It is actually common enough for tropes like that to be sexist. The example that immediately comes to mind is Metroid Other M.
Yeah it can be, I just don't see how it is in Parasyte.
It is actually common enough for tropes like that to be sexist. The example that immediately comes to mind is Metroid Other M.
That would means only Nagato would survive because that's the only capital ship that survived WWII.
Manga fans were just nitpicking the anime at that point since it apparently wasn't following the manga anymore, but, in the end,it seems like the manga pretty much is heading to a less rushed version of the same conclusion, with a few tweaks here and there (and one arc entirely skipped by the anime).
I guess he's talking about howMine doesn't die in the manga, she's just left unconscious and out of the remaining battles.
Mine doesn't die, she goes into a coma or some shit, she's a vegetable.
Yup. In order save Tats she attacks the General and overloads Pumpkin and is able to kill the General solo but it causes her to fall into a coma. Then there's Tats getting poisoned by Dorothea, Najenda riding to the rescue on the danger beast and
I did find the stadium situation subpar both in regards of what goes down there and from the execution standpoint. Felt like they run out of budget at times.just the way the whole fight in the stadium goes down.
The problem with akame ga kill is the way it handle each situation , not the outcome.
It's not just a matter of if a character is dead or not ... it's more about what the character does or doesn't on screen that make the anime VASTLY INFERIOR.
The last part of the anime killed the momentum of several characters and moved to resolve as much plot as possible , even if it doesn't make sense , even if the answer is freaking asspulls out of nowhere , or things that act out of character for the sake of it.
In the anime everything that made the characters , "characters" disapeared in order to make everyone fights in order to solve problems when akame ga kill made clear that this wasn't a viable option before. That's sucks
I agree.
The coliseum fight was just much better in the manga.... much better esdeath , but better tatsumi , better mine. Heck even the one that died before that point had better arcs and better time to make them revelant/intresting .
screw this rushed mess.
Yeah it can be, I just don't see how it is in Parasyte.
Nah, can't agree with that.I don't know much about this Parasyte thingamabob, but I wouldn't call Madhouse terrible when they did a fantastic job at Hunter X Hunter 2011!
Sure, they used to be a great studio. Haven't you noticed how much they've declined in recent years, though? Dried up funds and the NTV takeover killed it, all that remains is an empty shell. If it weren't for the government funded Anime Mirai, they'd be stuck making only safe, half-assed manga adaptations like HxH and Parasyte.Madhouse is amazing shut your mouth. They gave me Redline AND Supernatural anime
Interesting. I've been looking forward to this show since I discovered the OAD on the spring chart. Deen has me worried, but it seems they've been going through an upheaval since SHAFT staff migrated there. This director is one of those SHAFT talents. I'm loving the character designs also, and the source material seems like something special.The talented director Mamoru Hatakeyama/Shinichi Omata's (Rozen Maiden 2013/Sankarea) next show has been revealed, and it has pretty neat subject matter. Mieko Hosoi on character designs too. Excited!
Ahh alright thanks. Anime route cofirmed superior.I'm quite okay with this. Weakest character by far both design and personality wise. Though I suppose I missed a bit of characterisation early on.
Madhouse is amazing shut your mouth. They gave me Redline AND Supernatural anime
The next real shounen-ey/action-ey thing that is on my radar is Gintama next season. I'm not even sure if there's anything that fits that bill airing at the moment.Accepting the risk of being yelled at, I just started getting into anime. Could somebody give me a rundown of what I should be watching. I just finished Knights of Sidonia and obviously I've seen Attack on Titan and Fullmetal Alchemist. So yeah, thanks.
Accepting the risk of being yelled at, I just started getting into anime. Could somebody give me a rundown of what I should be watching. I just finished Knights of Sidonia and obviously I've seen Attack on Titan and Fullmetal Alchemist. So yeah, thanks.
Accepting the risk of being yelled at, I just started getting into anime. Could somebody give me a rundown of what I should be watching. I just finished Knights of Sidonia and obviously I've seen Attack on Titan and Fullmetal Alchemist. So yeah, thanks.
We are enemies.
Accepting the risk of being yelled at, I just started getting into anime. Could somebody give me a rundown of what I should be watching. I just finished Knights of Sidonia and obviously I've seen Attack on Titan and Fullmetal Alchemist. So yeah, thanks.
The talented director Mamoru Hatakeyama/Shinichi Omata's (Rozen Maiden 2013/Sankarea) next show has been revealed, and it has pretty neat subject matter. Mieko Hosoi on character designs too. Excited!
This sounds like a good match.The talented director Mamoru Hatakeyama/Shinichi Omata's (Rozen Maiden 2013/Sankarea) next show has been revealed, and it has pretty neat subject matter. Mieko Hosoi on character designs too. Excited!
This begs the question: did you like any of those three?
This begs the question: did you like any of those three?
*from the Night Raid at least. Plenty of more of similarly and more awful characters in the show as a whole.
Any genre you're particularly interested ?
Off the top of my hat;
Fate/Zero - Judging by the titles you listed, should be right up your alley.
Gurren Lagann
Madoka Magica
Slow paced and dark:
Serial Experiments Lain
Edit: Have you seen both FMA's ?
Actually yes. I loved FMA and KoS and I thought Attack on Titan was pretty good. A lot of the series felt like needless filler to me.
Those shoes are the mark of the devil this guy is Lucifer confirmed
Everybody shut up with your bad opinions over Madhouse and watch the Persona 5 trailer so we can agree on 2015 RPG of the year. And I say this as a huge Witcher fan.
And then watch the continuation.Do yourself a favor and go watch the Berserk: Golden Age Arc movie trilogy. It's CG animation but the action and story is great.
KiraraGuy sounds a bit weird, like obsessive levels.
I haven't come up with a suitable name yet. Mainly because I want to retain Kirby.
Otherwise it would be like Kiraraby or KirarabYuuYuu or some shit.
So I was checking ANN for news and I see an advertisement for Gurren Lagann and what recommendation do I see in the corner?
"From the creators of Kill La Kill"
Those fancy gifs convinced me to start watching Princess Precure. What am I in for as someone who has never seen a Precure show?
Challenge accepted
Shit, I guess it's time to stop resting on my laurels
GAF, I have come to ask you the most important question:
"Survival Strategy!" or "Yuri Approved!"
FYI for peeps who ordered Ben-to from Rightstuf:
I sent them a tweet asking why it hasn't shipped yet and they looked into it for me. Basically Funi only just shipped them the lot and they hope to have it in stock by the end of the week to ship out to customers.
To completely oversimplify it: it's becauseshe's a real lesbian.
"Yuri Approved!"is better, but SEIIIIZOOOONNNNNNN SENRRYYAAAAAAAKUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU is way more fun to shout as loud as you can.gao gao~
ROCK OVER JAPAN is better than whatever the bear trials are trying to do.
I find it funny.
Was he banned because of waifu talk or bad taste?
Shirobako 17
Another strong episode, this time about being forced to make a quick PV. Remember the poor animators and production assistants the next time you see one!
Feels like the antisocial new guy is going to screw things up sooner or later. That or get fired, which would be pretty impressive considering the same studio employs Tarou.
Shirobako 17
Pretty sure editor guy was added to make Tarou look like a good human being.
Director is the best character, I hope the super shy timid girl becomes better.
"If I stay here will I see the Admiral again. Oh my...what's that bright light?"Dat OVA sequel though....
Do yourself a favor and go watch the Berserk: Golden Age Arc movie trilogy. It's CG animation but the action and story is great.
thank me later.
The talented director Mamoru Hatakeyama/Shinichi Omata's (Rozen Maiden 2013/Sankarea) next show has been revealed, and it has pretty neat subject matter. Mieko Hosoi on character designs too. Excited!
I just want to take this chance to say how much I loved the Sankarea adaptation. This guy took a turd for a manga and turned it into a great, sometimes even amazing, anime.
How is the Rozen Maiden series? I was thinking of getting into it just because he did the last season.
I've heard it's PS2 quality CGI though...
Well, I haven't seen that trilogy because of it, but the TV version of Berserk is great, apart from containing very little animation you know :/
Do yourself a favor and go watch the Berserk: Golden Age Arc movie trilogy. It's CG animation but the action and story is great.
thank me later.
Also as said here's the usual Woof pimping of Fate Zero
Ignore the sequel of FZ though (aka ignore Fate Stay Night... though who knows you might like it)
The Tokyo Ghoul MC really is one of the most unlikable MCs I've seen in a long time. Not unlikeable in the way School Days Makoto is unlikeable, but more in that there's no reason to root for him as an MC. Like go back to the cafe people, they were far more likeable than this winge minge. Makoto at least was the reason to watch School Days, this guy is not the reason to watch Tokyo Ghoul.
Curse this need of mine to watch something I start to the end.
Came in today. I also got Part 2 to Sailor Moon bluray and One Piece Collection 11.
See, Prinz Eugen actually survived that."If I stay here will I see the Admiral again. Oh my...what's that bright light?"
It's not that bad. The first one is the most awkward looking, but if you can watch say Ronja (current anime) you can watch this. Fights are actually animated here and they're awesome.
Mhh.. would like to see some properly animated fights actually. Eh, I'll probably check the movies out.
Sölf;150802121 said:But if you want to do yourself a favor, don't watch or read any of Berserk. It won't do you any good.Because you will just crave for more and in your heart you know that the manga will be still ongoing when you are dieing.
As it's my sworn duty, I'm going to have to warn KingKiller that the Berserk movie trilogy has pretty terrible CG animation in many fight scenes (as NaDann pointed out, almost PS2 quality terrible), and recommend that they instead watch the original 90s TV anime of Berserk. There's controversy over how the TV version ends, but personally I liked it. I found it fitting, actually. Anyway, the point is that the TV anime is way better than the movies.
I can vouch for Fate/Zero, though. It's a pretty great action series. Worth your time if you're looking for something like that.
I'm pretty sure we'll all outlive Miura, ~chu.