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Winter 2014 Anime |OT| I've got to find a dandy guy who killed my dad in the space

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Why would you even want it explained?

Is that mutually exclusive with what I brought up? I didn't say I wanted them addressing the plausibility of it, but like the extension of the boobs/butt joke this episode, it dampens the effect without a callback. Do you think the fourth wall breaking bugs me too?


SDF Macross really does have one of the few love triangles in anime where you don't know for certain how it will turn out. That's one of the few things perhaps we can agree on about the show.
I dunno if you look deeper at the dynamics of the relationship it seems pretty obvious to me how it will turn out.

Hikaru attraction to Minmay is only a one-sided infatuation whereas Hikaru and Misa have something much deeper between them that's evidenced in their interactions


[Dictator Loli Anime] - 1

I can see why duckroll and other suspicious characters would be a fan of this kind of material.


[Nieskoi] - 1

The usual SHAFT background and colour palette aside, this was a surprisingly solid first episode, perhaps the best of the season so far.

Current WINTER 2014 rankings:

1 - Mushishi - God Tier
2 - Nisekoi - Currently good but will inevitably get worse Tier
3 - Space Dandy - MAD Tier
4 - Silver Spoon - Manga adaptation Tier
5 - Tonari - Gag Tier
6 - World Conquest - Dictator loli Tier
7 - Pupa - Flash tier


Or sanity.

I never had much of that anyway.


What follows will no doubt pass for blasphemy among mecha fans, but I'm going to say it anyway.

Allow me to begin with my forte, the things I did not like, before I launch into the things that I did, so that we may all conclude on a positive note. Before that, though, I should note that I don't hate this show. I see why people love it, and I see why it earned its place as the 4th most influential classical mecha anime of all time. My thoughts are not all sunshine and smiles, though, but that goes without saying.

First and foremost of my criticisms is that Macross is not a terribly consistent production. This complaint can be as easily launched at its betters, true, as Gundam, Getter, and Mazinger are all known to take vacations from quality from time to time, too. However, I feel it bears mentioning all the same that all aspects of Macross are inconsistent. That is, at times the animation is absolutely stellar, like in the final episode when Hikaru, Misa and Minmay are running around the flaming city and the colors and lighting are dazzling for a show of this era, or during episode 26's glorious final battle between the Zentradi and the Earth alliance. At other times it sinks to the wonky depths that I suppose all mecha anime of the era were prone to do, with character's faces looking completely at odds with their emotions or being terribly off-model. Viewed individually the score is pretty solid, and it is difficult not to find yourself caught up in it in the final battle. That said, there are times where musical selection for a scene is questionable, at best. And of course the writing. When the writers weren't as wasted as their characters, Macross could be a very endearing show with an acceptable love triangle and a story about the power of culture versus force in a conflict. When the writers didn't give a fuck we got Lynn Kaifun.

So let us address the cast, shall we? It's no secret that I find Hikaru Ichijo, Lynn Kaifun and Lynn Minmay abhorrent characters. Minmay because she spends the first arc of her character singing about how Hikaru is her boyfriend while insisting he isn't, and then slowly becoming a character completely devoid of and incapable of free will. Whether or not she is a critique of the idol culture so hideously popular today is up for debate, I suppose, since the show wavers between trying to pass her off as an innocent girl who is as sickly saccharine as her songs make her out to be and a spoiled little girl who desperately needs to grow a spine. I won't bother to elaborate on why Kaifun is repulsive, since I think anyone should find that obvious. Hikaru, meanwhile, garners no small portion of my anger for spending so long so invested in Minmay when she clearly does not give a flip about his feelings, and for mistreating Misa for basically the entire show. Early on, specifically aboard the Zentradi ship, the two had a fair amount of chemistry, and along the way they had significantly better development than Hikaru and Minmay ever got, which I suppose is why Hikaru frustrated me: because in spite of how much more development he had with Misa, he kept winding up latching back on to Minmay.

The Love Triangle is one of Macross' most lauded parts, and it is not hard to see why. If not particularly great in my own eyes, there's no denying the show devotes a significant amount of its story-telling-time to this so-called triangle, and I can see the appeal it must hold to others. Aside from not being a triangle in truth, but a rectangle because of the inescapable presence of Lynn Kaifun, a serious problem I have with the triangle is that it feels incredibly forced. Earlier in the show this isn't the case, since the triangle arises naturally enough, with the viewer simply remarking "Dang, Hayase isn't so bad. Shame Hikaru already has Minmay, I guess." and building from there. The problem is that at several points things occur which I find strain credulity. In spite of my appreciation of Misa, most of these actually occur on her end. Namely, the fact that she puts up with Hikaru's hijinks at the end of the show is pretty out there, as I don't think most women would be so quick to forgive a man who stood them up to go out with another woman. Likewise Misa's attraction to Kaifun and subsequent doubting of her role in the military because of it, is hilariously unacceptable because all of it is based on the grounds that Kaifun looks like Riber . . . which he simply does not. At all. Even remotely. But there are other elements of it which I find hard to really be okay with, too, like Minmay singing that song a million times and never once considering that Hikaru might take that seriously.

Finally, and while I am certain many must be tired of hearing me say it, the show should have ended at episode 27. Nothing that comes after that point in the show is new, necessary, or particularly well done, save it be the very final episode. The Love Triangle was neatly concluded in 27, so its return afterward was particularly grating. Minmay dumps Kaifun, only to be back with him in the very next episode. Lapliz and Kamjin side with the Earth, only to turn on it again. The Lapliz Kamjin romance is especially horrid, since she is briefly shown to be interested in Britai and later to be acting like her use of physicality is meant to manipulate Kamjin . . . except that never, ever goes anywhere at all. The idea of rampaging Zentradi is incredibly dull, and seeing it carried out over an extra ten episodes leaves one shrugging most of the final actions off. Furthermore there is an excess of time-skips in the back end of the show which only serve to further confuse the narrative.

NOW, let's see some praise for Macross, shall we?

The Love Triangle has its benefits, I'll give it that. Among the many criticisms I will lob at it, "nobody planned this shit out" is not one of them. Minmay's obliviousness to Hikaru's feelings foreshadow's his obliviousness to Misa, and his pinings foreshadow both Minmay and Misa's own interests in him later on. Like actual relationships, there is a considerable amount of arguing and ups and downs instead of just "Hey I tried to knife you now let me have your babies." Like Jex said, there is also a pretty good job done of making certain that neither of the girls' victory is assured until the very last moment. If you are willing to buy into the romance in the show, it can be a rewarding experience, and there is no denying, even if you aren't, that it doesn't make things more entertaining. Moments like Hikaru being incredibly bitter while Max is asking him for relationship advice, Misa's ice-cold burns on Hikaru after each of his fuck-ups, and Minmay's spite towards Kaifun in the end are all melodramatic parts of great amusement granted only because of the love triangle.

The GREAT animation vastly outweighs the bad. The show looks great, even today. While I am surely a heretic for thinking that there are particular things (like facial expressions) which Macross does not do as well as Mobile Suit Gundam, there are things it does which are positively spectacular (specifically, Misa and Minmay's hair. Their hair moves much, much more fluidly than the hair-sprayed helmets that the likes of Sayla Mass or Michiru Saotome wear.). The transformations of the Valkyries make up for the fact that their Zentradi counterparts are fairly boring to look at. There are scenes like the all-white embrace between Hikaru and Misa in episode 27 which are absolute treats to behold. Shading and motion are very much so Macross' forte, so even though I'm not a big fan of Minmay, nor her singing, her movements on stage are very impressive considering the era. Hell, considering that sometimes today we still have stills of people with repeated frames for speech, I'd say Minmay's dancing is pretty great to behold.

The portrayal of women in Macross is many times better than later portrayals of women in Gundam would be. I don't know that I consider it particularly better than Mobile Suit Gundam, but it is undoubtedly better than Zeta Gundam (by which point Tomino's hatred for women had taken over his brain.) Fan service is kept largely out of the show, and the heroines do not walk around with hilariously exaggerated body parts for the sake of fan service, either. You're more likely to find the flip of wet hair over a shoulder as a sign of a woman's beauty in Macross than you are the bouncing of her bosom. What's more, though, is that Macross offers women who are strong in a variety of ways. There is Milia, who is a fierce warrior, and Claudia, who provides no small amount of moral support to Misa over the course of the series. I won't say it is the best portrayal of women in anime ever, but when you compare it to Zeta Gundam, Macross is years ahead of its competition.

And of course, the show's score is really, really good. When the Macross
makes its final stand against Kamjin, and the Macross theme begins to play
I couldn't help but cheer it on. While I felt pretty sick of hearing "My Boyfriend is a Pilot" by the end of the show, some of Minmay's more somber songs really stand out as memorable, enjoyable songs during major moments of the plot. Since significant story importance is placed on these, that only makes sense, I suppose.

In the end, while I have a fair amount of harsh words to set against Macross, and consider it inferior to Mazinger, Getter Robo, and especially Mobile Suit Gundam, I don't think it is a show without merit, and I would be perfectly comfortable with recommending it to others. I feel it could have been much better, since the 2nd and 3rd parts of the show are where I feel the overwhelming number of problems it has are concentrated.

If nothing else, it's worth watching for the action.



Next to the pricings of the other sets, this feels like a veritable bargain!

...But that was there plan all along, wasn't it?
Honestly their prices aren't that crazy one you consider everyone has been pulling shit lately. I blame Tiger and Bunny being released in 4 volumes.

It is indeed, though I admit the sheer pervasiveness of all the thread pimping did hurt it, somewhat. I'd already long since finished Hyouka before all the hyperbole kicked in, but I imagine it was much the same. You can see it giving people the incentive to watch it, simply with the mindset of "I'm going to watch it and then tell them how much it sucks!"
I think Hyouka's reception was much different to Yamato's. Mostly because I think Yamato is an 'easier' show if that makes sense. Of course the timing is different too. Yamato pretty much blew up and it didn't have a long burn to hipster hate like Hyouka did. (yet)

Alright I'll start with Strike Witches.
So it begins.

Someone recommended Strike Witches? ._.
A good person.

We have condemned this poor soul, to Strike Witches.
The path to enlightenment is a hard and perilous one.

Strike Witches 1

Where the hell are their pants?
They are in fact wearing pants in-universe.

For the record, they're not panties so it's not embarrassing.
And in video form

Stop watching Strike Witches.

SO FUCKING AWESOME. I died a little inside every time one of you fuckers forgot to mention this scene on episode 19. Also I love the Battle of the Bulge nod on that scene.
Sekai Seifuku: Bouryaku no Zvezda episode 1

So, the episode has our heroine, Kate Hoshimiya. Fall from a bike she was standing on. And be caught by our protagonist, Asuta Jimon. And instead of being happy that he caught her, she basically said he was being... well...
Anime always seems to have to have these jokes where a male is called some word for sexually inappropriate where they weren't. And I'm getting rather tired of this gag. Actual sexual harassment and other violating behaviors is treated as an "accident", and totally okay. And that "anything can be construed as sexually violating, so why even try respect people sexually?" It's terrible message.

It's as if a lot of anime is trying to send the idea that everything is perverted inappropriate touching, or nothing is inappropriate touching, and there's nothing in between. I'm getting tired of this trope. I'm tired of this "accidental groping" or "mistaken for groping" thing. It feels like they're trying to lessen the horror of non-consensual, sexual violation. By making it all look like a fun, innocent accident that could happen to anyone. Or that women think that everything is a "bad touch". In a country where "chikan" is still a problem, I feel like these jokes and the tendancy to make jokes like trivializes actual groping and sexual assault.

I thought that Kate Hoshimiya might have been one of those characters who looks like a little girl, but it actually an adult and is given a mature personality. Much like Mina Tepes of Dance in the Vampire Bund. Who has an adult personality and maturity. As trying to conquer the world doesn't seem like a motivation of an innocent child.

But Kate acts... rather childish seeming. She's very emotional. She acts like a typical tsundere character. And in ways that tsundere characters often seem childish, emotionally unstable seeming. I wish her personality seemed more like Mina Tepes, and less childish.

The premise and plot is very silly. And that can often be okay, especially if a show is a comedy. But I feel like it works against this show. It's too dramatic and serious seeming for something so silly. I feel that's a problem with a lot of anime. A lot of anime that isn't trying to be Slice of Life, or Comedy, has a plot that doesn't make any sense. If they were attempting to make this a comedy more than it is now, I think it would be much more entertaining and fun.

Because of this balance of plot, and comedy, it doesn't really work well with either one. It's not very funny, and it's not a very intriguing story. The story is sudden, silly, and relies on a lot of cliches. Kate doesn't seem like someone who can conquer the world, she has physical strength, but seems like an emotionally fragile tsundere. She's no Mina Tepes.

And Natasha seems like a more interesting 'loli' character, than Kate. Though none of the characters are very interesting by being a part of what is such a silly plot.

I'm a bit disappointed at how 'generic' the anime is. The only thing attention grabbing about the anime is the almost naked loli characters. Again, manga like Dance in the Vampire Bund have intriguing plots. As are many 'loli' anime and manga. It's clear that they're trying to sell this on loli content, because it doesn't have much else going for it.

I'm sad that this is so underwhelming. It could have been an interesting and attention drawing anime.


Doesn't read OPs, especially not his own
Deprives them of their self-respect?

I feel like a lot of the uncertainty is caused by the fact that Hikaru has been playing both sides of this fence for way longer than most women would put up with.

I honestly enjoyed SDF love triangle alot because the relationships arent "fake" if that makes sense it actually feels like adults dealing with adult problems, instead of something turning into a harem or something like that


sealed with a kiss
Yamato ep 7,8

Ep 7: A nice breather episode after the past few,
really enjoyed seeing everyone's different lives and personalities come out in their video messages, and more hinting at a relationship between Yumi and Iskander

Ep 8:
Farewell Schultz, we barely knew thee, Desler's throne is so boss, the controls for dropping people through holes was practically cartoon villain level though, seemed a little out of place.


Ep 8:
Farewell Schultz, we barely knew thee, Desler's throne is so boss, the controls for dropping people through holes was practically cartoon villain level though, seemed a little out of place.
Hey if you ruled an empire for 103 years you'd also like to have that sorts of things. Or you'd be bored silly.


Honestly their prices aren't that crazy one you consider everyone has been pulling shit lately. I blame Tiger and Bunny being released in 4 volumes.

Persona 4: The Animation was also in 3 volumes - Essentially anything with the Kaze/Manga partnership seems to fall under that model.


Magi S2 - Episode 14




Yup, it's still good. 7 episodes in a row now of being faithful to the manga and adapting stuff with actual proper pacing and direction. Art remains nice, bits of nice animation here and there. A-1 really seems to have... learned? Still can't believe this is happening, but it's a good time for Magi fans to jump back on the anime bandwagon!
Okay, I want to watch some anime this season to prepare my mind for Stardust Crusaders next season, but the OT is not really helping me find out what to watch.

What's been good so far this season? And what is looking to be good but hasn't aired yet?


Nesikoi 1
Good so far, let's hope Shinbo being an ass to the writing staff means we can get this one done in one season and not mutate into the mush of nothing happening ever that the Manga devolved into.


So it would appear that the Gurren Lagann Ultimate edition BD (UK version) is currently the third best selling BD on the UK amazon.co.uk. Not sure if that's surprising but there you have it. Should pre-order ASAP if you haven't already.
Edit: Yes Firehawk Gravity is 4th.
Chuu2 Ren 01

This just felt like KyoAni checking boxes and calling it a day. If as the OP suggests, they intend to introduce a new element (character) and give this season a reason to exist beyond "here's more of this, I guess" then I would rather they open with that. Instead, I got 20-some-minutes of contrivance for Utah and Rikka to live together and Deko x Mori trying to carry the show by being the only amusing element.

The fantasy fights are old at this point as well. They never mean anything and only amount to burning animation talent like money in a fire. It worked as a gag in S1 when Deko and Rikka were rolling around on the floor IRL while it was going on, but standing around in a park doesn't really have the same effect.

Chuu2 without the drama can be entertaining -I like the lite ONA more than the first season- but they've got to do more than ditch a hair clip for it to happen. It usually seems fair to grant some leeway for a first episode, but when it's a second season I expect, or at least wish for more.
Is it me, or is this Winter Season shaping up to be a complete disaster? Seems to be nothing but a wall of mediocre romcoms. Almost everything I have seen so far has been mediocre, the only standout is Nisekoi because of Shaft. Heck I am getting more enjoyment out of that Little Sister Peeing Show than most of the crap the winter.


Is it me, or is this Winter Season shaping up to be a complete disaster? Seems to be nothing but a wall of mediocre romcoms. Almost everything I have seen so far has been mediocre, the only standout is Nisekoi because of Shaft. Heck I am getting more enjoyment out of that Little Sister Peeing Show than most of the crap the winter.
But there's Tonari no Seki-kun and Hozuki no Reitetsu.
So it would appear that the Gurren Lagann Ultimate edition BD (UK version) is currently the third best selling BD on the UK amazon.co.uk. Not sure if that's surprising but there you have it. Should pre-order ASAP if you haven't already.
Edit: Yes Firehawk Gravity is 4th.

Success. Are there any hints about what the Anime Ltd. Kickstarter will be?


What if someone eats it?

This is an improvement. KyoAni should hire gif makers to do punch-up.
Is it me, or is this Winter Season shaping up to be a complete disaster? Seems to be nothing but a wall of mediocre romcoms. Almost everything I have seen so far has been mediocre, the only standout is Nisekoi because of Shaft. Heck I am getting more enjoyment out of that Little Sister Peeing Show than most of the crap the winter.

It's like this most Winters. Last year it was garbage except for Inferno Cop and Minami-ke.


No-Rin - 01
Less than 10 minutes in and for some reason I am struck by a Valkyria Chronicles 2 comparison. Level headed glasses character, fiery idiot male character and overly romantic female character in a class that is viewed as inferior to a class with a leader who is a pink haired girl with giant tits.


Edit: Well I watched for the Hanazawa kansai speech and wasn't disappointed.

Edit 2: It also had Saito Chiwa screaming the word bukkake which was unusual.

Edit 3: Well the show seems fun but it seems like it'll be a misery fest with childhood friend and the idol which is going to be fucking boring.
Is it me, or is this Winter Season shaping up to be a complete disaster? Seems to be nothing but a wall of mediocre romcoms. Almost everything I have seen so far has been mediocre, the only standout is Nisekoi because of Shaft. Heck I am getting more enjoyment out of that Little Sister Peeing Show than most of the crap the winter.

Just wait! Wizard Barristers will save the winter season.


Nisekoi - 01

Why the hell the MC wearing hairclip? Btw Aniplex pouring dem budget for Shaft and Claris.

Hajime no Ippo : Rising - 14

Wow this episode have really good character art, and more well drawn than usual also great directing, its weird to see this much of effort for off-fight episode with how cheap and lazy this season going so far. Nice surprise.
Hell no.
Yes it is.
Is it me, or is this Winter Season shaping up to be a complete disaster? Seems to be nothing but a wall of mediocre romcoms. Almost everything I have seen so far has been mediocre, the only standout is Nisekoi because of Shaft. Heck I am getting more enjoyment out of that Little Sister Peeing Show than most of the crap the winter.
You got the answer.
Its a winter

Its not that bad for me though because Space Dandy, Inori Konkon Koi Iroha and Hozuki no Reitetsu loooked gonna be a keeper.
Phi Brain 05

Attack of the plot. I guess the Armlet can go both ways. It can enhance your solving abilities or completely shut them off. Although, according to the preview, that should go away right quick. So far it's just Gammon and Kaito solving puzzles. I kind of want to see Cubik and Ana try in later epsiodes (granted Ana helped Kaito find the solution in that painting puzzle, but since they're all geniuses, I'd like all of them to go solo at least once).
Okay, I want to watch some anime this season to prepare my mind for Stardust Crusaders next season, but the OT is not really helping me find out what to watch.

What's been good so far this season? And what is looking to be good but hasn't aired yet?

Buddy Complex is the must watch mecha this season, with Hamatora acting as the most intense, story driven anime this season. Id definitely suggest Hamatora.


I can't last watching Hamatora more than 2 minute.

You all laughing to that new yamakan anime, but Hamatora is just as fugly.. I take GoHands filter over that.


I just watched half of Sakura Trick ep1 and I had to stop. Too powerful. Fake-Shaft + SDBurton's brain = dangerous. I don't think I'll be able to watch this show. >_<


Is it me, or is this Winter Season shaping up to be a complete disaster? Seems to be nothing but a wall of mediocre romcoms. Almost everything I have seen so far has been mediocre, the only standout is Nisekoi because of Shaft. Heck I am getting more enjoyment out of that Little Sister Peeing Show than most of the crap the winter.

I don't really think so, but then theres lot of continuing shows /second seasons that I will continue to enjoy. So I will continue to have more shows than I have time to watch.


Kuroko's Basketball - 14

New OP are hella crap, no more glorious bball sakuga :(
Same with the episode, its looked like frigging slideshow.. Preview for next eps looked promising though.
Golden Time 5

Well I get why people don't like it but I don't mind it too much. For all the possible
supernatural twists
this one doesn't bother me as much as other ones.

I hope the execution of this is better though than a certain Romance anime from 2012 that included something similar with the
two different sets of memories with 1 person

I will say though that this really just makes
look really bad. Definitely am interested in her rationale as to why she did what she did, or more accurately what she didn't do.
Linda is a characters i don't get trully ..she is not a bad girl, but 90% of her decisions are bad ones.
I still haven't forgave her after those double flashbacks.

What is this? I see potential yuri.
What is this ? i see po-

Well i need to check this out.

Only a certain "kind" of people would enjoy something like Strike Witches. The same kind that enjoys anime like Neptunia or Vividred.
I liked vividred and i liked neptunia , yet after watching strike witches first episode i dropped it.
I couldn't forgive the camera work and everything felt so forced.
It's when the season 2 ended that i gave it another chance and finally watched it all and even then i consider it "decent" not "good"

SO well a bad impression can put you off even if you don't mind pandering .

Log Horizon 15-

Wow it's like none of them know about aggro.

Dumb ass DPS players screwing things up as always. 7/10 times, it's the DPS screwing things up.

Actually they all know about aggro , they just don't know how to deal with it.
Episode was cool , but nobody plays "that" safe in dongeons in real mmos. except in Big multi party dongeons of course


Log horizon 15

I expect shiroe's combat manual actually is for higher level dungeons, but whatever. Fun episode. I wonder what rudy is hiding. I couldn't tell if he was taking about a real store or an in game store, that'll be fun to find out.

Also, demihumans. Cool.


I think I liked Nisekoi... yeah.

watching for now

dropped for now until future notice because meh
Space Dandy

Today I'll decide to drop or not, probably watching for lolz
The Fool

Shit sucks

don't care/not for me
lewd loli dictators

kyoanus tier, I MUST WATCH

from last season
Kill la Kill
I've a seemingly amazing backlog from last year, great season for me ^_^
Phi Brain 05

Attack of the plot. I guess the Armlet can go both ways. It can enhance your solving abilities or completely shut them off. Although, according to the preview, that should go away right quick. So far it's just Gammon and Kaito solving puzzles. I kind of want to see Cubik and Ana try in later epsiodes (granted Ana helped Kaito find the solution in that painting puzzle, but since they're all geniuses, I'd like all of them to go solo at least once).

I like kaito gammon puzzle solving best, you can always feel their emotions best. Just hang in there for the others getting their puzzles.
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