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Winter Anime 2017 |OT| John Wick cleaning up KyoAni's mess

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How can you say you love her if you won't eat her tail?

Gintama - 145


Here's an example what's ruining the serious arcs for me.

Very nice. A fairly poignant scene where an innocent child makes a simple but meaningful observation.

Uh thanks, but we've already gotten the point. Repeating it is unnecessary.


You might as well start playing "Dango Daikazoku" because it might just not be sappy enough, yet.

And this overindulgence in dramatic dialogue and flashbacks happened 3-4 times within each of the last 5 episodes. Unbelievable.

I would've been quite happy with Gin becoming a heroic badass that cracks one line of wisdom after the other during these arcs. The contrast of that and his 'lazy' side works quite well in general. But when just about every character has several moments of enlightenment and starts spouting basic philosophy for minutes on end, fuck that. Even the damn kids can't help themselves and stop talking and acting like children.

This could've been a legit great arc and a few scenes worked well in spite of all this. Yet, here I am 5 whole episodes later and left disappointed. These 5 episodes should've been 2 or 3 at most. I'm not getting my hopes up for these 'serious' arcs any more. Outside of quite the nice animation quality the battles that took place here were basic battle shonen stuff, too. Aka lots of people receiving unsustainable injuries but when the dust settles, and boy was there a lot of dust, they can keep fighting anyways because willpower yadayada. That's how bad the pacing was, I'm complaining about even that.


My gf likes that dragon maid anime more than little witch academia? is something wrong with her?

btw, I don't know if this is the place to ask this but... I'm close to finishing Persona 3 (PSP version). Is there an anime or movie that continues the story?


Digimon Tri - Loss parts 1-3 (didn't watch 4 yet)

I thought things could really go places with the gap between the digidestined and their partner digimons's memories, as well as with how hard it could be for them to suddenly be told about all the things they supposedly did that they have no recollection of. Were the digidestined actually doing the right thing by shoving all their memories and expectations into their now blank-slate partners? Rather, what we got was an awful lot of mindless fanservice and Biyomon's "I don't trust you... okay, now I do" arc, which was weak as hell.

Even though it would've been weird and maybe far too melodramatic, I was actually expecting Biyomon to want to side with Mei instead, leading yet another misunderstanding between her and Meicoomon.

Also, what the fuck was up with the bad guy shoving Meicoomon onto Sora and then freaking licking her? Did they really not figure out any better way to show how evil Gennai was other than having him freaking lick Sora's face?

I also don't get why the heck Ichijouji ever was in this since everybody else from S2 appears to be retgone, so it's kind of weird that they ended up using him
(and as a freaking red herring, no less).

Other than nostalgia (which I certainly don't have since I never was that much of a Digimon fan), the scenes often appear to be hastily sewn together, and the animation quality is definitely still bad enough that I pity anybody who paid to see it at cinemas. There were also far too many cheap continuity gaps in there, such as several scenes with Biyomon where she was fleeing from Sora, but then they'd be shown to be together a cut or two afterwards for some reason, or when Sora started running from the bad guys, we got stills of distortion portals conveniently showing up near each digidestined, and after they all showed up we were treated to a couple more stills explaining how they had used the portals to get back together... like, really?

The only loss so far have been the 63 minutes I've spent watching it, but I guess I might as well watch the final episode later in case it gets better (since it isn't like it can get any worse... right?).


My gf likes that dragon maid anime more than little witch academia? is something wrong with her?

btw, I don't know if this is the place to ask this but... I'm close to finishing Persona 3 (PSP version). Is there an anime or movie that continues the story?

You're playing P3P which is missing the epilogue The Answer from Persona 3 FES. There are multi-part movies that adapted the game's story, I don't know if all of them are out yet but I'm assuming they will include The Answer.

Grimgar 06

As much as I like the pace and the tone despite the setting (which I'm kind of mixed about), some of the suggestive shots undercut the impression it manages to make.

Mary's backstory turns out to be not very different from the Party's own circumstances, I'm honestly disappointed given her attitude towards the group.
It's the only part of Wing I really still like at this point.
I can never get enough of That city battle,Tallgeese III nuking the the space base and WZC custom nuking the bunker. Such a good looking movie too. Truly one of the best piece of media that is Gundam related.
Endless Waltz gave us Heavyarms Custom(The best gundam ever made) and Wing Custom, that movie is an international treasure.
True true, I would even say the movie gave us only the best of mecha designs. That Tallgeese III and that Deathscythe Hell and that Sandrock and that Altron...all of em.

But yea that scene were the Heavyarms comes jumping in and goes dakadakadaka is pure bliss.
My gf likes that dragon maid anime more than little witch academia? is something wrong with her?

btw, I don't know if this is the place to ask this but... I'm close to finishing Persona 3 (PSP version). Is there an anime or movie that continues the story?

I'd say Maidragon is currently a better show than LWA TV. I still like LWA TV.


My gf likes that dragon maid anime more than little witch academia? is something wrong with her?

btw, I don't know if this is the place to ask this but... I'm close to finishing Persona 3 (PSP version). Is there an anime or movie that continues the story?

I mean, while neither are very good, I'd say the Dragon Maid anime is better than the LWA TV series so far. I've been more entertained by it, at least.

For Persona 3 continuations, there's a series of four anime films that retell the game's story. They're alright. The story also gets somewhat continued in the Persona 4 Arena games, but... the story in those really isn't that good.

Also, good on you, playing the best Persona 3 version.


Wing is horrid, so is the movie, pls kindly go through severe brain washing until your shit taste is cleansed and stops triggering mine.

Also stop saying Wing is shit if you haven't even watched more than a quarter of it and thus, have seen but the first circle of hell, the inkling of the darkness, a taste of suffering of those who went all the way for science and stuff. Thanks.


Masamune 9
So Neko's story ends in the stupidest possible way, the story keeps getting more generic, and then that ending is possibly the dumbest shit I've seen in a long time. I can't wait to see just how much next week's episode is going to make me rage after what the ending introduced.


Gundam Wing is still one of my favorite Gundam series. I watched every repeat of it on Toonami when it first aired, and rewatched it on DVD. It definitly has a few problems: too much stock footage and some awkward dialogue, but the cast and story are solid.


Scum's Wish 8
Just like artisanal quality misery week after week with constant new flavours.

Also I fucking love the OP

Also that was one of the fucking weirdest title drops I've ever seen.


Masamune-kun ep.9
I have no idea what to think about this show anymore. The talk with commando girl was cute, but they keep straying from the main plot and keep adding twists to the story. I guess they are trying to keep it from being generic, but are making it more confusing than it should be.....
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