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Winter-Spring 2014 Anime |OT3| People incapable of guilt usually do have a good time

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First 16 minutes-

Final 7.5 minutes-


Armored Trooper VOTOMS 12

A lot of awesome stuff but mostly I want to point out that the Intergalactic space army is deploying a military battalion of pink mecha.

Tell me again why anybody got away with laughing at any aspect of Lacus Clyne at all?


Armored Trooper VOTOMS 12

A lot of awesome stuff but mostly I want to point out that the Intergalactic space army is deploying a military battalion of pink mecha.

Tell me again why anybody got away with laughing at any aspect of Lacus Clyne at all?

I think that arc wraps up at episode 13 before moving to an entirely new setting. Just a heads up in case you wanted to wrap it up tonight.


Spring 2014 previews are out. Who's gonna make the new OT?

Also are MMO animes a new trend? I dunno what to expect from the new blade and soul anime


Can anyone summarize the events of Chooney Boo Boo S2 to me in 100 words or less?
I tried.

Rikka moves into Yuuta's apartment. They gradually increase their relationship to hand-holding and, eventually, kisses on the cheek, but decide they don't want to go further for now. Another girl who was chuuni with Yuuta in middle school shows up in a poorly altered version of her plotline from the second novel and is a wasted character as a result. Lots of yuri pandering with Nibutani and Dekomori. Kumin sleeps. Isshiki is reduced to a joke (even moreso than before). Touka shows up for a short cameo. Kuzuha remains the most mentally stable person in the entire show.


The Light of El Cantare
Let's just keep up a trend of using True Detective quotes for our OT titles.

Spring 2014 Anime |OT| If you ask me, the Light Novels are winning.

No angst? No more struggle with social consequences? Sounds basically like what I would have expected out of a second season.


Tenchi Muyo! OVA 2

Princess was gonna marry her brother? Gross. Stupid royals.

Best part of the episode was Ryoko's face as the ship was plumetting toward Earth. Maybe she is evil.

I like the dancing snowmen in the ED.


Let's just keep up a trend of using True Detective quotes for our OT titles.

Spring 2014 Anime |OT| If you ask me, the Light Novels are winning.

No angst? No more struggle with social consequences? Sounds basically like what I would have expected out of a second season.
Ran out of words to meet the requirement. I could have omitted the last two sentences to fit in the following line, but I guess I'm cheating now anyway, so whatever.

There was some love-triangle-related angst with the new girl, but not as much as in the first season with the family stuff.
Noragami 12

Yep, this is BONES best show of the season.

Really nice action scene, nice character moments at the end and still manages to bring everything back so if we ever get a season 2, it would be oh so awesome.

Gotta say it was a rather pleasant surprise at how great this show is.


Setec Astronomer
Tenchi Muyo! OVA 1

Ryoko sure has taken a liking to Tenchi after the whole trying to get revenge for being locked away for 700 years by killing him brutally thing. I dunno, she seems more playful and mischievous than straight-up evil. Maybe that whole legend is exaggerated. Not that her being evil would be a bad thing.
Ryouko was just being tsun.


Setec Astronomer
Tenchi Muyo! OVA 2

Princess was gonna marry her brother? Gross. Stupid royals.

Best part of the episode was Ryoko's face as the ship was plumetting toward Earth. Maybe she is evil.

I like the dancing snowmen in the ED.
That whole plummeting sequence is my favorite part.

Also, how about that set and costume design?


Golden Time 24-

I'm fucking shocked beyond belief. This was actually a great climax episode. The running scene was actually really well done due to the soundtrack kicking in. This is the first episode where I can say the OST was working on all cylinders. The characters weren't annoying and it all came together.

Like holy shit, this was a great finale. That OST really put in the work at the end.

After all the crap this show has been and put me through, it actually delivered on a semi-well done conclusion.

Seraphis Cain

bad gameplay lol
Chuunibyou Ren 12 END


Oh fuck this. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck this. I can't even find the words to express my disappointment right now. Goddamnit KyoAni. Fuck you.


That whole plummeting sequence is my favorite part.

Also, how about that set and costume design?
Maybe I'm just weird, but the most I've noticed in the costume design is Tenchi's stupid tucked in shirt. It bothers me. Overall though I guess it's good. Princess probably stood out most there. Liked the set when they were on the ship too.
Idolm@sters something island edition

Surprisingly enough, my friends actually enjoyed this show. I was submitting this to fuck with them, but they liked it more than I thought. There goes my world view.

Devil May Cry the Animation 1

Still as terrible as I remembered. Patty is right, Dante does look like a dork.

That Monkey PS1 game Sony made the animation 1 and 2. Ape Escape

WHY ARE THE BACKGROUNDS THE ONLY THING HAND DRAWN!? Fucking CGPD. And nothing really happened in these two episodes. I was already upset at the BS alarm in the first episode.

Mystical Ninja Starring Goemon 1

The moment they mentioned the food Goemon carries around, all I could think of was ahageo, because that's what the word reminded me of.

Area 88 or whatever 1

also CG, but not as extensive as Ape Escape. Still made me want to die on the inside. Nevermind it being boring and not filled with many females out of this pink hair girl WHO MIGHT AS WELL BE CALLED SAKURA! I mean if she isn't, that's either a relief or one of the biggest disappointments of the year.

I forgot everything else.

Oh right

Sengoku Basara 1

I left because I had work in the morning.


Subete no aware
Chuu2 end
You know, I brought up earlier that something like Silver Spoon gets tired because the inevitable is being constantly delayed... but it's hard to really place Chuu2. In one respect, the characters are basically together, but of course they can't make any real progress because this is still anime.

And it's strange, because whereas the ending of Hyouka ends up being satisfying, even if the dude ends up not doing anything about his feelings, somehow this ending became a bit cheap because of how - even though their feelings are clearly requited - they couldn't just give them a final
kiss to seal the relationship

Maybe there are more books to adapt? I don't know, but it felt a bit unsatisfying to have them want to move on in their relationship but not actually do it - especially since Utah "regains" his Chuu2 power.

If one were to spin it in a more positive light, perhaps the show was about hanging on to a childhood longer. The first season was very much about growing up and moving past pretensions, so this season was about the awkwardness of living in the liminal stage of puberty. They're still in a process of transitioning to adulthood, so their delusions are a way to keep everything grounded until they are finally ready to move on.

That goes for everyone, inasmuch as even Nubitani has to get over trying to please everyone and the new girl had to deal with her unrequited love.

I'm kind of mixed on what I think of the franchise as a whole. I had problems with S1 in terms of the drama, but S2 fixes that by introducing a form of stasis that is hard to pin down. It seems like the time between when a couple gets together and when they finally just get married is a difficult one for people to write about, because it really isn't narratively interesting to have characters stay in the same place.

But hey, this was still better than KnK. :p


Golden Time finale
I suppose it makes sense that this show ends today as well, because it highlights some of the problems that Chuu2 suffers from.

I was actually happy that the two destined characters got together so quickly after their "meet cute" (I hate myself for using that). We all know that they are going to get together, so why fuck around? It worked perfectly for Ano Natsu
even if you don't take the Kanna-tears into account!
so I thought we'd get rid of the "boring" parts of relationship angst and then just focus on what a young couple in their twenties living together in Tokyo might go through.

Welp... I was certainly wrong. The pieces were there to have a decent, if not Asian-style, angsty love drama. There's no reason not to have the old flame show up and complicate things if you really need to do that it make things interesting. That's exactly what Chuu2 did this season after all!

But to have so many strange twists and turns that made the delusions in Chuu2 seem grounded in reality? It was really something else. The finale itself was like that too, where
Ghost Banri and Banri finally meet each other and actually interact with each other
. There was no way any of that was going to pay off, so why do it?

I feel like the show was trying to say something about the nature of identity and how fragile it can be, but really don't know what about the end result. So ultimately,
identity is essentialized and can never be erased, even with a case of double amnesia
? If that's true, it basically erases the identities of both Banris, which feels a bit strange given how insistent both characters were about asserting themselves.

I will say, as with Chuu2, there were parts that I enjoyed. When the characters were together, without things getting in the way, there was a wacky energy that was fun. The trip to the beach, that Ghost-Banri inexplicable has the power to try to ruin (including changing the weather?) was probably the best example of that. Unfortunately, we know how that trip ended. lol

And maybe that might be the one thing that I could never get over. Winter Sonata, arguably one of the more famous Korean dramas in recent memory, pulled the exact same twist by breaking up the main couple via amnesia. Yeah, it had the double whammy of Asian crazy by throwing in the threat of incest as well, but it still felt grounded in reality. The ghost stuff in this world though? I mean, clearly Ghost Banri wasn't a ghost but just a manifestation of Banri's internal struggle, but the fact that he talked to the audience and expressed himself as an external force just made it seem a bit ridiculous. It's really impossible to play a guessing game with things like this, but I'd like to believe that I'd be much more on board with the show if everything else was exactly the same but all the Ghost Banri scenes were removed.

Ultimately, I think that's why I'm a bit disappointed in the show. Given the pedigree, a Toradora story but with adult characters (and as such, you wouldn't need to have to resort to one of the sillier endings in an anime because adults have agency and aren't beholden to any real rules) sounded like an instant winner. And at times, you could see a lot of that come through - even the opening arc with the weird Scientology/Happy Science cult was a wacky episode that was fun to watch. But, it almost feels as if the author didn't trust themselves to be able to maintain a story about a couple getting together and just being happy, so they had to take it to where it ultimately ended up.


So, there you have it. Two approaches to romcom that didn't quite work out. I hold out hope for someone to make another AnoNatsu... but I guess it's much harder than it seems to be.

And hey, at least neither show is How I Met Your Mother/Father. lol


Oh yeah, I totally forgot. It's funny how in both shows, it was the outsider older woman who ended up being the best parts of each show. What I'd love to see is a Tooka x Nana metal themed cooking show. You know you'd watch it!


Kuroko's Basketball - 48

Its motherfucking Shaq.

Yeah this match its goddamn good, glad they can end this in positive note after ruining my favorite match and being mediocre for overall, but for this match they can capture all the intensity and mood, the fact this match don't need much flashy production value help them could get away with the stills and cheap cut without made it sluggish to watch unlike the other match where the player supposed to play like Allen Iverson but they barely animate the driblble, its different this time with the focus to the big man and passing play. Great stuff.


The Indiana Jones GIF could be better if I could splice the pancake zoom in between shots of faces melting, I think. But it's already stupid large and poorly made and in a way, the shoddy craftsmanship is appropriate.


I wanted to ask, it looks like 10 on the list was written way before it was filled given the different pen used. Based on the Miyazaki mark also being a different pen it would be dated on pre-fill Psyco era. So who was that empty coffin originally made for?
Anyone that earned it.


What did any of that even MEAN?

I mean major characters are introduced and discarded with no message. The heroine makes no character development over the course of the plot. The villain is put on a bus and abandons his motives like that, and then the heroine and her sister/daughter make out in the past even though she's been aborted from history so that she can make out with her actual sister in a library.


What happened to that stuff about Soma?

What happened to anything? Why was she hopping around from world to world? What stopped her from doing so again? Why was THE ENTIRE STORY inside ANOTHER STORY at the end in a book that Aya the nongenderspecific dark elf was carrying in a desert of no specific importance?

Just WHY

The only "why" is "why" would anyone watch Yami!


I really want to highlight how well directed this scene is in Golden Time.
It's really the climax of his character and the show as a whole.
Unlike the previous episodes, he accepts that he's a broken individual and that he can be a burden on her but ultimately that's her choice and it's his to chase her. He's been so passive in the later half that it's somewhat refreshing for him finally to take a proactive stance. Then you have Linda in the background cheering for him and it's a really fantastic emotional scene.

He's been dragged down and sabotaged by himself for so long that for him to just go full out was amazing in its own right.

The music also reminded me of something out of a country song in tone and I think it works really well with the location in the anime as well as the actual content.

The bridge scene afterwards does take out a lot of the impact though.
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