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Winter Anime 2015 |OT| ZA WARUDO is not square!

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Maturity, bitches.
Heh. Those body pillows are always pervy.
The only good thing about those types of pillow cases existing is that it means there is a benchmark of being a complete saddo because you own one that I'll hopefully never reach.
I had no knowledge of the series before watching the anime and it made me a fan. I'd say it was very accessible as a show. One reason why I say it is the best videogame adaption of all time (to be fair, the competition consists of things like the Super Mario Super Show and Donkey Kong Country).

If you want to see an inaccessible property watch the Boat Gals anime.

i had no real investment in the series before the anime and i had a blast with it

You guys must be more into idol-ing than I am.
I keep listening to Komm Susser Tod now.

Neon Genesis Evangelion - 02

That faceplant, talk about fucking up a good first impression. Now this is interesting, the pilot and mecha seems linked in both body and mind?
Misato is pretty great, a fitting relief character. What the fuck a penguin?? Yo whats up with that creepy eye, did that Angel some how merge with the Eva when it 'self destructed'?
Or maybe it's parts from that Angel from 15 years ago. Cause that's some pretty thick armor otherwise to survive that. The fight was pretty sick. So many questions.

Aye, Evangelion is something I've always heard people talk about. Figured it's time to see what it's all about.

Don't hate.
Rolling Girls 3


A city full of cosplayers. Sounds a lot nicer than what the reality would really be like. I guess this is what Favaro is up to now that Rage of Bahamut is finished, haha.

Animation wasnt that great this episode but nothing crazy happened anyways. Some catastrophe is being foreshadowed though. I wonder if one person can utilize more than 1 of those stones at a time.

Chi is so weird and so adorable.


Neon Genesis Evangelion - 03

So the Impact made the antarctic ice melt, that explains the buildings under water in the first episode. Shellfish angel with laser tentacles, well at least their designs are varied.
Eva is the smart phones of their time with 5 minutes battery life. Shinji going bananas on that Angel with a knife, that's some gangsta shit.
His screaming scared the shit out of me. And that looked like human hands under the Eva armor, it even had nails!

An episode with mecha animation so good that when they re-animated it for the movie it looked worse!
HappinessCharge Precure 49 END

In a show that reminds us that Toei cannot do jack shit with heterosexual relationships even normally in Precure, we're treated to some CQC fighting (best part A)
And redemption of Dio, Hoshiiwa and Namekelder
The revelation that
Red is Blue's brother
just adds yet another pile of evidence that Blue is a completely terrible character. I mean, our main heroines even talked about how much Blue was a shit before the final showdown even.

Moving on, the first half was more of a Fun Things are Fun kind of thing, whereas the latter half was more MUH HAART drama that wasn't resolved in a satisfactory manner. My feeling for Cure Lovely isn't that great. She's a rather interesting fighter, because she's practically a Super Robot in her fighting style, but her character leaves so much to be desired on my end. Then again, what I find weird recently was more on how characters feel more like a caricature, and not an actual character. It's like watching Persona Q for characters who aren't very established.

Each season has it's fair share of spotty animation, but episodes where key moments occur (like Precures vs Generals) aren't treated quite as well as one would hope, and I actually grew tired of Innocent the more it played. The way it was used in 48 didn't really help, since it didn't feel like something I would fight to.

As for closing plotlines, I feel at odds at some of them, like the HimeXSeiji line, which initially was closed off, but then Yuuko went "FIGHT ON", teasing that this little subplot would go on... but it didn't. I can't say I was fond of the MegumixBlue line, because we already know she lost before we even got halfway through, so we just had Seiji being mopey and not-active like a dunce.

Of course, while there was spotty episodes, we had some rather steller episodes, ones that just made me feel the feel of excellent direction that is rather uncommon as a whole in Precure.

In all honesty, I don't really know if it's in the bottom half of Precure for me. But it's not at the top either. As a 10th anniversary show, I think it was good though. And by that, I mean (as someone has put it), it perfectly sums up the mediocrity that plagues Precure, while also having the shining moments of Precure as well. A testament if you will, to how Toei ultimately makes other mahou shoujos look good. Like Shugo Chara, despite it's numerous recaps.

And in the end, all we know is that YuuYuu is the only one who got a pairing (....and HimexIona)

And with HapCha being over, it's time to retire this avatar and change it for next season....

Oh, goody! They did end it this episode.

Now I can look forward to Sasuke in the next match.

And leave it to the anime to give Haizaki some sort of redemption at the end.

Never cared about him, but I guess it beats leaving him on the ground after getting his ass whooped.
Rolling Girls 03

A city full of cosplaying Otaku sounds all well and good on paper but then you realize that Cosplaying Otaku would be the ones that are passing all the municipal laws and I think we can all agree that that's a no go.

There wasn't any super duper fight scenes (except a few brief moments in the beginning) Which is sad, but I guess you gotta save the budget somehow after those last two episodes.

I did get a kick out of some of the gags here, especially Nozomi puking up rainbows after finding the fake charm and it getting sucked up by the Roomba.

Also when's this show airing


Andrew J.

HapCha Precure 38

I can't say that I watch Precure primarily for the fight scenes, genuine sakuga is infrequent, especially in this one, but when it shows up it totally owns.




One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Sabre, I hope you realize that Urusei Yatsura literally invented "alien girl gets engaged to human guy".


There is a nekomata in it.



Koufuku Graffiti - 03

This show keeps being one of my favorites of the season, if not my favorite. It's just pure healing and happiness. Kirin keeps being the cutest thing ever.

She is REALLY adorable. Shaft has delivered the happy squee feelgood soulfood show of the season.

Thanks for the very nice write-up, as always when coming from you Jexhius!

It was worth the wait, isn't it? Although the review from the supervisor of his first draft as a PhD thesis consumed additional time until the final publication, it is still impressive how many months the actual research and writing process alone apparently took from his life. Admirable to share that with everyone!

If anyone else here is interested on checking this book, something more accessible and immediate as an introduction to Mr. Clements' own perspective for the Japanese animation industry history can be enjoyed here as well:

AF12 - Wrong About Anime / Omyly o anime - YouTube

I have also seen this video before but it was very good information and quite interesting.

Madoka: Rebellion

Finally got around to seeing this beautiful piece of movie and


Keeki keeki marui keeki~
Valvrave 01-04

I watched this before but I forgot what episode I made it too and also forgot a bunch of other stuff so I'm rewatching from the beginning.

It's about a Space Vampire Mecha. Except when you bite people you swap bodies with them. And it has action scenes so ridiculous it would make Van Damme blush.

Pretty dumb so far but I think I got further in originally., I swear if I had a dollar for every line in a mecha series complaining about how adults don't fight fair I would have a couple thousand dollars

OP and ED are good tho


Man, what is this awful gutter that the Jojo series has crawled into? Stardust Crusaders 2 - Episode 3 was even worse than the first two.
A Certain Scientific Railgun - 10

I should have known it was Kiyama. I mean, the more I think about it, she really does come off as a villain in terms of looks.

Finally, after all the grunts and mini-bosses I've seen in this show up until now, it looks like there's going to be a genuine boss battle now. I've been waiting for that, so I hope it delivers!


So I looked up some ONA's recently, when I discovered that the director of (watch all of these if you haven't) Fumiko's Confession, rain town and Poulette's Chair has made an 18 minute theatrical short. It premiered in October 2013, yet it hasn't reached the web nor retail. What a crime. Here's the trailer, and it looks stunning as expected.

I really hope this guy will tackle some bigger projects in the future, he's a name to look out for. Hiroyasu Ishida.

Yeah I posted about this before. Some times these shorter films with limited release slip through the cracks. It's really annoying.

Toruru's Adventure is another short omnibus film by four talented directors which was created for the Toyoto PES promotional brand. It got a limited screening in like one cinema in Japan, early last year, and that was it. No net or home release so far. They even took down the trailer which they had on Youtube. :(

Yeah I posted about this before. Some times these shorter films with limited release slip through the cracks. It's really annoying.

Toruru's Adventure is another short omnibus film by four talented directors which was created for the Toyoto PES promotional brand. It got a limited screening in like one cinema in Japan, early last year, and that was it. No net or home release so far. They even took down the trailer which they had on Youtube. :(


They even took down the trailer for Toruru's Adventure? Dang. What a waste to get creative people making these neat looking short films and then not release them in a form regular people will be able to see.


Happiness Charge Precure 49!

Precure finally did a genuine handoff like Super Sentai does. That's a good sign of an evolving franchise. The one thing I will always remember about this year is when the Pretties, Rhythm and Cure, swapped their shipping preferences. The once super straight idol ice skating show now has only one guy who seems more interested in cute animals, and the center of yuri temporarily turned into romance central.

I still ship Hime/Iona, so that works. The finale was a bit Digimon 02 - and I was disappointed that
everyone who wasn't Megumi
didn't get to do anything in the finale, but it wrapped up the character beats nicely enough.
Deadpool and friends even survived!

It's not quite as good as Heartcatch, and it doesn't have any Cure as good as Yayoi('s the best), but it was still pretty enjoyable. Using variable energy attacks instead of just one finisher every time was pretty cool, but I think that Innocent Harmony could've gotten trimmed down a bit as it went on. One of the longest finishers in the franchise, seriously.

The form change gimmick is a staple of Kamen Rider, but having the finishers be CGI attacks wasn't quite as effective a use as I was hoping more. Maybe a later iteration of the franchise can get better usage out of it. The various outfits were cute, however. Especially the ninja outfits.

And I want to mention how fun it is that HaCha featured a Precure who was once a Sentai villain (Haruka Tomatsu [Candelira -> Fortune]) and features one who's going to become a Sentai villain (Megumi Han [Princess -> Izayoi]). All the Flamenco Diamond jokes with Iona didn't really pan out.

Not my favorite Precure series, but it was a valiant effort. I look forward to seeing how GoPri switches up the formula. Boarding schools, explicit royalty, and what else is in store? There's already a Blue-like figure in Prince Kanata, so we'll see how the romance pans out there.

And even if GoPri remains a pleasant background series, we still have Pleiades and Nanoha Vivid coming in the next season. Magical girls forever!
Ping Pong END

Well, that was quite a surprise. I didnt think I'd enjoy it as much as I did. The animation was nothing mindblowing (as half the series were just stills and panning) but the aesthetic was great and I didnt mind all the visual metaphors. I didnt care about any of the characters in the beginning but by the end, I was rooting for every one of them. They showed a lot of growth, even the ones that didnt have much screen time, such as the afro dude who ends up traveling all over the world. The soundtrack was fantastic and I can go on for hours gushing about it.

Its not my AOTY but it was damn good.
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