has calmed down a bit.
That's a lot of issues that you have to deal with and that would piss me off if my phone did that all the time. You're a hardcore Windows Phone user but imagine if this was some casual user that tried this platform out for the first time and encountered this issue. I bet a lot of them would leave fast and leave a bad impression of the platform.
I get what you're saying, my brother in law is having issues and he's not a "hardcore" user. Definitely isn't a good thing, though it's a recent thing, the phone had been working fine for months now. MS/Nokia need to figure these things out.
Windows Phone is supposed to be a smooth and reliable platform. It's not unheard of to read stories from Apple or Android threads where the phones/tablets degrade after you own them a while or after certain updates, but these issues aren't even a result of updates. Seems like some software service is causing sporadic issues. Very weird.