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Winter-Spring 2014 Anime |OT3| People incapable of guilt usually do have a good time

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Buddy Complex Episode 12

I just wish it went on a bit longer to see how much higher they can get the AoDio empathier levels just to see what happens to their relationship as it reaches even higher levels than imagined. Would be an interesting plot to follow. For the current stuff I liked how it is going the route to making Aoba the number one important aspect in Dio's life to protect, that one scene was good.

For Zogilla how odd that Bizon managed to couple but then seemingly go along with this clearly fake Hina persona, I was kind of hoping he isnt drugged up, but he sounds kind of a bit happier being in this way now, great change for his often on edge overly serious character
I wasn't saying the kissing was the only reason it's better tho~

Yeah, I'm just saying at that particular moment.

I agree with your general point, but I don't think a kiss being important is restricted to anime, it's a common thing in romance fiction.

Not in the romance fiction I know...kisses, sex, everything is a second thought to being together at the end after all the hardships you have endured for your true love or something like that.
When I was about to start the series I asked Hito and Madp what it was about and all they'd say was stuff like "Lesbians and pancakes." and "It was too yuri for SDBurton."

I should've paid attention to the signs.

You knew "The List" was a list of bad anime; you only have yourself to blame for any pain inflicted by watching said anime.


World's #1 Cosmonaut Enthusiast
When I was about to start the series I asked Hito and Madp what it was about and all they'd say was stuff like "Lesbians and pancakes." and "It was too yuri for SDBurton."

I should've paid attention to the signs.

I wish I could find my post that I wrote for the finale. I was so angry, upset, and genuinely hurt from what I had experienced that I spent that weekend watching feelgood shows and eating "Americone Dream" Ben&Jerrys in bed. :lol
Magical Warfare 12

... Was that the last episode?

...Seriously, was that the last episode. It felt like they were jumping into a brand new story ark.



Tomodachi wa Mahou
in the better romance stories the kiss is done somewhat early on and then other shit happens. Great stories such as Rumbling hearts....




Golden Time was infinitely better than 2Chuu2 so you may be onto something.

I really can't watch the slow stuff anymore. Couldn't go through another show like Kimi ni Todoke thats for sure.
Tokyo Ravens Episode 24: to The DarkSky -Calling the Dead (Tama Night Crawling)-[END]

to The Darksky arc could serve as an ending to part one of Tokyo Ravens due to several major developments. Im kind of curious to see how it continues
will it leave the magical school routes of the series and follow the now awakened Yakou, Bakatora, as he goes with Kon and co to gain more magic and such, and then reunite with his friends or some other unknown antagonists and even known ones return. Maybe some other group appears.

Potentially one of the definitive titles of the light novel variety to be animated. Each arc proceeded in a clear and concise manner offering good introduction, many twists, great magical battles and abilities, and good potential for its next arc. The romance may have seemed a bit weak and overdone at times and often in a manner that did make it somewhat entertaining but its only a minor complaint in an otherwise great series.

I think this is how the anime should be done and it does get one to want to get to the novels which I will do rather immediately. Highly entertaining, x-encounter, outgrow, break a spell, for best songs, and favorites were bakatora, touji, and shaver. 10/10.
In Full Metal Panic the kiss happens at the absolute end of the story.

aaaaaaand in Yami.

I said good romance.

Also I was going to post a picture of an anteater doing the come at me bro pose. B-but then I saw this. And I have to share it



Tomodachi wa Mahou
You knew "The List" was a list of bad anime; you only have yourself to blame for any pain inflicted by watching said anime.

The List is -not- a list of bad anime.

Otherwise Code Geass should be removed from that list. Either make it a list for bad anime or keep it for what its original purpose was.

edit: Geass never belonged on the list in its first place. Its inclusion has always been fucking ridiculous.
I had almost forgotten that we're getting a new Kindaichi anime next season. I tried to watch the original version sometime last year but it felt a bit too dated for me to really dive into, despite enjoying the premise and characters. Hopefully this new adaptation will be just what I'm looking for.

And maybe we'll get an OVA of this or something:

Anyone else watching?

I'm interested in the new Kindaichi, just because I love mysteries and all. The TV ad for it does give me some pause however, simply because the actor playing Kindaichi is one of the least convincing "teenagers" I've ever heard. I appreciate that they wanted to bring back the familiar cast from the first series, but having a 46-year old play a 16-year old strains credibility.


Poet Centuriate
New list show?

Fuck no. Pupa is shit, just not the kind of shit that'd make it on the list. All it has for entertainment is atmosphere and even that is largely squandered.

I need to try Toradora again now, as I dropped it partway through last time.

You dropped Toradora? ಠ_ಠ

Golden Time -fin-


and dat eiffel tower. whoo whoo.

We all know what that
means ;)

Pupa 12 END

I-I don't even know words to use...

*munch munch*


Kill la Kill Episode 24:

For as much flak as this show gets, and don't get me wrong, it deserves it, unlike Tengan Toppa Gurran Lagan, they didn't fuck up the ending. Yea, it is a very safe ending and if this was done under Gainax I would expect some curve-ball. Sometimes it is best to send the audience home happy. Well, unless your a Gama-Mako shipper. Oh wow, that was such a tease, but yea, Mako-Ryuko wins the day thankfully. Also, god damn it Nui doesn't even get a satisfying death as she kills herself to make the Lavos Fiber into Ryago's ultimate form. Anyway, the final battle has me stunned that this series qualifies as a seinen show because well Space Ryago Vs. Sapce Ryuko was so shonen it hurt me. Seriously, I felt like I was watching and being bored by a Dragon Ball Z battle.
Hmmm, I think I will do my Full Series review tomorrow, give some time to reflect on things.

Link Man

Yami 8

Ooh, a fox girl! Cajun time!

Cue samurai rape. :(

Thank goodnes for Hazuki, the flowing river!

Huh, the fox girl is also named Youko. I'm having flashbacks to another instance of sexual abuse.

That comb looks familiar...

Lilith scares the living daylights out of a random passerby. Makes sense.

Just as much sense as that passerby being a bird-mask ninja. Corvo, you've found your fangirls.

Did she just lick his thumb?

Hair threads in a forest. I saw that episode of InuYasha too.


Lilith's hat is larger than a shrine. And yet she still tries to hide behind said shrine. AND SUCCEEDS.

Er, the princess isn't Hatsumi. Or Eve. She justs looks exactly alike, except for the eye color. And uses the same comb as Hatsumi.

Girl born in a glowing bamboo stalk. I just saw this episode of Mushi-Shi.

And this is how Eve was born, apparently. Oh, and she can talk, she just refuses to do so. Because.


You knew "The List" was a list of bad anime; you only have yourself to blame for any pain inflicted by watching said anime.

Although numerous entries upon The List are bad, The List is not a list of bad anime.

I wish I could find my post that I wrote for the finale. I was so angry, upset, and genuinely hurt from what I had experienced that I spent that weekend watching feelgood shows and eating "Americone Dream" Ben&Jerrys in bed. :lol

Now I need to see it.

I said good romance.

Well that's why I brought up FMP. Cuz it's one of the better romances I've seen in anime.

Magnificent. Pardon me as I drink it in.
The List is -not- a list of bad anime.

Otherwise Code Geass should be removed from that list. Either make it a list for bad anime or keep it for what its original purpose was.

edit: Geass never belonged on the list in its first place. Its inclusion has always been fucking ridiculous.
Geass has never belonged on the list.


Kill la Kill 24

Good ending to a good show.

NO NOT YOU TOO SATSUKI The curse of short hair continues unabated.

Mako's final hallelujah speech was a great one

Hahahahaha Ryuko turned into Super Shadow for real. I'm dying here.

Gamagoori with dem roses.


Kill la Kill - 24 END




The whole ending was well done, the fight was awesome, dat shipping at the end (lol), and Ragyo
delivered a Lord Genome speech if I ever heard one. While I think the show is fine ending here, I would be all fucking up for a sequel, for real. And Ragyo ending her life was great how it happened.

The end and the credits were so fucking cute too, god damn.

The whole show fucking delivered in spades, and I am so fucking happy it ended up being god-tier.




You all are going to be so mad all over again when KLK finishes what it started and wins AOTY.

Almost took the crown last year. I don't think I would have heard the end of it had it won. Two years later and the Hyoka debates are still ceaseless.
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