That's legit awful.
Come back to watch Grimgar guys, it's been pretty ok so far.
I mean shit, if Erased quality keeps dipping Grimgar will be my AOTS.
They're past gobis now. They're fighting furries.
It was pretty obvious in the manga as well.The series never really introduces any red herrings of who it could be, so you're left with the only dark haired adult that the mother would have known in the past that wouldn't have been an initial suspect.
I guess we've progressed to this point, so I'll ask. What is the bigger problem here, is it the SAO director or is it the manga in how it presented these events?
Apparently their saving the killer's motives for a spin-off side manga lol.
Hunter X Hunter (1999) 42
I don't like the introduction of Nen and aura to Hunter X Hunter. It doesn't add anything of worth. All it does it set up a complicated system with a bunch of jargon that you have to try to learn and remember in order to follow what's going on in fights, thus making them less immediate. The fight between Gon and Hisoka would have been much more interesting if they weren't spending half their time standing around babbling about Enhancers, Gyo, In, and whatever.
That's another of the problem of the series. The whole premise is "adult in a kid's body", so one of his strong points should be the emotional stability, social manipulation, wisdom and experience of an adult that no one expects. But now that I'm remembering scenes... I think most of his plans or the way he acts are what one would expect from what we see: a kid that with help of another bunch of kids try to save another kid hiding her or following her.
The author could have done lots of nifty tricks and scenes using that element of Satoru being really an adult, but he basically behaves like the typical baka anime protag and embarrsing himself.
I love Nen in Hunter X Hunter. Nen allows for some of the most interesting and well-thought out fights in the series, along with bringing some really creative powers.
I remember the killers personality and motives and past being covered in the manga. Though I'm not sure how much of that will make it into the anime at this point, but we'll see.
Did a girl steal his chocolate bar?
Perhaps Nen will be better used in the future, but as of now I prefer Jojo's Stands, because that just cuts to the chase of giving everyone crazy powers without needing a textbook to justify them.
The killer is the dad, ever since nobody believed him for not stealing the chocolate he went crazy.
coo coo for cocoa puffs crazy.
i've made that joke before
A year ago, I watched the Sword Art Online anime.
A year later, I'm still buying Sword Art Online light novels and mangas.
Is something wrong with me ?
Speaking of anime light novels, is there a post/thread with good recommendations ?
No, you had it right with first answer.Thread
Edit: Oh, I reread your post and you apparently want anime adaptations of light novels? In that case, check the Monogatari Series, Baccano!, Kokoro Connect to mention a few.
Come back to watch Grimgar guys, it's been pretty ok so far.
I mean shit, if Erased quality keeps dipping Grimgar will be my AOTS.
They're past gobis now. They're fighting furries.
Finished Your lie in April earlier tonight. Christ, that final ten minutes were less a kick to the gut as much as it was a stabbing to the heart.
And that final scene when you see what Kaori left in the envelope with the letter - lost it.
Also please get a less garbage video player, Funi. You're charging a subscription, so you should be able to afford it.
I finally cancelled my Funi subscription last month and just paid the extra money for Commercial-Free Hulu instead. No regrets. I don't think I'm missing anything this season.
Commercial-free hulu seems a waste, commercials are only like 25 seconds. I watch price is right and game shows daily and commercial breaks be like several minutes long, since I endure that, hulu commercials seem like a minor thing.
Funi player works best on IE/EDGE.
Commercial-free hulu seems a waste, commercials are only like 25 seconds. I watch price is right and game shows daily and commercial breaks be like several minutes long, since I endure that, hulu commercials seem like a minor thing.
Funi player works best on IE/EDGE.
I'm always on commercial free Hulu. Outside of the few Crunchy and Funi exclusive shows, most shows will come to Hulu even if with a week delay.
The problem with Hulu is that the majority of its anime comes from Funi, and Funi only provides SD versions of their shows there.
A year ago, I watched the Sword Art Online anime.
A year later, I'm still buying Sword Art Online light novels and mangas.
Is something wrong with me ?
Speaking of anime light novels, is there a post/thread with good recommendations ?
Heavy Object 01
The entire episode was an exposition dump, with the occasional out of place fanservice. Yep, this is definitely made by the Index writer. At least the 2nd episode looks interesting.
Also please get a less garbage video player, Funi. You're charging a subscription, so you should be able to afford it.
Not having to pay for more services than necessary is an upside to me though. I wish most providers just put their shit on Daisuki if it really is supposed to be the streaming service of choice.
How bad is the Funimation video player? Worse than Daisuki's?
How bad is the Funimation video player? Worse than Daisuki's?
*courtesy of Google Images*
Perhaps Nen will be better used in the future, but as of now I prefer Jojo's Stands, because that just cuts to the chase of giving everyone crazy powers without needing a textbook to justify them.
I'm still coming to grips with that. Still paying for netflix for instance where I might watch 5 hours a month. Just keep it going because...
netflix has original content I like though.
Apparently their saving the killer's motives for a spin-off side manga lol.