surface Pro in January/February.


Yeah, that's pretty harsh on Android tablets but I just was kind of surprised that its success didn't really lead to a re-invigoration of the tablet app scene on android.

THat's propably because it's 7 inch. Android plays well on 5 inch phones, so the jump from that to 7 inch isn't big. Phone apps work well on Nexus 7 and in turn there's little incentive to make tablet specific apps. If Nexus was 10 incher and huge success the situation would propably be different.


Junior Member
Quick tip for frequent neogaf and other forum users. Go into your Internet Explorer Options and turn "Flip Ahead" to on. So cool to just swipe to the left and it automatically goes to the next page of a thread and not have to click those tiny buttons at the bottom. Works on pretty much all forums and sites with multiple pages.


What firewall are you guys using on Win 8? After using Comodo Personal Firewall on Vista for a bit, I just want to know if there's something better.


THat's propably because it's 7 inch. Android plays well on 5 inch phones, so the jump from that to 7 inch isn't big. Phone apps work well on Nexus 7 and in turn there's little incentive to make tablet specific apps. If Nexus was 10 incher and huge success the situation would propably be different.

Well, we'll see after the Nexus 10 is released but I'm not holding my breath. Phone apps work but it's not really the same as using something made for tablets, and it doesn't seem like it's made gaming on Android any better than it is either. I probably should hold off for Android ever offering a gaming experience similar to or better than iOS outside of emulation of older stuff.
What firewall are you guys using on Win 8? After using Comodo Personal Firewall on Vista for a bit, I just want to know if there's something better.

I'm just using the built-in Windows Firewall. Works great for me.

I honestly don't install extra security software now that it's all built into Windows for free (firewall, anti-virus and anti-malware).


Well, as long as it doesn't become like the Nexus 7 where there's very few to no apps actually made for the form factor.

Yeah, that's pretty harsh on Android tablets but I just was kind of surprised that its success didn't really lead to a re-invigoration of the tablet app scene on android.

Not enough incentive to craft a tablet-specific interface on top of catering to phones, I think. That's the best and worst part of Android...apps largely "just work" on all devices thanks to scaling, but that extends to tablets, and therefore encourages devs to be lazy.

Windows RT has the benefit of being completely separate from Windows Phone...short-term it hurts their app count, but it assures Microsoft that developers will be crafting applications designed for tablets, period. The question is, will this platform gain enough steam to entice developers?


I'm liking windows 8 a lot so far. My reaction may be tempered by the fact that I got it for free, but being able to unzip, mount isos, and read pdfs natively is very nice. I've almost exclusively been using the desktop environment as well, and it's a really pleasing looking operating system on that side. I think that the tiles set up is quite ugly however.

On the topic of PDFs, the windows built in pdf viewer app just... won't read them. Pretty frustrating. I jumped on the store and got Soda, which so far is phenomenal. Very snappy.

On the topic of apps, I just decided to try out the IE app, and it seems MUCH faster than the desktop version.


Junior Member
What firewall are you guys using on Win 8? After using Comodo Personal Firewall on Vista for a bit, I just want to know if there's something better.

Norton IS 2013. Used to be one of the worst pieces of software until about 2009 where they started from scratch. I've sworn by it for years, rarely save to even do anything with it, it just silently does its thing. Low on resources too.

Another bit of software I swear by is Diskeeper 12. Automatic defragging and defragments files as they're placed onto the system. Means you literally never have to manually defrag.


I have one small issue here.....how to do you make the windows where they are transparent instead of showing a solid color block?


or, How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Realize This Assgrab is Delicious
I have one small issue here.....how to do you make the windows where they are transparent instead of showing a solid color block?

I'm pretty sure they killed this ability.

I'm on the release prevew and it's transparent by default. By the time of the final version, the windows were a solid color.

I find it kind of odd, because on the release preview, it looks pretty nice with transparent windows that match the taskbar....


I'm pretty sure they killed this ability.

I'm on the release prevew and it's transparent by default. By the time of the final version, the windows were a solid color.

I find it kind of odd, because on the release preview, it looks pretty nice with transparent windows that match the taskbar....

Apparently that was an aero feature and aero is gone from Windows 8. Sucks because I loved that feature.


Im using Windows 8 now for 3 days. It takes a while getting used to the metro interface, but it isnt a disaster as some people say it is. I also play games and for that i use the desktop interface, no problems there. You can also put your game shortcuts on the metro interface and create a group called Games. What is very annoying is that Windows add a shortcut in the Metro interface of every program you install, i dont want that! Can i disable this?


I'm baffled about how some of my workmates talk about windows 8. Most of them haven't even tried it and dismiss it just because it's slightly different. Most people bring up that metro is stupid and that they took out the startmenu, which I find ridiculous. The metro UI works exactly like the startmenu worked, when I want to launch an application I press the windows key (or klick in the lower left corner, where the start menu was anyway) and type the name of the application in to launch it. There's your start menu right there. I also use it for all my shortcuts, my desktop has never been that clean before.


Im using Windows 8 now for 3 days. It takes a while getting used to the metro interface, but it isnt a disaster as some people say it is. I also play games and for that i use the desktop interface, no problems there. You can also put your game shortcuts on the metro interface and create a group called Games. What is very annoying is that Windows add a shortcut in the Metro interface of every program you install, i dont want that! Can i disable this?

Windows doesn't add the shortcuts, the programs' installers do. But you can just rightclick multiple tiles and select "Unpin from Start" in the bottom left corner if you just want to hide them from the start screen.


Best part of Metro IE10 = integration of frequent sites into the URL bar. So much better than the 'New tab' pages that desktop IE and every other browser uses.


So my people hub is "stuck." I cant get off of my friends page. What gives?

Also, is there a way to change my log in password without changing my windows ID password? My windows password is complex and it's annoying to type it in when I log onto my computer.

EDIT I feel dumb. I keep forgetting that right click brings up more options in metro apps. WHOOPS!

But back to my password question.... :)


I'm baffled about how some of my workmates talk about windows 8. Most of them haven't even tried it and dismiss it just because it's slightly different. Most people bring up that metro is stupid and that they took out the startmenu, which I find ridiculous. The metro UI works exactly like the startmenu worked, when I want to launch an application I press the windows key (or klick in the lower left corner, where the start menu was anyway) and type the name of the application in to launch it. There's your start menu right there. I also use it for all my shortcuts, my desktop has never been that clean before.

People hate change. Just look how much whining every even slighest change in facebook or youtube interface causes. They will get over it eventually, especially once they get device that really makes use of W8.


So bassicaly you're saying you will never buy a laptop with a decent GPU? lol
Gaming on a laptop is and will always be an inferior experience, the need for a laptop to be thin and light is completely the opposite of a GPU. I'll play it on a desktop thank you. HD4000 on a laptop is sufficient for my needs.


Yeah, Pros at least (aside from the new 13 retina). It's such a great and obvious solution.
It's a shitty solution brought on by Intel's mandatory bundling of a GPU with a CPU. I would never buy those Apple computers with multiple GPU's either, they seem to have problems as well.


Any reason why clicking Internet Explorer in Metro takes me to the desktop internet explorer instead of the metro version?


The weather app is telling me that the current condition for my town is "Severe dust storm". That must be a first for Central Scotland. o_O

What is the town? I will pass along to that team...

Please let me know if anyone has other problems with the apps like News or Sports...I know folks on those teams...


Any reason why clicking Internet Explorer in Metro takes me to the desktop internet explorer instead of the metro version?

from what i can tell IE needs to be set as default browser for you to get the metro version. Same goes for pre release chrome and FF


I have been searching on Twitter for "Windows 8" and then if I select "search only the people you follow" there are basically no people talking about it, even though I follow 1,300 super influential and techy people. So that is kind of bumming me out, until I realize they are 50% Apple fanboys-and-girls and the other 50% seem to be late adopters.

What is strange is that I know Windows 8 adoption rate is not small and I am also seeing lots of positive feedback online - just search for Windows 8 on Twitter...lots of "normal" people freaking out about it (in a good way), it is kind of like eating-crow-level for the people hating on it. Lots of the people hating on it are basically obviously not even trying to like it or haven't even used it yet. I see lots of good criticism on GAF of course from some people who are using it but I see positive impressions too. As a whole it might be still too early to call but so far the reaction is more positive than I expected (people hate change...really, really, really hate change)


Gold Member
I'm baffled about how some of my workmates talk about windows 8. Most of them haven't even tried it and dismiss it just because it's slightly different. Most people bring up that metro is stupid and that they took out the startmenu, which I find ridiculous. The metro UI works exactly like the startmenu worked, when I want to launch an application I press the windows key (or klick in the lower left corner, where the start menu was anyway) and type the name of the application in to launch it. There's your start menu right there. I also use it for all my shortcuts, my desktop has never been that clean before.

I'm guilty of this, but the good pricing strategy and great performance has made me change my tune.
I'm baffled about how some of my workmates talk about windows 8. Most of them haven't even tried it and dismiss it just because it's slightly different. Most people bring up that metro is stupid and that they took out the startmenu, which I find ridiculous. The metro UI works exactly like the startmenu worked, when I want to launch an application I press the windows key (or klick in the lower left corner, where the start menu was anyway) and type the name of the application in to launch it. There's your start menu right there. I also use it for all my shortcuts, my desktop has never been that clean before.


I really miss aero Tho.


It's a shitty solution brought on by Intel's mandatory bundling of a GPU with a CPU. I would never buy those Apple computers with multiple GPU's either, they seem to have problems as well.
I never experienced problems with it. And nowadays only weak ultrabooks lack dedicated gpus (at least on PC side). It's a great solution, because it gives you both the performance and great battery life, one GPU won't be able to do both.

Personally I like gaming on laptops. Not as much as on desktops, but it's still very fun and I will gladly sacrifice thiness for it, especially since nowadays many manufacturers sacrifice not only power, but also energonomics for the completely ridiculous (to me at least) pursuit of thiness.


listen to the mad man
I'm baffled about how some of my workmates talk about windows 8. Most of them haven't even tried it and dismiss it just because it's slightly different. Most people bring up that metro is stupid and that they took out the startmenu, which I find ridiculous. The metro UI works exactly like the startmenu worked, when I want to launch an application I press the windows key (or klick in the lower left corner, where the start menu was anyway) and type the name of the application in to launch it. There's your start menu right there. I also use it for all my shortcuts, my desktop has never been that clean before.

I'm one of those "most people".

Here's why I like the Desktop and Smart Menu paradigm better:

1) I like being able to see my running applications at the same time that I launch new applications. I don't want my application launcher to be full screen. The degree to which this inconveniences my workflow varies; in some cases, I'm only using one application, and it's no big deal. But in other cases, it's more of a big deal. No tablet UI is able to do this, in part reflecting the fact that tablets are not interested in enabling multitasking in any real way, because they are consumption devices.

So, and this is probably the first major criticism of Metro/W8; it's designed primarily for tablets. Not just because of gestures--which can mostly be compensated for by learning keyboard shortcuts--but also because Metro, both the Start Screen and the applications, are designed for singular, full-screen focus rather than multitasking. Side-snapping mitigates this a little bit versus some tablet UIs, but it is not a substitute for the full desktop multitasking experience which has existed since Windows 95. The desktop of course still exists here, but the Start Screen interrupts that flow.

2) Visually, I don't like the circuit switching involved in switching rapidly from desktop to Metro to desktop to Metro and back. So if I'm using primarily desktop applications, I want to stay as fully in the desktop environment as I can. Do you have a Mac? Try to use a Mac at the same time as you're using a PC, switching back and forth between the two. Even if you're good at both OSes and know your work-flow on both, it's still visually arresting and requires a more active focus to deal with than simply using one at once.

This is one of the criticisms people talk about when they say the OS is "disjointed". They deprecate alt-tab but the Metro task switcher doesn't play with desktop applications. Metro apps are not supposed to be closed when you're not using them, but Desktop applications are. Metro apps are searched and shared through charms; Desktop applications are searched with an app-specific context and sharing is generally not required because desktop applications don't have the silo model of dealing with file or content inputs... so you can use system-wide copy-pasting or drag-and-dropping.

3) You identify the start screen as having the benefit of keeping your desktop clean. This is true. However this is also true with the W7-style start menu, based on how you've identified how you use it. In W7, you can press Win Key, and then type the name of the application you wish to launch. So if your desktop wasn't clean before, that suggests you're ascribing a benefit to the Start Screen that already existed in the Start Menu.

I don't think Metro is an unbridled disaster, and with Start8 being an effectively 100% acceptable restoration of the Windows 7 Start Menu it's not a reason to ignore W8 even if it was, but the criticisms about and against it remain as true now as they were in the CP.


No, most of the population are far from informed as you are. It would be amazing if even one in five could even make arguments like yours. Most people wouldn't care to argue about workflow changes either.


Canadians burned my passport
Hey guys, was wondering if anyone could help me with which version to get. I'm running win8 RC 64 bit on an SSD and I want to install full win 8 onto that. Can I do that with the upgrade version thats 40 dollars? I have win 7 on a separate SSD, but I don't want win 8 to be installed over that one.


I'm really enjoying Windows 8, after a little bit of an adjustment I even started appreciating the Start Screen as not just a launcher but also the Metro apps. A lot of small quick things are better as a tablet experience, quickly looking at webmail, weather, messenger etc.

Edit: Divvy, I upgraded Win 8 release preview to the official version using the 'upgrade' offer. I had my old XP license key ready to enter but it didn't even ask me for that, it just went ahead and installed over my Release Preview. I think MS is being incredibly loose with even having an underlying old license key for the 'upgrade' offer.


Ads in Minesweeper? What the fuck, Microsoft. I don't need to sit through 30 second video ads to play Minesweeper. Fuck off.


I never experienced problems with it. And nowadays only weak ultrabooks lack dedicated gpus (at least on PC side). It's a great solution, because it gives you both the performance and great battery life, one GPU won't be able to do both.
Probably because you don't have to deal with the shitty AMD mobile drivers and their outdated practice of having you get drivers from the laptop manufacturer, unlike Nvidia.

Personally I like gaming on laptops. Not as much as on desktops, but it's still very fun and I will gladly sacrifice thiness for it, especially since nowadays many manufacturers sacrifice not only power, but also energonomics for the completely ridiculous (to me at least) pursuit of thiness.
I thought there was no point in a thin laptop either until I got a MBA. Plus, gaming on a laptop with a hot keyboard and fan noise at full blast is far from optimal. I can live without that kind of gaming thanks.


Ok I figured out how to make a log in PIN number.

What about checking app sizes that aren't RT apps? Like, how would I go about seeing the size of diablo or left 4 dead?


Ads in Minesweeper? What the fuck, Microsoft. I don't need to sit through 30 second video ads to play Minesweeper. Fuck off.

What's worse is video ads for Xbox music. All of a sudden music stops, I go to check the app and it shows me a video ad. I guess its due to it still being in the early stages and not having enough audio ads yet but still very annoying.


Is anyone going to create an Apps for Windows 8 thread? I'd like to know what good ones there are out there and this thread seems to be more for general usage tips and installation questions.

A dedicated OT like we have for Apps for Android would be immensely useful since anyone who is excited about a new app they've discovered can easily share it on there, whereas posts like that get sort of lost in a massive OP like this.


Canadians burned my passport
Hey guys, was wondering if anyone could help me with which version to get. I'm running win8 RC 64 bit on an SSD and I want to install full win 8 onto that. Can I do that with the upgrade version thats 40 dollars? I have win 7 on a separate SSD, but I don't want win 8 to be installed over that one.
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