I don't think sanity quite works at caffeinated light-speed.
*squees and runs in circles
Wizard Barristers - 11
RIP in peace budget.
pls be fixed for the blurays
No, she remains the single most useless character in anything. Her existence is justified through narrative necessity but the show would be much more enjoyable with her gone.edit: on the topic of Haruhi, does Michuru or w/e her name is serve any purpose besides crying moe blob?
When you're watching a trash show that assembles a cast of the same boring character archetypes as everything else and whose existence is mainly only there for titillation purposes, why would a name be important?There sure are a lot of harem shows where people don't bother to remember the girls' names and just refer to them by hair color.
It -definitely- wasn't budget. Especially if you look at the key animation credits. Huge animator names, most of which didn't have their work appear in the episode at all, since it probably wasn't complete yet.
That's good to know at least. I know Sentai has the rights for home video release too, so i'll probably end up snagging that later then.
Unless Sentai fucks up and releases the TV version instead! >_<
Unless Sentai fucks up and releases the TV version instead! >_<
Funimation released broadcast masters of Sankarea and Viz released broadcast masters of Nura within the past 4 months. In short, US distributors don't care because people buy this anyways. Also adding that Sentai's become too cheap to ask for textless opening/endings anymore. Sasami, Flowers of Evil, and Majestic Prince v1 all lack them despite being from different licensors they have good relationships with. You may get a decent product, but let someone else be the sucker to pay for QCing a release.Has that actually happened anytime in past few years? I would think US distributors would be smart enough to always ask for the best/most complete masters of any work they grab.
Has that actually happened anytime in past few years? I would think US distributors would be smart enough to always ask for the best/most complete masters of any work they grab.
Funimation released broadcast masters of Sankarea and Viz released broadcast masters of Nura within the past 4 months. In short, US distributors don't care because people buy this anyways. Also adding that Sentai's become too cheap to ask for textless opening/endings anymore. Sasami, Flowers of Evil, and Majestic Prince v1 all lack them despite being from different licensors they have good relationships with. You may get a decent product, but let someone else be the sucker to pay for QCing a release.
Kyouko being a widow was a nice early bombshell.Maison Ikkoku 8
This episode was pretty funny and in general I've warmed up to the show. I'm still not enthralled with it, but the character dynamics have developed enough that it's become entertaining rather than irritating. Hopefully individual episode can hold up, because I'm not expecting things to move very quickly given the episode count.
It's 2013-2014 not 2000!!! What kind of ineptitude allows something like that to happen O_O
I don't think it's in the FSN anime, but I haven't watched it. It's in F/Z, but not shown explicitly.
Okay, I don't think this criticism in particular is fair. The rape scenes in NTHT are very restrained, and focused much more on the psychological impact on the victim than anything else. Your critique is a bit content-less here.
So I just finished no-rin and now I'm mad. Why must they do this? Just...Why? Every single time I think that there's going to be a real ending... Every fucking time... Fuck you, japan.
I don't think sanity quite works at caffeinated light-speed.
Time for Cajunator to take a trop to Arkham.
Man Kuroko's Basket is soooooo stupid, but I can't stop watching it. Was 50 the last episode? When Kagami Blake Griffin'd Murasakibara I couldn't stop laughing. Had to pause the video....
Could be a multitude of things, but it boils down to "most licensors really don't care a lot about giving the fans the best product they can." Whether it's asking for something in a format that only the broadcast masters are on or simply not checking to see if there was any difference, most US companies could care less as long as people continue to buy their products. In reverse, as long as fans keep asking for cheaper and cheaper releases, this cycle continues. The US market is kinda screwed up.
Twenty minutes into Kara no Kyoukai 5, and nobody has talked about magic bloodlines or stupid mystical bullshit. It's also really well directed, even if it's intentionally pretty confusing.
Even knowing this one was a step up, I'm pretty surprised.
huh funny the review I read singled out the fifth as least impressive of the bunch.
The pacing is much slower and you get a lot more Nasu bullshit, but it might be worth trying.All in all is the series worth giving a shot if I loved Fate/Zero ?
Because they were overwhelmingly positive? I don't know. I just thought that crunchyroll would attract those with good taste in anime, but I'm starting to rethink that.
The 5th movie is by far the best one. And that's the general opinion, so that review is a strange outlier.
The pacing is much slower and you get a lot more Nasu bullshit, but it might be worth trying
The French guy has the funny accent in both dubs but the Manga one has it to an even more ridiculous amount and has it on more characters. The script is also cheesier.Ah, maybe that was the last one I saw.
Not that I could tell. He had a funny voice. But French dude and Dr. Von Evil definitely have accents.
Shin Mazinger Z starts at the middle of the show. You will get a more normal episode next.Shin Mazinger Z 1
I have no idea what I just watched but I'm pretty sure an entire giant robot series just happened in 23 minutes and it was all awesome.
Shin Mazinger Z 1
I have no idea what I just watched but I'm pretty sure an entire giant robot series just happened in 23 minutes and it was all awesome.
edit: on the topic of Haruhi, does Michuru or w/e her name is serve any purpose besides crying moe blob?
No, she remains the single most useless character in anything. Her existence is justified through narrative necessity but the show would be much more enjoyable with her gone.
Because they were overwhelmingly positive? I don't know. I just thought that crunchyroll would attract those with good taste in anime, but I'm starting to rethink that.
Guys I hear nothing but great things about the Haruhi Suzumiya movie from people I trust. Should I give the whole series a watch so I can watch that? Or should I not bother?
Mushishi 1-2
Goddamn this is disgustingly well-made.
Symphogear 1-3
Seems very average. I might as well watch it just so I can say "I have watched it".
Mushishi 12-13
So now we see the origin story of Ginko.
And then we see dead people walking with the help of Mushi. That legend turning out to be true was interesting
Mushishi 1-2
Goddamn this is disgustingly well-made.
I love stuff like this. Even if I can't find a clear pattern through it, or some sort of profound message, each episodic story and the small relationships within resonate well enough to satisfy me.
GBF 21-22
I'm starting to really get sick of Build Knuckle and the fight in 22 was pretty damn underwhelming, but the resolution to Aila's struggle was just too good for words. Can't believe it's ending tomorrow. ;-;
I think the US market has basically been going backwards in recent years. It's pretty sad. It's rather disheartening to see that half of Sentai's upcoming releases are DVD boxsets with no Blu-ray options at all. The fact that they expect those to sell and for there not to be demand for Blu-ray releases of those titles clearly indicates the challenges of the market as well.
Sakura Trick fin
Daw? This is if they took the Sae and Hiro graduation episode and just came out and said they were making out with each other during the off periods. lol
I still feel the same way about the show, inasmuch as I think the show is very much a let down in terms of its "place" as a yuri anime. But given that serious/semi-serious yuri anime clearly doesn't sell, and now that safe yuri anime which takes the basic premise of an all girl show where the leads happen to make out every episode also isn't lighting up the charts, I wonder what this means for the future of the genre. There are a lot of short and medium length yuri books that people could adapt, but if there's no money in it, why would anyone do it?
It's also sad that even though I don't think Sakura Trick is all that ambitious, I'm disappointed that it failed because all that means is that we'll get more KLK-esque lesbians where the characters have absolutely no sexual identity whatsoever and exist only to titillate the male audience. Even a show that I do genuinely like, Yakuindomo, has the token lesbian stalker character.
I hope someone gives it another shot, although I have no idea what approach they could take. I feel like something like Ohana Holoholo might work, but an anime about adults? Noitamina has seemingly given up, so I don't even know who would even think about doing a show like that.
It's all a little depressing to think about anyway.
G Gundam - 1
2. Guy who's got Kallen's hairdo and is badass outside of a Gundam as well? Check.
Kallen is Domon's daughter and therefore has his hairdo.