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Winter-Spring 2014 Anime |OT3| People incapable of guilt usually do have a good time

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Beltachika met Amuro last episode. Their interaction in that episode consisted of him getting pissed off listening to her say ridiculous shit about Char after having seen him for 2 seconds.

This episode she kisses him.



Digimon Adventures 02 - 19

TK stepping up his game


After the shit TK's dealt with some jackass with a god complex has more direct solutions


TK has fought like six beings who intended to destroy the universe by that point. A dork in funny glasses don't mean jack to him.
Phi Brain 3 Episode 25 (END)

Pretty strong ending for the anime and series. The Hologram playing over the final moments was a nice touch as it was always my favorite of the ending songs. Just captured everything that I feel that Phi Brain represents.

Mr Puzzle was funny and he did his famous face, loved it.

But actual plot stuff
Poor Jin that was actually pretty sad that the one they were trying to save all season just ended up passing away like that. I thought we would get another season but with the key characters graduating and going separate ways (spare Bishop with Rok still) and Mizerka and Doubt engaged?! that may be unlikely. Unless we get an young adult arc of 25 episodes or something, but I cant imagine what itd be about. Good end
I don't even know what meiji era is supposed to be. Speak Murican please. Here we say stuff like "is there an anime thingamabob where it's in the time of them samurai folk?"
Phi brain S3 - 25

Phi brain is over

My feeligns are in a mess right now it's really too bad it's finished ..i know that everything must end one day but dammn

Puzzles are fun , being alive is fun , but promises are always more important !!
Overall this final episode was quite good , including
POG solver nonoha
as a guest-star . Nonoha across all 3 season managed to stay revelant as much as possible in her role of moral counter part & story advancer. IN season 1 she kept kaito from going to the dark side , in season 2 she was the damsel in ditress + mother of the groups and this third season might make you think that her role was less important but in fact she wasn't since she was there just at the right moments to push things around.

On that note the final solution to escape the time labyrinth was pretty clever and i liked the time labyrinth in general because of the "what if" scenarios .. too bad rook was void of them.

Enigma final moments were laughable at best but i cannot help but think that this is a fitting end for such a joke character ..my dislike for the guy was there from Day one but i left a door open in case he would become a worthy opponent .. but his backstory was just so sad and pathetic i'm just glad it's over... at least his existence justified many of the "over-the-top" puzzles this season so it's alright.

Ratsel met most of the hopes i had for her this season. I wanted her to have a decent backstory , worthy motivations , great skills and she had all that + more i can safely say that ratsel was a worthy character to add in this cast.

About the final twists

I knew they wouldn't dare kill so many (3 !!) characters without a way to bring them back rook in particular had a obvious way out since he was the one who designed that puzzle. freecell & gyamon met their end off -screen so everything was possible. I'm ok with this end , this sacrifice and the explanation coming from jin mouth made sense .. this was a decent ending ..but they could have gone all the way and materialise the time labyrinth to bring everyone back ( yes even lovuska ) they didn't..... in the end this was a much more safe bet
( You could even say that they left things open for a second saga or a 4th season )

In conclusion

Phi brain was fun , S3 met most of my expectations even if i wanted more duel battles or more battle royale battles

S3 : 7/10
Serie : 8.5/10

I just wish i could have a battle royale between rook , kaito , freecell , ratsel & gyamon
I need an OAV or a movie to correct this mistake.


Digimon Adventures 02 - 20

I guess the thing that's nice about Ken is that you get to follow a guy who is basically supes evil but hey it ain't his fault and you get to see him go bananas loco as digi-evil gets into his head.

Feeling bad for the villain was pretty new when I first watched this.

/edit omg lol

"He's too powerful!"
"And they didn't even get hit!"

/edit Fuck yeah. Ken's base being powered by the next powerup artifact is gold. Magnamon rocks.

"The balance of power... has shifted."


I would like to attribute the reason Hayato Kobayashi gets shit done and looks like a cool man in Zeta Gundam is because he married Fraw Bow and by extension the reason Amuro Ray is a worthless shit in Zeta Gundam is because he didn't, but Hayato Kobayashi raised Katz and I mean, what the fuck was that.

And if Fraw Bow had come to Amuro and been like "Let's get married and raise Katz!" I could not have even once blamed Amuro for being like "OH FUCK NO."
Saint Seiya Omega 96

Saint Seiya Omega is finally back on track with the return of epic Koga. The people behind it definitely knew what we all needed, we didnt sign up for Seiya but for Omega and with focus finally on the Omega saints and the phenomenal soundtrack it gave a really intense and fun final few minutes. The three best songs played back to back to back even
Athena finally did something stunning, and Koga, oh that new Koga Omega Cloth, its so splendid.

First time Im hyped for the next Omega episode!
I never realized what anime fans would want to do with VR technology. I would just want to hang with Polar Bear, Panda-kun and Penguin-san.

Not like this anime fans.

Not like this.


Setec Astronomer
I never realized what anime fans would want to do with VR technology. I would just want to hang with Polar Bear, Panda-kun and Penguin-san.

Not like this anime fans.

Not like this.
The holodeck has been pegged as a society-destroying sex device ever since it was introduced in Star Trek.


If I had anime VR I would like a boxing sim that let me beat the living shit out of a customizable list of anime characters.

That way every season I could just add in the new anime character I hated most and beat the shit out of them. Double points if I can add clips of their VA making pained sounds.

That's what I would use anime VR for.


If I had anime VR I would like a boxing sim that let me beat the living shit out of a customizable list of anime characters.

That way every season I could just add in the new anime character I hated most and beat the shit out of them. Double points if I can add clips of their VA making pained sounds.

That's what I would use anime VR for.

Oh so that's what you're into.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Corvo would just load up Quile and beat her into a pulp with a burlap sack of oranges and tomatoes.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
Witch Craft Works - 12 [END]

Male lead is such a weak piece of shit. UGH. I said it when this show began and I'll say it again, this would've been so much more enjoyable if the male lead was female.

A kiss should be saved until marriage

Good, I didn't want this beta motherfucker tainting my beautiful goddess Kagari anyway.

Tanpopo x Kasumi OTP
Kill la Kill - 15-23


I didn't think this big finale would feel as boringly stretched out as the middle section of the show did. I was wrong. It also doesn't help that stakes have been thrown out the window and Ryuko is still the same stubbornly impulsive girl as she was when KLK started.

At least stuff is happening, though it doesn't mean much.


Kill la Kill - 15-23

I didn't think this big finale would feel as boringly stretched out as the middle section of the show did. I was wrong. It also doesn't help that stakes have been thrown out the window and Ryuko is still the same stubbornly impulsive girl as she was when KLK started.

At least stuff is happening, though it doesn't mean much.

Watching Kill la Kill brings a certain Macbeth quote about life to mind.


Digimon Adventures 02 - 21

It's kinda funny that Ken was smart enough to invent all kinds of crazy shit in the digital world, but too stupid to realise that he hadn't just invented the Digital world himself.

The sentiment behind the episode is pretty good, but it's not executed particularly well.
The holodeck has been pegged as a society-destroying sex device ever since it was introduced in Star Trek.

It's only logical

If I had anime VR I would like a boxing sim that let me beat the living shit out of a customizable list of anime characters.

That way every season I could just add in the new anime character I hated most and beat the shit out of them. Double points if I can add clips of their VA making pained sounds.

That's what I would use anime VR for.

Kirito-kun never stood a chance.

Benio-sama! ;_;

I know. I hate her too.
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