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Winter Anime 2016 |OT2| Bellariology, Puellology and Simulacrumology

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Yeah I just noticed the other day the manga is up to volume 38 or something. Does the anime have a good stopping point?

Still even it remains mostly a comedy ill be happy enough. Perfect show to stick on, get some laughs and unwind at the end of the day.

does the anime have a good stopping point...
yeah like 5 episodes before it ends lol.
sadly where it ends is for the most part at the end of a character development part, but it's still in the middle of the arc. It's a solid adaption and easy to pick up from where it ends in the manga though. And the character development that goes on at the end is great, but yeah... *still hoping for a season 2 >.<*

The arc that I really want to see done is a decent ways away from where the anime ends (and technically isn't fully done)

without giving to much away, it's an arc where
kyoko goes undercover with Ren as brother and sister :p
which has some really great situationual comedy to it and my favorite kyoko design.


If overpowered LN harem MCs were more like Akagi Shigeru and less like Kirito then LNs would suddenly be a lot better.

Akagi is more about the inevitable and certain mental breakdown of his opponents when playing against him. It's great with him because he got literally nothing else in life but gambling which is some dedication. Have politics or ideologies involved with the MC and add some preaching and it becomes really annoying to me.
Jojo 14-15
it's weird that the first pillar man had to learn and these ones are already perfect at knowing what is going on, but whatever, they are great little villains so far. It's still nice to see the show go from so black and white to a lot more gray with the monsters having pride and them even basically mocking the original jojo by making fun of lines that the original jojo would have said.
anyways I guess it's training time :p

That's about as 'grey' as JoJo gets, though. There's very little, if not actually nothing, else too the pillar men than some honor talk. My interest in them petered out quickly.
Btw are there anyone still watching Divine Gate? wanna know did recent episode become good or something.

Because just checked out recent pre-order ranking, the prediction sales went from 2.5k at late February to 5.5k yesterday, may even surpass Konosuba at next week to become 2nd top seller of this season, the hell is going on lol.

I guess people liked seeing our favorite Divine Gate characters in various plays written by Shakespeare ^_^

Santa Claus also happened.
At least up through Part 3, Jojo has no grey to it. It's very black and white morality. Which is fine.

Its very 80s shonen/80s action movie. You immediately know Dio Brando is a huge, evil asshole from his introduction and that Jonathan Joestar is a dignified and honorable British gentleman. There's really no moral quandary there, its straight up good vs evil. It's way more common now to have everything be morally grey but JoJo doesn't really do that until Part 7.
Dragon Ball Super 34

I gotta say, Piccolo charging up his special beam canon looks pretty silly when the collected energy is obscuring his entire face.
Today's KonoSuba episode was so garbage I can't even joke about enjoying it.

I'm okay with self aware, funny garbage though. I haven't laughed as much with a show as I have with KonoSuba recently. Now Phantom World is garbage in the sense that not only were my expectations for it WAY too high, but you get an incredibly beautiful show with some great animated moments, but with a terrible plot (plot? what plot?) and characters (who??) doing silly fan-servicey stuff in a magic high school environment, because we know how original that setting is.
I'm okay with self aware, funny garbage though. I haven't laughed as much with a show as I have with KonoSuba recently. Now Phantom World is garbage in the sense that not only were my expectations for it WAY too high, but you get an incredibly beautiful show with some great animated moments, but with a terrible plot (plot? what plot?) and characters (who??) doing silly fan-servicey stuff in a magic high school environment, because we know how original that setting is.

Nah it just Konosuba's comdey is funny and Phantom World's comedy is lame, plain and simple.
I'm okay with self aware, funny garbage though. I haven't laughed as much with a show as I have with KonoSuba recently.

I have a hard time getting "self-aware" and "funny" out of the newest KonoSuba. It actually just felt like pretty gross wank material, especially since the season is so short anyways. This coming from someone who has never had an issue with fan service before as well. Not sure how Phantom World got brought into this, but this episode makes Phantom World look like a Shane Carruth film.


"It actually just felt like pretty gross wank material, especially since the season is so short anyways"

gotta sell those LNs and BDs


Sounds like KonoSuba and Phantom World are just bad Prison School

Prison School had kind of a consistent plot though.

Konosuba doesn't really care if it has a plot, but they are consistent with one.

Phantom World has no consistency and no plot

That's my quick take at least.
Phantom World is the far superior show but I do admit Konosuba has its moments.

PW works perfectly fine as a dumb episodic show. It would have been terrible if they actually tried to shoe horn a plot.


Maturity, bitches.
Konosuba ep.9:

This is about all I can gif from the episode....
Very lewd episode

Thank goodness the coin flipped the way it did. Don't want to be seen advertising borderline pornography is the OP.


Thank goodness the coin flipped the way it did. Don't want to be seen advertising borderline pornography is the OP.

nah, 1 episode doesn't define a series..... of does it? Konosuba got screwed!

on question #48 of 50 guys.... Almost done finally!!!!!! They I get to shell out thousands of bucks to different states to renew my licenses... Isn't life great!
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