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Winter-Spring 2014 Anime |OT3| People incapable of guilt usually do have a good time

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Benio haters don't seem to mind those that like her, but apparently the opposite isn't true.

Hamatora 11

Holy crap an actually good episode. It had badass scenes, and a ending that both made me cheer for the next episode and left me very sad
Takahiro :'''''(


No, that one job was to provide a nice-little wrap up movie to finish up the franchise for good. In fact, that's what Gen thought it was going to be at first when the movie was in concept stage IIRC. But the director wanted an ending to continue the franchise, so he thought of much better way to continue the series and Gen a breakthrough with how to write it.

I would have been perfectly fine with the movie had it not been for that final stunt at the end.

The ending was the most egregious part, but frankly having
Kyubey somehow manage to perform a comeback after Madoka completely fucked his plan
utterly ruined the catharsis at the end of the movie, and the character of Bebe wavered between being a sick joke and as pointless a new character as Rebuild of Evangelion's Mari has turned out to be.

Scent of cowardice in the air.

It's funny, because the only magical girl show I have any interest or intention of ever actually getting around to watching is Sailor Moon. When that day comes I have to decide if I'll watch the Japanese version or troll you all and watch the butchered English version for fun.

I wish Regulus would post his Arjuna experience here.

I wish Regulus wouldn't experience Arjuna. Couldn't have happened to a nicer person.

After reading Corvo's impressions, I eagerly await everybody's impressions of Arjuna.

Would to God that I could seal Arjuna into a pit, at cost of my own life if necessary.

Now you truly understand why we do what we do!

AnimeGAF, we suffer so you'll want to, too.


D-Frag! 11

That's our Takao-san! Showing why she's the real Game Creation Club president by inventing a fun and interesting method of competition on the spot where all others had failed. Even if it didn't work out quite as intended, that's still quite the accomplishment.


Chrno Crusade has an amazing ending. The actual show is not that good, but the ending made it all worth it. Well, not really, but it's still great lol
Oh my, I haven't thought about that series in years despite the final scene getting reposted a lot. I can't remember a damn thing about it though apart from that.

Aria, definitely Aria.
The Origination is just such a destruction field of bittersweet moments. So good.

I'm never watching Spice and Wolf because everyone makes it out to sound like knowing how good the first season is with no proper conclusion is depressing as hell
Well the overarching plot will probably never be resolved in anime form, the first series at least is a solid ride that is entirely satisfying on where it ends. I can't comment about the second series since it will remain in my eternal backlog as a reminder that I will always have more Spice and Wolf to consume at some point.

Nafe's pictures make me feel sad. Never enough pixiv art of Holo either.

On an entirely different note which probably belongs on the gaming side but who cares. I finally finished the last route of Grisaia no Kajitsu, Yumiko's. Pretty much went the way I thought it would but I ended up liking her more than I thought. Mainly because the writers went all the way with the "dere" aspect - which they make comment about - which is generally adorable when other series only give you little snippets before switching back to boring abusive "tsun" archetype or in this case the emotionless "kuu".

Be interested to see what the anime will do with it. Hopefully they'll try and amalgamate all the batshit insane stuff from other routes.

Waifu ranking:
Sachi >> Michiru (based Kaori Mizuhashi) > Yumiko >> Amane >> Makina


Golden Time Giveaway!


One of my favorite romance-comedies in a while ends in 2 weeks. It's based on the light-novel series by Yuyuko Takemiya, which just had its 8th volume released earlier this month. I'm hoping there will be a second season or at least some more ova eps to continue the story.

I actually like the series so much, that I commissioned one of my favorite artists, Japanese illustrator Hebitsukai ( http://hebi.soragoto.net/ ), to do a screenprinted poster for me in celebration of the upcoming season (hopefully not series) finalle. Here's a teaser:


I was thinking about doing some sort of random drawing or contest of some sort to give away a copy or 2 for fans of the show. I'll post the details after this Thursday's episode.

Sweet idea! Interested to see how this turns out.

Oh man, is it ever coming. You are going to cry.

I want to hug Taiga.

Chrno Crusade has an amazing ending. The actual show is not that good, but the ending made it all worth it. Well, not really, but it's still great lol

Oh god yes. Chrno Crusade has an incredible ending. It meandered all over the place but there was one thing you knew in the back of your mind was coming and then it hits like a ton of bricks.

Gaw that 3rd movie. Just thinking about it upsets me.

I just bought it too. Probably paid too much but I wanna see it.

I picture Madoka as "Hey guys, we finished our video games and everything is satisfying and blah blah blah"

And 3rd movie is like "You just had to ask for more fucking games in something that is complete".

So it really has become Evangelion then.


Chrno Crusade has an amazing ending. The actual show is not that good, but the ending made it all worth it. Well, not really, but it's still great lol

Huh. I read the manga of Chrono Crusade years back and I remember nothing about the ending at all. Could someone refresh me? Was the story different in the anime?
Hunter x Hunter 121

the Youpi fight is over!!
Hopefully now it can move on. I want to see Gon's fight. And the King's fight. DIS GON' BE GOOD.

Wait no. There's still the octopus. SHIT.


Oh, hey, you hate my opinions and tastes, right?

I didn't like Madoka, either.

Well I don't know about hate but I mean people who don't like Hanekawa are hardly people in the loosest sense of the word.

Do you mean you didn't like Madoka the series, the character, or the third movie, though? Because acceptability of opinions varies here.


Well I don't know about hate but I mean people who don't like Hanekawa are hardly people in the loosest sense of the word.

Do you mean you didn't like Madoka the series, the character, or the third movie, though? Because acceptability of opinions varies here.

The series. The only things I liked about Madoka were Homu and wide


Sounds like Sailor Moon.

I take it that you like this genre.

Lol. I thought he was talking about Chie too.

He might like it..a little bit.

I wish Regulus would post his Arjuna experience here.

Its funny how the only way to properly describe watching Arjuna is an experience.
You experience Arjuna. It mutates and changes you. Not necessarily in good ways lol.

So people were posting their favourite and least favourite characters of the season, and I wanted to contribute.

However, because I have a crippling addiction to lists, I couldn't bring myself to stop at simply picking out a few best and worst. I had to try and rank every notable character of the season I could think of. I know I'm crazy. I don't know why I just wasted hours of my life on this. I may need professional help.

And so, separated by gender because I don't trust myself to judge girls by the same standards as guys, incredibly tentative and subject to change because I have no idea how to even compare some of these characters, and based on some kind of twisted amalgamation of a variety of arbitrary factors including (but not limited to) likability, entertainment value, badass factor, notability, and (in the case of female characters) waifu level, I hereby present:



Kon (Tokyo Ravens)
Kate (Sekai Seifuku)
Mashiro (Mikakunin)
Dekomori (Chuuni Ren)

I'm so sorry.[/QUOTE]

You got the top 3 girls correct. Their cuteness knows no boundary.
The rest is up to interpretation.

[quote="nintendoman58, post: 104905402"]I have like, six shows I want you to see.

After reading Corvo's impressions, I eagerly await everybody's impressions of Arjuna.[/QUOTE]

I await everyones impressions of Arjuna.

[quote="Vito, post: 104907094"]<3 Aila [url]http://www.pixiv.net/member_illust.php?mode=medium&illust_id=42333459[/url][/QUOTE]

I have the artist on my follow list but yes when I saw that pic I legit squeed.


He might like it..a little bit.

Its funny how the only way to properly describe watching Arjuna is an experience.
You experience Arjuna. It mutates and changes you. Not necessarily in good ways lol.

You got the top 3 girls correct. Their cuteness knows no boundary.
The rest is up to interpretation.

I await everyones impressions of Arjuna.

I have the artist on my follow list but yes when I saw that pic I legit squeed.

You are a respectable person with good tastes, friend


Kill la Kill: 22

Hot dang. Pretty good episode for giving some final development on the characters. Also,
Mako saving the day was pretty epic.



fe: also whatever the fuck this is


I am finally going to come out: I am a transethnic Japanese woman.
I&#8217;ve noticed that on Tumblr there is a lot of ignorance and hate about us, and I&#8217;d like to civilly redress that. Unlike the LGBTQA+ movement, which I strongly and proudly support, insults and bashing is all the transethnic community gets.
One complaint we get is that we are &#8216;racist.&#8217; It is not racist to appreciate and admire a culture different than the one surrounding us. It is not racist to know that the body we live in is different than our soul. It is not racist to wish to be normal in our culture-but the problem is, our body is the wrong color and makes us stand out. I don&#8217;t hold anything against white people for the tragedies occurring during World War II-that was the American government&#8217;s fault, and the blame does not lie with a specific race of people. Of course all people from the same country and ethnicity don&#8217;t think the same, but people of my race living in my country Japan share a common cultural identity. And the people with this Japanese culture have Japanese skin. Ethnicity has to do with culture, not just skin color.
Another complaint we get is that we are &#8216;trying to feel special by giving ourselves problems that don&#8217;t exist.&#8217; I don&#8217;t think of being transethnic as a movement. I don&#8217;t want attention redirected on us while transgender people face horrible struggles. All I want is for people to look at me as the right race and nationality, like being called the right pronouns. I don&#8217;t want to be transethnic; this isn&#8217;t a choice. I didn&#8217;t wake up one morning and say &#8220;I want to be Japanese!&#8221; Years of my life accumulated and I felt so out-of-place in an American white body. I finally had the confidence in myself to admit that my soul is Japanese. It would so be much easier to just be a foreigner in Japan, and it would be even easier just to be born in the right country in the first place. There is nothing wrong with me and my brain, however, and I accept that my identity is non-binary. But just because people devalue me, I can&#8217;t do that to myself. I can&#8217;t pretend and I won&#8217;t hide behind my body any longer. I am proud to be Japanese even if I wasn&#8217;t born that way, but this journey to become my true self isn&#8217;t easy.
A further complaint is that we are &#8216;demeaning transgender people by our comparisons.&#8217; The same arguments once used against transgenders are now used against us. People rant that one&#8217;s skin color has to define us. I wonder why those people feel threatened by us, somehow, to take so much offense at us being ourselves. A body is just a shell and a soul is what really matters, but it is very hard to wake up and interact in the wrong shell every day of our lives. Science cannot be used as an argument either; even if there is no &#8216;proof&#8217; about mismatched identities and ethnicities/nationalities, being gay used to be considered a disease, and gender dysphoria is even now sadly referred to as a disorder. I don&#8217;t know if being transethnic is biological or environmental-I can&#8217;t explain how it happens-but that doesn&#8217;t make it any less real. One can&#8217;t say &#8220;poof!&#8221; and make all of us go away. Telling us to &#8220;stop&#8221; and being offended by us just aggravates the battle-of-sides that our coming-out has sadly become. We can&#8217;t stop being ourselves, and the real problem is the pain it gives us to try to pretend and fit into the wrong societies and bodies. And just because it hasn&#8217;t been documented in earlier history, some of us could have been hiding it or we just didn&#8217;t have a way to express our transethnicity. Respect is a simple thing, and it&#8217;s all we&#8217;re asking for. I&#8217;m Japanese so don&#8217;t think of me as someone false; my body is plastic and not my true self. Also, it is a real hardship that we don&#8217;t have a way to transition. We can&#8217;t get an operation to become our true skin color physically. We&#8217;ll always be stuck in this body, and that frankly is an idea I struggle with greatly. I&#8217;m so glad transgender people can surgically become themselves, and wish it was easier for them. But us transethnic people? We can change our names and nationalities, but our skin color is always going to be dyed in this unfitting shade. Because of that, our self-confidence can plummet to the point of self-harm, which is really sad when you think of how Tumblr aggravates it with unflattering and blatantly disrespectful hate-filled posts under this tag. (If that&#8217;s you, please talk to me. You need help-it&#8217;s society that is the problem, not your inner self.)
I understand how some transethnics feel offended by all the hate, but that doesn&#8217;t give us a right to insult cisethnic people. To gain respect, we have to have allies and give respect. I am articulating our points, but the flame wars have seriously got to stop. I am a cis woman, and I am very lucky and thank the kamisama every time I have my period because there are plenty wonderful women who would give everything to have the opportunity to have a female body with the ability to give birth. In fact, I&#8217;d love to be a surrogate mother for lovely trans ladies. I am a strong advocate for that movement and plan to write a manga documenting the main character&#8217;s journey of self-identity from &#8216;male&#8217; to female. Me being myself takes nothing away from transgender people. I never said I was oppressed by others for coming out as transethnic. Bullied and harassed, oh yes, but I wasn&#8217;t calling attention to it and taking it away from the LGBTQA+ movement. However, bullying is wrong, and the hate-filled internet rants do count as harassment. The bullying is the problem, not the cause for it. Have I been discriminated against for being a different race outside than inside? No, and I never claimed to have been. Has my identity dysphoria been so strong that I was driven to self-harm and suicide? To the latter, yes, actually. So this is a serious issue, and not something that should be mocked because it is new and different.
As for otherkin and transabled people? That is completely different, and they don&#8217;t deserve the bashing either- yet transethnic is not the same category.
Now, I will share my story. My name is Yuki Ayamine and I am almost 16. I am accomplished and ambitious, and I do not sit in front of the internet all day but instead balance schoolwork, social justice, writing, drawing, and studying my country and its language with a loving passion. I&#8217;ve always experienced extreme nationality dysphoria, and recently realized it is ethnic dysphoria too. I feel disgusted and disappointed when I look at the mirror and my inside is still hidden. This is serious, not some mental &#8216;problem,&#8217; as I was almost driven to suicide because my future seemed so bleak in a land like this. Then I realized, Japan is so close to being perfect. At least, Japan is my perfection, my happiness, the country that I belong in and that I should have been part of my entire life. It&#8217;s not just because I love anime and am a fujoshi fangirl-it&#8217;s not just because I love everything that&#8217;s kawaii-it&#8217;s not just because Pocky and ramen are my favorite foods-it&#8217;s everything about Japan that defines me and explains who I am as a person. I&#8217;m a typical Japanese girl who loves Japanese pop culture and society and the ancient traditions still manifest in Kyoto. Of course Americans can love Japan, but there&#8217;s a difference between being an American otaku and someone whose true satisfaction comes from their Japanese identity. I plan to spend the rest of my life studying and experiencing everything about Japan, and will move soon. I am very excited to renounce the American citizenship that&#8217;s been hanging over my head and threatening my happiness. I know that in Japan because of my skin color I will be looked upon as a foreigner, and that&#8217;s why I plan to live with a host family. After getting rid of the western-ness I may accidentally have acquired, I&#8217;ll be a normal Japanese in every situation, socially and culturally. Have I ever been to Japan? Every single day in my head. I know my dreams of Japan aren&#8217;t farfetched as I spend all my time researching the true Japan, plus I have Japanese friends. I shouldn&#8217;t be living life inside my head, and I know that I&#8217;ll be able to stop hiding once I set foot onto my country and breath real Japanese air. Now I&#8217;ll explain how I realized I was transethnic. Around this summer I realized that Japan isn&#8217;t some silly obsession, nor is he someone who&#8217;s impression can ever fade away. Japan is not just my heart, but also my soul. I realize that everything I truly enjoy in life is Japanese-my favorite everything; song, show, art, toy, etc.-and my aesthetic sensibilities were all derived from my country, Japan. I started referring to Japan and his people by using &#8216;we.&#8217; I had developed enough self-confidence in myself because of anime to believe I deserve to belong to such a perfect place. Of course there are problems with Japan, but he&#8217;s as close to perfect as I&#8217;m ever going to find, and it was shocking to me that humans could create something so wonderful. Japan gave me faith in humanity while I was a depressed child who hated America and had no hope because of the meat industry. I believe in my people, and this sensation of love and trust and belonging is a wonderful one that for me just doesn&#8217;t apply to America. Japan teaches me so many things. For example, LGBTQA+ rights is very important to me, and through Japanese media I discovered gay romance and my beloved favorite anime character, a trans woman, the lovely Ms. Grell Sutcliffe. Because Japan is so inspirational, I decided to learn Japanese. I started studying this summer and can now read/write two alphabets and am learning the third. I am confident with my Japanese pronunciation and listen to Japanese shows and news and music constantly. Of course I have a lot of work to go to become fluent, but I study every single day. The more I learn about Japan, the more I learn about myself. I look at the world from a Japanese point of view; even my religion is Japanese. Japan&#8217;s culture and society fit me so well and I absolutely love them. I was also able to come out of my head at the anime convention I went to this summer, JAFAX, and met a wonderful maid who came from Japan. She helped me realize that I want to have a Japanese career; working at a maid café and manga café while in college, then being a manga artist and light novel author. Living in America for me is being a fish out of water; the atmosphere here is suffocating, and I cannot focus and drown life out with fantasy. When I&#8217;m Japan I&#8217;ll take my first breaths of the air I was always meant to be breathing. See, I&#8217;m proudly and transethnically Japanese, and I demand respect for other non-binary identities. Thank you for reading.
Most likely, there will be swearing in the comments. It&#8217;s sad that people would swear in front of a lady, and they would be a lot happier if they accepted others with non-binary identities with love instead of hate.


AnimeGAF, we suffer so you'll want to, too.

That is actually a perfect slogan.

Huh. I read the manga of Chrono Crusade years back and I remember nothing about the ending at all. Could someone refresh me? Was the story different in the anime?

having expended all of rosettes remaining life energy, Chrono and Rosette find a small secluded home and spend their remaining time together. Rosette reflects back on life and that she wants to keep living but realizes her time is really gone. Then her clock winds down and she dies alongside Chrono.

Of course.

You clearly love and appreciate what Ume Aoki has brought to the world. We will get along.

That list wouldn't happen to also be arranged youngest to oldest perchance, would it?

lol. But seriously he got the top three right.
K-On! 05

The things that can happen when your past gets dragged up.

So many problems. No advisor, no lyrics and no singer. Good thing extortion and some cake can fix one of the problems, and they can always rely on Mio to do everything else. As long as she doesn't pass out of embarrassment at least.

Bit strange how they switch between using honorifics and dropping them in the English dub. And they dubbed Yui's singing practice in Japanese, just with the English voice actress instead. Weird.


Huh. I read the manga of Chrono Crusade years back and I remember nothing about the ending at all. Could someone refresh me? Was the story different in the anime?
It's been a while but:
Spunky girl priest's demon (boy)friend is kept alive through the means of a device which gradually reduces her life. To defeat the big bad of the series she has to expend a lot of her life force to keep demon boyfriend powered up. They both end up winning naturally and settle down somewhere quiet to spend the rest of their lives...which ends up being quite short and the final scene is of them sitting on the porch looking like they're sleeping when they're both actually dead.

Edit: Oh, beaten by Cajun. Oh well.

I think. It's been about 9 years since I saw it.


K-On! 05

The things that can happen when your past gets dragged up.

So many problems. No advisor, no lyrics and no singer. Good thing extortion and some cake can fix one of the problems, and they can always rely on Mio to do everything else. As long as she doesn't pass out of embarrassment at least.

Bit stange how they switch between using honorifics and dropping them in the English dub. And they dubbed Yui's singing practice in Japanese, just with the English voice actress instead. Weird.

This show made me buy three sets of figurines. Its potentially dangerous. Especuially episode 10 of season 2.
Why isnt there a goddamned Sawako figurine


It's been a while but:
Spunky girl priest's demon (boy)friend is kept alive through the means of a device which gradually reduces her life. To defeat the big bad of the series she has to expend a lot of her life force to keep demon boyfriend powered up. They both end up winning naturally and settle down somewhere quiet to spend the rest of their lives...which ends up being quite short and the final scene is of them sitting on the porch looking like they're sleeping when they're both actually dead.

Edit: Oh, beaten by Cajun. Oh well.

I think. It's been about 9 years since I saw it.

Oh god the feels. I marathoned the whole show a long time ago and just damn.
I also recall it being perhaps he worst quality manufactured DVDs I had ever seen. Had trouble playing them on my old built in DVD player TV. I actually wonder if they might work better in a bluray player or modern DVD player.
I have a legitimate question about From the New World.

Without spoiling anything after episode 16 what is it about the anime you like or find so fascinating about it? Because a lot of you get defensive about my view on the show as I progress through these episodes. What's so compelling about it? Why do you list it as one of the best? This is a very serious question so I would like some serious answers.

I think the hallmark of any science fiction work is its ability to take a concept and sort of build a compelling world around said concept in which the natural progression of things makes sense given the context. From the New World, for me at least, creates a compelling "What-If" world in which a segment of the population suddenly get telekinesis and I found the subsequent aftermath to be one that was both believable and satisfying with respect to the overall effect on the society this had. It delivers in a way that I feel other "suddenly superpowers" type shows don't and the way both the world and society has changed as a result is satisfying.

So from the outset, the world is really really interesting and I think the show does a great job of exploring it ... except for those few eps in the middle where we're chucking rocks at rats and running away from them.
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