Shoujo-tachi wa Kouya wo Mezasu: 10
They did a bit too much with this CEO character, you can't just make someone quit school over them throwing water on you, that doesn't even make sense. As for the twist at the end, that's going to cause some issues.
Lupin the Third (2015) - 21
So I was thinking that as the series progressed Zenigata got more and more slapstick (Much to my disappointment) but thenit was Lupin all along!
Then I was thinking how easily hegot caught and taped up but it was Fujiko all along!
An enjoyable episode with some nice twist and turns. Wish some of these secondary characters would repear more in Lupin media.
I will say I prefer her being smug than how she was acting before, that was too annoying.CEO was so smug though, hope she comes back with more of that.
I didn't really get the twist, it's not like they were in it for the money or anything, so using it to save someone from distress is a pretty nice way to spend their earnings.
Still need one?Does anyone have a spare CR code? Thanks in advance.
24 episodes? Shouldn't it be just 12 since there are 3 movies with 4 episodes each?6 was a waste of time, can they really finish a whole story in 24 episodes with this sort of pacing?
Non Non Biyori 4
OK, here Renge acted more childlike as I'd expect someone her age to act. And wow, did the story of her fleeting friendship with Honoka hit hard. Very simple, but for that reason all the more moving. I'm really impressed with the way Shinya Kawamo stretches out the pacing to create a mood; the first and this episode, which he storyboarded himself, are especially good at that. He does that to capture slow-moving rural life, and also uses it in this episode to express Renge's emotions in an understated manner. The very slow pan in on Renge's face after she's been told Honoka left, and the very slow fade to black as Renge walks across a bridge, speak volumes. I appreciate a director who isn't afraid their audience will become bored, but will push these moments to their limit to achieve maximum effectiveness.
Certainly he succeeded in making me cry.
Yeah, the pacing issues are centered around a group of episodes more than the arc itself. It just comes at a bad time but your tolerance for it might vary given one could blow through those in a weekend just to get them out of the way. I think 124/125 of the 2011 series are a highlight you'd miss and 131 is like end of Death Note levels of cathartic too.
Non Non Biyori 4
OK, here Renge acted more childlike as I'd expect someone her age to act. And wow, did the story of her fleeting friendship with Honoka hit hard. Very simple, but for that reason all the more moving. I'm really impressed with the way Shinya Kawamo stretches out the pacing to create a mood; the first and this episode, which he storyboarded himself, are especially good at that. He does that to capture slow-moving rural life, and also uses it in this episode to express Renge's emotions in an understated manner. The very slow pan in on Renge's face after she's been told Honoka left, and the very slow fade to black as Renge walks across a bridge, speak volumes. I appreciate a director who isn't afraid their audience will become bored, but will push these moments to their limit to achieve maximum effectiveness.
Certainly he succeeded in making me cry.
Great. Isn't one of the one rare times where the spin-off is a lot more popular than the original series?(or at least sells better)
24 episodes? Shouldn't it be just 12 since there are 3 movies with 4 episodes each?
If I met a kid like Renge I'd assume there was something up with the kid because, (based the original series) she was way too apathetic and monotone. She did child-like things but sometimes it felt child-like things done by someone pretending to be a child.
Definitely Erased lol, not even a contest.
Yeah the show has been sublime in terms of production and directing actually. The production values have been great, and the characters very entertaining to watch. Let's not forget the moments we all loved with Kayo too. But that's the problem right there for me. All of these moments I loved were during the Kayo arc. Since then, I haven't really felt any kind of emotion really, no more heartfelt scenes, nothing. Then we have the fact that the murderer was so obvious that I sorta hoped that it was a red herring with some kind of big twist behind it, since the show seemed to be pretty smart up to that point.
So yeah, show was great for the first 6-7 episodes. After that... Welp. Production and direction is still great but, damn if they didn't waste a great opportunity to make something real cool. With 2 episodes left, there is no way they can hamfist some kind of big twist either, so all that's left is him catching the killer, and returning back to the present (which hopefully fixed the timeline or not).
I can't. Five minutes into Digimon Tri what the hell's going on with those stupid dungaree things Koushiro's wearing? And Takeru, a fucking sleeveless vest with a beanie?
Am I the only one that isn't upset with Erased and the direction it has gone?
Am I the only one that isn't upset with Erased and the direction it has gone?
This is just the same fight from the first series. The one between Leon and Alfonso, only now it doesn't make any thematic sense, and it's poorly animated. There's no relationship being tested here.
It's good to see that Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo is doing well.
They would have a bunch of illegible filler text with the word "Solomon" flashing to signify that it was Solomon giving the information. The cockpits themselves weren't anything particularly notable either. There was a bit of a jump with Right of Left in how background information was displayed.
This is a pocket PC (antiquated as dirt I know) and what stands out to me are things like the quality of the schematic, the readability of the text, and what information is displayed. It actually looks like something that might have existed in the early 2000s. Even things like the image icons at the bottom give it a degree of realism, to the point that I wonder which OS they ripped off to create that image. Heaven and Earth showed siginificant improvement over the CDC displays and holograms in general. This is really the start of the series using high quality artwork for the displays as the displays serve to convey position information to the audience.
Not only do these interfaces look better, they also serve to reinforce information given to the audience. Instead of having people say where an enemy is in position to the island, it's crystal clear to the audience due to the visual models. This continue with Exodus.
Unfortunately, probably not
I'll put it this way, how would you do it instead up to this point?
I'll put it this way, how would you do it instead up to this point?
They should have just turned it into a story about child abuse and have the mother be responsible.
Hunter X Hunter (1999) 36
The tease at the end makes me tempted to skip Heaven's Arena and go straight to Yorknew, since apparently that's where the really good stuff is, but I'll watch it all like a good boy.
I'll put it this way, how would you do it instead up to this point?
That certainly would have been better, but I dunno if it works with how Erased is written. It's hard for me to state how I actually feel since there's the one part of Erased that I really like and then literally everything else.
It sucks at being a thriller or mystery but its good with the Kayo stuff. But hearing thatshe shows up in some dumb reunion after leaving makes me think that maybe the anime polished that part up.
Lol, Yeah... don't do that. Heaven's Arena is super important.
Cut out the murder mystery parts, and just make it about a boy trying to save his classmate(s) from abuse and loneliness.