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Windows Phone |OT3 Update 3| Please be excited

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Ah figured out what I was doing wrong. Because I'm at work I'm using text input, but the first query brought me to Bing so the following questions were also just Bing searches.


Quick question concerning WP/W8 universal app development, can't for the life of me find an answer anywhere: how do I reference a shared asset?

new Uri("Assets/heart-medium-blue.xaml", UriKind.Relative);
new Uri("/Assets/heart-medium-blue.xaml", UriKind.Relative);
new Uri("Shared/Assets/heart-medium-blue.xaml", UriKind.Relative);
new Uri("/Shared/Assets/heart-medium-blue.xaml", UriKind.Relative);

None of these work :(

edit: so,
new Uri("ms-appx:///Assets/heart-medium-blue.xaml", UriKind.Absolute);

is the proper way to do it, but of course I can't use a XAML file as the Source of my Image... why do I need to jump through so many hoops :(


New Barclays Ping it APP.

Looks like the UK App situation is improving nicely all the banking apps are there.



The Translator
First Direct have released an app, so I really don't understand what the hell HSBC are waiting for.

It's the same bloody bank and the app even looks the same as the HSBC android app iirc.


I have far more confidence that utilizing the 3D space for user interface (3d touch) can be something actually very useful compared to 3D displays like Fire Phone has shown. 3D sensing that Google is working could be cool but it seems more like an engineering tool at this moment and consumer impact will be limited for now. There is still a fundamental issue with touch-based mobile devices being unable to utilize hover menus on websites (you can't). And who hasn't had problems trying to put the text pointer exactly where we want on the text?

Of course, as with all new technologies, bad implementation will actually kill it. And if it's actually useful, why hasn't other companies tried the same thing? What technology did they lack?


I can't see it being that useful. Maybe it could help in manipulating things easier in 3 dimensional space, but the breadth of applicability for that seems too small to even bother with.


Why not? Even for hover menus and increasing precision, which what our thumbs inherently can't do well, it's already useful enough. You don't need to do fancy gimmicks with it. As long you can make it something that most users can trigger at will and not make it more frustrating, it can only add to the interface.


Junior Member
you guys read the latest windows 8/9 news? basically, metro is dead. how long till tiles are turned into bubbles?


Users running Threshold on a desktop/laptop will get a SKU, or version, that puts the Windows Desktop (for running Win32/legacy apps) front and center. Two-in-one devices, like the Lenovo Yoga or Surface Pro, will support switching between the Metro-Style mode and the Windowed mode, based on whether or not keyboards are connected or disconnected.

The combined Phone/Tablet SKU of Threshold won't have a Desktop environment at all, but still will support apps running side-by-side, my sources are reconfirming. This "Threshold Mobile" SKU will work on ARM-based Windows Phones (not just Lumias), ARM-based Windows tablets and, I believe, Intel-Atom-based tablets

This sounds less like Metro dying and more like Windows defaulting to whatever makes the most sense for the form factor. As long as you can still enable the RT side of things on the desktop, I'm fine with it.

I'm more interested in the Phone/RT merge and what it means for existing hardware. Another 7.5 > 8 scenario would be terrible.


Windows 8 defaults desktops to the metro start screen on start up? That's terrible. I don't remember changing my settings, but I suppose I did.


so, when should I expect WP8.1 to officially release for the Lumia Icon on Verizon?

And if it's far off, does installing the dev 8.1 really void any warranty I have? I'd love to update but that kinda puts me off.


you guys read the latest windows 8/9 news? basically, metro is dead. how long till tiles are turned into bubbles?

God bless. Its about time. Im going to buy Win9 so hard.

Windows 9 confirmed to be called best thing since sliced bread by the internet at large.

The lack of tiles on the desktop is likely to have that effect, yes. Win 8 got clobbered because to many people didn't like that UI and the changes to the desktop. They are going back on those changes, so yeah, people will be happy.
so, when should I expect WP8.1 to officially release for the Lumia Icon on Verizon?

And if it's far off, does installing the dev 8.1 really void any warranty I have? I'd love to update but that kinda puts me off.

It voids it until the official release by your carrier. Though if anything does go wrong you can always downgrade using the the Nokia Software Recovery Tool and nobody would be able to tell the difference


All Bing apps and calendar updated last night....

Calendar is broken. Can not add nor edit any appointments on phone anymore on 8.1. Just crashes out to start everytime.


so, when should I expect WP8.1 to officially release for the Lumia Icon on Verizon?

And if it's far off, does installing the dev 8.1 really void any warranty I have? I'd love to update but that kinda puts me off.

I really hope the official release is soon. I'm still experiencing issues with my phone. Just a few minutes ago my phone got super hot, when I tried to unlock my phone, I would just see a black screen with "loading..." scrolling across the screen. This forced me to restart my phone to see my battery went from ~86% to 36% from just sitting idle for 45 minutes. This is on top of the other issues that still linger like WiFi not connecting and stuttering performance. I used to think solid, stable performance was one of the key strengths of WP, unfortunately that's no longer the case.

As for voiding the warranty, everything I've read or heard from MS is it "may" void the warranty. I'm not entirely convinced it actually voids the warranty. It always seemed like it's just something they say to cover their asses in case a carrier takes issue with it.


I'm able to add via Cortana. Editing my appointments? Nope.

Yeah, I can confirm that I get the same behavior. Seems like a glaring bug that shouldn't have gotten out.

Is there anyone where this is working for them? I use Google Calendar where it doesn't work. I wonder if it works ok if you only use Outlook calendar?

Fortunately, I don't do much calendar editing on my phone.


Yeah, I can confirm that I get the same behavior. Seems like a glaring bug that shouldn't have gotten out.

Is there anyone where this is working for them? I use Google Calendar where it doesn't work. I wonder if it works ok if you only use Outlook calendar?

Fortunately, I don't do much calendar editing on my phone.

Yes I can add via Cortana but can also not edit nor add through app... I use multiple outlook calendars


If I buy and import a 930 from England, will it work on AT&T.

I want my green phone. :(

It runs on the following networks: GSM 850/900/1800/1900 / HSPA 850/900/1900/2100
And LTE 800, 900, 1800, 2100, 2600

Check if AT&T supports that.

The phone also needs to be unlocked, but I expect you now that.


It runs on the following networks: GSM 850/900/1800/1900 / HSPA 850/900/1900/2100
And LTE 800, 900, 1800, 2100, 2600

Check if AT&T supports that.

The phone also needs to be unlocked, but I expect you now that.

Base on what you posted, AT&T will work but no LTE. It does have the AT&T bands for voice and HSPA data.


Why Windows Phone cannot rebound

"This may seem like just another spring, a season among others. But look closer — we are in fact witnessing the final hope for any meaningful future for Windows Phone being snuffed out."

"All of that helped give Windows Phone 3% to 5% slice of the smartphone market. And now that pitiful toehold is already eroding, washed away by the flood of $100 Android smartphones. There is no coming back from this debacle."

"It is the death knell for the entire Windows Phone project."
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