You are addressing the poits I wasn't making. Talking about smartphone generation.
I was addressing this post of yours:
The weak point of Rakugo are the Rakugo acts. There is no dedicated animation budget to show some sublety in the performances - if one wouldn't be forced to read the subtitles one could just close the eyes and listen to the VA and nothing of worth would be lost.
(As much I'm enjoying the show and consider it to be my AOTS, I wish I hadn't watched the first episode. It made and still makes too many things in the show obviously apparent and predictable. Every show that begins with a flash forward needs to die in the fiery pits of hell.
I don't understand this, and I dislike the use of "predictable" as a pejorative in the first place, as if the only value in a narrative is that it has twists we didn't anticipate. We have plenty of nonsensical stories in anime that rely on pulling out craziness from left field over and over as it is. The first episode of Rakugo Shinjuu may make the ultimate destination of this flashback apparent, but it hardly makes clear the life journey it took to get there, and certainly didn't flesh out Kiku and his generation to this rich extent. I don't see how the story would have benefited if "Sukeroku dies" had been kept secret. I enjoy seeing the resonances of earlier generations with the later generation we see in the first episode.