Did they update the Xbox One app?
I think new console apps are coming in May.
I still need to try out the mobile app, but the windows app is dogshit
Did they update the Xbox One app?
I don't think there isn't a form of encryption for HTML5 to a satisfactory degree yet (not that it really matters since for example people just steal Crunchyroll subs and Funimation videos anyway) but since you can just right click-> save as for most HTML5 stuff... yeah.Their manga player is updating to HTML5 and is in Beta now.
In an AMA(can't for the life of me remember which one), someone at CR said that an HTML5 player isn't an option because of something to do with lack of security confidence on from the side of the license holders. I think they were insinuating that they have their hands tied in that department, but i feel like its BS tbh.
I don't think there isn't a form of encryption for HTML5 to a satisfactory degree yet (not that it really matters since for example people just steal Crunchyroll subs and Funimation videos anyway) but since you can just right click-> save as for most HTML5 stuff... yeah.
Kizumonogatari Part I - Tekketsu
...Also, apart from setting up the vampire rumor, Hanekawa's relationship with Araragi didn't have a payoff this film. Going from the preview, it looks like the next film will be where that comes into play more. This definitely seems like something that will benefit from being treated as a unit once all three parts are out.
Hanekawa should have a major role in part 2 and 3 from my understanding of when part 1 leaves off.
I think new console apps are coming in May.
I still need to try out the mobile app, but the windows app is dogshit
Hanekawa should have a major role in part 2 and 3 from my understanding of when part 1 leaves off.
Part 1 finished after Meme met up with Kiss-Shot and Araragi and explained his negotiation plan to them.
looking at the arcs I don't think there is any I dislike from now on. A couple aren't as good as others and a couple plot points are just... REALLY!?, but in general the cannon episodes of fairy tail are an enjoyable ride that I have been enjoying rewatching via english dubs.Yeah, that was pretty damn good stuff in that arc and I really hope there is more to come like that. I almost felt like a kid again watching that battle, but I guess that's what games and anime can do for ya, lol. Oh, and can I mention how awesome Master is? Dude is on point, not just with his magic, but with his guild ideals as well.
Ah I see. Yeah the Xbox One app is kinda slow. But seems like most of the Xbox One apps are slow as shit.
I wish Funimation was on the Wii U.
Mayoiga was crowdfunded? That's the first time I've heard of a studio asking for some.
Diomedia low on cash almost ufotable status.
And look, Mari Okada is the writer for this, AND the Prison School director.
Crunchyroll picked up Bokurano. Are you ready for despair?
Initial D First Stage - 07 - I am finding this highly watchable. The soundtrack is going to be stuck in my head for a long time, I'm sure of it.
I think it is just primarily to promote the series(top-tier get a bus ride with staff, YAY!)/milk some cash from suckers. The amount they asked for is to minuscule to really make a difference.
I can confirm Nurse Witch Komugi-chan R > all yo shows.
The "new sibling romantic comedy" revolves around Masamune Izumi, a light novel author in high school. Masamune's little sister is Sagiri, a shut-in girl who hasn't left her room for an entire year. She even forces her brother to make and bring her meals when she stomps the floor. Masamune wants his sister to leave her room, because the two of them are each other's only family.
Masamune's novel illustrator, pen name "Eromanga", draws extremely perverted drawings, and is very reliable. Masamune had never met his illustrator, and figured he was just a disgusting, perverted otaku. However, the truth is revealed… that his "Eromanga-sensei" is his own younger sister! To add to the chaos that erupts between the siblings, a beautiful, female, best-selling shoujo manga creator becomes their rival!
SAO movie. Accel World movie. Mahouka movie. I'm okay with popular bad LN franchises being continued as movies instead of taking up broadcast slots instead!![]()
im so happy right now
bleh... it's like anime has become the later seasons of ranma where it's just the same idea that was originally popular over and over again with detail changes and everything else the same. I shouldn't be able to look at a show that I know nothing about and know which character is going to be shy, a bitch, with trip over the air, and which will be nice but kind of dumb @_@
Oh and more.
Watashi ga Motete Dousunda TV anime announced.
Oh and more.
Watashi ga Motete Dousunda TV anime announced.
Donno if I should watch season 2 when I'm done though... I still need to watch magical warfare to cross off another shit anime...
I'd rather they take up broadcast slots so I would have stuff to watch during the season instead of the ecchi or moe show that will replace them.
Mahouka movie and Ero Manga Sensei anime(TV mostly) announced.
About Ero Manga Sensei:
Nice. Manga was funny, so here me hoping for decent adaptationOh and more.
Watashi ga Motete Dousunda TV anime announced.
SAO is actually excellent!
I'd rather they take up broadcast slots so I would have stuff to watch during the season instead of the ecchi or moe show that will replace them.
oh look 4 girls in a club and this time they play flutes.
oh look 4 girls in a club and this time they actually are supposed to be making cakes.
bleh... it's like anime has become the later seasons of ranma where it's just the same idea that was originally popular over and over again with detail changes and everything else the same. I shouldn't be able to look at a show that I know nothing about and know which character is going to be shy, a bitch, with trip over the air, and which will be nice but kind of dumb @_@
w/e they sell and keep the anime industry a float so good shows like one punch man can come out eventually.
and people might dislike SOA and the likes, but at least he rarely trips or taps the side of his face and goes Tee-Hee![]()
Yona of the Dawn - END
Good show. Fun show. I really like the cast - they're all quite varied, and play off each other really well. I'm glad Soo-Wan ended up being more than just generic bad-guy - which is something that could not be said for the villain in Arslan (Who had a legitimate reason for being evil but then kinda went nuts). The scene where Soo-wan runs into Yona was really interesting.
That said, I hope we get more of this because this season felt kind of... small?
When I think of a show/manga like One Piece, the major players all came into the group after a big, long arc. Yet here, only one did (Green dragon). White Dragon came in without a fuss, Blue Dragon had a small little arc, and then Yellow Dragon showed up randomly in the last episode in what I can't help but suspect was the author deciding to skip an arc to move the story along faster.
In the grand scheme of things, not much has really happened yet. Whats here IS good. It just didn't get to the point of epicene that I hoped it would. I imagine that will come later.
looking at the arcs I don't think there is any I dislike from now on. A couple aren't as good as others and a couple plot points are just... REALLY!?, but in general the cannon episodes of fairy tail are an enjoyable ride that I have been enjoying rewatching via english dubs.
Of course I am one of those people that actually still likes fairy tail, but I think you will be too given your reactions so far lol.:/
Non Non Biyori 1
The opening scene felt like a nature documentary, or maybe one of those TV channels you'll find in the higher numbers which play calming music over videos of natural scenes. The rural setting is well realized.
The backgrounds are really nice. This shot effectively conveys the mood and feel of a dense forest, and brings me back to my Boy Scout days when I would hike through woods like these all the time.
I like the gentle, relaxed pace of this episode as well. The pace of rural life can be inviting for someone such as myself, who lives in the middle of a city and has a life which tends to go at a quick pace. Modern technology encourages a lack of rest and relaxation. It's nice to escape for a bit to a world completely different.
Non Non Biyori 1
The opening scene felt like a nature documentary, or maybe one of those TV channels you'll find in the higher numbers which play calming music over videos of natural scenes. The rural setting is well realized.
The backgrounds are really nice. This shot effectively conveys the mood and feel of a dense forest, and brings me back to my Boy Scout days when I would hike through woods like these all the time.
I like the gentle, relaxed pace of this episode as well. The pace of rural life can be inviting for someone such as myself, who lives in the middle of a city and has a life which tends to go at a quick pace. Modern technology encourages a lack of rest and relaxation. It's nice to escape for a bit to a world completely different.
I always found anime that set in rural area (NNB and Mushishi) is quite boring. Then again I living most of the time in small village/city. So I can just go outside and enjoying the scene instead staring at screen.
I always found anime that set in rural area (NNB and Mushishi) is quite boring. Then again I living most of the time in small village/city. So I can just go outside and enjoying the scene instead staring at screen.
Friends want me to tag along for Deadpool. Please tell me I'm not wasting my time, because I'm pretty sure I would have finished Eureka 7 today.![]()
Apparently Hiroshi Nisikiori is doing a Reddit AMA today/tomorrow (depending on time zone), presumably to promote his CG idol cartoon that's presently floundering on two different crowdfunding platforms. Go ask him questions about Angelic Layer or some such Bones-related nonsense, I guess.
Can i ask him where is Index s3?
Uh oh, you are about to get slaughtered. Last time I said something like that I was greeted with this:
Godspeed my friend.
I never thought of the series from that angle but you're right in a certain sense. When the series stops providing escapism and is just your everyday reality, I guess it does somewhat lose its appeal.
I've come to assume that isn't happening anytime soon.Can i ask him where is Index s3?
But yeah NNB relying too much on rural setting but not too much else.
I've been watching ah my goddess and thought it was gonna be some stock tropes abusing stuff that you'd expect from this premise (ie: I thought it was gonna be meh) and 9 episodes in, in presently surprised. Sure episode 9 was ,for all intents and purposes, dumb, but I've enjoyed this far more than I thought I would.
I will say that anytime this show tries some action-y stuff or tries to over focus on the goddess stuff (to the point of pointless jargon aplenty) it loses me. This show is much much better when it focuses on the slice of life angles.
Donno if I should watch season 2 when I'm done though... I still need to watch magical warfare to cross off another shit anime...