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Winter Anime 2016 |OT2| Bellariology, Puellology and Simulacrumology

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Majin Bone - 48

It's ironic how the villain's main objective in this is to basically destroy the god who started this entire conflict with Earth's Bones.
Trust me, you don't want to watch Comet Lucifer. The CG mecha was good, but it's another one of those "we really needed 24 episodes for this storyline to function properly but we only had 12 to work with so we had to rush things" sort of shows a la Charlotte.

I think Comet Lucifer had great ideas and great writing to wrap things up sufficiently in 12 episodes. Good OST.


Speaking of mecha, is Heavy Object any good? I know it's written by the Raildex guy, so I know at least the world building should be good, but how's the plot, writing, and characters?

It's a really fun series to watch and like DTL said, Quenthar and Havia are awesome leads for the show.


Decided to read Relife on crunchy just to see what the anime might be like. It's fully coloured and the chapters are very very short.
I have no clue how their gonna make a full size anime with chapters this short.

As for the content, I know people were worried about it seeming creepy, but it's actually kinda nice. It's drama-lite so far with situations being pretty mundane. It's kinda slice of life-y too.

There is a slight romance angle but it's not weird. What I did find weird was when they brought up the idea of the MC being in a romantic relationship a student the company actually said it was okay, which didn't sit right with me... That said, they are third years so 17/18 year olds so maybe it's not as weird.

Well nothing weird has happens it in that regard yet so idk. (Crunchy only has half of the current offering though so maybe that's changed already)

Trust me, you don't want to watch Comet Lucifer. The CG mecha was good, but it's another one of those "we really needed 24 episodes for this storyline to function properly but we only had 12 to work with so we had to rush things" sort of shows a la Charlotte.

To be fair, I don't think length was Charlotte's problem. It was the fact it couldn't keep focused and decided to be 3 different shows compact into 12 episodes.

I think Comet Lucifer had great ideas and great writing to wrap things up sufficiently in 12 episodes. Good OST.

The story falls flat, has very bad pacing in later episodes, and it really obviously feels like things were cut. All the subplot just kinda end... Worst being the 3rd wheel and the rich guy who get together because "oh now he is letting my choose rather than forcing me" which is just... No I don't buy that they get together, that's BS.

The only thing good we got out of Comet Lucifer was bread-MILF and she could have been so much better
Majin Bone - 49



Love Live VII: The Return of the Jedi
I can't believe we're already seeing Hair Down Nico. Truly, we are not worthy.

Also, the shaky cam effect is actually kind of cool here. I'm surprised that most anime just reserves this for gag sequences; camera movement just has this way of expression that we don't get to see enough of, in my opinion.


I volunteer as tribute

Oh I like this new song! I mean, it's probably going to be the last 7 member song, but it's a little easier to follow along than the other last few ones.
Comet Lucifer might have been a good show if it was 2 cours.

I remember a lot of people being pissed at the final romantic pairings in that show.
Love Live 7: "You know Eli, we really are the Love Live"
Anico Skywalker said:

Are you an angel?
Nico is caught being lazy. Obi Wan Nozomi to the rescue.
Obi Wan Nozomi said:

Yes... I will train the boy.

Also, can someone please explain to me why there are so many Russian people in anime, like I get the whole geographical proximity thing but like, why are there so many
Still, god bless 2D mecha anime. I get that 3D models work for cutting corners since you can just model them once (except for specific shots which might require distorted models, like that JoJo part 2 OP one) and pose them around for cheap, but it's like even the animations and battle coreographies are done on a relly low budget, which results in far too many fights between bad-looking robots that are animated in boring and bad-looking ways. A real shame, IMO.

While I still love 2D mecha animation and always will prefer it to CG robots in a 2D show, and though I contradict what I'm going to say below about Heavy Object, I think Heavy Object does a good job with it's platform battles. Because they don't have to do any heavy lifting as far as animating a complicated bipedal mech goes and just need to have a giant ball with few moving parts, they mostly focus on the movement and strategies of the fights and not on...and I hate that I'm saying it this way but making the Objects look good. That way the fights are actually entertaining and full of movement, long shots and decent choreography. They're not flashy or beautiful to look at but they serve the purpose of the series very well.

Speaking of mecha, is Heavy Object any good? I know it's written by the Raildex guy, so I know at least the world building should be good, but how's the plot, writing, and characters?

First thing being first, and I feel it bears repeating until it is scrubbed from people's collective conscious, Heavy Object is NOT a mecha anime. It is marketed as such, people see it as such and even people who watch it often qualify it as such. It's not. If you go into Heavy Object expecting a mecha anime you are in for a disappointment and I feel that it's this misconception that has soured a number of people's impressions of the show (and before you write up your well reasoned and properly citated essay on why Heavy Object sucks, yes it is entirely possible to dislike it for other reasons and not due to misplaced expectations and no I don't fucking care to read another college thesis on why an anime I really like is actually shit so save your energy).

With that out of the way, yes, it is actually really really good. The plot works very well as it's set up in small little arcs that by themselves can be self-contained watches following this specific team around in various battles but after a while they all start to tie together and have an underlying story to them. That works very well for the type of show this is as it keeps the plot moving and entertaining as you watch and are fulfilled by the small builds to climaxes and resolutions in short bursts with a satisfying undercurrent pinning these stories to each other. I wouldn't say that the stories themselves or the over-arching one in the series are particularly complicated affairs but they serve their purpose well and have enough monkey wrenches thrown into them that keep things interesting. At it's best I'd call it simple plots executed with a joyous proficiency; it doesn't reinvent the wheel but it makes the ride a whole lot of fun.

The writing is surprisingly good for a show I'd file under popcorn anime. The main conceit of the show is that Objects are the best ways to conduct battles; if you can roll your eyes hard enough to have them come back around to face forward then you're all set and the rest of the series falls into place. That's probably how I'd describe the writing to this show; strongly internally consistent. It gives you the premise, it gives you the world it has set up and the writing never feels wrong. That's actually kinda impressive considering some of the stuff this show pulls. A squad of battle maids shows up, literal maids dressed up in maid uniforms with battle armaments, and it doesn't take you out of the show at all. Every person who's watching this show saw that scene and went "Oh, okay. That makes sense." That's pretty great. The world building is very well done, the information is doled out in reasonable portions during arcs where it's relevant so as the show goes on the map gets filled in more and more and you understand more and more of the world everyone lives in. Characters act like they've been shown to be, information used in battle or strategy are often discussed or foreshadowed beforehand so nothing ever feels like an asspull, the strategies themselves often make sense and are logical coming from an engineer who is the one coming up with them all the time.

The humor and characters may be the sticking point for people and I've seen a number of people dislike how the dialogue is delivered or the main characters Havia and Qwenthur; this is legit. It's not going to really work for everybody. But both of them are a nice change of pace for leads in an anime and the dialogue and banter between them is something Western audiences may see a lot of the time but is actually kind of a rarity in anime. It's like a Marvel movie or...I don't fucking know, one of those shows like Bones or some shit where the characters don't really talk like real people but are fast-paced witty, unnatural dialogue used in a natural way. Once you run with how they talk and the type of dialogue the show has, it just...works. It fits them. They're two normal dudes who just want to slack off and get through their military service but due to incredible skill or luck are constantly thrown into dangerous situations by superiors. They ogle their big-titted superior, hide their porn stash, escape by the skin of their teeth and Qwenthur's MacGyver ingenuity again and again. You just root for these guys. They're funny as hell, honest, and never get the recognition they deserve (often due to saving the day and winning but doing it by ignoring military orders or causing widespread damage). They're little guys proving that Objects aren't the be all end all of the war effort and that the people behind the scenes are the real people winning the wars.

There's just something about the show that just works. All it's parts come together in a super entertaining package. It's not Rakugo and it's not trying to be Rakugo, it's a different sort of series with a different purpose. It's not high art, it's like...the perfect action flick. It's not "Withnail and I", it's "Die Hard" and while both are fantastic movies they don't try to be the other one. That's how I'd liken Heavy Object to something, it's just a well-written and cleverly built action anime.

So yeah, it's pretty good.

Oh, and yeah, it has fan-service and it's incredibly off-putting. The show would be better without it's creepo loli pandering even if Ohohoho~ is wonderful and her loliness is played for laughs. And Frolatayia's constant, if somewhat...understandable pandering (considering she's constantly fucking with Havia and Qwenthur in an effort to manipulate or tease them). Still, it'd be better off without all that (even if I'm okay with Frolatayia cause she hot as fuck).

Editor's note: I may have been drinking tonight. A lot.
Majin Bone - 52 END

Beautiful. Just beautiful.

This was a fantastic show all around with a fantastic ending.
I don't think that conversation with the Primordial Majin could have gone better.
Love Live OCHO!
FOR SURVIVAL. And only your friendly neighborhood Sukuru Aidoru has the power to save the world.


Truly, the worst of all curses

I didn't even have to make a Star Wars joke for this one

Obi Wan Nozomi asking all the hard questions. It's making me reassess my pathway in life, maaaan.

This is pretty much exactly how everything went in Little Busters. Someone's got prahblems, then our MC just goes and invites them into the club and the prahblems go away.

This plotline is my guilty pleasure, where can I find more
Alright, jeez, I'll watch it. I think it's moreso the people who are saying it's good that's setting off my flags. Any sub set better than any others? It's on Hulu so I think that uses Crunchy subs.


The Light of El Cantare
Alright, jeez, I'll watch it. I think it's moreso the people who are saying it's good that's setting off my flags. Any sub set better than any others? It's on Hulu so I think that uses Crunchy subs.

No other subs exist than those derived from Crunchyroll.

Please watch it, it's one of the most tragically ignored shows of the decade.
Usually, if a dub is available for a show I like to watch an episode of it just to get the contrast.

...This may actually be preferable.

"You've got legs for days!"

Finally, Best Hair gets an episode focus. It's been too long. Far too long.



Why isn't there a Maid Simulator 2016

So, I have pretty much the same gripe with this as I did for Glee. Where is this heavily produced music coming from? I mean, I'll suspend my disbelief for the purposes of the show, but the fact that SOMEONE has to be producing their backing tracks has to say something. Is there a DAW/VST guru in every Japanese school? Is there classes in Ableton Live? Do they even use the same DAWs in Japan?

These are the important questions.


Usually, if a dub is available for a show I like to watch an episode of it just to get the contrast.

...This may actually be preferable.

"You've got legs for days!"

Finally, Best Hair gets an episode focus. It's been too long. Far too long.

Why isn't there a Maid Simulator 2016

So, I have pretty much the same gripe with this as I did for Glee. Where is this heavily produced music coming from? I mean, I'll suspend my disbelief for the purposes of the show, but the fact that SOMEONE has to be producing their backing tracks has to say something. Is there a DAW/VST guru in every Japanese school? Is there classes in Ableton Live? Do they even use the same DAWs in Japan?

These are the important questions.

If you think about it from an in-universe commercial perspective it all really kinda fucks up. At some point they find merch of themselves and have no idea who made it or who's getting the profits (though I guess conceivably it could be the Love Live board or whatever)
If you think about it from an in-universe commercial perspective it all really kinda fucks up. At some point they find merch of themselves and have no idea who made it or who's getting the profits (though I guess conceivably it could be the Love Live board or whatever)

That was this episode, lol.

"Oh! People are appropriating my image for their own personal financial gain and I have no say in it! This is fantastic!"


Where is this heavily produced music coming from? I mean, I'll suspend my disbelief for the purposes of the show, but the fact that SOMEONE has to be producing their backing tracks has to say something. Is there a DAW/VST guru in every Japanese school? Is there classes in Ableton Live? Do they even use the same DAWs in Japan?

New hit single generating, please wait...
Rakugo is a character drama and an adaptation of a josei manga about a dying, strictly Japanese artform set in post-war Japan that doesn't go lightly on the terminology or dialect. On top of that, it seems like an odd choice to be chosen for animation anyway over live action. Not to say it doesn't use animation's strengths well, just that the obvious choice would be a live action series. To a lot of us all that sounds amazing and unique but to a person who watches a show a season its probably a hard sell. It even took me 4 weeks and a rewatch of the first 5 episodes to warm up to it. It has about as much chance in the west as Hyouge Mono did.


Also, can someone please explain to me why there are so many Russian people in anime, like I get the whole geographical proximity thing but like, why are there so many

Because there are a lot of Russians in Japan, especially Tokyo. I think a number of them are for business reasons, trade and such.
Usually, if a dub is available for a show I like to watch an episode of it just to get the contrast.

...This may actually be preferable.

"You've got legs for days!"

Finally, Best Hair gets an episode focus. It's been too long. Far too long.

Why isn't there a Maid Simulator 2016

So, I have pretty much the same gripe with this as I did for Glee. Where is this heavily produced music coming from? I mean, I'll suspend my disbelief for the purposes of the show, but the fact that SOMEONE has to be producing their backing tracks has to say something. Is there a DAW/VST guru in every Japanese school? Is there classes in Ableton Live? Do they even use the same DAWs in Japan?

These are the important questions.

the heavily produced music actually has a somewhat plausible in universe explanation. For µ's, Maki composes the music, Umi writes the lyrics, several of the µ's members are shown to be proficient with pcs, namely nico and eli iirc. Kotori is pretty good at costume design etc. Now A-rise on the other hand, not even I can explain the shocking party.


Skip Beat 7-8

Just found out Kyoko is only 16! What?

Great to see Moko join the Love Me section. Her and Kyoko bounce off each other really. Lol at Kyoko's mixture of a happy/trolling reaction when she joined.

Im seeing a running theme of family issues for a lot of the main characters.
Uh, everywhere? This statement:

is elucidated in the following paragraph, where the writer picks apart the visual cues the anime gives to express the rakugo performance, such as

This sentence alone disproves your assertion that the rakugo performances are merely static.

You are addressing the poits I wasn't making. Talking about smartphone generation.


Speaking of mecha, is Heavy Object any good? I know it's written by the Raildex guy, so I know at least the world building should be good, but how's the plot, writing, and characters?

*wall of truth*

Yeah, I think I referred to it as mecha myself a couple times, probably because it's easier to call it that instead of I don't know. But there really is no similiarity actually.

Also you'r right about everything, especially it being extremely internally consistent.
I consider it quite an achievement if a show can drop a squad of freaking battle maids into an ongoing battle and I'm like 'yeah, that makes sense' without batting an eyelid.

This show is just so much fun and if the last 2 episodes don't shit the bed spectacularly (which I really doubt), I've already reserved a place on my AOTY list for it.

All these Majin Bone impressions making me wanna watch it.
Do it. Majin Bone is fucking excellent.
Winners of the 10th Seiyuu Awards

Best Actor
Yoshitsugu Matsuoka (I'm Enterprise)

Best Actress
Inori Minase (Sony Music Artists)

Best Supporting Actor
Kenichi Suzumura (Intention) and Yoshimasa Hosoya (freelance)

Best Supporting Actress
Shizuka Itou (Ken Production) and Saori Hayami (I'm Enterprise)

Best New Actor
Awarded to actors who debuted within the past five years.
Yuuichirou Umehara (ArtsVision), Shunsuke Takeuchi (81 Produce), and Ayumu Murase (VIMS)

Best New Actress
Awarded to actresses who debuted within the past five years.
Sumire Uesaka (Space Craft Entertainment), Rie Takahashi (81 Produce), and Aimi Tanaka (81 Produce)

Best Vocal
Awarded for singing activity as the character he or she portrays.
i☆Ris, composed of Saki Yamakita, Yuu Serizawa, Himika Akaneya, Yuki Wakai, Miyu Kubota, and Azuki Shibuya (81 Produce)

Best Personality
Awarded for work in radio, TV, or other programs.
Kenichi Suzumura (Intention)

Most Votes (Hall of Fame)
Hiroshi Kamiya (Aoni Production)

The following award winners were announced on the official website on February 16.

Special Achievement Award
Instead of selecting individuals, this year's award is dedicated to those who have died in the past year.
Shinji Ogawa, Kinya Aikawa, Hiroyuki Nishimoto, Yuusuke Takita, Mizuki Saitou, Eiji Maruyama, Sumiko Shirakawa, Kazuya Tatekabe, and Miyu Matsuki

Achievement Award
Awarded to individuals who have made numerous contributions to the profession and outside the industry.
Sachiko Chijimatsu (81 Produce), Tadashi Nakamura (Haikyo), and Michiko Nomura (Ken Production)

Synergy Award
Awarded to a work which exhibits the appeal of the seiyuu profession.
Chibi Maruko-chan, represented by Tarako (Troubadour Musique Office)

Kei Tomiyama Award
Awarded for activity in promoting the seiyuu profession in the media.
Showtaro Morikubo (VIMS)

Kazue Takahashi Award
Awarded for activity in promoting the seiyuu profession in the media.
Kikuko Inoue (Office Anemone)

Kids and Family Award
Voted by children from surveys submitted by elementary schools nationwide.
Pierre Coffin

Special Award
Awarded to any individual, work, or activity for commendable achievements which do not fit any other category.
AOP, composed of Risa Sakurana (AT-X), Kei Tomoe (HoriPro), Yuuki Hirose (Sun Music Production), Saori Ogino (AT-X), Aoi Mizuki (AT-X), and Yui Fukuo (81 Produce)


Ah! My goddess END + Specials

Yeah, okay.

You know all those basic anime tropes. You know the ones. The ones so common that when you see a character, even before their probably introduced you know what their role is? Like the sister who's in love with their brother, or the sleazy character that is only there for fan-service and to tease the main character sexually?

Well, that's what I thought this show was gonna be. I am so glad I was wrong.

Basically every guess as to how each character would be was wrong. Not in a shocking way but rather I expected poor tropes and got grounded characters.

There were lots of filler episodes though, but not normal filler. This filler was always referenced later, even the stuff that you thought was forgotten comes back in one form or another at some point. Some of the episode plots were truly pointless though, would have liked more focus tbh.

Skuld is probably the only real pointless character. She's really only there to be Urd's foil but results in a mostly annoying purely cockblocking character. I did like her better in the Specials though. She felt more like a character in those.

The action oriented scenes in some episodes just didn't need to be there. They felt forced and out of place. There's also a lot of jargon strewn about randomly that also doesn't seem to fit properly.

Personally liked episodes 1-8 the best as they were basically pure romance/ SOL related episodes which this show does well.

The last arc was a nice spectacle, but I will admit that having a "save the world" plot in here felt weird. It did have a few twists and turns that where interesting, though.

Overall, I liked it. I'm a sucker for romance shows, especially ones that don't leave the love interests hanging.

Not gonna watch Season 2 right away, I wanna watch some other stuff first, but I'll get on it ASAP.

(I noticed that the name "belldandy" felt more and more out of place as more people said it and as the series went on. Would have appreciated some nickname usage here...)


(Belated) Rakugo 8

Wow, Kiku is a dick.

Rakugo 10
So Kiku taking in and (assuming) successfully training Yotarou would be breaking a curse that lasted for two generations now.

Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu 10
Knowing the endpoint of the story upfront creates an ever greater impact as we draw closer and closer to the tragic denouement.

As much as I'm enjoying the show and consider it to be my AOTS, I wish I hadn't watched the first episode. It made and still makes too many things in the show obviously apparent and predictable. Every show that begins with a flash forward needs to die in the fiery pits of hell.

Shigurui excepted.

Gatchaman Crowds 01
More than a year later, this scene is still fucking disturbing-ssu.
Because there are a lot of Russians in Japan, especially Tokyo. I think a number of them are for business reasons, trade and such.

There's not that many though. Only about 10k or so living there.

Ah! My goddess END + Specials

Yeah, okay.

You know all those basic anime tropes. You know the ones. The ones so common that when you see a character, even before their probably introduced you know what their role is? Like the sister who's in love with their brother, or the sleazy character that is only there for fan-service and to tease the main character sexually?

Well, that's what I thought this show was gonna be. I am so glad I was wrong.

Basically every guess as to how each character would be was wrong. Not in a shocking way but rather I expected poor tropes and got grounded characters.

Maybe it help that the manga was started in the 80s before at least some of the more modern tropes became popular.


There's not that many though. Only about 10k or so living there.

Maybe it help that the manga was started in the 80s before at least some of the more modern tropes became popular.

huh... didn't know that tbh.
I wonder if manga and anime storytelling might have gotten more lazy now compared to long ago.

It does seem like I've been seeing the same tropes over and over and over in recent stuff.

Actually, scratch that. Its LN's that are the problem. All the trope-y ones are the ones getting adapted :mad:


God Eater - Episode 11

This was an episode of God Eater. There were characters in the episode who said lines. There were flashbacks. There was blood. There was music. There are now only two more episodes remaining.

Those are all facts.


[Ghost in the Shell: New Movie]

If you've seen Ghost in the Shell, you've seen this movie. Probably many times already. There's nothing new here.

It's not a bad movie, really. The action is actually pretty damn good! It's just perfunctory.


Ah! My goddess END + Specials

Yeah, okay.

You know all those basic anime tropes. You know the ones. The ones so common that when you see a character, even before their probably introduced you know what their role is? Like the sister who's in love with their brother, or the sleazy character that is only there for fan-service and to tease the main character sexually?

I should probably continue watching this at some point. I stopped at ep.6 a long time ago and need to finish it up.
[Ghost in the Shell: New Movie]

If you've seen Ghost in the Shell, you've seen this movie. Probably many times already. There's nothing new here.

It's not a bad movie, really. The action is actually pretty damn good! It's just perfunctory.

I don't know; I don't think GitS has ever had well staged action scenes quite like these, as well as a focus on giving all the characters on the team a reason to be there. For all you said on Twitter about how much you dislike this movie and Ubukata's writing, I think this is better than Solid Stage Society and Innocence. Maybe it's not thematically rich, but a solidly crafted thriller is better than people standing around quoting philosophy at each other.
Rakugo - 10

I think the best part of this episode if how it resisted rushing things. It didn't go rushing forward to see what happened with Sukeroku and the woman, even if that was the end point of the previous episode and the audience wants to know what happen next to their messed up relationships. It's first a character study/drama, and it rightly focuses on Yakumo, the death of his teacher and what it means for him, and his career, on his solitude and how it's a double edged sword for him.
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