Monthly Girl's Nozaki-kun episode 2-3
Chiyo's friend is something else.
Seo da best
Monthly Girl's Nozaki-kun episode 2-3
Chiyo's friend is something else.
Non non biyori repeat is pretty much all that. I recommend you watching it after you're done the first season
Yup. Hotaru is a lot less anime in S2.
Seo da best
Alderamin on the Sky(2016 summer) PV
Well i said it's not a battle harem LN, but come on Madhouse, it doesn't mean you have to make the character looks like that lol.
Those character designs look nothing the light novel art.
But there's no Gu in it. That's just not right.
Sorry for being hung up about a one-trick raccoon, but I liked it too much for my own good. The cameo during S1E4 was good enough for me, and I really hoped to see it again in S2.
I also liked how S2's full OP and ED both have a couple cameos of the first season's lyrics.
Alderamin on the Sky(2016 summer) PV
Well i said it's not a battle harem LN, but come on Madhouse, it doesn't mean you have to make the character looks like that lol.
Alderamin on the Sky(2016 summer) PV
Well i said it's not a battle harem LN, but come on Madhouse, it doesn't mean you have to make the character looks like that lol.
Well maybe Mahouse thought they're making Chihayafuru-like show.
So today is Dengeki Bunko Spring 2016 Festival, and the last stage just ended at about 20 minute ago.
Index and/or Railgun s3 is not happening, move on guys.
I tried watching the first two episodes of Prince of Stride twice and fell asleep both times. Show is not at all my cup of tea.
I was also disappointed and uninterested to try again when I heard the girl is basically shoved to the side and doesn't stride herself.
I do have some issues with the movie like the pop song coming across as forced but it really is a great film.
Koyomimono 10
fuk u shaft
A good film until the final act where it becomes a fucking great film.
Easily the best Disney Animation film since the Renaissance.
I kinda assumed that since the director had an AMA and said that everyone wanted to work on a season 3 but that it wasn't happening yet.
Theres just enough material (iirc) to make one more season of index, too. :S
Just enough? theres like 40 books. How how far through did the show end?
Guess that means I need to start reading.
we are so blessed
another SAO game coming, and a movie
hopefully they announce S3 soon after the movie releases, or even sooner would be better!
I'm probably lowballing the amount left.
There seems to be 22 volumes with the first 2 seasons using 13 of them.
I was assuming only 1 more season because there are only 6 more arcs left, but I guess those arcs are kinda long so idk.
Just enough? theres like 40 books. How how far through did the show end?
Guess that means I need to start reading.
I'm probably lowballing the amount left.
There seems to be 22 volumes with the first 2 seasons using 13 of them.
I was assuming only 1 more season because there are only 6 more arcs left, but I guess those arcs are kinda long so idk.
given the movie is all original content I imagine it will merely end with a trailer for season 3 of the TV show likely airing in 2017 (likely the same for the irregular at magic high)
there is 22 volumes to the first index series of books, there is another 13 volumes to the index 2 novel series. and 3 spin off books. I'm not sure what the animes covered though.
there is 22 volumes to the first index series of books, there is another 13 volumes to the index 2 novel series. and 3 spin off books. I'm not sure what the animes covered though.
Index II ended at SS1 (Side story) but is essentially Vol 13.5
There are 9 more volumes to finish the rest of the first series, not including more Side stories.
That's more than enough to make a three cours season (hint hint DRRR)
The second series is currently at 15 volumes.
ah... I should watch the second seasons of index and railgun...
that might summon a new series
either way I started snagging the light novels.
Godzilla fight next week
Gundam IBO - 22
Not much else I can say about IBO that hasn't been said. It's a show I've had consistent enjoyment throughout.
As a Canadian I do find it amusing they are heading to Edmonton. Until I saw the map I wasn't sure if it was the same one.
The timing of the SAO movie news coinciding with Yoshitsugu Matsuoka (Kirito) winning the Seiyu's Best Actor award...
Somewhere Kiritobread is laughing all the way to the bank.
Another Canadian *brofist*
Yeah I haven't seen today's episode yet, but when they mentioned Edmonton I couldn't help but grin. Even if I don't live there, the fact that it's still in my country made me happy. Can't think of any anime that showed Canada really.