Rihoko is love.
Heh. Thats almost the least interesting arc for me.
Rihoko is love.
I suppose that opening is useful for children who need help remembering the names of the X-Men.
No you wouldn't because those all sucked! Apart from X-Men. And even then Japan did a better X-men over a decade ago with those sweet openings: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2rSw4Xl5qfs
I suppose that opening is useful for children who need help remembering the names of the X-Men.
One more episode each of Sekai Seifuku and Seki-kun, and I am done with anime for a good long while (except for Puchimas). I feel like I really need this break. It's only been about 16 or 17 months that I've been back into anime (got back in around the time Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun was airing), but I've watched so much in that time. It really does feel like it's been a lot longer.
Silver Spoon S2 Episode 11(end)
I loved the series, all of it and desperately hope for a season 3, im really glad his mom is getting more involved as she seemed to genuinely care about his well being in all aspects, want to see more of mikage and hachikan's relationship develop more and seeing how the story develops, we learn a ton about farming life but it seems overall it will concentrate on the character's personal lives.
One final thing, do anybody know what chapter of the manga the anime leaves off on?
Heh. Thats almost the least interesting arc for me.
Who's the one in Amagami with the short, wavy black hair? 'Cause she's the best.
EDIT: Ah, I figured it out. Her name's Kaoru. Yeah, she's the best Amagami girl.
Yui is the best girl in the show. Love her.
Air 2
Ah, yes, there's the crazy supernatural shit I expect from a KEY show.
Second best Yui.
And there will be more of that of course.
Indeed. Pink hair and bubbly personality. Yui nyan da best.
Don't worry, Black Bullet will finally bring it back.It's been a while since Sex Hair was a staple here.
You checked your PMs lately Cajun?
The right choice is Build Fighters but I think I heard 00 is...not great.
Looks lame. Kids, toy gundams and tournaments (like we have never seen that before with Pokemon/Yugioh etc). I'm enjoying Gundam 00 so far.
You choose urumi as best girl ?Great Teacher Onizuka: Whole Series Review
It's not even remotely as bad as strike the blood himeragi.I wonder about that. You see that a lot in anime/manga where even after being in a relationship for a while you have one party still call the other sempai (or in other cases buchou) or something else rather than their actual name.
Exactly .. it worked once or maybe twice but every arc ?Well that sucks.
Strike theTsundereBlood - END
Man, I agree with everyone saying Yukina is worst girl, if not worst character. Every time at the end of a boss fight, when they do the "It's my fight! No SEMPAI, it's our fight!" I cringe so hard. Anyways, this show wasn't horrible since I was able to actually finish it, but I can't say it was good. The harem was alright, even though the worst won. It definitely had it's problems though. I never thought it was possible, but yeah this show had too many tsunderes. I mean I'm all for some tsun tsun but there wasn't nearly enough dere dere if you catch my drift. Nice to have Kanon not be a tsundere, just because of that she's high up on the best list. Welp, to wrap it up, show was mediocre. Though I'd probably watch another season. Can't forsake Kanon, Asagi, La Folia, and Kirasaka just cause Yukina blows.
Strike the Blood end
What was up with that post-credits scene?Why did she pretend her dad was dead, but only to the audience? wat
Other than that, this show did not have an ounce of originality nor the execution to make up for it. Why did I watch it?
Only lame people that would think one vs one robot fight concept lame.
Also decided to delve into the world of Gundam for the first time since I like Eva so much. I'm watching Gundam 00. Did I make a good choice? What gundam series are the best gundam-gaf and no I don't want to watch build fighters -___-
Two wrongs really don't make a right.
Don't watch a series, just watch an OVA like War in the Pocket.
GBF's writers must be lame then, withall the attention given to that stupid cheating subplot.
Looks lame. Kids, toy gundams and tournaments (like we have never seen that before with Pokemon/Yugioh etc). I'm enjoying Gundam 00 so far.
Which is to say, Build Fighters is the best, man.
I'm glad you think it looks lame.![]()
Two wrongs really don't make a right.
Don't watch a series, just watch an OVA like War in the Pocket.
Man you gotta sort yourself out![...]
Then there's all the UC stuff. I've yet to watch 08th Mobile Team, which seems to be everyones favourite (ditto War in the Pocket, actually), but as far as the original goes, and the movie trilogy that everyone recommends starting with, everything I like about those movies is in the final instalment. Whilst it's not requiring Seed levels of dedication to get through, those are still rather long movies, and they're pretty much essential viewing to get the most out of the rest of the franchise.
I forgive you for not loving The Winter Soldier.
Man you gotta sort yourself out!
If you want to roll with what people say online then go right ahead but they'll also probably you recommend you check out stuff like Elfin Lied and Desert Punk.Alright. Looking online a lot of people like Gundam Seed.
If you want to roll with what people say online then go right ahead but they'll also probably you recommend you check out stuff like Elfin Lied and Desert Punk.
If you want to roll with what people say online then go right ahead but they'll also probably you recommend you check out stuff like Elfin Lied and Desert Punk.
bu bu I kind of liked Elfen Lied
So I'm guessing its not that great.
bu bu I kind of liked Elfen Lied
So I'm guessing its not that great.
I just realized how low Utena was. What was wrong with AnimeGaf in 2007?Well you're not alone: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=173356
32nd best anime ever huh.
I haven't seen it yet, but it figures. It's not like they can end it in any meaningful way.Sakura Trick ep.12
SDBurton's probably gonna kill me for this, butNot that there's anything wrong with that, I guess...for me this episode made me decide that Haruka and Yuu are just elements in the show for the yuri pandering, while everyone else actually has some sort of characterization... if that makes any sense.
Anyway, fluff ending to a fluff show. Next season on the yuri watch we have Akmua no Riddle for action and Inugami-san to Nekoyama-san for comedy.
Kill La Kill 24
This was so bad it somehow retroactively made me feel I wasted time on the previous 23 episodes. Not even Fujiko Mine managed that.
Watching the show in a vacuum, I guess I have no idea why this finale in particular is necessarily bad. Again, it's interesting to me how violently split the fandom seems to be on this show. lolKill la Kill Finale
Only good thing about it was Satsuki at the end, I think I like her better with long hair, but the way she was dressed, HGGGNNN
Other than that, holy shit, so fucking AWFUL. It's like they decided for some reason that all the underdeveloped crap that happened in this episode would work just fine with the same amount of time they gave to fucking tennis club. If only they didn't waste so much time in the first half, it wouldn't feel like rushed garbage. Jesus, that was awful.
And this second part was so damn good too, WHY, Imaishi, WHY? The animation wasn't even good, if they didn't have the budget for 24 episodes, why make it 24 when half of it was pretty much filler?
I hope Samumenco doesn't disappoint me now.
Satsuki-sama is still Ms Hometown, she's super great, but fuck this finale.
The worst part of Yamato.
Rihoko is love.Her arc is ehhh but Rihoko is huggable and loveable.
come on man you know what I mean. That looks like its a show for kids/ longtime gundam fans to fawn over the fan service. I understand the animation and battles are probably the best but I'm looking for a good story and a great cast of characters as well not just action.
I'm also new to the series so won't get any of the throwbacks.
Phew, This is a weight off my mind!
come on man you know what I mean. That looks like its a show for kids/ longtime gundam fans to fawn over the fan service. I understand the animation and battles are probably the best but I'm looking for a good story and a great cast of characters as well not just action.
I'm also new to the series so won't get any of the throwbacks.
bu bu I kind of liked Elfen Lied
So I'm guessing its not that great.
And there will be more of that of course.
It's been a while since Sex Hair was a staple here.
If you want to roll with what people say online then go right ahead but they'll also probably you recommend you check out stuff like Elfin Lied and Desert Punk.
Rihoko is love.
It's pretty good though. It's more Angelic Layer than Yugioh. I will admit that it's probably a lot more fun for people who are already Gundam fans and who have an investment in the mechs and references used in the series. It's not "just" action. It's a well thought out story with nice characters and good humor.
Watching the show in a vacuum, I guess I have no idea why this finale in particular is necessarily bad. Again, it's interesting to me how violently split the fandom seems to be on this show. lol