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Winter Anime 2016 |OT2| Bellariology, Puellology and Simulacrumology

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Naruto Shippuden: Season 17 Episode 454 – Itachi's Story - Light and Darkness: Shisui's Request

Why no more time with kid Itachi and kid Shisui, it was the best part of this. Continually the anime handles stories with the cast younger a bit better than older. Just never forget HashiMada kid times.

Russ T

Erased Episode 12:

Let me see if I can digest my thought processes here, 10 minutes of abject boredem as the build up to an anticlimactic climax, 4 minutes pausing the stream to actually laugh at the twist, another 7 minutes enjoying the ending, one last minute of shouting bullshit at the screen.

Oooh, I'm excited to watch this!
Active Raid Episode 12 – For Whom Does Order Exist?
Best character especially later in the episode when hes reading the jpn version of skymall
while Mythos is still fighting. I kind of chuckled and felt sad at Mythos, he did all of that all because he was lonely and had no friends, then when his only friend abandoned him he just completly lost it and felt all depressed :(

Active Raid may have started weak but it really picked up as the series got going. Im glad it was a part of this season and will follow it for more.


Maturity, bitches.
With though competition like Pandora in the Crimson Shell it sounds like Erased fell down at the final hurdle when it comes to this season's recommendations.

Just T

Erased: 12

Eh, what to say, this wasn't a remarkable last episode. Certainty didn't care about the rambling throughout the episode but I guess the last couple of scenes were......nice. I've been feeling a little apathetic towards this since the episode 10 so can't say I had any high expectations left. I think Erased started out very strong then it stumbled a little, came back for a while then started to fall off, the great moments will remain great but as a whole yeah, pretty disappointed.



Also, we got no motive for the killer. I guess I'll read the manga, because his killing sprees seems to be fueled by his hatred for hamsters.

From last weeks's episode i gather he wanted to see if someone would struggle to survive which inspires him for some reason? Eh? It makes some degree of sense why he works in the hospital then. But thats really clutching at straws. Or maybe he's just insane?

Erased End

Im still processing wtf did the episodes in the present matter to anything in the end?
Like saving Airi in the present doesn't fucking matter when you can turn back time! So what was the point? I don't think he got any significant clues or knowledge from those episodes?

Damp finish overall. The little montage was nice but i didn't care one bit about any of the characters involved bar Satoru's mum.
Erased 12

Really good ending actually. I could see people having problems with it, but I'm a sucker for this stuff. I ate it all up. I had a smile on my face by the end of it all. It sure was one heck of a rollercoaster of emotions this show.
Erased Episode 12 END

Dumb final episode, what was the writer thinking
by having him roll off in a wheelchair from the roof? There were numerous other ways to end it, like just have Satoru time jump back and avoid this event. Additionally it seemed unclear from the writing but he time jumped way more than we saw and saw many scenarios in which Yashiro killed his friends or something? A much stronger ending would have been for Satoru to time skip back after resolving this and resolving everything while he is a kid so he can still live out those 15 yrs. Its just a really sad ending overall when you consider he missed out on getting to experience growing up with Kenya and others. Same for Kenya too who always believed but had to experience this sad fate patiently waiting the day for his best friend to awaken. :( A happier ending would have been way better than what we got.

So apparently that source saying My Hero Academia is 13 episodes also says it's from the creator of Naruto.

So yeah.

The sentence in question on the website is:

Présenté par Masashi Kishimoto, créateur de Naruto, comme l'héritier et successeur de son œuvre, My Hero Academia débarque sur ADN !

Now I'm not up on my French, but as I read it, I believe that sentence is saying that Kishimoto (the Naruto mangaka) considers My Hero Academia to be the heir anhd successor of his own work. So it's not saying the two series are written by the same person, but simply trying to connect My Hero Academia with a popular series most anime fans are familiar with. If you look farther down on that page, it identifies the My Hero Academia manga as being written by Horikoshi,

At any rate, this is the official streaming site in France which has purchased the license to stream My Hero Academia from the Japanese production committee, so they are in a position to know things like episode counts.


Erased finale would be better off if they skipped the whole "
Satoru you're the only one for me" skit. Like, what the fuck am I watching ? That's not how real people work. Between this and "I win because I have and believe in my nakama
!" delivered with the subtlety of a hand granade, this really felt like a Naruto episode. The rest was okay, though really, just like MPR was saying in the manga threa, Airi's entire existence was pointless.

Ed: Also I'm glad that
the ending of the previous episode wasn't as stupefyingly dumb as it seemed at the time.


Active Raid - 12 (END)

That was a nice finish. The battle was pretty hype and I liked the way it was resolved.

Erased - 12 (END)

This was better than I expected, but still kinda eh. I don't think Yashiros ramblings have that much impact with the tiny amount of backstory the anime gave him.
I liked the montage and seeing them all together again, but the last minute was completely unnecessary. Either cut it out completely or devote more buildup to it, but don't just slap it in just because.

In the end this show is a weird case of being both better and worse than the manga at the same time.
Overall I have to say I'm feeling pretty conflicted towards Erased, but I'm leaning more towards disappointed.

Haikyuu!! S2 1-24

Holy hell, that last part of episode 24 was freaking amazing.
Now that I've got that out of the way:

This show is so damn good. I just love the character dynamics. Everyone plays perfectly off everyone else, be it team member or opponents. It's just immensly fun.
Oh, and Yachi is completely awesome. Her reactions and personality and role just complement everything so well, it's not even funny.

However, watching this back to back it was sometimes pretty noticable that the show reused animations now and then. Then again, those animations are great... and they are used when they do the same thing after all, so... Animating the same thing again every single time just for the sake of it wouldn't make much sense.
And it's also only really noticable with the super stylized shots that stick out like a sore thumb (in a good way).
Anyway, looking forward to the final episode and the obvious season 3, which will get even more intense when they have to play against Shiratorizawa in the finals.


Active Raid - 12

Goro Taniguchi returned to work on the storyboards once more, which is part of the reason this episode was about as good of a mid-series conclusion as you could expect from this show. Active Raid as a whole, in my opinion, gradually improved after the first half (with episode 6 predictably remaining the best one) but didn't stray too far from just being the anime equivalent of a Tokusatsu series involving cops wearing power armor and facing mostly episodic threats of varying quality, where amusing antics and some light social and/or political commentary rather than any real character drama served as the main draw.

It really had more of a laidback ensemble cast instead of focusing on any particularly strong personality. Mythos himself, our villain, didn't have much of a justification for his actions other than a simple mix of immaturity and loneliness. The revelations didn't make him more compelling. Quite an unimpressive antagonist, compared to The Claw from GunXSword who was a highlight of that series, but I suppose it's interesting to point out this would reflect the opposite of the standard Yoshiyuki Tomino theme (also present in Code Geass and such), where the adults are wrong and the teenagers are right. Nope, it turns out that sometimes the adults (Unit 8) know best after all, even if other grown-ups can still get in their way. Kind of refreshing, within an industry full of general escapism and admiration for lost youth, although hardly original in the long run.

The episode itself was a good watch and arguably brought the whole thing full circle. No cliffhanger, mind you, but then again sometimes having one of those isn't even necessary. As expected, Production IMS kept the animation and model quality from getting too good and shortcuts were always present throughout the broadcast, even at its best, but at least the visual identity of series didn't completely collapse like with some of their previous shows. Incidentally, the OP and ED sequences went through various changes, which ultimately compensated for their admittedly embarrassing debut. Orange's 3DCG work was quite consistent, especially compared to the 2D, and the final battle was one of the more exciting sequences.

Very few people watched this, but I enjoyed it. By the way, Taniguchi apparently did say there would be changes for the second season (it seems he prefers that to calling this split cour), so I'll see how that goes.


Yeah I don't speak French but that's clearly saying MHA is the "successeur" to Naruto in Kishimoto's eyes c'mon now.

It quite literally says that Kishimoto presented it "like the heir and successor to his works", which I suspect a good translator would polish up to say "as the next generation of smash-hit manga" or something similar.

More interesting to me is that the French call it My Hero Academia. I thought the tide was prevailing against any further Anglicisation of the language? Is there not a a more French version? (presumably not Mon Lycée d'Héroïsme, though...)


After the disaster that last week's episode was I honestly didn't expect much. Sadly this is another shitty adaptation that requires you to read the manga in order to get the best part of the story. The confrontation and how it's resolved is laughable. Airi's inclusion is just so terrible that it destroyed any last semblance of love for this show that I had. I guess I'm still mad about last week but this was still rushed beyond belief. Just terrible.
Erased 12

Well, definitively the series fell off a cliff at the end.

-So somehow, the serial killer got obsessed with the mc (because he has a boner for survivors? /cue flashback of the hamster) just because the mc stopped his plans a pair of times. So much that he didn't kill him while he was on coma, and hell, even cared for him? Oh yeah and he didn't feel 'good' anymore so these past 15 years he stopped killing and no one more died, even if he was a compulsive serial killer. Yep. That's the author being a hack writer trying to avoid the fact that the main hero didn't do shit, if he saved a pair of girls but a dozen more would be killed in the following years when he was off the game.
-The power of the friendship in the final montage was corny as fuck.
-Airi appearing at the end is anime-stupid, just put there to imply that, of course, the mc gets the girl in the end. Even if it isn't related in any way to the central story.
Assassination Classroom Episode 34 Think Outside the Box Time

Yes the other event I wanted to see. I wonder who is writing some of the lines, Owned a few episodes ago, now we have glitched out, what more?

We need a few more minutes this week:(

Best Maehara


Erased ep.12

OK, for some reason, that ending got me a little bit as soon as the credit started rolling; it felt really good man, really good. Best buds, best mom... Very nice. I was happy with that conclusion, as well as the monologue of :"The Town where only I am Missing"


Beautiful... I mean, that was an excellent way to tie everything together and make the title make sense. I was thrown off a little thinking that it meant the opposite and took it to literally, but what a great way to bring it full circle.....

“But I don’t have Wonder Guy’s courage or good friends like that. So I felt envious. It made me wish to have true friends, friends who trust each other, when I get bigger.”



Damn things came full circle for him and worked out in the end

Loved the framing of that moment with the blue butterfly; it was beautiful. I'm not sure if it is the same as the manga or not timing wise, but it was heartfelt and it fit well. Honestly, it didn't even have to be Airi right there and could have been Aya or anyone else, but I appreciated the fact they brought Airi back for him since there was definitely a connection of fate that was brought back for Satoru.
I loved this series from start to finish despite some pacing issues in the later episodes. Content/Story wise it was always up there and trounces most of the other stuff that has been on recently and really kept me captivated from week to week. It's great still being able to appreciate and enjoy a story that is presented with a good mix of drama, emotion and mystery/thrill (it doesn't neatly fall into any genre really). I loved this show.


Erased episode 12 [END]

I actually really liked this episode. Gave everyone proper endings and I actually liked the confrontation at the end. It explained why the killer didn't kill Satoru all this time and fit well with the hamster allegory. The last bit of the confrontation threw me for a loop for a second. I actually kinda thought that
Satoru may have actually fallen and died
but that might be me falling for stuff :p

The stuff with
at the end was definitely dumb, but I didn't find it offensively dumb.

Honestly I actually really liked this show, but I understand why some might not. Its all about how you see the show.

If you see it as a Murder Mystery where the MC will eventually get the girl he saved, then you're gonna be peeved. That's not what this show is.

My only really complaints are episode 5, some hammy dialogue in some places, Airi being mostly useless, and the community constantly going "he was cucked" without actually knowing what that really means...

Good series, sometimes great but with flaws. I wouldn't go so far as to say it was amazing or the best of the best anime has to offer, but I do think its worth a watch.

Mostly lived up to the high expectations I set for it before this season started.
Digibro tears Erased a new asshole! That was quick. I think it's awfully pretentious to say "I knew it wouldn't be good from episode 1!" but he makes some valid points.


I would rather make 100 more of the shitty jokes I just made a second ago than watch another Digibro video on an A-1 series, regardless of whether it ends up on point or not. The whole "Asterisk War Sucks" series made me feel a bunch of things.


Erased 12 (END)

I loved this series. There are a few hiccups along the way, but I didn't mind them nearly as much as everyone here, and everytime I watched it, even the worst episodes, it was still a good time. Curious to see how the manga handled some scenes, since I hear they're more developed there.


Ojisan and Marshmallow Episode 12 [END]

Didn't feel it tbh.

Maybe its because of episode 11, or maybe its because the very end scene just felt weird, but most of this episode didn't jell with me.

The brush off of the twists from episode 10 was... meh.
Tbh if they didn't do episode 11 and had this episode still at the amusement park while they try to get the misunderstanding cleared up, I think ending would have been much much better. As is, it kinda felt like wrapping this up was an after thought.

Oh well, the series was mostly fun.

Worth a watch.


I think no one ever win the previous holy grail, since if someone already won, i'm sure someone will mention it.

I think it was mentioned in UBW that that was the case.

But my point is more that, if there weren't any winners in the previous two ones, ( did the last two men standing in these wars, double KO'd themselves twice in a row?) then clearly, there was something very fishy about this whole Grail business from the start, a fact that didn't seem to bother anyone in F/Z.


Still have a huge backlog of stuff, but I don't really pick which to watch according to their quality. It's more of a "am I feeling X genre or Y this week?". RahXephon sounds a heck of a lot like Eva, so that alone makes me curious to watch it.

Well, as duckroll has already eloquently stated, it really isn't that similar to Evangelion. Yes, there are numerous similarities but it is a very different series.

Apart from the OP. The way the opening is edited, the imagery that they use - they are just literally ripping off the EVA OP.


Maturity, bitches.
I said it was going to be bad when we only knew the name of the show. Digiwilly or whatever his name is needs to get on my pretentious level.

Also A-1 gave us The iDOLM@STER so they can never truly be said to suck. Yes, I even forgive them for the sin that is Sword Art Online.


Episode 3 of Rosario + Vampire season 2 has tit-lazors! Holy shit!

I said it was going to be bad when we only knew the name of the show. Digiwilly or whatever his name is needs to get on my pretentious level.

Also A-1 gave us The iDOLM@STER so they can never truly be said to suck. Yes, I even forgive them for the sin that is Sword Art Online.

Well at least you admitted it :p


I'm not sure how to feel about more FLCL. I think the series was fine where it ended.

Is a sequel even necessary though? Doesn't that go kinda against the whole set of metaphors and analogies the original was using? Probably would have preferred a remake of some time.

Erased - 12

Hmm. This had some parts that I really liked in some regards but of course also a bunch of bullshit. I think I expected worse.

So, I found this idea that Yashiro, after his past encounter with Satoru, stopped killing and is not a serial killer in this timeline, even if he of course attempted to kill Satoru. It simply makes for an interesting idea as to where these two characters can go form now and what kind of relation they have. Like, Satoru could actually become someone Yashiro can confide in and fight the remaining issues he has, if Satoru were to forgive him (which he leaned towards, especially since his mission was a success and his friends were alive).

All that doesn't actually work in the context of the show because Yashiro was portrayed too one-dimensionally evil and we aren't really shown Yashiro fighting his conflict before Satoru went comatose. Of course we're now shown a short flashback to tell us this sort did happen in the meantime but it's just kinda weak. Especially when the episode beforehand doesn't make Yashiro out as some guy fighting his urges but a complete psychopath in that guinea pig monologue. Properly establish/foreshadow this change of behavior or it ends up like this feeling undeserved and out of place.

Well...that's actually all I considered partially good, really. The rest...

Satoru's speaking manner on the rooftop was ridiculous. I get that he has a master plan but can you tone it down some? Too high school level philosophy dialogue and tryhard psychology analysis.

The entire jumping sheet plan was far fetched to begin with (they anticipated that he'd be taken to the rooftop and forced to jump/pushed? Really now? And Yashiro doesn't once look down before letting Yashiro fall, either? Good thing Yashiro didn't just decide to cut Satoru's throat or something, especially when he apparently really struggled living without Satoru and may have been indifferent about what happens afterwards...

And my biggest complaint would be the very childish, fairytale direction the story took in regards to Satoru's friends. "Everyone remained nearby, close-friends with each other and Satoru, even going as far as shaping their life goals after his deeds! Misato, of course, started a fundraiser for him at the age of 10, despite not being that close to him at the time (even if she had a crush still)."

These kids were ~10 years old. 15 years passed. And yet everyone is still superbest friends? Next they'll force some random encounter with Airi as a way to end the show...oh no. These bastards actually did that.
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