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Winter Anime 2016 |OT2| Bellariology, Puellology and Simulacrumology

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Heavy Object - 23

This is like the perfect arc to end things. All the major villains and characters are present and the whole situation is basically the result of Qwenthurs and Havias actions during the show.
Flides ideology is some food for thought. It's very hard to outright call him a villain, because he does have a point.

It's kind of interesting to think about it. Objects are basically the culmination of weapons of mass destruction technology in this universe. And yet exactly that is the reason that wars are 'safe'.
There is no point in fighting a war if you only have to compare the amount of objects and their specs between nations and can determine winner and loser this way. There are no exceptions, no special cases. The power of Objects is absolute.
Enter Qwenthur and Havia. They fought and won against Objects time and time again, while they were in the clearly inferior position. They shattered the preconception that Objects are 'absolute'. And that's why wars are escalating again.

I can't wait for next episode, and fingers crossed for a second season!

This, so much this. We really have entered endgame in this show (well, endgame if you take only the anime into account). And I love it. God, I really hope this show gets a second season, seeing there is still so much more to adapt. The show also only get better with each episode. Fanservice didn't seem as forced as in the first few episodes (the belt choking scene in EP 1 comes immediately to mind), the battles are different enough to never feel as if you've seen it before and Havia and Qwenthur are of course eternal best buds.

Seriously, after the very first episode I never thought I would like this show as much as I did in the end.



Gate ep.23

Way to fall right into Tyruule's plan your idiot prince. Why is it that he is so stupid and can't see that she is purposefully destroying the empire and at the same time the SDF doesn't realize that they needed the princess in this mission (see above) Itami would have gone right in there and buster her a$$ out. fun watching the modern military just completely destroy fantasy armies though, lol.

To be fair, it's been established several times that the prince is an idiot.


I watched it, and remember enjoying it, but can't remember for the life of me what the plot was. I kinda remember one of the girls being a baby fox or something.

Theres a couple of arcs.

That baby fox one was one of them.

I liked Kanon 2006
I also watched the 2002 version but my god the character art was... bad


As for the KyoAni/Key Stuff:

Clannad + After Story > Kanon 2006 > Air > Clannad (without After Story)

Haven't seen the rest.


Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu Episode 11:

This series might as well be a Boy's Love entry because it clearly wants to ship Sukeroku and Yakumo and basically did that by putting them in this pseudo-marriage situation.


Oh right, Charolette is not a good series like at all, even ignoring that late game shit, the early episodes are so boring and pointless that even the series up and forgot most of what happened there along with the major characters.
Heavy Object Episode 23

LOL Shizuka Itou, every single time XD


Bwahahaha! Indeed this should be the way Kamachi should implement his love for ironic situations! I thought it would be all three factions ganging up on Baby Magnum but this is even better! To fight against the very Object they've spent the whole season protecting is brilliant! The best part is I have absolutely no idea what's going to happen next!

One thing that is not so obvious in the books but on hindsight plenty obvious in visual form is the chekhov's gun set up that he likes to use (In this case the mirror). I've also don't like the Guru lecturing Qwenthur and Haivia about being a 'hero' by not killing anyone, one of the main draw of this series for me is that the two of them don't have that luxury to pick and choose who lives or dies. This is combat and they recognized and accept it.

Other good things I like are the little things like Frolaytia working out and out performing the guys, as well as Hime's deadpan "Ohohoho" :D

And you know what? Going in blind, the show is still as good to me :)
Charlotte was only good for trainwreck purposes (and guessing what was going to happen next), I had a good time laughing at all the dumb stuff that happened. But I can see why others wouldn't be able to appreciate it.

Because of this I don't even mind the lack of more episodes. After all, it's more fun to watch a train having to break desperatly and completely blow up when there are no rails left, compared to a longer track in which everything gradually slows down.
Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu - 11


Lovely reunion with a sweet double performance. Kid Konatsu is fun, too.

It's rather heartbreaking that there's impending tragedy :/

edit: Forgot to say, that short montage with it's 2 frames per second or whatever was a fucking terrible idea. Don't need my anime to be stuttering as though I'm suffering from connection issues tsktsk.
The best thing about Charlotte was the first half of the first episode where he was being a douchebag. Running away from the fallen girl is like the only fond memory I got of that show!

Edit: cant forget about the drugs episode!
Heavy Object - 23

This is like the perfect arc to end things. All the major villains and characters are present and the whole situation is basically the result of Qwenthurs and Havias actions during the show.
Flides ideology is some food for thought. It's very hard to outright call him a villain, because he does have a point.

It's kind of interesting to think about it. Objects are basically the culmination of weapons of mass destruction technology in this universe. And yet exactly that is the reason that wars are 'safe'.
There is no point in fighting a war if you only have to compare the amount of objects and their specs between nations and can determine winner and loser this way. There are no exceptions, no special cases. The power of Objects is absolute.
Enter Qwenthur and Havia. They fought and won against Objects time and time again, while they were in the clearly inferior position. They shattered the preconception that Objects are 'absolute'. And that's why wars are escalating again.

I can't wait for next episode, and fingers crossed for a second season!

One of the heated early debates about this show was comparisons between Objects and WMDs. While not EXACTLY similar they shared a similar concept in that they would act as a form of deterrent from all out open war. And that the concept of a 'clean war' is very appealing, though obviously not completely realistic as we soon found out.

Either way "War, war never changed" but at the same time "War has changed".


Kuuchuu Buranko / Trapeze 7-11 [END]

Fantastic. The last couple of episodes had some of the strongest moments so far. That was a very unique show, with a really beautiful message in every episode, and the last episode makes clear the purpose of the show. Also, I loved how the episodes slowly construct the world that this takes place in. You can see this from many different perspectives, and from the point of view of many troubled individuals. And the animation on the show was certainly something strange, but I liked it a lot.

Episode 10 was the best and loved that little twist at the end. I was confused with the patient's appearance a lot before that, but everything made sense after that.

A real hidden gem of an anime. I recommend it.


Sölf;198628054 said:
This, so much this. We really have entered endgame in this show (well, endgame if you take only the anime into account). And I love it. God, I really hope this show gets a second season, seeing there is still so much more to adapt. The show also only get better with each episode. Fanservice didn't seem as forced as in the first few episodes (the belt choking scene in EP 1 comes immediately to mind), the battles are different enough to never feel as if you've seen it before and Havia and Qwenthur are of course eternal best buds.

Seriously, after the very first episode I never thought I would like this show as much as I did in the end.

Yeah, I really didn't expect to like this show as much as I do.
And totally agree with the fanservice. The first couple episodes were really awkward with this, but then it got more... natural? lol.

Just T

Rakugo: 11

This was a fun episode seeing them all together, knowing the outcome of it all makes it really bittersweet though.


Mine is pretty and pink
Just finished watching Konosuba

Got to say it's the best comedy I've watched for the last few seasons.
Went in wihtout any expectations to get much out of it and was genuinely surprised when I ended up laughing out loud at the sillyness already in the first episode.
The characters are great even if all of them is far from perfect, to say the least but that's the charm and it most jokes build on just that.

Also love how [ep9 and 10 spoiler]
The male citizens come together to save the town so that the succubus place doesn't get destroyed lol

I would give it a 9/10, over my expectation by miles. complete opposite of what Erased ended up being.
well at least I have Rakugo, one of the best shows I've seen but sadly (according to reddit) it's selling REALLY bad so good luck getting a full conclusion.


Heavy Object ep.23
Fuck, No, not Baby Magnum.... That bastard messed with her
metal state completely
This is a major issue for Quenthar to save her. I can't wait until next wed to see how they get out of this one..


The ann line says just for one series

"Amazon has more money than God, and the amount they were rumored to be offering for exclusive worldwide streaming rights for a series was by far the highest price I've ever heard of being paid for anime rights -- enough to pay for the entire production and then some."

Another ANN article mentions that Amazon will be exclusively streaming future Noitamina titles, so this is more than just Kabaneri. I don't think that Amazon would pay an amount greater than the entire production cost of Kabaneri just to stream Kabaneri by itself; I think it's more likely that the sum paid was for Kabaneri plus every future title on the block. That would make more sense, wouldn't it?


She and Her Cat: 1-3
Cat is so dead.

Funny anecdote. I was watching the first episode when my brother came into the room. He glances at it for 5 seconds and says, "the cat is going to die, isn't he?" XD


Paradise Kiss ep.1-3
The OP and ED for this series are really good! I haven't gotten too far into the story yet, but it sounds like it's going to move towards a good girl turned bad kinda story. Georgit is a weird guy for sure and he prying on how niece the poor girl is, but hey, hey did give her an out, but she wanted it, so she got her kiss and now she will be hooked. The tone of the show is definitely different as eell, but it goes well with the way their two different worlds are colliding.


Erased: 10-11
Well, the obvious reveal is obvious. That said, I am choosing to ignore that the show made this a mystery and taking it as it is, and I don't think it's bad.
There was a good degree of tension when Satoru got in the car and built up towards the teacher trying to kill him. The screen shattering thing was cheesy, but the rest was fine. As for Satoru not realizing he was the killer, the monologue explained it, it was a blind spot of his.

I really liked episode 11. I wish it was further elaborated upon because it feels from the beginning to the end when the killer isolates Satoru that there is more to be told from this situation. That said, it was enormously satisfying to see that Satoru's sacrifice was not in vain and everyone ended up well. There were also a lot of nice moments like Satoru's talk with that girl with Leukemia and when he gets the determination to overcome his disability.


Seeing all those Erased posts makes me glad I didn't watch the show.
Showa Genroku Rakugo Shinju 11

Sukeroku and Yakuma are now in a pseudo-marriage taking care of their daughteru. I don't think its possible to deny what is being pushed here anymore.
Damn it, I was going to make a My Two Dads joke...


So, someone who knows something about the Erased manga, as of episode 11, are they still following close to the manga or did they skip a lot of stuff? I can't imagine the show will end well when there is so much material to cover.


So, someone who knows something about the Erased manga, as of episode 11, are they still following close to the manga or did they skip a lot of stuff? I can't imagine the show will end well when there is so much material to cover.

have been skipped. There was ~12 chapters left to cover with 2 episodes remaining.


What's also a lovely little fact is that these moronic shippers are basically pairing up a 29 years old man with a girl aged 10. Sure Satoru is trapped in the body of a ten-year-old due to the 'revival' event but mentally he's always 18-19 years her senior. Not only that, he's also 'from the future' and can basically control her outcome to his liking.

His objective is saving her by getting close to her and all (which is actually a terribly flawed idea in the grand scheme of the entire homicide issue but let's leave that aside). It would be unquestionably unethical for him in some regards to pursue being her boyfriend in the long run.

From that standpoint alone it's creepy that shippers are actually pairing them up. That those morons then even go further and demand of Hinazuki to disregard living her life and instead 'suspend' her love life in order to wait for a comatose boy who might as well never wake up ('only' took 15 years here!), probably with the justification that he saved her or some bullshit, is the cherry on top.

I don't mind that people are initially a bit upset to see
Hinazuki together with Hiromi and having a child because Hiromi was only a secondary character we cared little about whereas the other two were primary characters and it was pleasant to see Satoru build up a relationship to Hinazuki and drag her out of her misery.
But some seconds later your brain gears should start turning and you should conclude that this is a great outcome.

Instead, there are seriously a lot of people who are genuinely unhappy and want Satoru together with Hinazuki.


Yeah I don't think it would have sat well with me if Hinazuki and Satoru ended up together. Furthermore I am perfectly happy the way she ended up, which is a good happy life.


So, someone who knows something about the Erased manga, as of episode 11, are they still following close to the manga or did they skip a lot of stuff? I can't imagine the show will end well when there is so much material to cover.

Manga and anime are really different at this point. I haven't finished reading the manga (Holding off for the anime to end first) but
they've cut or altered a lot out. Kenya's role was reduced, it was explained how Satoru survived his attempted murder and one specific scene was completely flipped around. There's a lot of changes and a lot of cut content.


Manga and anime are really different at this point. I haven't finished reading the manga (Holding off for the anime to end first) but
they've cut or altered a lot out. Kenya's role was reduced, it was explained how Satoru survived his attempted murder and one specific scene was completely flipped around. There's a lot of changes and a lot of cut content.

Oh wow. It definitely makes me wish there were more episodes.
Gundam Orphans 21

Akihiro's upgrades are awesome. Dude is like a mecha tarantula.

RIP Biscuit. I didnt think anything would happen to the core trio. He was very likeable :/
Kuuchuu Buranko / Trapeze 7-11 [END]

Fantastic. The last couple of episodes had some of the strongest moments so far. That was a very unique show, with a really beautiful message in every episode, and the last episode makes clear the purpose of the show. Also, I loved how the episodes slowly construct the world that this takes place in. You can see this from many different perspectives, and from the point of view of many troubled individuals. And the animation on the show was certainly something strange, but I liked it a lot.

Episode 10 was the best and loved that little twist at the end. I was confused with the patient's appearance a lot before that, but everything made sense after that.

A real hidden gem of an anime. I recommend it.

Glad you liked it. In my top 3 anime of all time. Just a truly magnificent show
Hataraku Maou-sama 3

The rom is the worst part of this romcom. There's no chemistry between Maou and either of his romantic "options".

I will say, at least, that his relationship with the hero becomes a lot more developed over the series and not in a straight "now they suddenly like each other" way. It holds a bit more nuance than that.

As far as Chiho, yeah, I dunno man.
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