Sigh. I would rather take
Kyoukai over this. The problem is that the dialogue while still being jokey bad is nonsensical. I could roll with some of the fantasy stuff if there was an ounce of thought put into it being a semi-believable thing. It's just the ramblings of a bunch of autistic kids. I can understand that being a point, but it's annoying as fuck when 70% of the dialogue coming from the main characters is a bunch of dog shit. It's like hearing a random bundle of words thrown together into a blender and something resembling a sentence comes out.
The characters are all pretty much the same, Neotani included. They all do have good chemistry and I liked that they have gotten older, even if they're all still the same. I also have to give the writers credit for progressing the romance to the stage it's at.
Fuyukai desu but I'll keep watching.