Admiral Woofington
You think their will be a season 2 of Buddy Complex, because I hope so.
lol man we said it was confirmed. Or it should be.
You think their will be a season 2 of Buddy Complex, because I hope so.
It's split cour, so there will be more.
Iranai Iranai IranaiYou're just mad that you're not a prima undine like myself.
I hate you!It's certainly true that Aria's unique approach is still inspiring people around the world:
I shouldn't be surprised that Fatalpulse did an Aria doujin but I'm still mad!
It's more like what they tell you in school. When writing about literature or film it's not really about your conclusions but your ability to support them. It's not like everything has to be high art and generate in-depth discussion either, as we all have our comfort foods and our junk foods, but when you're able to make specific critiques of different works you should know if you're eating a nice steak or just munching on potato chips with hands covered in grease.Well I hope I don't come across like that.
I am not hypercritical but I don't recommend every anime that I see. I really only have a handful of shows that I like to recommend. (Clearly)
That edit might speak more to me when it comes to RomComs but you won't see me recommending RomCom SNAFU or My Little Monster. I will only comment on if I like them or not.
Yellow > Green > Purple > Other green > Blue > RedAnd with Yami finished, it's on to the eternal backlog once more. And my next show is:
Demon King Daimao
And with Yami finished, it's on to the eternal backlog once more. And my next show is:
Demon King Daimao
I hear there is a sequel in manga form.
Giant Robo 2
Goddamn, Mecha genre, what happened to you? I mean holy shit, the animation in this was fantastic. The direction and writing were glorious, but I mean seriously, there was just so much wonderful mechanical animation in this and I look at you now, Mecha, with your janky ass N64-to-early-PS2 era CG and I just don't know how you let yourself go. You still turn out some glorious Gundam programs, but outside that? My God what happened here?
You were so damn good.
If somebody here truly thinks Gintama is a bad anime I'll hate them 5evuh (that's one more than 4evuh)
There sure are a lot of harem shows where people don't bother to remember the girls' names and just refer to them by hair color.
Demon King Daimao was called Color Wars for a reason. I honestly cannot remember a single one of their names.There sure are a lot of harem shows where people don't bother to remember the girls' names and just refer to them by hair color.
There sure are a lot of harem shows where people don't bother to remember the girls' names and just refer to them by hair color.
There sure are a lot of harem shows where people don't bother to remember the girls' names and just refer to them by hair color.
It's more like what they tell you in school. When writing about literature or film it's not really about your conclusions but your ability to support them. It's not like everything has to be high art and generate in-depth discussion either, as we all have our comfort foods and our junk foods, but when you're able to make specific critiques of different works you should know if you're eating a nice steak or just munching on potato chips with hands covered in grease.
So basically when you made the claim that KLK is just like Rosario, I get the impression you didn't really think it through.
And with Yami finished, it's on to the eternal backlog once more. And my next show is:
Demon King Daimao
I'll take this as evidence for Nisekoi's goodness!
And with Yami finished, it's on to the eternal backlog once more. And my next show is:
Demon King Daimao
Guys I hear nothing but great things about the Haruhi Suzumiya movie from people I trust. Should I give the whole series a watch so I can watch that? Or should I not bother?
Out of the frying pan and onto a plate to be eaten
Guys I hear nothing but great things about the Haruhi Suzumiya movie from people I trust. Should I give the whole series a watch so I can watch that? Or should I not bother?
Guys I hear nothing but great things about the Haruhi Suzumiya movie from people I trust. Should I give the whole series a watch so I can watch that? Or should I not bother?
Needs an anime. Because a G Gundam sequel WILL save anime.
I thought I'd point you to check out the Manga English dub afterwards.Giant Robo 2
Goddamn, Mecha genre, what happened to you? I mean holy shit, the animation in this was fantastic. The direction and writing were glorious, but I mean seriously, there was just so much wonderful mechanical animation in this and I look at you now, Mecha, with your janky ass N64-to-early-PS2 era CG and I just don't know how you let yourself go. You still turn out some glorious Gundam programs, but outside that? My God what happened here?
You were so damn good.
Ok so from what I'm understanding watch season 1 and then decide what to do with the second season and watch the fantastic movie. Got it. Added to list.
I thought I'd point you to check out the Manga English dub afterwards.
The JP dub is a TON better. But the Manga English dub is a special thing.
Cheesy to the very core including one of my favourite lines.What can I say, I'm an immortal kind of guy.
Ok so from what I'm understanding watch season 1 and then decide what to do with the second season and watch the fantastic movie. Got it. Added to list.
Make sure to watch Haruhi-chan after season 1. Frickin' hilarious.
And those are all simplistic comparisons that don't really consider degree. "One pantyshot, one thousand pantyshots, what's the difference?"Honestly with KLK and Rosario, both are "junk food" anime. Both pander. Both are ridiculous in fight scenes. Both have some pretty 2 dimensional characters. Both have a plot not really worth talking about. You watch them because it's mindless entertainment.
To be honest I probably didn't give it a lot of thought but that's because they are anime where their plots and characters don't need to be given that much thought. KLK executes it's fight sequences better but beyond that both are pretty average.
It's true.
But is it the Manga dub? You can tell because everyone has dumb accents.I am actually already watching this in English.
Haibane Renmei 1
So now I get why Angel Beats is always compared to this. Both first episodes almost hit the same beats at the same points in their respective first episodes. Both MC's ask almost the same questions. Both have amnesia.
This isn't a bad thing. I love Angel Beats. This first episode was very strong. It was a bit slow but that's to be expected of any first episode really. I liked the music. All the characters are pretty likable and it's already revealed some of the rules of the world. I really like it. The art is actually quite beautiful. This was a very strong start. I like pretty much everything I have seen and heard so far.
Yami 13
Yay, more pancakes! In a flashback! While falling through space.
Time for a steamy bath. And boring, repetitive inner monologue.
And now Eve is serving Lilith pancakes.
Hazuki lounging about her house in her underwear. And there's Eve, standing outside in the rain with a boy. why
Wow, they really do love reusing animation in this series.
Wait, are we really?rewatching the first episode here
Oh, this is new. :SDBurton territory!
Saliva after the kiss. Stay classy, Yami.
Except the pancakes.So Eve erases all of Hazuki's memories of her, and all traces of her existence.
And more reused scenes.
So wait, everything that happened in this seriesWhy is everything left unexplained?was in a book being read by Aya. Who the heck is Aya? What about Yami? What about the hat? What was Seiren's purpose in all of this? Why was Lilith so useless overall?
Suddenly live action.
So, Eve erased all of Hazuki's memories of her, BUT LEFT A VIDEO TELLING HAZUKI TO REMEMBER HER FACE? WHAT THE HELL?
Madoka Magica: The Rebellion Story
This wasn't necessary, I mean, what was the point of this? Other than money and pandering, of course.
Giant Robo 2
Goddamn, Mecha genre, what happened to you? I mean holy shit, the animation in this was fantastic. The direction and writing were glorious, but I mean seriously, there was just so much wonderful mechanical animation in this and I look at you now, Mecha, with your janky ass N64-to-early-PS2 era CG and I just don't know how you let yourself go. You still turn out some glorious Gundam programs, but outside that? My God what happened here?
You were so damn good.
I've sort of railed against just making random references before, but the absurdity of a "30"-year old angsty woman doing a Sailor Moon transformation was enough to get me to laugh.
But that was until the actual ending, which referenced the end of Macross Frontier that just fucking slayed me:
The original shot here.
Maybe because it's the one thing I didn't expect them to reference, given how "new" it is, but using MacF's bullshit non-ending to basically point out that they are also going to have a non-ending was a bit of a masterstroke because of how unexpected it was.
Anyway, the ending just confirmed to me that No-rin just had more "heart" than Silver Spoon. Maybe it was the hard swings between the comedic and the dramatic that made it all work, but I just believe way more in the message of farming that No-rin was trying to espouse than the one in Silver Spoon. Heck, No-rin even managed to sneak in Arjuna moments without making it seem too preachy, precisely because of its absurdity.
I mean, even in the final arc, where you find out that the guy was basically abandoned by his father and left to fend for himself in a village as a child isn't really dwelt on because it's followed by that MacF reference. You don't really have time to wallow in his manufactured despair, not that he ever really isn't positive anyway.
I had no expectations for this show, but it ended up being a surprise favourite.
Kaiji 03
Played like a violin. Damn it's 3AM almost and I can't stop watching this. Too good.
But is it the Manga dub? You can tell because everyone has dumb accents.
You need to watch Space Dandy episode 13!
I dunno about EVERYONE, but Frenchie definitely does.
I been wondering if it isn't time to get back into Space Dandy anyway. I remember seeing the race episode but IDK if that was the last one I saw.
No wait, I think the last one I saw was about undies vs vests.
You need to watch Space Dandy episode 13!
Sometime tell me, does that bodyguard girl somehow have a key as well?
Damn Gosick is covering a topic I'd never thought I would see in anime. Sex trafficking/slavery.
And those are all simplistic comparisons that don't really consider degree. "One pantyshot, one thousand pantyshots, what's the difference?"
Although the comparison between fight scenes is equivocal, leveraging on multiple meanings of "ridiculous" to claim they're the same. KLK fight scenes are over the top in intensity but run into budgetary constraints on execution, while Rosario fights are the epitome of conseptual laziness. There are no varied situations in which the fight must be figured out, no alternate means by which victory is achieved, and no ongoing tension to provide meaning to the action on screen. KLK did get lazy with choreography sometimes as many of Ryuuko's opponents were functionally stationary, but it did offer some good moments. In Rosario it's "Bad guy shows up. Girl powers up (to narration explaining the obvious each and every time). Girl kicks bad guy. Victory." That's it. No more. It's like ordering a hamburger and getting hamburger flavored baby food because they assume you can't chew.
Can you not see now how your position fails to hold water here?