Hiramatsu on FLCL - English GAiNAX Network Systems said:In the first half of the 20th Century, a movement arose to overthrow what had up to that time been standard techniques of classical music, to wit, melody, rhythm, and tune, because they were in the way of creating anything new. So what about the field of graphics? What about Japanese animation? Will FLCL become an anime for the 21st Century, one freed from the various conventions of anime?
And is this now the answer? Resorting to one usual convention in the form of a continuous retreading? A project that was born with a clear and fulfilling purpose of working on new procedures and with new tools for the nascent digital era of animation, and a creative spark that took advantage of such leeway as a unique one-off opportunity. What exactly remains or can be salvaged from all that when so many things have changed and people involved has moved on? What is the point this time?