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Winter Anime 2016 |OT| Celebrating the New Year and PSO2's release in the west!

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Lain 8

I enjoy this atmospheric kind of horror a lot more than jump scare(cause they give me a heart attack tbh)

Some stellar directing in this episode. The camera constantly weaving around and circling Lain, then it immediately jumps in on her and then retreats. It was a great way to convey that paranoia of having "eyes on you". The hallway of flapping mouths was a really disturbing visual too. And fuck that scene with her parents, almost nothing happened and it was still tense and scary as fuck. Just the ambient noise of the fridge ad her parents lifeless gaze, nail biting stuff.

Built off the last episode with rumors and mis-information then just went full on into self-identity crises. Interesting concept of killing your online presence and if that's even possible. Like when you are essentially a faceless anonymous presence online(again that is slightly dated in some ways) what would a manifest version of that side of yourself be like and could you distinguish it from your usual self? Also the show explores a lot more sexual themes than I thought it would.
yami shibai s3 09

"Don't ever say no to the handshake man, or else he will CRUSH YOU INTO A MEATBALL"

"But don't ever, ever, under any circumstance say yes to the fourth handshake man because he will EAT YOUR HAND!"

Yo that doesn't even make sense, one of those is way worse then the other. Dumbass schoolgirls.
I'm going to see Only Yesterday in the Alamo Drafthouse today. I hope it's good since I usually like Ghibli movies. I also notice on the calendar there was a movie called Boy and the Beast and it is by the same director of Summer Wars and Wolf Children. Has anyone seen this and would they recommend it?


Where are you right now? There is a main plot, but it doesn't happen until around episode 20 or so. Not like the bad guy of the week was bad, I think it was more establishing the long term characters before suddenly BLACK FULL SCREEN EPISODE TITLE WITH MENACING MUSIC.


I'm on episode 18. But thanks, I'll keep watching then.
I'm going to see Only Yesterday in the Alamo Drafthouse today. I hope it's good since I usually like Ghibli movies. I also notice on the calendar there was a movie called Boy and the Beast and it is by the same director of Summer Wars and Wolf Children. Has anyone seen this and would they recommend it?

The Boy and the Beast has received generally negative reception, unfortunately, and is widely considered Hosoda's worst film.

Only Yesterday is very good though, so enjoy that!
The Boy and the Beast has received generally negative reception, unfortunately, and is widely considered Hosoda's worst film.

Only Yesterday is very good though, so enjoy that!

I see, that's disappointing to hear.

Yea, I'm looking forward to the movie. Since it's at the Drafthouse I can pig out while I watch.
There are many emotions an individual can feel when watching the DBZ films. Excitement, boredom, rage, etc.

I can now add another emotion to that list: disappointment.

Dragon Ball Z: Bio-Broly


Swampthing and Muck's bastard love child.

So Bio-Broly disappointed me. It disappointed me because it wasn't the biggest piece of shit everyone touted it out to be. In fact, not only is it not the worst DBZ film IMO (that honour currently goes to Second Coming) but it isn't even in the bottom 3 (Second Coming, Episode of Bardock and either one of Return of Cooler or Plan to Eradicate the Super Saiyans).

I say this mostly because the first 20 minutes are... actually pretty decent. Mr Satan and Android 18 are in the film which gives it a notable advantage over Second Coming right off the bat and they do get some decent interactions with one another. In addition, unlike Second Coming, there's actually something akin to a plot this time. Essentially, some short rich, asshole wants petty vengeance on Mr Satan because he kicked his butt that one time back in elementary and engineers bio-warriors (who are ugly as fuck BTW) to execute his petty scheme. They even connect this with Second Coming with that one priest guy and how he was the one who helped create Bio-Broly. It does kinda drop off later on but I'll get to that.

Generally speaking it also has its perks that prevent it from being the worse. The animation is an overall improvement from Second Coming. It looks better and there isn't any blatant instances of recycled animation. On top of that, the fight scenes are better since they aren't as poorly paced and choreographed like they were in Second Coming.

So Bio-Broly is pretty decent...for the first twenty minutes. It goes downhill from there fast as soon as Bio-Broly is formally introduced.

It's hilarious how Broly is the among the worst parts of his own films. He signifies the downward spiral for this film and does nothing for me here. Bio Broly could have been some generic bio-warrior and the film would have barely changed if at that. He only grunts a couple of times if at that and what little characterization he had is thrown out the window in Bio-Broly. Hell he's not even the biggest threat in his own bloody movie. Goten and Trunks generally have an easier time dealing with him, Krillin and 18 aren't immediately curb-stomped by him and what ultimately proves to be the biggest threat in Bio-Broly is some kind of acid that kills anything it touches. Also Bio-Broly is ugly to look at like the rest of the Bio Warriors.

Story pretty much becomes non-existent when Bio-Broly enters the fray. Granted it's not like the story here is compelling, but it was at least there and I'd much rather deal with that than Broly and the smell that comes with him.

And like in Second Coming, Goten and Trunks are obnoxious and annoying. They were fine for the first twenty minutes but then Bio-Broly showed up and they became juvenile again. Most I can say is that it's at least more bearable here than in Second Coming although someone thought it was great idea for us to see Trunks' ass again. Probably the worst part about all of this is that they become the leads n the second half since 18 is largely out of commission and Satan is out of focus.

Bizarrely there's no real climax or resolution to the film. Bio-Broly is basically defeated around 10 minutes before the film ends and from there the threat turns to the acid which again is the bigger threat here. The acid is dealt with pretty quickly and even when Bio-Broly returns after the fact he doesn't even do anything except get Kamehameha'd to pieces.

So is Bio-Broly the worst flim? No. Is it in the bottom three? Probably not. Does it still suck? Yes, yes it does. I'm just glad to finally be done with Broly and can move on to something else.


Cross Ange #9
This is definitely OwTheEdge: The anime.

Both girls went back to their respective hometowns, only to realize everything they once held dear now loathes and fears them. The redhead girl's mom replaced her with a new daughter with her same name, and after telling her she should never have been born she grabs a slice of her beloved apple pie and flings it at her. As for Ange, that "sneak attack" by her little sister was so stupid... Ange hadn't even defeated the soldiers surrounding her, making it obvious as hell that she wasn't going to just hug her sister and run away with her.

Then the little sister goes full Eva-Beatrice mode, complete with a deranged face befitting of a When they cry girl... but two shots later it suddenly turns into a crying face because reasons.

Then that pre-credits scene with the other girl... seriously? The police cars go past her, get off their cars offscreen and then approach her (it was probably a lot cheaper that way) before beating her up. Nevermind that she was a well-trained soldier, because she was probably too sad and hurting to actually do anything. Then she remembers Ange, the girl she hated throughout the previous eight episodes, and wonders if she had a happy reunion with her sister.

Finally, the show segues into its ED as we get the most pointless metaphor with the fallen apple lying on the mud just like her. Now that was downright hilarious becasue it wasn't like the show cut to the apple falling into the mud to be more implicit and less graphic about her getting beat up by policemen, but rather showed the audience all that edgyness and only then cut to the "metaphoric "apple shot, which was more like a pitiful attempt at trying to make the show's storyboarding look smart or something. Oh, and let's not forget the sunny -> cloudy with wind -> rain transition as Hilda's dreams came crashing down, because that was obviously totally deep as well.

The only way this show could've been more edgelordy would've been if Ange's brother and sister would've kissed each other to celebrate having finally captured her or something. Even though things weren't as stupid as that, I don't think there's any way I can muster the force of will to sit through another episode of this thing... it's almost like torture.
. The redhead girl's mom replaced her with a new daughter with her same name, and after telling her she should never have been born she grabs a slice of her beloved apple pie and flings it at her.

Then that pre-credits scene with the other girl... seriously? The police cars go past her, get off their cars offscreen and then approach her (it was probably a lot cheaper that way) before beating her up.

looks like you cant appreciate true art. I remember the second part vividly because I almost choked laughing so hard while eating

Watch the Broly sequels. You'll see where I'm coming from.

no he wont
Dimension W 9

What? Did they really have to have such crazy explanations for the W dimension? It was hilariously bad.

Grimgar 9

Still hoping the final fight of the anime is against the spotted kobold. Though they will still have to level up some more before that can happen.


God Eater 10

Well, that was unrelentingly tragic. That whole final part with his sister was cliche, perhaps, but I'm still an absolute sucker for it.

The coloring during the flashback was a really inconsistent mess, but it's the only real obvious blemish on the execution of this episode. Everything else worked towards the show's objectives. We got to see the ramshackle survivor's community where Lenka lived, the deprivation they faced (which was already implied back in episode 4), and the rage which drove him to try to protect everyone. And the end of the episode justifies delaying the flashback, showing how the protagonist recontextualizes the things he experienced to develop a new sort of motivation. Even in the depths of its despair, it works.

I kind of wish they had developed the religion stuff a tiny bit more. We've seen Lenka praying to God, and occasionally throwing himself up to divine mercy, but it's not clear where that belief comes from. Even in these flashbacks, his family repeatedly speak against prayer. That's more to say, "Don't wait and pray, take action to change your situation," but it still doesn't come across well.

Now that Lenka has been established as Post-Apocalyptic Jesus, we'll need to see how he's used.


Eureka 7 22-26

I have to admit that this was pretty good. A total change to what the show had been for the last few episodes. Some good new characters and a more mature Renton. The self discovery journey of Renton was actually interesting and the climax delivered. Episode 26 was good and looked great. Okay, not the best ever, I still prefer the Coralian arc, but still good. Well, I hoped for an actual battle and not Nirvash disarming everything. I still want some more unique enemies, and unfortunately the Beams mecha were barely used in this battle, despite being what I want. And talking about the Beams, they're certainly charming characters and I liked them, but Charles gives me a vibe of a crazy person, and the very last shot of the episode is kinda worrying... And the fact that he was telling Renton to smell him...

Anyway, past the halfpoint now. I'll repeat what I said but the show is better than I expected, but I guess I had lowered my expectations. I can't say that I'm amazed, it's not as flashy as Code Geass, but still far from calling it bad or even mediocre, I definitely like it despite some flaws. Still positive that it can deliver even more though, when more answers arrive
and more Anemone scenes.


But the story hasn't even gone off the rails yet...

I only wish her brother sister had become a hammy incestuous duo of absolute evil (complete with hammy laughs, and of course the sister should've gone OHOHO), because that would'be been more entertaining than what we ended up getting. Having both girls basically go "boo-hoo, all the people I cared about hate me now" alongside crappy metaphoric imagery for a whole episode was a snooze-fest.

I'm not the kind of guy that tends to notice animation quality, but even I managed to spot two shots which had things happen off-screen for the sake of cutting corners: the Hilda patrol car scene and another one where two harriers bump into each other and fly behind a line of trees before exploding. Having a crappy story, bad characters and consistently mediocre animation (even during action sequences!) means I can't even find a single thing worth redeeming in this series.

...I bet this was all a scheme to make me realize what I should truly rate with a 1 in MAL, most likely to force me to bump SAO up again.
No hard feelings, Kiribread.
Cross Ange #9
This is definitely OwTheEdge: The anime.

Why can't you appreciate a masterwork?

But seriously, it's the same series with a ninja maid, and hot lesbian sex and butt slapping and dragon-girls with magical shouts and so much more, so even when they play "serious", it was never serious for me, I thought they were in the joke, winking an eye.


Maturity, bitches.
I've been reminded that we're hitting page 200 soon. Do people want to see the opening list of shows reworked or are they happy with a repost?


I felt really bad laughing at the cops passing Hilda, then coming out and pummeling her in the rain.

Even without context, I laugh at that Gif every time too.

Lain 9

Someone call Jesse Ventura to sort all these conspiracy theories?

I wonder if they are intentionally ramping up splicing real world footage into the show now to show how blurred the lines are now between the Wired and reality. Half the episode was basically a live action documentary about aliens and neural networks, using real people and events like the Roswell incident.

Its kind of odd looking back at some of these theories like the dream of a wireless linked neural network and implying that it might lead to another stage of human evolution. And well that theory is sort null now. Communication is a big theme of the show and im sure these concepts were mind blowing at the time but they are a bit dated.
It did make me think of morphogenic feilds from Zero Escape though.


looks like you cant appreciate true art. I remember the second part vividly because I almost choked laughing so hard while eating

Kinzo screaming Beatrice's name every other scene makes me laugh. ASADA-SAN makes me laugh. Saya beating the giant monster at the end of Blood-C: The Last Dark less than a minute after its introduction makes me laugh. Raku falling asleep just as Onodera was about to confess her feeling for him made me laugh.

Cross Ange is still several minus points away from underflowing into so-bad-it's-good territory, so it's just so bad it's bad so far. I mean, even Ninja Slayer does a better police beating scene than this. Gotta concede that the pie attack scene was worthy of note, though.


Maturity, bitches.
I suppose if I want to put some effort in I could replace Sushi Police with something seeing as that show was never picked up by anyone, but any replacements (Ojisan and Marshmallow, Ooya-san wa Shishunki!, Mahou Shoujo Nante Mouiidesukara) would require moving shows around to keep things in alphabetical order…


I suppose if I want to put some effort in I could replace Sushi Police with something seeing as that show was never picked up by anyone, but any replacements (Ojisan and Marshmallow, Ooya-san wa Shishunki!, Mahou Shoujo Nante Mouiidesukara) would require moving shows around to keep things in alphabetical order…

Konosuba is missing too! But it would also require moving some shows... It fits in Grimgar's place though. :)


I've been reminded that we're hitting page 200 soon. Do people want to see the opening list of shows reworked or are they happy with a repost?

Repost is probably okay, but to better reflect what people are watching, you might want to put KonoSuba in, and take Sushi Police out.


Cross Ange would've been a fun hate watch, that's certain. Mas(s)ochism would've made this more fun, but watching this alone is all the masochism without any sort of release from seeing other people equally in despair after watching it.


I only wish her brother sister had become a hammy incestuous duo of absolute evil (complete with hammy laughs, and of course the sister should've gone OHOHO), because that would'be been more entertaining than what we ended up getting. Having both girls basically go "boo-hoo, all the people I cared about hate me now" alongside crappy metaphoric imagery for a whole episode was a snooze-fest.

Oh God, if they did turn into that... I don't know how I would've reacted, haha


Oh my god... Ep10 starts with Ange's little sister whipping her while the audience cheers!

Sorry I ever doubted you guys.

Edit: "And this is for the sin of being born!"... Subarashii!

Edit2: "Atashi-tachi no jinsei wo kaeshite"? THIS. IS. ART!

Edit3: Too bad the egg the girl in the audience threw at Ange shattered on her. It should've been boiled beforehand.

Edit4: "Execute her so I can go home quickly!". Oh, Cross Ange...

Edit5: Wait, am I watching Symphogear now? Or not, since she still got hung. The writers should've researched that hung people would often die due to dislocating their necks before they could even die from asphyxiation.

Edit6: Dynamic entry by Rito! Of course he saves Ange but ends up with his face right between her naked legs.


I suppose if I want to put some effort in I could replace Sushi Police with something seeing as that show was never picked up by anyone, but any replacements (Ojisan and Marshmallow, Ooya-san wa Shishunki!, Mahou Shoujo Nante Mouiidesukara) would require moving shows around to keep things in alphabetical order…

I completely forgot what Sushi Police was. And yeah, replace Grimgar with Konosuba.

Cross Ange would've been a fun hate watch, that's certain. Mas(s)ochism would've made this more fun, but watching this alone is all the masochism without any sort of release from seeing other people equally in despair after watching it.

I wish I would've joined in last Winter for this. That being said, the train ride is only the beginning for you, ufufu...



Why replace Grimgar? It seems to have more of an audience to me than some of the other shows on that list, like Active Raid or Baboka Buronka.


Someone mentioned that one of the shows currently has Tosh designs. I can't find which one it was.

Active Raid

And on that topic, I've just noticed that its description isn't really accurate. Like, not at all, haha.
I'll see if I can come up with something better (not that it will matter much, but still).
JoJo: Stardust Crusaders - 42

Alas, Abdul (seems) to have died a second time. Maybe it's final this time around, considering his proper death flag planting moments prior. Can't say I'm sad, though, as the most I can say about him is that he was...there. Now he isn't. Little more to his character.

Some episodes prior Iggy finally got to do something, which was good. However, I'm still not a fan of having characters serve little point for a dozen episodes or so and then attempt to give meaning via a dedicated episode. From hereon though he seems to be part of the team proper, at least.


Oh my god... Ep10 starts with Ange's little sister whipping her while the audience cheers!

Sorry I ever doubted you guys.

Edit6: Dynamic entry by Rito! Of course he saves Ange but ends up with his face right between her naked legs.

Yes, yes, feel the dark side flow through you.
I was serious about the story, it goes....places..
Noblesse Awakening

I guess it's good to know that shitty violent OVAs with some good animation can still get made today?

Kazuto Nakazawa's OP made me feel like I was watching K with all the garish digital effects going on. Makes me scared to see how Perfect Bones will look.
Dragon Ball Super 34

Piccolo fighting while charging the special beam cannon was cool but uhh...DBZ fight choreography still sucks, so its still about what I expected.

Good freeza was actually evil all along. Best part of this is Champa and Beerus' petty banter
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