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Winter Anime 2016 |OT2| Bellariology, Puellology and Simulacrumology

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Konosuba 8

That closet scene was perfect for a classic misunderstanding between characters but noooo everyones just gonna ignore the fact that Megumin had no pants on inside a dark room with the MC? smh


Honestly Wit being the studio shouldn't be a detriment for the OVA run. They would become a liability if it ever went to TV but that ain't happening until 2018 at the earliest.

The bigger problem is that it's a prequel in that I'm not sure how interesting the pre-manga stuff is going to be. It also depends on who the OVAs focus on, in that Chise's stuff would be more of the modern setting so I'm not sure how well the art direction will hold up if the OVAs are mostly in a city. If it's Elias heavy then I guess there's significantly more breathing room.

I don't think the PV was to the level of KyoAni doing it but they were probably never going to do this anyway so it's good enough.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
This week: Konosuba getting kinda zzz. Characters have a very specific operating order and the show doesn't really push them outside those boundaries enough. Phantom World accomplishes something new with every episode. Great sense of scale on the Ruru episode through slick use of perspective, impactful/imposing motion from large objects in relation to Ruru.

Andrew J.

This week: Konosuba getting kinda zzz. Characters have a very specific operating order and the show doesn't really push them outside those boundaries enough. Phantom World accomplishes something new with every episode. Great sense of scale on the Ruru episode through slick use of perspective, impactful/imposing motion from large objects in relation to Ruru.

Yeah, those POV shots in the early minutes were great.


So are OADs ever released in bluray format?

Yes but again it is inconsistent. Some are released on BD later on as part of the release planned for a TV that expands on the OAD(s) - examples would be the first Yozakura OAD series, and the Rakugo OADs which were combined into the first episode of the anime.

Some OADs actually get BD releases in OAD form, but this is super rare. In fact, I know this has happened before but I'm blanking on a title. Maybe something by CLAMP? Not sure.

Most OADs are doomed to rot as DVD companions to yellowing manga for all eternity.


Wow that release schedule for the OADs could be brutal. The third one possibly being released in 2018? Ouch.

I wonder if the AoT scheduling could end up playing a factor in the production timeline.


Wow that release schedule for the OADs could be brutal. The third one possibly being released in 2018? Ouch.

I wonder if the AoT scheduling could end up playing a factor in the production timeline.

I'm not sure what one has to do with the other. They are OADs, what are you expecting? They come out with each manga volume. Manga volumes tend to be compiled 4-5 months apart. It's totally normal and has nothing to do with production schedules or anime.


I'm not sure what one has to do with the other. They are OADs, what are you expecting? They come out with each manga volume. Manga volumes tend to be compiled 4-5 months apart. It's totally normal and has nothing to do with production schedules or anime.

I mean more that they would have to shift resources from one of the OADs to finish AoT when everything goes to hell. By having it in 2017 and they air AoT in 2017, there might be some production timeframe overlap.


I mean more that they would have to shift resources from one of the OADs to finish AoT when everything goes to hell. By having it in 2017 and they air AoT in 2017, there might be some production timeframe overlap.

Or they could do what the majority of "main" studios who get contracted for OADs do if the schedule conflicts with stuff they actually need to work on - outsource it to any number of no-name studios like C2C to get the work done. Even BONES doesn't bother doing Noragami OADs in-house lol. :)
Majin Bone - 44

I love how the Primordial Majin basically has the universe for its body. That's a great touch.

That silent stare-down between it and the Fire, Water, and Earth Majins was fantastic. The sense of scale during that scene and the moment when the Primordial Majin showed up was almost at TTGL-levels.
This made me laugh way more than it should have. I'm an idiot because the poster made me kinda wanna check it out. And yes I say idiot because I know perfectly well that this is going to be another one of them LN shows, the ones we all know and love around here.

Well at least this series have something kinda rare: it have some magic but most battles are base on 18-19th century-like technology(yeah, line Infantry.), and they already graduated from school in end of volume 1.


Well at least this series have something kinda rare: it have some magic but most battles are base on 18-19th century-like technology(yeah, line Infantry.), and they already graduated from school in end of volume 1.

I'm in with this..

ReWrite is this summer as well, I can't freaking wait!
Well at least this series have something kinda rare: it have some magic but most battles are base on 18-19th century-like technology(yeah, line Infantry.), and they already graduated from school in end of volume 1.
The question is how far will the Anime go and how far will it take before they face battle because I expect a lot of mock battles/competitions.


Need to watch Konosuba and Phantom World...

Eureka 7 #1-2
The surfing boards aren't that annoying for me so far, and the lack of consipuous 3D CGI as far as I could see was very welcome. The plot got started really fast and the pacing looks brisk without making me feel like it's rushing things too much, and I'm guessing I'll get to know the rest of the cast soon now that Renton's been taken in by Gekkostate.
You're in for a ride! Glad to see more people picking it up.
I guess I'm not watching anything else. I prefer to remember the series fondly.
The question is how far will the Anime go and how far will it take before they face battle because I expect a lot of mock battles/competitions.

Don't worry they already face battlefield with death in volume 2, the author don't waste time with "introduce characters for 5+ volumes to actual start starts", so it's fine even if it's 1 cour.

That said it's pretty worrying that can madhouse doing good in large battlefield scene.


You guys ready for more magic school, harem, LN anime? I just saw this online and wanted to share the new key visual for upcoming S2.


Needs more head patting....
For those of you who have been following the fansub scene from the VHS days through the "Internet revolution," this article should be of interest to you:

blog好き - Anime fansubs: 2000 to 2010

I wasn't really an anime watcher till about 2012, so I pretty much missed the boat, but I do remember my High School anime club just flipping out over this stuff, talking about how to get a hold of material in the first place. What a world we live in now, anime is so easily accessible that I see tons of first-time/new watchers have entered in.

At the same time, I did have the experience of trying to watch anime on a Blackberry at 240p (couldn't be anything larger or the player wouldn't play it) because of extremely limited internet, and man it is nigh on impossible to do so today.


Konosuba 9
yeah... that was just bad. even if you ignore the very ecchi parts the pacing was horrible as well. The only decent part was him feeling pity for bitch god over her int never raising, even then clearly someone went around yelling at people that there wasn't enough boob jiggle.

Ace of Diamond Season 2 will end this season (at episode 51), potentially joining the list of anime that have fully adapted their manga (act 2 is considered *different*). Theres only like 1.5 more volumes left to adapt so they ought to cover all the content.

Ill miss this anime, was an excellent part of my Monday mornings.

I expected it to end soon given how little was left to adapt in general. I imagine it will be back next spring though.


Finishing up with Gundam Build Fighters Try, as I kind of stopped halfway through while it was airing, but man it's really disappointing how inferior it is to the first series :(


You guys ready for more mahic school, harem, LN anime? I just saw this online and wanted to share the new key visual for upcoming S2.


Needs more head patting....

I'll watch both this and Hundred.
This because I thought the first season was simply "okay" so i wanna see if it fucks up in the second season. And Hundred because I'm REALLY curious as to how much like IS it will be :p


So, Ah! My goddess episode 11 is amazing. I laughed a ton. Episode 9 trying to do comedy was bad but for some reason episode 11, with the main character turning into
a freakin moped
really made me laugh for some reason. Sometimes absurd randomness can actually work :p


Maho Girls Precure 5

This school is hardcore. Seems that Riko's primary flaw is her pride. While Mirai's greatest talent is doing the first non-dumb idea that comes to her mind. Interesting that the team pass/fail that was probably meant to help Mirai coast by just gave Riko a big break. Mirai did nothing wrong. Batty doesn't seem to mind helping out his enemies. Kind of hope he turns good. Haa grows fast. Still cute. Hopefully there aren't too many baby shenanigans this time. Chiffon occasionally did them okay, but Ai was just meh aside from her delinquent phase. Though Mofurun is technically a week older at most, and that thing is fine thus far. I'm actually liking Mirai more so far, to my surprise.
Prison School OVA

A reminder about how damn ugly this show is. Really not a fan of the art direction and the backgrounds are just poor.


Eureka 7 #1-2
Even half an episode worth of E7 is already way more worth my while than the ridiculous stuff I put up with in fourteen episodes' worth of Cross Ange. Guess I'll eventually get back ot it for more hatewatching eventually though, but at least not for a while.

The surfing boards aren't that annoying for me so far, and the lack of consipuous 3D CGI as far as I could see was very welcome. The plot got started really fast and the pacing looks brisk without making me feel like it's rushing things too much, and I'm guessing I'll get to know the rest of the cast soon now that Renton's been taken in by Gekkostate.

Gooooood. More people joining the fold!


Eureka 7 - [THE END]

I'm kinda exhausted and I'll probably do a second, more detailed post later, as this show toatally deserves it. Funny, I didn't like it much when I started it, but I ended up loving it...

Some breathtaking moments during the last few episodes, with 48 being by far the best episode of the show
especially the scene that mirrored episode 26
. Oh and that dance scene too. I'm still not sure what exactly happened in the ending
after Dewie's death and especially after Eureka's rescue
but that was close to End of Evangelion's level, just filled with plenty of love. And it was a happy ending. :)

Overall, this series was definitely great, and I'm surprised as I thought it was supposed to be controversial. I mean, it certainly has its flaws, and that's why some people here disliked it (, but personally I enjoyed it.

An amazing series and I totally would recommend it.

*clap* *clap* *clap*




Eureka 7 - [THE END]

I'm kinda exhausted and I'll probably do a second, more detailed post later, as this show toatally deserves it. Funny, I didn't like it much when I started it, but I ended up loving it...

Some breathtaking moments during the last few episodes, with 48 being by far the best episode of the show
especially the scene that mirrored episode 26
. Oh and that dance scene too. I'm still not sure what exactly happened in the ending
after Dewie's death and especially after Eureka's rescue
but that was close to End of Evangelion's level, just filled with plenty of love. And it was a happy ending. :)

Overall, this series was definitely great, and I'm surprised as I thought it was supposed to be controversial. I mean, it certainly has its flaws, and that's why some people here disliked it (, but personally I enjoyed it.

An amazing series and I totally would recommend it.

a lot of the controversy is because the start of the series isn't very good. you yourself said you didn't like it much when you started :p

really it takes a long time for it to hit its stride, like close to 20 if I recall right, which will cause a lot of people to drop it before then and hate it. they payoff for getting through that is generally regarded as worth it as far as I know though.

the second season didn't help people's views of the original either lol.


a lot of the controversy is because the start of the series isn't very good. you yourself said you didn't like it much when you started :p

I think it works much better on a rewatch, because you know and can appreciate where everything's going, and you know that yes, even that dumb scene with Moondoggie is gonna have payoff later with character development.


Myriad Giant Phantom Witch 10

That Koito pout is super effective.

Ruru just wanted to see what it's like to be human. Very cute episode.

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