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Winter Anime 2016 |OT2| Bellariology, Puellology and Simulacrumology

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B-project anime coming this year. https://twitter.com/Bpro_info/status/713907460109574144
DRRR had all those ads for it.
Utawarerumono 25

It's only right that this show would end on such an unusual episode. By far the most dialogue light episode I've seen this season, but what's chosen to be said all feels very calculated. Instead you get shot after shot of panning over just these immense landscape portraits, some play with color saturation, and a pace that reflects on the changes in motion and their impact on characters.

Here are a bunch of images of some of the background work, although some of it is kind of lost in stills.

Jesus, she looks like she died inside. What the hell happened this season? I played the game ages ago and don't remember like...anything about it. Certainly don't remember Endless Happiness going all soul-less
Jesus, she looks like she died inside. What the hell happened this season? I played the game ages ago and don't remember like...anything about it. Certainly don't remember Endless Happiness going all soul-less

I don't know much about this franchise, but I've seen a lot of complaints on Twitter from people who have played the game about the anime adaptation being very wonky.
Huh, that's interesting. The first anime wasn't actually that bad as far as staying true to adaptations go (when working with a branching plot VN/RPG) so I'm wondering what liberties they took and if it strayed from what the characters are actually like.
Jesus, she looks like she died inside. What the hell happened this season? I played the game ages ago and don't remember like...anything about it. Certainly don't remember Endless Happiness going all soul-less

Ages ago? The game came out last Fall and the anime ended on the same note as the game. Are you thinking of the first Utawarerumono? Not that that one was full of happiness either.
Yeah, first one. I didn't know a new one came out.

And it had it's dark story beats but the main girl still remained pretty darn upbeat throughout.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Jesus, she looks like she died inside. What the hell happened this season? I played the game ages ago and don't remember like...anything about it. Certainly don't remember Endless Happiness going all soul-less
Her father died. When she went to rule in his place she was poisoned, so her kingdom is now at war with itself. To even reassert herself on the throne, which she doesn't necessarily feel ready to do, she would have to attack the capital and endanger the people she loves. She also probably thinks Haku is dead.

I do not really know how this differs from the game. The entire episode was like 23 minutes of people looking gloomy/sad.
Were there no theaters in the PNW for you to watch it?

There probably was at least one, at the very least in seattle but I didn't pay attention to the news and thought this was going to be a season :mad:

I guess, I'll wait for a dvd. Hopefully i can see it before pt. 2 comes out.


Oshiete Galko-chan 12 -END-

That was a pretty good anime. Gonna miss it. Well, I ended up buying the manga, actually.

Hope they do a second season.


What a strange movie.

A visual feast, to be sure. Its very pretty - the backgrounds are very detailed and the city feels very unique and lived in. There are some impressive action scenes. But more than that, the direction is really stellar. The way scenes are laid out is visually interesting. Same with how the camera is positioned. It didn't feel very anime like.

The story was odd. The theme park parts seemed very disconnected to the Black/White parts, and the two storylines never really converged, aside from the assassins. The Yakuza really don't do much either, and the whole plot with the Rat seemed irrelevant. I did like Black and White's story. The ending climax was pretty trippy. I suppose the movie is really about their relationship, and I think thats where the movie did a good job.

Much different than I expected. More... mature. Darker. I liked it - not a lot, but enough that I'm glad I watched it.


Haikyuu makes me wish I played team sports in high school and college instead of just jerking off and playing video games.

Me too. And Kuroko made me feel that way about basketball.

But then I remember how unbelievably shitty I was at both, and the regret goes away.



I'm a sucker; I'm all-in on this one. Looking like it could be pretty good.

Haikyuu makes me wish I played team sports in high school and college instead of just jerking off and playing video games.

I will say I played baseball, basketball and football (wrestled my Sr. year) all 4 years of HS and loved every minute of it. Irreplaceable memories, lol. Oh, I played a lot of games too. My inner nerd has come out a lot more as I've gotten older and married with kids though. At least you can look forwardto getting your kids involved with sports as they grow up (mine love soccer, basketball and softball)
That synopsis reads like the punctuation joke in the Simpsons. Like why so many commas.

I'm gonna take a wild guess and say it's a literal Japanese translation that would make more sense in that language. Or not lol.

Oh right, I knew I was forgetting something in my AnimeJapan list. Yeah, it looks neat. I like the director and writer in addition to the premise and look, so I'm down.

Yeah I'm liking all this Mafia/Gang/Victorian love that we are getting starting this Spring. I'm definitely in for this one.


God Eater 13 - END

I wish ufotable could hook up with some decent writers instead of destroying themselves against crappy video game stories attached to some of the most commercial properties Japan has.

The last few episodes have felt like a real letdown, because they go all the way in on building Lenka up to be the almighty awesome badass, savior of all, incredible fighter and leader surpassing those who have been God Eaters for far longer than he has. And doing that, by removing the existing leader and weakening everyone around him, diminishes the rest of the cast and cheapens the drama and success.

The fight against Pita is certainly well-animated, with a good sense of back-and-forth and some incredibly detailed fast camera movements that were almost too much to follow watching on the Daisuki client. Still, you could tell that everything had really changed from their first encounter, so it didn't seem like anyone could lose anymore. Actual sacrifice might make Lenka seem weak, so you could tell it wasn't an option.


Oh no, the oracle cell erosion has reached his brain. He can only talk in terrible cliches.

The characters that suffered the most from this effort to prop Lenka up are the main female characters, Alisa and Sakuya. Alisa was introduced as a kind of arrogant foil to Lenka, someone who shared his special nature as a "new-type", but with more experience, someone standoffish who still wanted to protect people. However, any kind of independence she possesses gets extinguished once Pita gets introduced, and she is transformed into someone for Lenka to protect, and eventually redeem. Similarly, Sakuya had been the second-in-command for the team, but she gets instantly lapped by Lenka, and needs his leadership to keep going when the going gets tough.

I mean, God Eater was never exactly dishonest about what it was, but it had been executing so well that at times I almost forgot. Takayuki Hirao is still a tremendous director. I just wish it attempted something more ambitious for its message of "passing on hope" than finishing with the most obvious adolescent power fantasy.
Looks visually attractive. Might have to check this out.

Yeah, they did a good job with the art for this. Not to pigeon-hole since you have varied tastes but I don't know if you'll enjoy the actual plot or execution. I think it's actually done pretty well but I have a pretty high tolerance for convoluted LN stuff that most people in this thread automatically dumpster throw cause it's from an LN. I think the premise is primarily carried by the personality and interactions between the main dude and the main girl because it's handled...casually? for lack of a better term. They have very playful and friendly banter you don't normally see in shows like this where it comes off natural and they sort've banter back and forth in a friendly way. When you get into later arcs the show/manga/LN are again carried by both how he interacts with new characters and his approach to figuring out why he dies.

Maybe I'm wrong, and it'd be nice if I was, and it'll turn out to be a show you really enjoy. I'd say, depending on how they animate this as no way are they just doing the first volume and I'd hope they actually make the first arc go as fast as possible, that you give it a shot until the second arc and if the second arc doesn't grab you then it probably won't ever as the 2nd arc is one of the better ones.

I also have high hopes they don't Sket Dance this; which is to say injecting a lot of fanservice into a show that had almost none in the LN or manga. Watching Sket Dance and seeing the camera eye fuck Himeko all the time was really disheartening.

Looks like the main guy won't be completely useless and at least attempts to fight/knows martial arts? Cool. Might watch.

He...does not. He's just a normal dude but what makes him enjoyable to follow is his personality and how he handles stuff. Obviously he can take dying pretty harshly but his personality is pretty great and as I said above his relationships with other characters and how he tries to stop his own death is really cool. Very "normal guy against abnormal odds"

Also wondering how violent this show gets. I hope they keep some of the strong violence that the mangas had (and LNs described) because it made it much more unsettling and uncomfortable to see him get just straight fucked up and come back from that. Really made you understand how he could get really distraught from dying in some super terrible ways.

91days lookin pretty cool too.

Edit: Watched the PV for Re:Zero, really like the song. Looks like it's all first arc stuff but I doubt that's all season 1 is. Though it'd be hilariously cool if they did what they're doing with the manga where basically every arc is it's own manga with a new artist. Also, the art and animation looks really damn good. I don't expect it to always look like that but it's promising. Did see a little bit of "BUY THE BLU-RAY" censoring but eh, they still got pretty violent.
Me too. And Kuroko made me feel that way about basketball.

But then I remember how unbelievably shitty I was at both, and the regret goes away.

I'm terrible at sports too but I always have fun when I play with friends. I think it's less about your own skills (though they certainly make things better) and more about the people you play with and for.

Unless one is on one of the good teams I dont know if itd actually be fun or worth playing, poor Johzenji for example or Kakugawa.

Even if its on a bad team, I think if your team are full of cool people, the camaraderie would be priceless. I was in some clubs and working together with a bunch of people one something you all enjoy was a lot of fun. Too bad the stuff I was into wasn't really competitive.

I will say I played baseball, basketball and football (wrestled my Sr. year) all 4 years of HS and loved every minute of it. Irreplaceable memories, lol. Oh, I played a lot of games too. My inner nerd has come out a lot more as I've gotten older and married with kids though. At least you can look forwardto getting your kids involved with sports as they grow up (mine love soccer, basketball and softball)

When I have kids I definitely want them involved in some sports. Or something competitive. I think competition is awesome and everyone should experience the highs and lows of it. The only competitions I've seriously took part in were hackathons.

I was already an adult by then but winning is so exhilarating while losing hurts a lot. I lost the first hackathon I did and I didnt really care for it or take it seriously. During the ride back home though I felt so frustrated and felt like I should have put in more effort. I've participated in a bunch more since then and though I haven't won every single one of them, it was still a lot of fun competing.

My little brother is gonna be a sophomore in high school and I want to get him involved in sports this summer.
Eeeeh I'm tired of normal guy with supernatural waifus saving him Anime. Guess I'll pass then.

Ha ha ha, he gets saved by her at the beginning but I assure you that that does not happen for the rest of the show. Most of the show is him without powers going against shit he's way out of his depths on and trying to overcome dying repeatedly by using knowledge he acquires from his deaths and ingenuity. She helps him for some of his plans, depending, but she doesn't pull his ass out of the fire except when they meet.
Eeeeh I'm tired of normal guy with supernatural waifus saving him Anime. Guess I'll pass then.

I'm tried of animes about high school kids or kids a year away from joining high school. Anytime an anime isn't about high school kids/senior in middle school it catches my eye, now if i give it a watch or not entirely depends on the plot. I'm not gonna lie, I've passed on a few shows cause of the whole hs stuff, it gets pretty boring. One of the main reasons I even gave Erased a chance was cause my friends told me it was about a man about to be 30 yrs old. They told me he goes to the past and automatically i think to myself, "oh, here comes the high school bs" but no, he jumps to elementary, AND he keeps his 30 year old state of mind, thats dope.

TL;DR: want to grab my attention quickly without even telling me the basic plot of your show? make sure its not about hs kids or seniors in middle school.

I know its a weird thing to bug me but it does.
Apparently Star of the Giants was remade in India where cricket substituted baseball...

so i guess that counts

Already exists!

(it's a remake of Kyojin no Hoshi but transplanted to cricket, and made specifically for an Indian audience, but it's animated by TMS...)

Haha whaaaaat. Thats awesome. Japan has a dedicated cricket venue now so if the sport gets popular enough maybe there will be a legitimate series based on the sport in like 20 years.
It's not a weird thing to be bothered about high school students Anime, it's arguably one of the most common complaints. But it's the reality of the industry.

oh so I'm not alone in this thinking? good. Hell, you can even make your show about college freshmen and even then its still kinda high schoolish in the sense that while college is a different experience from high school, you're still kind of a teen in maturity if that makes any sense.
Are there any Japanese universities similar to the US with dorms and frats, etc? Lets get some college fraternity harem anime done.

Animated by KyoAni of course.


Symphonium 08


a) Goto da best

b) Holy shit! I wasn't expecting that whole sequence of events but it was amazing. Really powerful.
Are there any Japanese universities similar to the US with dorms and frats, etc?

I'm pretty sure there are not. From what I understand, Japanese university life is pretty simple and often dull - the entrance exams are the most important part and then you just coast through until you can pick up the degree and get a job.
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