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Winter of Anime 2013 |OT -4| It's not my fault!

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At least Railgun season two will definitely have a Blu-Ray. Who knows, they might even release BD versions of Railgun season one because of season two.

Railgun S1 should get a blu-ray release, it is just a matter of when I suppose. I certainly hope Geneon Universal is not doing the same thing Kadokawa did early last year though for FUNimation blu-ray releases.
Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo 9


Despite the introduction of two fairly interesting characters, this was a rather weak episode. As such, this episode wasn’t particularly well-paced, as it felt rather scattered and unfocused; disconnected from a certain tonal coherency, as it rarely lingered on a particular development in a satisfyingly methodical manner, due largely to it’s tendency to frequently shift it’s perspective throughout. As such, though this episode contained several intriguing developments, they weren’t altogether effective, especially the closing moments, which were depicted in a seemingly condensed and thoroughly contrived fashion, as Sorata’s transition into
believing Mashiro should return to England
was a bit too sudden.

The increased prevalence of overwrought dramatics, at least concerning the inclusion of Rita’s appearance and the development that involves Mashiro’s
uncertain decision to leave for England
, felt rather contrived, as this particular complication, though understandable, lacked a necessary foreshadowing, so that it unintentionally resulted in what appears to be a relatively cheap implementation of a momentarily disruptive interference. Though slightly understandable, Sorata’s insistence that
Mashiro should return to England
was needlessly cruel and excessively thoughtless; seeming as though he was foolishly dismissive of
Mashiro’s own happiness
, solely so that his flawed perception of the direction that’s best for
Mashiro’s life and eventual success
could be artificially satisfied on the most simplistic level.

Ryuunosuke seems to be an excellent addition to the cast, as his detached interactions with others, particularly Rita, are highly enjoyable. Though Rita is marginally intriguing, her characterization, so far, is woefully thin, since her true inclinations haven’t been properly developed yet. However, the subtle and rather slight foreshadowing of some potential for a
relationship between her and Ryuunosuke
is quite compelling, as, above all, such an interesting development would potentially allay the seemingly numerous, but certainly insignificant, instances that were intermittently implemented throughout this episode, in which the nature of the story and the interactions among the characters appeared detrimentally harem-oriented.

Although it’s certainly a predictable development, I quite like the introduction of
, since, though already inevitable, it further solidifies the eventuality of a romantic relationship between
Sorata and Mashiro
, while it also reveals a certain potential for the rejected third wheel to hopefully
find love elsewhere
prior to the conclusion of the story. Of course, due to
naïve idiocy, she’ll likely remain oblivious or intentionally cruel towards the emotions of any character aside from
. Hopefully, unlike the typical behavior for characters such as her, she’ll actually attempt to move on before the story concludes, since it would easily be the most satisfying direction to take her character. Misaki continues to be the most enjoyable character in the show, as her consistently humorous antics complement the distinctly lighthearted tone that filters into the majority of episodes exceptionally well. As such, I’m really looking forward to the possibility of a heightened focus on the slightly veiled complexities within
her emotional connection to Jin
, along with the complications that are seemingly derived, for the most part, from
own misguided attempts to display some sort of deeply flawed altruism.

The direction was quite mediocre during several sequences, as it never really established an effective cohesion within the episode, while also possessing rather stale tendencies. The animation throughout this episode was surprisingly impressive, if not a bit inconsistent. Musically, this episode was, similar to the others, quite good, if not a bit unremarkable, since many of the selections aren’t particularly memorable or tonally dichotomous, save for the melancholic piano that accompanied the initial discussion that followed
Rita’s announced plans for Mashiro’s future
, which perfectly complemented the subdued emotions that permeated this sequence.

All in all, Sakurasou has faltered slightly with this episode, but I’m expecting the story to improve towards the end of this arc, since the wholly unnecessary infusion of dramatic developments into the narrative appears to be leading to some sort of climactic conclusion. I do, however, fear that the next two or so episodes will be decidedly mediocre, if not altogether worse, as a prevalence of relatively contrived drama and heightened emotions doesn’t particularly benefit the effectiveness of the story.


Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo 14

What happened to the show I liked (first 12 episodes). Not enough Misaki and when she shows up she is very serious and not all off the wall.


Sucks at poetry
Birdy uh... 6 - 11?

This show is the biggest bait and switch ever. The first three episodes were fantastic, and there was some established plot happening and a ton of action and tension! I was so ready. THEN, everything went 180. After this the main character is now some high school boy who is whiny and apprehensive about everything - the show follows him and his high school friends as they eat lunch together, go on vacations, ride the train, play in the pool, look for ghosts, and try to have romance. Then you hardly see Birdy at all. WTF IS THIS?!?

And now the entire plot is revolving around the fact that shitty MC is willing to put the entire EARTH (along with some 8 billion occupants and countless species) at risk because he is unwilling to accept the fact that his girlfriend is a bomb and that M. Night Shyamalan is a hustler.

I have two episodes to go and I barely have the morale left to do it D:

Fuck. This.


Birdy uh... 6 - 11?

This show is the biggest bait and switch ever. The first three episodes were fantastic, and there was some established plot happening and a ton of action and tension! I was so ready. THEN, everything went 180. After this the main character is now some high school boy who is whiny and apprehensive about everything - the show follows him and his high school friends as they eat lunch together, go on vacations, ride the train, play in the pool, look for ghosts, and try to have romance. Then you hardly see Birdy at all. WTF IS THIS?!?

And now the entire plot is revolving around the fact that shitty MC is willing to put the entire EARTH (along with some 8 billion occupants and countless species) at risk because he is unwilling to accept the fact that his girlfriend is a bomb and that M. Night Shyamalan is a hustler.

I have two episodes to go and I barely have the morale left to do it D:

Fuck. This.
I liked s1 of Birdy, but it sounds like season two is what you were looking for early on. Just push forward.


I decided to check out a few series from this season, which is pretty rare for me.

Kotura-san 1

Holy shit the first ten minutes were depressing. I really liked the way it transitioned from soul crushing sadness to silly happiness without being jaring. The mother being in the opening makes me think there will be more sadness later in the show but for now it looks like it'll be mostly fun.

Da Capo III 1

I'm a pretty big fan of the Da Capo franchise so it's no suprise that I liked this. It's pretty amusing that this is set in 50 years after the second Da Capo but it's only 2001. Robots and mobile phones in 1951 was weird but mobile phones not advancing at all in 50 years is even weirder. Not much to say about this episode as it was just a character intro episode but I shall continue watching. I have to wonder why a tree had to be CG though.

Encouragement of Climb 1

It ends just as it's starting. Could be fun so I'll keep watching.

Cuticle Dectective

I hated it. I just didn't find it funny, which is weird because I usually like this type of humour. Will not keep watching.

Senran Kagura 1

It's exactly what I expected it to be. I couldn't see shit during the opening sequence so I hope there's not too many more sequences like it. I won't follow it but I will watch it when it's finished.


Amazing. So good. I can taste the tears from here. I remember laughing so hard the first time I saw this in the show.

Birdy uh... 6 - 11?

This show is the biggest bait and switch ever. The first three episodes were fantastic, and there was some established plot happening and a ton of action and tension! I was so ready. THEN, everything went 180. After this the main character is now some high school boy who is whiny and apprehensive about everything - the show follows him and his high school friends as they eat lunch together, go on vacations, ride the train, play in the pool, look for ghosts, and try to have romance. Then you hardly see Birdy at all. WTF IS THIS?!?

And now the entire plot is revolving around the fact that shitty MC is willing to put the entire EARTH (along with some 8 billion occupants and countless species) at risk because he is unwilling to accept the fact that his girlfriend is a bomb and that M. Night Shyamalan is a hustler.

I have two episodes to go and I barely have the morale left to do it D:

Fuck. This.

Season 1 is awful. Completely awful. Season 2 is much better and a complete step up.


Sucks at poetry
I like how every episode of Birdy ends on some pessimistic cliffhanger, it's all ominous and moody - then the ED kicks in all "Let's go have a good time!! Everybody peace and a magic good time, put your hands, put your hands, put your hands up in your ass and your grandparents diieeee ^__^"

Most inappropriate ED ever.
Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo 10

This was a decidedly mediocre episode, as the latter half was unnecessarily dramatic, while noticeably lacking the compelling developments that would allow such a tonal dissonance to be welcome, or, at the very least, understandable. As such, this was likely the worst episode since Aoyama’s mini-arc, as it didn’t particularly develop any of the characters; nor did it provide any essential and meaningful insight into the characterization within the majority of the characters, aside from Rita and, to an extent, Ryuunosuke.

Rita’s portrayal was a
highly unsympathetic one
throughout this episode, particularly when she
cruelly and ludicrously placed all the blame for her own insecurities and weaknesses on Mashiro and the immense talent she possesses
. Though the self-involved emotions were understandable and quite realistic, she really doesn’t have anyone to
criticize but herself and the lack of strength she previously displayed
. This ultimately, once again, depicted a callous disregard for
Mashiro’s feelings
, since it infuses a significant
into the thoughts of a character that isn’t responsible for other’s petty and weak-willed actions. Essentially,
shouldn’t be
emotionally manipulated
into unconsciously
lowering the quality of her work
, solely so that the other
could artificially be satisfied with their own.

As such, though
Rita’s outburst
was suffused with a plethora of painful emotions, that particular sequence wasn’t nearly as convincing or poignant as it should have been, as, instead, it illustrated a disappointing and surprisingly trite tedium that I hope doesn’t persist throughout future episodes, as it isn’t really indicative of the dramatic subtleties that were woven into earlier episodes. However, Ryuunosuke’s
harsh, but appropriate, criticism
of Rita’s
deeply flawed perception of reality
was thoroughly satisfying. Of course, Sorata and Aoyama simply had to then proceed to
chase after Rita and lash out at Ryuunosuke
, which was entirely unjustified and quite perplexing, since he was simply stating the truth and
defending Mashiro
; an action that they were too
fearful and naïve to attempt themselves
, for whatever reason. At least Rita realized that
words were the most honest and helpful.

Mashiro was highly sympathetic throughout this episode, since Rita and Sorata’s interests were far too unintentionally selfish, as it was clear that their feigned selflessness was only a manufactured mirage, having never allotted the time and opportunity to properly assess and subsequently consider
Mashiro’s own desires for her future
. As such, these tendencies illustrated a distinct absence of respect for
Mashiro’s ability to decide these momentous matters on her own
. Aoyama was, for the first time, bearable in her brief appearance, since, unlike her typically irritating personality, her portrayal was, ever so slightly, more subdued. Of course, she reverted back to her usual tendencies in the latter half of the episode, so this relative decency was very short-lived, unfortunately. The touches of romance between
Rita and Ryuunosuke
provided what were easily the best moments within this episode, and I’m really hoping they continue.

This arc of sorts has felt quite contrived and needlessly dramatic, noticeably lacking a compelling balance between a plethora of disparate elements, as the narrative execution throughout this episode and the last, though effectively establishing a necessary initiation towards a climactic conclusion, was thoroughly mediocre and disappointingly chaotic, as it rarely focused on an essential emotion in an appropriately significant fashion, thus faltering in it’s ability to consistently resonate. The
Nyaboron anime
is easily the most compelling element within the current narrative, aside, of course, from the two primary relationships, which haven’t exactly been insightfully focused on throughout the last two episodes.

Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo 11

This episode was a considerable improvement over the last two, since it thankfully returned towards a balanced approach to storytelling, as the lighthearted nature of the narrative wasn’t needlessly diminished with an excessive prevalence of detrimental drama. As such, this episode was far better paced than the last two, as it was largely devoid of a chaotic narrative, instead relying on a cohesive focus throughout, as this episode deftly weaved several enjoyable and rather compelling threads into one tightly structured whole.

Ryuunosuke and Rita’s interactions have thoroughly elevated the effectiveness of the show, particularly whenever the narrative slips into an uninteresting and nearly unenjoyable mediocrity. Though Rita has gradually become more likable, due entirely to her
slowly-developing relationship with Ryuunosuke
, she still continues to be
obstinately misguided
, continuously clinging to the thoughtless desire for
Mashiro’s return to England
. Jin and Misaki’s
troubled relationship
is one of the most compelling elements within the show, and, though their development is somewhat predictable, I really enjoyed the heightened focus on their seemingly
fractured connection and mutually forlorn existence

Mashiro’s slight
was evident once again throughout this episode, especially noticeable when she amusingly
squirted ketchup onto Sorata’s face
. Though subtle, this illustrates a particularly satisfying development within her characterization, as
flourishes of emotion
continue to be filtered into her interactions with others, particularly Sorata. As such, I’m really looking forward to her continued development, as this aspect of the narrative remains highly intriguing, and will likely be heavily focused on throughout the latter half of the show. Thankfully, Aoyama was fairly non-existent throughout this episode, aside from a few
moments of jealousy
and a
fanservice sequence
, which appears to be all that she’s necessary for lately, having been superbly isolated to the perpetually dull and insignificant periphery.

The development of Mashiro and Sorata’s relationship remains one of the most impressive elements within the show, as it very methodically matures into a connection that’s surprisingly complex. As such, the final scene, in which
Mashiro asked Sorata to stay with her until she falls asleep
was beautifully minimalistic and an incredibly effective note to conclude the episode on. The comedic elements throughout this episode were very well-implemented, particularly any scene that involved Misaki, who was, as usual, very amusing, as well as the majority of moments that focused on the confrontational interactions between
Rita and Ryuunosuke’s maid
. Mashiro’s
“I believe in panties”
line, in particular, was hilarious.

The direction was certainly a marked improvement over the last episode, as it felt more appropriately restrained, deftly handling an abundance of interconnected storylines without faltering in it’s essential focus. The animation, though typically quite good, was quite inconsistent throughout this episode, especially evident in the woefully poor and inconceivably repeated sequences that consisted of
Mashiro running

All in all, Sakurasou, though quite inconsistent, continues to exceed expectations, resulting in what has become one of the biggest surprises of the last year. I’m rather looking forward to the fruition of their
developed game
. As such, I’m hoping that the conclusion of this arc is satisfying, since, though the elevated dramatics have been quite poorly implemented and thoroughly ineffective, they have propelled several climactic developments into existence, and it would be disappointing if those dramatic developments weren‘t appropriately concluded.


Subete no aware
Bah. I really liked season 2 of amagami, probably as much as the first. Hell I'd take more if I could get it.
I don't have anything against SS+, it was just rather muted since it was only 12 episodes and probably didn't really set the sales charts alight.

(It was basically a Rihoko OVA with lots of weird bonus episodes slapped on!)

Tell that to Sora no Woto.


Most inappropriate ED ever.
Makes you wonder why they don't churn out a bunch of different character songs. Why not promote those same songs in the anime too?

I don't have anything against SS+, it was just rather muted since it was only 12 episodes and probably didn't really set the sales charts alight.

(It was basically a Rihoko OVA with lots of weird bonus episodes slapped on!)
What a pointless OVA that was. She was too big for the anime that they had to separate her from the cast.


The Light of El Cantare
I like how every episode of Birdy ends on some pessimistic cliffhanger, it's all ominous and moody - then the ED kicks in all "Let's go have a good time!! Everybody peace and a magic good time, put your hands, put your hands, put your hands up in your ass and your grandparents diieeee ^__^"

Most inappropriate ED ever.

S2's ED more than makes up for it. You're almost to the promised land.


sakurasou - 14

Yes, the two main men in the story are both abominable human beings who can't handle the people they like as anything other than pets.

I don't know if I can take another season of this.





I love how you still love everyone - even if they are are grumpy and/or irritable. I like your style! Everyone is cool with me - even the people that hate me!

Im a lover.
I cannot help it!

Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo 14

What happened to the show I liked (first 12 episodes). Not enough Misaki and when she shows up she is very serious and not all off the wall.

There is never enough Misaki.
Apply this to all shows with a Misaki.
Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo 12

This was a terrific episode; easily the best since the fourth, since it served as a thoroughly satisfying conclusion to this arc. As a whole, this episode was thoroughly well-paced, largely due to the immense improvement within it’s ability to balance it’s dichotomous elements, as the focus rarely lingered on a particular emotion or development beyond what was necessary. As such, the developments within this episode were handled with a skillful deftness that was quite satisfying, particularly exemplary in the final sequence, as each woven subtlety allowed for a thorough illumination of the complex emotions that surrounded
Mashiro’s realization of love
. Though quite predictable, the latter half of this episode was consistently fantastic and a considerable improvement over the first half, which, though still pretty good, was largely focused on the introductory aspects of their occasionally monotonous presentation of the
Nyaboron anime

The final scene was a sweetly emotional conclusion to the episode, since
Mashiro finally acknowledged her feelings for Sorata as love
, which, aside from considerable growth for
slowly-developing character, was a very satisfying note to conclude the episode and this arc on. Hopefully, now that this has occurred, their
eventual relationship
won’t be repetitiously stalled throughout the latter half, especially if it’s in favor of ridiculously unnecessary and tedious
triangle antics
. Aside from the final scene, which was very well-executed, my favorite sequence was
Sorata and Mashiro’s hug
, as it was essentially an initial realization by both that they
have feelings for one another
. It also illustrated Sorata’s
partial dependency on Mashiro
, which hadn’t been noticeably depicted until this episode.

The subtly romantic and excellently simplistic opening sequence, in which, as a direct continuation from the end of the previous episode,
Mashiro lays next to Sorata
and, due to his
evolving feelings for her
, he
internally struggles with the impending possibility of her leaving him
, was great, as it effectively established the wistfully romantic atmosphere that permeated the rest of the episode. As such,
Sorata and Mashiro’s
relationship was portrayed in such an excellent and superbly satisfying manner throughout this episode, particularly during the highly effective
final sequence
. Their refreshingly nuanced and methodical development, along with their exceedingly beautiful interactions, really elevate this element of the show beyond mere mediocrity. This episode essentially illuminated their
eventual romance
as a certain and lasting inevitability. I’m only hoping, though altogether foolishly, that their newly experienced
romantic inclinations
won’t be entirely reverted by the next episode, as it, unfortunately, seems quite likely that
Sorata will remain oblivious
throughout much of the show.

I greatly enjoyed the slightly heightened focus on Misaki and Jin’s rather complex, but seemingly inevitable
, as it progressed immensely in this episode, specifically illuminated by the moment
Jin gives her the necklace he had once bought on his “date” with Mashiro
, as it indicates that he might actually begin to
relinquish his perpetual hesitancy towards entering a relationship with the only one he seems to truly love
. Ryuunosuke and Rita’s interactions have been really enjoyable throughout the last two episodes, culminating with
their excellently simplistic kiss prior to her departure
. As such, I’m really looking forward to their
continued relationship development
, since their extensively contrasting personalities have superbly complemented the occasionally quirky nature of their
romantic sensibilities
. The implied
Chihiro and the game designer
is a surprisingly compelling addition to the narrative, so a heightened insight into their
romantic, yet seemingly complicated, past together
would be great, as it would provide some opportunity for a certain level of development for Chihiro’s character.

Aoyama has increasingly become a thoroughly inconsequential character, since, following the fourth episode, she seems to be largely used for repetitive fanservice and intermittent jealousy. This flaw could have been remedied entirely in this episode, but, of course,
Miyahara simply had to be rejected
solely so that the show can continue to perpetuate the illusory mirage of Aoyama’s involvement within
the “triangle”
as something even remotely important, when, in fact, it’s nothing of the sort, since
her feelings for Sorata
will inevitably remain
. As such, the stagnancy and near non-existence of her development has become increasingly apparent throughout the latter half of this arc, which is understandable, since the other characters are far more interesting and integral to the larger narrative. Of course, I prefer this approach, as it isolates an already pointless character, but an attempt to layer her dreadfully miniscule characterization would be appreciated. Essentially, her portrayal has consistently been illustrated as some sort of
third wheel
; a
glorified plot device
that effectively exists in order to tangentially compel
Mashiro and Sorata’s romantic relationship
into existence. I did, however, like that Aoyama was fully willing to
assist in Sorata’s attempts to convey his feelings to Mashiro
, so it would seem like a considerably unnecessary misdirection if she’s only going to fully
return to her tsundere affectations or resume clinging onto her “love” for Sorata
in the near future.

The production values remain quite impressive, particularly the animation, which was much improved throughout this episode, especially over the last two. The direction was pretty great throughout, especially during the final sequence, which was beautifully shot and creatively framed, displayed most notably by the moment the
plane swiftly passed by in the background and her “confession” was isolated against the wind
. The visuals, for the most part, really complement the nature of the story, as the colorful aesthetic typically accentuates the lighthearted atmosphere. Musically, this episode was quite good, since, above all, it was less repetitious than in the past. The comedy was also greatly effective throughout, save for
Misaki’s exaggerated driving
. The altered Ed was nice.

All in all, despite it’s inconsistency, Sakurasou remains one of the most surprising shows of the past year, particularly impressing with the thoroughly engaging interactions that suffuse each episode, along with the relatively intriguing story and the narrative execution. This episode served as a fantastic, highly satisfying conclusion to the first arc, since it drew upon a plethora of foreshadowed emotions and climactic developments, such as
Mashiro and Sorata’s hug
Rita and Ryuunosuke’s kiss
, and
Mashiro‘s realized love
. The narrative has been consistently compelling throughout the show, but it had noticeably faltered into a certain monotony and listlessness that was quite disappointing throughout several of the episodes that preceded this. Thankfully, however, this episode illustrated a departure from the excessively dramatic and tedious developments that had occurred throughout the latter half of this arc. However, I slightly dread what’s to immediately come, since it seems disappointingly likely that, as it’s going to continue for another twelve episodes,
Aoyama will be elevated to a third wheel once again
just so that some inevitably pointless drama could be filtered into the narrative.


Sucks at poetry
Magic door knobs... you know, door knobs are supposed to make their presence known when a girl is lonely, not the other way around!


I don't have anything against SS+, it was just rather muted since it was only 12 episodes and probably didn't really set the sales charts alight.

(It was basically a Rihoko OVA with lots of weird bonus episodes slapped on!)

Thats not my memory of it. My memory is getting new Haruka and Ai stuff. For which I said huzzah.

I guess the odd bit is that the stories for the most part fit inside the first season ones, rather than being next chapters.


Subete no aware
sakurasou - 14

Yes, the two main men in the story are both abominable human beings who can't handle the people they like as anything other than pets.

I don't know if I can take another season of this.

Sakurasou no Pet na Kanojo 12
Just stop watching now. lol

Thats not my memory of it. My memory is getting new Haruka and Ai stuff. For which I said huzzah.
We had Jormungand for that though!


Is it even :kanna... no not yet, will wait for tears.

And skirts in snow weather? Damn.... hope she got some nice padded panties or something.


Aoyama has increasingly become a thoroughly inconsequential character, since, following the fourth episode, she seems to be largely used for repetitive fanservice and intermittent jealousy. This flaw could have been remedied entirely in this episode, but, of course,
Miyahara simply had to be rejected
solely so that the show can continue to perpetuate the illusory mirage of Aoyama’s involvement within
the “triangle”
as something even remotely important, when, in fact, it’s nothing of the sort, since
her feelings for Sorata
will inevitably remain
. As such, the stagnancy and near non-existence of her development has become increasingly apparent throughout the latter half of this arc, which is understandable, since the other characters are far more interesting and integral to the larger narrative. Of course, I prefer this approach, as it isolates an already pointless character, but an attempt to layer her dreadfully miniscule characterization would be appreciated. Essentially, her portrayal has consistently been illustrated as some sort of
third wheel
; a
glorified plot device
that effectively exists in order to tangentially compel
Mashiro and Sorata’s romantic relationship
into existence. I did, however, like that Aoyama was fully willing to
assist in Sorata’s attempts to convey his feelings to Mashiro
, so it would seem like a considerably unnecessary misdirection if she’s only going to fully
return to her tsundere affectations or resume clinging onto her “love” for Sorata
in the near future.

I kind of wish they would just write her out, rather than treating her so poorly. That way I could stop watching.
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